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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. that's actually a good question and i would ask their live support or email support directly or create a support ticket for your question. but it's such a good question that any answer should be posted for all Xisto - Web Hosting members.
  2. haha i had the same reaction but when you actually pointed it out, i had to laugh out loud yea, i don't think someone can tell google how they want their site listed. it's actually a good question though for seo. now i am curious bout this answer. was a very good question. if i ever come up with a solution to it, i'll post it here. ok- editing this post to give my own quick opinion for now after researching a little i believe the best way to start is to sign up for google webmaster tools. it seems to give all the needed tools and features for anyone interested in google seo. seems to me, that you would have no problems with google indexing your site, i would also suggest creating a very good site map so google can index all your pages. the more complicated part seems to be how google chooses which pages to index in their box. i think it has to do with how many users try to access those pages. so if you have a lot of pages on your site and google recognizes that you have a lot of pages since google has indexed them all, google is making it easier for all your users to create quick links to those pages maing it easier for users to navigate through your site rather than looking through a whole page of links trying to find the one you need. i don't know googles algorythms, but it would probably have to do with how many site visitors you have, how many pages and links to your pages you have, and how many visitors end up on certain pages and for a given length of time. all the things i have just mentioned would give the greatest relevency to the links google provides in their box.....and we all know how google is determined to index sites by relevancy now. so for the time being, this is my best answer....although maybe someone can give a better one. i have outdated myself on seo for a year or so but i will continue researching because like i said, i am curious about the answer now it was a VERY good question!
  3. i've been in your shoes bud and feel for ya. thing about friends from kindergarten though is they will always be your friends. usually for life.during jr. high and especially high school though, people tend to start entering in to their own clicks and going seperate ways from their past ways. during this time people are finding their own selves and it is really a tricky situation because it puts people like you in a situation of confusion and right now you are missing your friends.my best advice i can ever give you is to tell your friends what is on your mind. maybe there is something i don't know that you're not saying that something happened and they have every right to be upset with ya. if so, you better make ammends and work hard making up for whatever ya did....no matter how small YOU think it is, it ain't small to THEM. secondly, after telling them what's on your mind, ball's in their court. need to find other friends. this is a time to do it when you're in high school....and that's how it should be. don't limit yourself to just the friends you had in kendergarten r you will regret it later on.what i mean by this is open your eyes to the possibilities of your own life. usually when one door closes, another door opens. if you have your eyes closes, you might miss this door and never walk through it. especially if you're distracted by other b.s. that is getting you emotional and hurt. don't let that afect how you live your life and the other possibilities around you. trust me....eventually, i believe your friends will come around, but you may never be as close as you were when you were younger. i know it's f'd up, but that's the way life is sometimes BUT! you will always be friends. this i believe. so aside from telling them what is on your mind, give them their space and continue to live your own life. you need to find yourself too....life isn't supposed to be crappy all the time so enjoy the good things now while you still have a chance
  4. well, i read your post and i don't think your shallow or selfish.unfortunately, real dad and you will never gain back that childhood relationship you lost. you need to deal with that fact. you can't blame him, you can't blame your mother. you SURE as heck should never blame your own self.getting in to a relationship to quick because you are missing something in your life is never really a good reason to enter a relationship. you're going to be carrying baggage and the relationship is destined to fail unless the guy your with understands and is strong enough to work out your issues with you. i wouldn't count on that though. you mom made the same mistake and quickly broke things off. i suggest not entering any relationship until you get over your past issues. especially your dad issues. right now, you are an adult. your not a kid anymore. you shouldn't have any issues with your dad unless it involves you and him trying to build on a new relationship of love and respect. neither of you should ask or expect anything from the other. if it's meant to be, it's meant to be. there is a reason your mom left him which you didn't state but your mom has proven already she wont stay in an abusive relationship so your dad must have done SOMETHING to hurt her his actions were a result of her hurting him. he's moved on from your mother but it doesn't mean he's moved on from you.but you got some issue's here and if you continue to date people the way you have been doing, you're only gonna get hurt over and over and over and over and over and over and over again and believe me.....that is NO WAY TO LIVE. living with the emptiness is sometimes easier and safer.you want to feel secured and someone to take care of ya? start with your own self FIRST. be happy with who you are, be secured and independant inside your own self FIRST. then and only then will you be ready to find a guy that can love you for who you really are and enter in to a secured relationship with a guy that will love you and take care of you for the rest of his life....and you will never have to be dependant on a guy ever again.you're parents got divorced when you were young. i am sorry about that. for whatever reason, had to be hard on you the most and you are probably the one that got hurt the most out of it all because you were just an innocent kid back then. but as you can see now, adults make some really stupid choices in their life and the consequences are hurtfull to not only them but those around them. so please try to deal with your issues so you don't keep building on the cycle your parents created.
