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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. don't want to put any negative thoughts in your head, but at the same time, i don't want you to feel you have to feel guilty either.not to disrespect your relationship here, but if your wife is having trust issues and you gave her no reason not to trust you, then the eyes should be on her and not you. if she's making you feel like you are doing something wrong or did something wrong when you feel you didn't, then maybe she did something that she feels guilty about and this is preventing her from connecting to you. obviously she is insecure maybe she is punishing her own self. maybe she feels she doesn't deserve your love or affection or attention so she pushes you away.whatever it is though, if it's true that you gave no reason not to trust you, then you have nothing to feel guilty about and you need to se past your own self conscience and guilt to really see what is bothering your wife. also, the more guilt or negative energy you have inside will in effect trasfer to your wife in some ways. after knowing eachother 4 years or so, you can read eachother without saying a word sometimes so be carefull in what you yourself are giving off indirectly.i know you must tell her a lot of things bud to try to prove to her you want her and need her. try SHOWING her. no words. actions. words are one thing especially if there are trust issues of the past. actions are the key. CONSTANT postivie action to show her exactly what you are trying to tell her in words. don't give up. show action daily. you made a commitment. stick to those commitments. if both of you can't, then life will be a living hell and what you think is bad right now will only get worse and that much harder to overcome.as a husband, you need to be there for your wife and her needs. as a wife, she needs to be there for YOU and YOUR needs. remember though. if she can't be there for you in your own needs, that shouldn't dictate what you can and still SHOULD offer her in what you are capable. where one is weak, the other needs to be strong and vica versa. if both are weak at the same time then good luck! you sound like you're hurtin' bud and i feel for ya. you also sound like the stronger one of the two so act like it and you can start by not letting the negativity be a distraction to what is right and true inside your heart
  2. i think he's actually meaning the exact opposite of what he's asking and wants to free up more resources for his connection to be fasterreally hard to understand his exact needs though
  3. here is the link for a description of the software... https://www.giveawayoftheday.com/
  4. you don't need a signature. i have never used a signature. what you can do though is become a member of http://forums.xisto.com/ then you want to find the topic that is most relevant to your own website and post something informative and usefull. try to add some keywords within your post tht is relevant to the thread you are posting in but most importantly, the keywords you have chosen for your own website add your link to your website at the bottom of your post without a signature. the code should look something like this.... a href="http://yourdomain.com/ more information about KEYWORDSKEYWORDSKEYWORDS - click here</a (insert "<" before the code and ">" after the code to make your link clickable) what this does is your link wont show your web address but only your keyword string that was relevant to the thread you posted in and your website after you submit your post on trap, wait 5 days. you'll see that google has already found your site. now getting top placement for specific keywords is DIFFERENT than having google recognizing your site. but this is one of the fastest and easiest.ways i know to get indexed by google if there is no thread that relates to your website, post your site in the website reveiw section the same way i outlined. give a description of your site and post your link at the bottom for others to reveiw. google will pick it up within 5 days. now alot of people this it's so important to just be indexed and crawled by google. it's not. what's more important is ranking high with specific keywords. just getting indexed is sometimes just as bad as not being in any search engines at all. the ONLY way others will know about your site is if you rank high with certain keywords that are relevant to your site. this is tough to do if one doesn't know how but now at least i've shown the easiest and one of the quickest ways for google to find you your main page. if you want google to find all your pages, then create a site map and create a link to your site map on your main page. google will crawl and index all your pages as long as your site map is organized and no dead links to other pages so check your spelling always.
  5. i think it's also wise to point out that not all cultures like to be photographed. especially people in third world cultures. in some places, you can get in a lot of trouble if you don't ask permission to photograph FIRST. sometimes you will have to actually pay people off just to take a picture. also, although planning is important, sometimes the photos that were far from planned can be the best pictures i think the most important aspect of travel photography is to have fun with it the best way one knows how and is comfortable.