  5. what do you think has been happening ever since trap started offering free hosting? maybe not spam posts, but 1 liners or irrelevant posts just to get the credits so there hosting account can stay active. why there has always been a need to veryfy your posting habits before you ever do get hosted. why there is a need for so many moderators. what you are talking about is happening now but you probably don't see it all too often because the moderators are doing their jobs you have people on here that don't care about Xisto at all and just care about their free hosting. why i have always said. if people don't like the community that was built here, then they are just going to have a tougher time being hosted because it will be more like a job to post rather than an enjoyment. as far as transfering mycents, i am 100% against it. there is only 99.99 mycents before it's converted and you go back to 0. so mycents will always be worth less than a dollar. more bad than good can come about any transfer options. although mycents isn't money, it's more like money now than the credit system we had before. so i am against it....even for the yearly trap awards
  6. i don't think it's about resisting change. but you are right. we win some and lose some. the older users of trap benefit with the changes more than the new users. the new users will have to post for a few months for hosting now since they would have to buy a domain or have one already. it may discourage new users. in fact, i'm sure it will. on the flip side, it is helping people get a domain very easily and within a short period of time. to compare me with a new user, i consider myself to be an average poster so i'm good to compare to. after signing up with with mycents, i have gained approximately $3 in 1 1/2 months. so for an average user that wants to purchase hosting with mycents, it will take them an average of 6 months before they ever get hosted with the bare minimum plan. so this goes back to my point a long long time ago and i hope people heed my words now than ever before. don't post because you have to. post because you enjoy it. it will make time go alot faster and you wont always be looking at how many mycents have added up when sometimes they can add up slowly. for the new members, just try to enjoy your time here and before ya know it, you'll not just have free hosting, but a top level domain name that you own. this is lot better than any subdomain that you could have had in the past. believe me. for the older users, we can pretty much afford hosting right away. or a few domain names. good for us. not really any drawbacks to that but this was really about Xisto - Web Hosting and and not so much mycents. Xisto - Web Hosting has limited their plans to a pick and choose, or unlimited features(without abuse). if everything is give and take with changes, i don't see the real positives of having two plans over....say....3 more added plans. reason why i started a thread originally about Xisto - Web Hosting and why i post in this thread about it is because i strongly feel it would not hurt Xisto - Web Hosting and would benefit the users more. me personally? sounds silly, but i'm like a kid in a candy store sometimes when i am reviewing plans. i love to see what is offered and scour through it and find a perfect plan before i choose one and dedicate a goal to purchase.....and still....it's like christmas waiting until i can afford it. the anticipation and knowing what i want and my objective. now i'm not rich or anything. i live a very low income and limited lifestyle. christmas is coming up and i usually get some money for christmas. i know personally, one of my objectives and goals was to purchase a certain plan from Xisto - Web Hosting before they took it away. so that was depressing. i was planning on starting up another website soon. something that has been long overdue since my time has been taken away with other things the last couple years. i like the unlimited plan, but can't afford it really and really don't even need it. i like the pick and choose options but when i pick and choose what i need....i'm uping the bandwidth one or two levels, uping the subdomains to 50 rather than 5. i definately need more than 1 database so uping that to at least 5. i forget the other options i would add. when it came down to it, i would be paying almost the same amount as the unlimited plan so it really doesn't do me any good to use either plan why i say there should be two or three middle ground plans. one other thing. since we incorporated mycents in to this thread, i would like to see a change in how warning levels limit someone. i feel when you have a warning level, it should affect any increase in mycents rather than affect the dollar amount mycents was converted to. i feel once mycents is converted to $ credit at the main xisto site, you should be able to purchase anything you want wether you have a warning level or not as those credits have already been earned when one never had a warning level. i think it's more fair to limit the increase of mycents when there is a warning level. it accomplishes the same purpose but doesn't discourage anyone fully after being satisfied in the credits they've built up but can't use. in other words, i feel that once mycents are converted in to $ credit, it should be totally seperate from trap. and buffulo help- you are right in the sense that most people do resist change these changes are new for all the older members and i'll be the first to say ya can't please everyone. but for me, i don't think it hurts to speak openly about certain things because if enough users agree, there can be other changes for the better as well.
  7. exactly! why i will not vote. it's one thing to talk about it in another thread that was already created recently. it's another to actually vote for one. yea, i got my top three mods for sure but i wont discredit anyone by voting for just one because they each have something to offer in their own way. as far as admins, i DEFINATELY wont vote for one or the other. they each have something to offer in their own way and yes, opa is behind the scenes working his butt off for everyone. i'm sure he has very little time but still finds his time to post and be a part of the community(even though i personally would like him to post more and i've mentioned that). buffalohelp is more front line but still don't see much of him but he seems to be aware and fixing anyone's problems that the mods can't help with. to choose just 1 admin or mod would be disrespectfull to the other helpfull ones. now if opa ever had the courage to set up a vote and an award for the winner, i would probably have to vote the best way i know how.....but until that day comes, the admins are tied and the mods.....well.....there's 3 in my head but i ain't name droppin'.
  8. i've faced 4 life or death experiences in my life and i don't take the veiwpoint that "i'm going to die sooner or later". with the experiences i've experienced and living through them, i take the viewpoint tat i am meant to live. now on to answer the question. am i afrain to die? HECK NO! i believe there is an afterlife and i believe that my time on this earth is only one phase of my life cycle. i believe my body is only a shell to experience things here on earth. i've thought about life and death alot. i've thought more on what life is and it's meaning. not just what it should mean to me, but for everyone in general and i have come up with some answers wether people believe or not. does not matter to me. so no....i am not afraid of dying(continuing to live without my shell). what i am concerned about is HOW i will die. haha. i try not to think about it too much because there are a lot of ways i could die that would be a miserable death. but from my own experience, i am meant to live for a reason right now. too many uncanny close calls to my demise and i've always walked away unharmed. really uncanny which i wont go in to details. all i can say is do the best you can on earth and accept that "death" is a cycle just like life is. i put death in quotes because when you die, the only part that dies is the shell. your soul and energy continues to live...and it WILL.....and for most, another shell will be created for you to live in with the same soul and energy you had before. is that death really? not to me so i can't be afraid of it. i just have to embrace it when the time comes and hopefully it will be easy on me and i pass on quickly without much pain
  9. bah! i don't believe in heave and i don't believe in hell. two words to scare or give hope to people.what i do believe is that there is an afterlife and it will be similiar to what you created in life here on earth. it could either be bad or good. depends on how you lived here and the choices you made for yourself. there is no real specifics to what i believe in the afterlife though since although i do have my own beliefs that can't be proven or seen with eyes, i am also a person who sometimes has to see to believe.but i definately don't believe in heaven or hell. some people believe that if you commit suicide(a wrong choice in this lifetime) you relive that suicide over and over in the afterlife until you learn from your mistakes in the afterlife that you should have learned while living. so take this concept and compare it to other bad choices and the so called hell you can live in the afterlife until you're ready to be reborn and have learned from your mistakes. the look at the opposite because the opposite should also be true. i am somewhat a believer in this concept. life is what you make it. the afterlife is what you made your own life previously.i believe highly in christianity. they have a lot to offer in religious beliefs. but with everything christianity offers that is good, same is true in reverse. there is a lot of b.s. to it. although i believe in god, i don't just believe in any ONE god and higher powers. there are many.it's really funny how most religions are based on faith and how so many people can believe so strongly in everything 1 religion holds based on faith. if any one religion was true, there would only be 1 religion. if people were meant to believe in god or be damned, there would be something more than faith to support your beliefs.there's a saying. "hell is a term to scare small children". this i believe is more true than an actual hell. oppsite is true about heaven. although i never heard