  6. i've never aqdded my url to google directly and when promoting any webpages, i have always gotten indexed by google within 5 days. goggle likes to find your website from links on other sites. that's the quickest way to get indexed. just posting your link on trap gets you indexed pretty quick. but that's ust to show up on google and has nothing to do with page rank
  7. wow! i'll tell ya what. if you truely believe that, watch the olympics which are coming up in a week. please compare the mens and women's events. when you do, please come back here and explain to me why you believe what you do. do men have monthly problems like women? yes....ours are women who have monthly problems. it's also very painfull believe it or not haha as a side note, will never believe women in general are equal or better than men. men and women serve completely different purposes in life. the general qualities of women and their stregths, men will never be able to compete with....EVER! but same is true in the reverse. there are some things men have in them that women will never be able to compete with. that's what makes men and women different and unique and that's why men and women will hardly ever truely know eachother. why do you think so many books have been written to define the differences between man and women. now i urge everyone to watch the compitions coming up. an age old tradition dating back 100's of years. please post the results as you see them if women come close to ever beating a man in this age old tradition of competition. compare the results for the men AND women and post them here!
  8. so you think everything revolves around chaos? people create chaos, yes, so how is that the natural order or actually how is that the only part of natural order. i do believe that chaos is a part of us, or better wording is imperfection that create chaos based on a comparrison of what we all think "perfect is" i say imperfect because everyone is different. nobody is the same. thus, we must all be imperfect compared to any one definition of what perfect is. has anyone ever been born perfect? it depends how one percieves perfection. in my opinion no. we are not. when we are on this world, we continue to learn and grow, thus, become stronger and more perfect which means less chaos in our lives and less imperfections we aren't born "perfect" and with a little choas in are lives because we are meant to experience not just the good, but the negative. we are supposed to continue to perserve the good and learn and grow and release the negative for something more positive science is good for technology, but it has never proven itself to ever answer that one question people always ask. "how did we get here and what s the meaning of life". science has always failed in this area. why? because science will never be able to define that question. only nature, a higher power, and your own self realization about who YOU truely are yea, there is more out there than we can possibly imagine. i believe that. some of it science will pick up in the future. some we have to find out for our own selves when we start beoming more in tune with our own selves. there are mysteries out there folk. unexplained mysteries. don't ever limit yourself in trying to find the answers. what i mean by that is don't limit yourself in thinking that science can explain all. that's only one direction to some answers. believe me. there are more directions than that for other answers.
  9. wow is right! anything to incorporate a bigger internet presense. technology like this is going to open up the competition.does anyone else smell laysuits up the ying yang? microsoft will definately start buying up the competition soon and try to stop dell and the other bigger companies from getting a head starti wonder as well what sort of doors are going to open up for the little guy and what sort of money can be made by it on the net from marketers since it does have the potential of creating new business on the web.now if applications and operating systems are going to be hosted on the internet, then does that mean you will have to have a continuous access on the net with a high speed line? is this going to change how computers are going to be built in the future? does this mean that these computer companies will take responsibility to proiding high speed access to enable users to use this technology? if so, how? i don't personally see a use for this technology unless people have at least a t1 connection or faster to access data.also, will this new technology mean a new type of identity on the internet that will always be tracked and recorded? and when a user enters their part of the internet, they will know everything about you including your blood type? i mean, if you want to access the well needed data, they are going to have to know who you are before they allow you to access it right unless the data is unconditionally shared by everyone because it's free. so will we not be able to hide our own identities anymore? that will be a shame and will leave us vulnerable. if this is the case, this is what the government was waiting for. hey, maybe we will all have to apply for an internet license through the state soon just like we have to have a license to drive. except now, licenses are being used as a form of federal identification more and more instead of the original idea of just having one to drivewill the computers of the future be free just as an incentive to access the data on the internet that you have to pay for each use or have a yearly membership. how will this affect teenagers and kids who don't have the means to pay for anything online?i'm curious what areas of influence and impact this will have on others and how this will affect how we see the internet and computers right now compared to what is to become in 2 years.good catch s.m.- i never heard of this technology before. it would be nice to see if ibm can become a front runner to this new vision and tehnology. as far as dell goes and trying to get a copyright for the name "cloud computing", that doesn't mean didly. every company will probably have their own name to describe this new technology and vision for the future.now what about apple? how is this going to affect them? will it? man, i have a lot of questions. anyone have opinions?