a saying about it, i believe it's just a way to give hope to those that are lost and the alternative after being scared by the stories of hell. a way for a religious group to make more believers out of the non believers so the religious groups continues to grow stronger. although i respect christianity highly with what it has to offer, i don't respect the control they use to motivate people to do things or think things they wouldn't normally believe or think and the terms "heaven" and "Hell" are some of the control techniques i don't respect of the christian religionsi just posted in another thread how wiccan could be considered cult like. but see, i believe some of the more organized religions can be considered cult like as well due to the control issuesis there a heaven or hell? i think not. but if you believe otherwise, i suggest you take everything in the bible literally and follow it to a T in your own life so you are gauranteed your place in heaven. when you get there, say hi to peter for me
  10. wicca to me is pretty new age. after studying it, i wouldn't even consider it a religion as some do but a pretty strong belief. wicca and the groups or circles that are created vary and so do the beliefs that are taught within the circles. now although i believe wicca has gotten a bad wrap, wicca has gotten a bad wrap rightfully so because in general, wicca is a pretty good religion but a lot of people take the wrong path within this religion and still call themselves wiccans.i'm not really too religious or believe in any one religion myself. i take in all because i believe all have something to offer but what i do is seperate and disgard what i consider b.s. in any one religion. the only reason why i've studdied wicca was because it fascinated me and the fact that someone very very close to me hold a similar belief to that religionwhat i've also noticed about this religion is that in some circles, the beliefs can be somewhat cult like. this is why i consider it still new age and shouldn't be considered an organized religion yet. some people turn to wiccan like some people turn to the military or how some people turn to gangs. these people are missing something in their life and want to attatch themselves to a group who can be loyal to eachother.everything i have read about this belief is basically positive. the problem occurs is when people try to start their own circles, encorporating what they've read and studied and realease themselves of the responsibiity of joining a circles of the older generations who can guide and teach the right way. so in my opinion, there is a lot of irresposibility within this belief(or religion to the ignorant).witchcraft now is old school. it has been around for centuries. i believe in it myself. spells and magik in my eyes is just a substitution of what christians call prayer and the power of thought and the strength of your faith and belief.anyone reading this and insterested in wicca, i say BEWARE! the groups you can join vary greatly. the circles that you have a chance to be a part of vary greatly as well. do your homework and be responsible!i also say beware because i also believe some people have natural abilities and some circles love to recruit these people in to their circles to make the circle stronger and take what they don't have. this can be dangerous to some people with those natural abilities. also....circles.....even the strongest ones can turn bad quick. this i believe because witchcraft is tricky and there aren't any set rules to it even when there are rules to abide by with wiccans. so again, i say BEWARE, do your research and due diligance if anyone cointinues on their path to study this belief(religion?)
  11. i agree with kobra to a certain extent and i will answer that question for you. although technically the webhosting and trap are two diferent entities entirely, i would rather support webhosting that brought us this community. it's as simple as that. when i began to love Xisto, i began to love the work and dedication on the backend including the vision with incorporating Xisto - Web Hosting xisto which i wanted to eventually incorporate Xisto - Web Hosting as my domain and hosting providor. it's not really a matter of finding the best host. hosting is a dime a dozen. so to post something as kobra did, it's making a statement so that maybe something has been overlooked in the changes that needs to continue to be incorporated. i personally like the two plans but i think two plans are limiting the needs of others. those who can't afford or need unlimited everything and those who have a hard time picking and choosing what they want or those who just don't know the different of anything to pick and choose(computer/internet illiterate...or semi).