  10. yup. advertisers will pay money just to get their product or service out in the public. everytime someone clicks on their ad, they have to fork over money to pay for it. so you can get paid by clicking on links or paid by reading emails etc.... most of these programs are multi level only because it's not worth clicking and reading by yourself when if you spend an hour doing these things, you may wind up with about 2-3 dollars in your pocket. watch out though. some of these programs are scams. some are not. people have to be wise in choosing which program they sign up for.
  11. can't believe nobody suggested pre loading your second level pages. takes up bandwidth....but if bandwidth isn't a problem, your pages have the capability of popping up instantaneously. speeding up a web pages load time is still very important since i believe most people still use dialup and visitors will just click the X to exit out of a slow loading web page
  12. in short.............................................GOOGLE!
  13. wow! that IS cool. say something in php for me and then translate it in to english. i would love to learn!
  14. oh. i love devil's advocate. can i play too? it also must be wrong for two homosexuals to get married and adopt one or two children and love them with all their hearts when nobody else would. that's something else i noticed about homosexuals. and who are you to say that pro creation is the only purpose we are here for? i guess i should never have been born. i'm 40 and i still don't have children. i must have been a mistake in life. silly me i guess you can group me in with the homos now
  15. looks like you got it solved. good jobi would suggest tweeking your image links because at first glance, they don't look like links at all because of the limited spacing. would look better if spaced the images or create a roll over effect. would be a better read.i use nothing but firefox so decided to go to your site but saw you didn't need any imput from me as you fixed the problem. again. good job bud
  16. at least you know your parents still love you after the divorce. a lot of kids blame themselves which is wrong and the marital problem have NOTHING ever to do with kids. just remember that they do and always will love you.i married in to a family that came out of a divorce. it's a nasty scene sometimes and the kids are usually the ones that get the blunt of the pain and heartache. they want the life they knew back. they want the ones they love over for christmas and suchbest way to deal with this situation is to alternate every year for the special occassions. also remember that if the marriage couldn't be saved, then getting a divorce was the best thing or you would have to hear your parents arguing all the time and that isn't anything a child should live through eitherfamily will ALWAYS be family always remember that. just because your parents divorced doesn't mean they or you divorced eachother.
  17. personally, i think that was the cheap way to go. i hope you don't make the same mistake again or your just gonna have to reapply again. a cheesy solution but better that cancelling your hosting would have been to delete all the files and databases you created and started fresh with your same account. obivously this had something to do with your index file being linked to other files when you started moving files around. also, don't move files anymore. COPY them. if you took the time to google your problem, you may have found a solution to it. this will save you time and credits if this ever happens to you again.
  18. paypal is DEFINATELY not safe! unfortunately, there are very few cheap and affordable means to offer payment online. it's also very convenient. paypal has been around what....10 years? i remember when they were offering everyone 10 free dollars just to open a paypal account and they grew big fast through their affiliate program. they grew so big and so fast that there were so many problems with their service and had just a ton of complaints.to this day paypal recieves hundreds of complaints. research it online. i had a personal experience that they weren't satisfied with just my banking information and demanded my credit card info which i wouldn't give them. they proceded to freeze my whole account. i couldn't get in it if my life depended on it. i closed my account and never looked back. this was after talking to their representitives over the phone for over 2 hours total.paypal is not a scam, but i wouldn't trust them. they have too many rules and they require everything personal about you except maybe your blood type.if someone needs a merchant account, i suggest forking over the $300 or so to set an account up and the additional $30 or so per month to keep it up and running. that's about the cheapest i found about 5 years ago.paypal is the extreme example of "you get what you pay for" and paypal is CHEAP CHEAP CHEAPbtw- the reason they froze my account was because it was flagged. i asked them why my account was flagged and they said for no reason.....that all accounts get flagged at one time or another for security reasons to verify account holder information. it's very easy to start an account with them but after your acount has been active for a while, watch out. the information you already gave them to open the account(which takes about a week) they will require more sooner or later. it's all bogus to me. they wanted to bill my credit card for 1 or two dollars and they would refund that directly in to my paypal account. i didn't want to do that and offered a suggestion to them that they can bill my credit card just to verify it if they refund it directly back to my credit card. they refused so i refused paypal's services from then on. i wouldn't have been so upset if i didn't waste hourse setting up my paypal payment buttons and the code that went in to that. what a waste of time. so in my opinion, paypal is just as disorganized and immature as when they first came online. don't ever trust them....EVER! if you want a cheap and easy way to accept and make payment online, go with them.....just expect problems in the future that you will have to sort outi also have to say that their exchange rate is a little high as well but that is to be expected if you want a cheap service to get started online easy when merchant accounts are not readily affordable when your just starting out online.now as far as just making payments online, i would trust them. no reason not to in my opinion....but i wouldn't trust them as a substitute for any merchant account.