  12. hmmm...normally i don't like quoting a whole post but your post was so well written, i couldn't figure out how to limit it and decided not to limit the quote at all. my wife's son was diagnosed with what you were diagnosed with. it has been a roller coaster for me to understand this disability and at the same time not limit this person with any label. this young man is limited in some ways and excells in other ways. i looked at other people and tried to compare and what i came up with is that everyone is limited in their own ways and everyone excells in other ways. what i especially loved about your post were the things you've learned. #1 is something i HATE because labels will never define someone and what they are capable of. #2 i love because i always told this young man to ask for any help when he needed it. although to understand this disability is to understand this man didn't like asking for help. in fact, he always had a hard time opening up to very many people. but i wanted to let him know that the help was there if he ever needed it(not that that was a condition for me helping him). i liked #4 especially because i feel his own family labeled him and it has limited him. they had a pre conceieved notion that he wouldn't be able to do the things other people can do and i've heard them use this label so many times it made me sick knowing a label can create more harm than good and create a learned experience where the child may actually believe he CAN'T. i've been critisized by certain family memebers because they think i don't wish to see this young man's disability. and they critisize me for treating this boy close to normal or how i would interact with anyone else. for me though, i see it, i acknowledge it, but i'll never use it against this boy by limiting his own talents and dreams that he keeps hidden inside him. for me, wether anyone sees it, i know how to push and test this young man's abilities to understand more what he is actually capable of so i can be sensitive to that and maybe show him something his own family never did by believing in a label. if you ask me, the ones that believe in a label is allowing the disability to grow where it shouldn't and that is just plain wrong. on a side note here, i think you have probably come a long way here. your post was very professional and well written to inform others. i read your profile as well and i wish you luck in your vision to create your community you're working on i think you should write more about your experiences being diagnosed aspergers autism, you write well and have a way with words and i feel it can benifit others if you write more on it and your personal experiences.
  13. you're in the top 3 for sure. and no. you don't do it because your a moderator....but for more important reasons that just seem a natural ability. you should learn to take a compliment because i'm sure the majority of people agree...it ain't even a "job" for ya so that isn't even the appropriate word
  14. dying is a part of life. knowing about life isn't morbid. heck, i've predicted my own death and my own wife's death. i disagree with the statement that the the worst way to day is knowing you'll die and when. you see, when you know these things, you aren't contimplating what you'll miss, you'll be doing the things that you'll NEVER miss. i think the opposite of your statement is true. ever hear the statement, "live life like there is no tomorrow"? is that morbid? because that's talking about death. in my own opinon it is NOT morbid but that one statement is teaching a valuable lesson and for those that don't heed those words WILL miss and they WILL live in regret, because those are the ones that didn't think about their own death. truth bud is this. we all don't live forever and the time we have right now, we can't gain back. our time is limited and we should make ever second count. i am talking about death but i don't believe death is as morbid as you say death is or thinking about death or what one wants to do before they die. it's a part of life. a cycle of life that includes birth.
  15. what the heck are you doing to crash microsoft office?! i have used office for years without a single crash so wondering what you know about ms office that is known to make it crash. now although i use ms software, i wish there is one day i don't have to be a supporter of them. until the compatibility problems are non existent, i will play it the safe and easy way and conform to something that is getting old nowadays...