  19. well sorry about your bad experience there and that was horrible to bring you in a situation just to pay more attention to some other guy. that's evil.i understand your point in just wanting to get in to a relationship with someone you already know, but if you ust keep believing in that and waiting for that, you might be waiting a long long time and never really succeed in any relationship with someone you have already knows for a couple years.part of being in a relationship and the foundation for a relationship is getting to know that person knowing that you really don't know anything about this person but will work on trying to find out if you're truely that interested in eachother. relationships are work from the start and there are feelings and emotions related to a relationship. you want to bypass it all. in cutting through the b.s. you are missing something good that happens in the formation of a relationship. i'm not saying it's wrong in how you want to find someone you already know, but your way is rare.one reason why it is rare is because while you get to know someone you already know somewhat, that person isn't going to wait a couple years just so you can get to know them. they have lives and some of them want love and affection and will enter in to relationships with others they DON'T know just to get that fullfilling need. you as well have that need, but you sacrifice it when you all these women who are already in your life to find love elsewhere and you are made to watch this sad fact of life while still holding on to your own way of thinking.now although you had a bad experience in meeting this girl, dating is like that wether you meet online or not. this is the learning phase. thank god you learned quickly in who tis woman was that turned out to be not so appealing in person. sometimes you have to wait longer to figure that out and then that's when relationships start hurting. you want to avoid all this i know, but think about if and when you DO meet the right person. are you going to pursue her and go against your current thinking or are you going to watch this woman date others who aren't as perfect. and maybe.....just maybe watch her settle in to a life that wasn't really meant to be.in some ways you set your own self up for this hurt and pain and suffering and loniness. dating, wether offline or online are opportunities. don't let those pass you by bud. take the bad WITH the good you can experience from it all. if you try to illiminate the bad, you set your own self up for something just as bad and it's just substituting one for the other rather than taking the long road and the dedication and patience to date a better wayas far as don't expect, there was a deep meaning behind it. you should stop worrying what you don't have and start concentrating on what you do have. live your life. if love is meant to be, it will find you. but question is, are you going to wait a couple years after you know this person fully to make a move? she could be gone and married by then! women don't want to wait to get to know someone. they want a commitment before that. also, if you wait long periods of time just to get to know someone without making a move, the woman will think you're not interested when she would normally probably give it a chance....but at least you are both on the next dating/relationship level without this waiting period.also, lets say you do meet someone and wait a year or two without a commitment. and you finally know you want to spend your life with this person and this person feels the same and still available. well, you just cut through half of the woman's needs ust for your own beliefs. a woman wants to date and be taken care of. they want romance and love and attention. they want a best friend they can only find from a commited partner. they want flowers wether you buy them or pick them yourself. they want things that they will never have from you if you wait. once you wait a year or two knowing this person is right for you, you just illiminated a big important phase in dating and relationships. your ready to marry this woman probably. you will probably ask her to marry you too because you already know what you want from paying close attention to this woman for a long time now. what if this woman didn't pay as close attention. her needs are going to be directed towards something other than your own.i dunno what i am trying to say other than the fact that i think you limit yourself because you don't want to go through the b.s. everyone else has to go through just to find the right woman. now i know why all the women you know at work are already married or taken. get my point?i was never a dater. i was always lonely. i never really expected to meet someone nor did i ever force that issue by going on a lot of dates. this created a somewhat lonely lifestyle in certain areas of my life. but i chose this path because i know my own self. i knew i would meet someone only because i knew my own soul. i had no choice but to wait and not date and feel lonely in he meantime. there was someone out there for me. that perfect person for ME. i didn't really want to play games with other women by dating and knowing there is something better and fullfilling. the extreme to that was some of my friends thought i was gay haha. far from it. i was attracted to women, i just never believed in playing games or getting too attached before something better came along. i always knew the right person would come and i knew i had to push myself in thinking that it wouldn't be tomorrow. i also had to push myself in thinking that even though i forced myself not to expect, i would be open to all possibilities so when the right person came along, i would know it and i would then know to pursue getting to know this person more. that day didn't come until i was in my mid thirties.....even after i kept telling myself i would marry before i am thirty and i am going to have childred shortly after. well, wishfull thinking there haha. i had to wait even after i was thirty. how depressing. i knew i was to meet someone special. i ust didn't know when or where. and it DID get lonely. guys need companionship too.....and not just the sex part.so this is why i say don't expect. need to try to live a life with what you have rather than the idea of what you don't have or living day to day will be that much harder and lonely. so lonely, some people go searching. i never did. i ust placed myself in situations where i could meet people more easily to allow the chance of my soulmate finding me when i wasn't searching or expecting.i married her two years ago after knowing her 4 1/2 years. it's been fullfilling and hell ever since. fullfilling because she was everything i imagined. hell because she's everything i imagined. meeting the right person or even soul mates is not an easy life because each one wants the best for the other. they have a lot in common and the differences compliment eachother if they learn how to combine the differences. meeting a soul mate means you will always be pushed by the other in the areas you need with personal growth and it sure as heck isn't easy but in the long scheme of things can be very rewarding and complete fullfillment can be obtained in this areamy best advice i can give you is to know your own self and live life with no regret. live it through your own soul that has more meaning than the punishments we put our own selves through. hope you understand. my words get confusing sometimes to others
  20. i just posted in another thread about my parents in some ways. i want to further explain what my parents mean to me.i was always raised with good morals and values. i was also raised going to church every week until i was about 17. i was raised by parents that believed schooling and learning was important and furthering education in college was important. i was raised that after college that getting a good stable job with benefits was important and eventually marrying the right woman and having kids was important. basically my parents believed in the american dream and the standards of which society dictates for everyone. an idea that is far from bad, but an idea that could limit others who have their own purpose in life when other peoples beliefs and how we are raised become a distraction.my dad went to work every day without calling in sick but 3-4 times in 40 years where he is now retired from being a stock broker. i think he was averaging over 100k a year. i remember a long time ago him telling me that he either wanted to become a stock broker or a forest ranger. to this day, i know what job would have been more fullfilling to him and it wasn't making 100k as a stock broker. it would have been making 1/3 of that as a forest ranger. i know why he chose his other profession. he didn't do it for himself. he did it for his wife and his future kids he would eventually have so that he can provide in big ways for his family. he also taught us that if we want something, we need to work for it rather than it just be given to you.my mom, before she had kids, was a school teacher....and after she had kids, became a substitute teacher part time. i even met some of her students that attended the same junior high and high school i attended. when they found out who my mother was, she was given high recognition as a teacher....even as a substitute teacher(that is rare when students rarely respect substitutes) and i found myself in a light i didn't expect. but it felt good. seemed i was liked more just because of my mother and it also felt good that my mother was good at what she did.my dad was a providor and later included me in things where a father and son relationship could grow. taking fishing trips together as he taught me how to flyfish and experiencing nature in the most remote areas and wilderness. my mom showed love and nurturing. something that was just nutural inside her that she shared with her kids.although i disagreed with them alot and their expectations and guiding me in ways i refused to go and be guided in, later in life we came to an understanding and i recieved support from parents that i never would have expected in a million years growing up. their expectations slowly changed from being guided and living a certain way to just being happyi am 40 years old now. my parents are almost in their 70's. i love my parents. i couldn't have asked for better ones even when life seemed like CRAP as a teenager sometimes when i had to live by their rules and expectations. they raised me the best way they knew how and knowing me, it was more than just a full time job :)i hope one day i can give back everything they offered me. maybe i have already in some ways but they will always deserve more. they raised three kids and sacrificed a big part of their own lives just to be parents. i'm sure being parents back then wasn't easy and sometimes not even rewarding or fullfilling. i hope they can sit back in their not so young age anymore and realize what they actually did and accomplished and know they raised 3 children who are far from alike, but will always have a piece of their parents inside them including the goodness and the morals and values we were raised with.