  16. people wont continue working because they have too much time on their hands. they will continue to work because they love what they do, are confident, and don't want money or anything else to change their life.as for me, i would probably continue to do what i do now with a few changes. one of the changes would be to travel more. i would definately take care of my family and select few friends, and rather than donate money to a charity or church, i would try to start my own non profit orginization...or a couple of them. i would buy a new vehicle, pay off my mortgage and debts, and spend a few thousand on some little toys i could never really afford before.i personally don't need that much money to live on for the rest of my life so even if took only 1 mil for myself, that would set me up for life.people who say winning a 10 mil lottery wont affect their life is lying. first off, you have friends, neighbors and people you don't know calling you asking for money. you will need to know how to manage 10 mil so if you aren't a millionaire already, you will have to hire a couple accountants and a lawyer and a financial advisor. i mean, you can't just hide the money under your matress and withdraw it anytime you need it. you also can't put it all in one bank account safely since all your money wont be insured. people who win this amount of money all at once will soon learn that it costs alot of money to manage a lot of money. also, ones time is more limited at first learning to have that much money if they've never ever come close to having that much.the average person earns about 1 mil over their lifetime so whoever says their life wont change much or they wont allow it, they are lying. they have NO CHOICE but to have their life change unless they decide to give all the money away or burn it....but even so, didn't their life change with that choice they have to live with the rest of their life?the thing to realize if anyone wins a large sum of money is this.....money is nice to have as long as you know how to manage it. money isn't everything though and should never revolve around a person's lifestyle. there are too many other important areas of life that one needs to be dedicated in....especially those things that we sometimes take for granted and the littler things in life that could be a blur in the wind if one doesn't pay attention because one is too busy to appreciate the littler things in life..."littler" actually being the BIGGER so that was a little sarcasm.i will end this with a smart financial fact for those who do ever win over a mil in the lottery or inheratence. it's not so smart to pay off a large mortage like i would do since i just hate debts and bills. reason being. interest rates for homes are so low....average 7% that you can make that interest up by investing it smartly. average 15% if you know how to invest wisely. not only do you wipe your mortage interest rate away, but you're still making 8%. credit cards are different though. should always pay off your cards if you can. so i only mention not paying off a mortgage because alot of people who don't know how to handle their financial interests would opt to pay off their mortage where financially, it isn't wise. far from it. i only choose to pay off my mortage because i HATE debt like a vengance so although i would opt to pay off my mortage, financially it isn't wise. it's my own personal preference to illiminate something i don't want....since i'm not on this earth to make as much money as i can....
  17. yea, it Is off topic because now i have to reply that i have never had a problem with 1&1. this was when they were offering free .info domains and everything with them went smoothly
  18. basically you want to automatically create pages when people sign up. you don't need to automatically create sub domains to do this though. you do however need to automatically create directories for each individual user signup. is there a reason why you would want to create individual subdomains rather than individual directories? now to answer your question, i believe there are simple scripts floating around here and there for $100 or so which will do what you want. if you need more advanced programming, i suggest hire a programmer. other than that, i hope someone someone can answer your question better because i would love to look at a script that does this.
  19. if i stopped smoking, my online experience would never be the same. i always have to smoke when i am researching or working online. it's a must for some reason haha smoking and being online is like porkchops and apple sauce. on a serious note, there have been times when i have quit for a week. i don't know about these people that need a patch or a sucker to stop.i can actually testify that when you stop smoking for a couple days, it's tough only because it's a psychological habit rather than a physical addiction for me and i've been smoking for 20 years. after that, after a couple days, i don't think about it as much and the body feels healthier. feels like you are breathing fresher air and the air you breath is easier on the lungs. it's actually a refreshing feeling if you can get past those couple days and or any physical addiction you may have.now the reason why i go back to smoking is because i enjoy it. especially after a good meal or desert. i smoke when i am online out of something to do. i also sometimes get stressed online and the smoking relieves it. must be in my head knowing that smoking affects the nervous system. i've quit with people before who use the patch and they are still worse off than i am. why i say there is no nicotine addiction with me for some reason.post about the effects of drinking to. i enjoy that too i hope drinking doesn't affect my breast and penis like smoking does. i may be the odd smoker here though because i seriously don't look like that picture and i've been smoking for 20 years.
  20. making money online is a lot different than going to work for someone. it takes work and a lot of research and dedication along with keeping up with the times so whatever you're doing doesn't become outdated.there are a lot of money making opportunities online. i would say at least half of them come and go. these compaines come quick, they grow big, then it dead ends until the next big fad in making money online. you can make money this way but it's very unstable and you would really have to know what you're doing and it takes a lot of your time.1/4 of the other opportunities to make money is so outdated, it's not worth anyone's time or effort. the only reason why people still try to make money in those areas is because they didn't do their research and the demand.the other opportunities are out there to make some money but nothing is ever easy and nothing is ever quick unless you happen to get lucky.when people talk about making money online, aside from the bs survey crap or pay to surf or read programs, they are talking about selling a product or service. since there is more than 1 person selling any product or service, it means there is competition and you will need to get ahead of that competition somehow and get your name out there. this is why the #1 thing people forget about when making money online is building a reputation. a reputation is important. if people don't know ya, they wont buy from ya. simple as that. so after you have your product and service and have built an appealing website with your own domain name, you really need to start building a reputation without caring what kind of sales you make at first. eventually, when people start hearing your name over and over again and it's nothing but good things, that's when the sales will come. building a reputation takes TIME and patience with dedication and effort in your marketing campaigns. this does NOT come easy.when you hear the term "marketing guru", what this word really means is that it's someone who has built a good reputation whether he's full of crap or not. half of these marketing gurus can't even make you money because they don't teach you how to build a reputation online....at least most of them don't. why would they? so you can surpass them in a reputation online? i don't think so. half of these marketing gurus lie to the consumer just to make a buck through their good reputation. these same people keep changing their product or service as well when their own efforts hit a dead end and anything they do, they will tell ya it's the best since the invention of the wheel(at least that's the way they would sell ya to sell FOR them). that's the other important factor in making money online. don't sell for someone else. sell for yourself and get others to sell for you. they money you make at the front end is NOTHING compared to the money to be made in the back end. by back end, i mean a product or service that is a lot easier to sell than your original product or service you had to attract people to.now this is less than 1% of the things you have to think about when making money online. LESS THAN ONE PERCENT! so there is nobody out there to ever convince me that making money online is easy.....ANY MONEY! now alot of money? i think you get the picture. on a side note for people making an effort trying to sell a product or service. sales is about the law of averages. for ever so many people that don't hand you their hard earned money, there is one person who will. most people concentrate on the ones who will. i say this is wrong because it can get people discouraged very easily since sometimes the laws of averages dictate 100 non buyers to 1 buyer. so i say concentrate on the non buyers. what i mean buy this is try to weed through them as quick as possible to get to the 1 buyer. weed through those 100 to get to that 1. the more non buyers you weed through, you should never be discouraged because the law of averages dictate that that buyer is right around the corner. sales is sometimes a science. so when someone doesn't buy, don't be discouraged, be happy knowing that you just have to weed through a few more to make a sale.i didn't mean to make a speech about this but oh well. it's informative
  21. bahhh...this is old news. who cares anymore. especially with the way the economy is heading, they are gonna lose their jobs anyway ....actually....noting to smile about....
  22. haha being a super power has it's advantages. we can back up those words too. funny how being such a super power, some little peons can blow up new yorks twin towers and major financial offices. in another 100 years though when space opens up and we are able to explore it further, i doubt it will be so easy to back up those words.
  23. wow. that is depressing. although i really didn't have any friends who worked there, i was always browsing the electronics section when i lived in california since it was closer than fry's. wow. that corner section will never be the same. i wonder what the reason was to shut the doors....when you find out from your buddies, let us know. that just adds to the now growing unemployment rate. i wonder during these times if there can be training for all those that have lost their jobs and continue to lose their jobs to be self employed. with the way things are going there just wont ever be enough jobs for anyone unless we teach people to be self sufficient. too bad these smaller companies can't be a part of the bailout plan which never really made sense to me to begin with. we're losing an icon. wonder who's next. keep us updated...
  24. i am gonna go against the normal response here and say stay away from this situation. you like they guy, fine. dime a dozen.what i don't like about this situation is that these older adults are allowing you to drink and this guy is taking advantage of what alcohol does. these so called mature adults don't seem to be acting on what is in your best interest.what are the drinking laws there? here in the united states, the legal drinking age is 21 so i can't really support how these teachers or administrators are gettin' you drunk. what kinda screwed up school is this when they can get frisky with someone who just graduated while offering them booze?sorry, i think you're in the wrong situation and you'll only get hurt. more so, if other people from that school found out, it could get people in trouble as well. it's not really a situation to look highly on and could cause disruption to reputations.as far as older guys, that's fine in general. it's a matter of personal taste and preference and how that person's being matches up to your own.this is my outlook on this situation....but more importantly than my outlook, it's what YOU want out of a relationship and life that is important with the ultimate goal of being happy and connected to someone you love with your heart.
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