  21. i ust turned 40 but i will always be a kid at heart and believe it or not, i remember my life as a teenager.welcome to the real world that you don't even start thinking about until you are a teenager(aside from asking the most bizzaar questions in your pre teens)life is messed up that way living with parents and even in schools sometimes where your parents and schools have the biggest influence over you.the good thing i see though is that you have a solid head on your shoulders. my personal beliefs is always stand up for what you believe without disrespecting others beliefs. it's ok to disagree with your parents and other people for that matter but it's not ok to disrespect them if they believe different than you and it doesn't seem like you're doing that so i applaud ya.when you get a little older, it will be easier to stand up for what you believe in because you will be more independant and not under the control and full guidance from others.just please keep one thing in mind though. parents love their children and they raise them the best way they know how. they only way they can raise them however is what they themselves know and what they themselves were taught even at your age when they had to listen and be guided by their own parents. it's sometimes a hard cycle to break. keep in mind though that when you're old enough and if you ever have children, you will have the opportunity to break that cycle and then it will be up to you to raise your own kids the best way you know how without making them feel as you do now.there is a fine line in raising kids. no, you should never limit them and their own beliefs even if they are different than yours. at the same time though, parents are responsible for their children and they do in some forms have to guide them in the ways they already know wether good or bad. you also don't want to give a child too much freedom to start making mistakes and getting in to trouble at a young age. parents have that responsibility too.well, seems to me you have your head crewed on the right way so just keep being you as long as you don't hurt others, your parents will have no choice but to respect you and what you believe in. maybe you are able at 16 to guide your own parents now in some of your own beliefs that differ from theirs that isn't of good character or morals or values.i remember as a kid that i was a handfull. i was always speaking my mind. i would always argue with my parents and usually say something if i thought something was not right in what they said or did. i remember when my dad had a coupon for fast food for a specific type of food. my older sister didn't like that type of food and wanted to order something else. my father had said that this was all he had a coupon for and we had to eat it or not order anything to eat. it wasn't becasue my dad couldn't afford to order without a coupon. he just likes to save money from time to time. well, my sister waited in the car while we waited in line to order food. i look up at him and told him that it was wrong that someone has to be hungry just because they don't have a coupon for what they like to eat. i remember telling him that he probably saved these coupons because it was the food HE liked and he wasn't having any consideration for his daughter. whatever i said at 11 or 12 made a difference because my sister was then allowed to come in and tell us what she wanted.i also remember that my sister always had bad grades when she was hanging around others with bad influence on her. at ne time she came home with straight f's across the board. i can see how my parents would be upset and i believe a child should hold consequences to that. f's are hard to get even if you don't even study. anyway, her next report card she didn't recieve one f but it was now d's across the board in all subjets. i found her crying outside and asked her why she was crying. well it turned out my mom let her have it again and punished her again for getting unacceptable grades. seeing as i don't like my sister crying and knowing how hard we were raised in thinking grades are very important, i went in the house to tell my mother one thing. "you're wrong. you just punished someone for improving". i left. i don't think my mom saw my point back then but i had to say SOMETHING. i was 13 at the time.my point is, stand up for what you believe. sometimes even kids can make a difference and sometimes even parents have something to learn from them. you also need to really stand up for what you believe in deep down because if you don't, you will be very empty inside growing up and even after becoming an adult, you will know no other way but to conform to other peoples beliefs and how you were raised and it will be a lot harder to change the longer it takes to come out of a shell.in some ways, i stood up for what i believed, in others i didn't and the times i didn't because i didn't even know what i wanted out of my life fully at the time. i just knew some of the ways i was being guided was wrong for ME. maybe not wrong for others, but wouldn't give me complete fullfillment because i knew there was more out there for me somewhere that was more important for ME. god forbid we are all raised the same and everyone believes in the same things and everyone acts the same. what kinda world would that be? tell THAT to your parents....
  22. i know how good venting feels after the fact but i gaurantee you woulda felt a lot better creating a stink when you were already there. gotta stick up for what you believe in. also, some of these businesses can use some good old fashioned critique now and then i think it's funny though. these guys actually picked up your food after it was cooked with their bare hands right in front of you and didn't say a word? i woulda demanded my money back. aren't there food standards there. report them to your local health department or whoever regulates that. next time, go where the locals go. they will always know best. so let me ask you the most important question of them all....did you and your dad eat the food?
  23. i have carp and it's been working for me but later versions are no longer free. any good free ones out there to allow me to post feeds on my website?
  24. i don't believe any higher power will create imbalance or what one thinks is imbalance(if one sees more good than bad or vica versa). sure, god or any higher power can guide energy in a certain direction, but there are natural laws in itself that will create balance. there will always be consequences to certain actions that in and of itself will naturally create a balance. cause and effect in energy wether good or bad has to do with sacrificing something for something else. you give up something but you also gain something in return. if this wasn't the case and there was no balance, then the world as we know it has the possibilities of being a utopia or on the other spectrum, truely evil and chaotic. chances of that being a possibility is slim to none....i believe we need this balance and therefor it is there. we need the negative just as much as the positive but in different ways and meanings. we need the negative to learn from and we need it to allow ourselves to convert that energy in to good or at least that's how most would look at it as learning experiences which the negative wasn't really negative, it was just how the situation was percieved. people need to stop looking through their eyeballs to see the world but look more on a less physical level to truely notice how things are balanced through nature. now to say one can have a desire for things to be unbalanced and that will create imbalance. what you are saying is nothing from one side of that spectum will allow itself to become balanced? maybe things will just seem imbalanced to the naked eye but the actual effect is something more than one sided imbalance and not paying close attention to the other side which will create the balance needed. now as far as giving to a church, there are many churches out there that have thrift stores where people can donate just like they have food pantries. also, i don't understand fully why the original poster related giving to church and god? i have given myself in many ways that don't relate to church or god or too much on a monetary level of giving. i also disagree that one should give all he has. i do consider giving a very good act but i also believe that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing due to the fact that i believe in life's natural balance the balance and cause and effect and give and take is somewhat the same idea behind taking a picture with a camera. the more you adjust the aperture to let more light in, the more you have to adust the shutter speed to take a faster picture to create a balance of taking a picture where the result will be the same. now opposite is true to creat balance when taking a picture. if adjusting the aperture to allow less light in without adusting the shutter speed to compensate, you are giving up something you may need for something else that you need more in how you would rather have the picture turn out. you can't have it all so in effect, you have to give up something to gain something and vica versa as well. life to me works the same in a sense as taking a picture with a camera. so with giving(which i think was the point of the thread), you are giving to something specific. it balances to what you aren't giving to or what you aren't capable of giving to because you can only concentrate on giving to so many people or things or causes etc.....leaving what you didn't give to weaker now in ratio but there's a strength on the other side that balances out. when one gives too much, then they might not be able to send their own kids through college or may the mortagage. one had good intentions gave something ultimately good but also had negative results. why too much of a good thing can be bad. at the same time we get lost sometimes in our own perseption because like i said before, sometimes the negative is only negative because we percieve it to be negative. the consequence to the negative and the continued cycle of things being balanced is when a door closes, another one opens and vica versa so if what you lost by giving is meant to be, then you will gain it back in other ways. if it's not meant to be, then your on the road to finding your true self and more purpose in your life. if people pay close attention, they are able to see life cycles and the balance these cycles create by giving OR not giving
  25. if you ever say this to a dummy though that give more than what's in their poket but all they have in their bank account and after selling everything they own, person will be left homeless and without the immediate attention people need on a regular basis to survive without others and in fact, if he were to have his basic needs met, it would be from the help of someone else giving to him. BUT! just because you give doesn't necessarilly mean you will get the same in return....at least not in the same form as opa pointed out. i have been in different churches and even so-called temples built around "self realization". they all pass around an offering plate. differences between the typical churches and the self realization centers i have attended is the churches will always ask directly for money. now, what i believe is that everyone in this world has something to offer wether it be money or lending a hand to another in help and support. not everyone has the means to give financially but has the means to give in other ways. to say people limit their giving qualities financially isn't really seeing the true and full picture of giving as a whole. churches in general are so much in to giving financially that they will print out little booklets for you that usually pressure people in other ways to give at least 10% of your income instead of insisting just giving what you can or feel comfortable giving. some people are more fortunate to give financially than others and even though what goes around comes around, i think it's more realistic to just give whatever you are confortable giving wether it's financially or in other ways that doesn't even have to be directly related to any church.
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