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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. yup. good definitions indeed. so really, if you don't have time to submit to the 100 or so search engines(only 5 are really worth submitting to) or the 200 or so directories(dmoz and yahoo should be on the top of the list), getting your 100 or so back links for pr and relevency, if you don't have time to write at least one article a week to update your webpages, etc.... then you will want to outsource your tedious crap to someone else. preferably to a third world country. they'll do it half as cheap and same quality you need(if find the right people). $1 is worth 5 in their country. what i suggest though is to build your own website and have it earn a little money before you start outsourcing. unless you have the money already to invest. plan on spending at least $300 a month for seo outsourcing for ALL your needs. now to give you an example, i just looked at someone willing to write a 500 word article for $6.so if you have someone write 1 a week, that would add up to $25 a month. all seo though will add up to much much more but well worth it to free up your time to do other things. this is why people outsource. to free their time up or maybe they just don't know how to do something technical.i usually prefer to research and study the subjects i don't understand rather than outsource though because i am the type of person who likes to do things my own self because i know the project will be done right. if you outsource, there can be complications in something being done right to your needs. then your stuck wondering if the person who did the work deserves to be paid even if the person didn't do it perfectly to your needs.i only mention the last part because there are pros and cons to outsourcing. i also hear stories about how people would pay up front to outsource certain projects and got screwed. NEVER NEVER pay up front to someone you don't know and has never done work for you before. always pay as when certain tasks are completed to your satisfaction. they may require some good faith money put down. that's ok. just use good judgment when outsourcing to people you don't know.
  2. on thing about moms when we are kids is that we hate the *BLEEP*ing, but later on in life we realize our parents just want the best for us and it's a healthy routine we can pass down to our own children. aside from healthy teath, we need healthy GUMS as well. feel fortunate that you have parents to instill those things in you. there's alot of kids out there that don't. some parents don't even care enough. appreciate your mom:)
  3. wow. a whole $22 for two 1st payments and 2 3rd payments. so lets say you made $30. how many hours did you spend trying to set it up and promote? 40 15 hours total? i guess making 2 dollars an hour appeals to you and others
  4. i know i just recently came back to posting again. i was busy for a while moving back to california and then back again to missouri. ever since i came back though i noticed i haven't seen this guy online ONCE. is he ok? where is he?where is buffalo help??? if i DID miss something, please enlighten me....
  5. i just recieved another email from support. support insists i use my old email account that was directly related to my old domain i used to have. they don't want me using my current domain email with them. i had successfully changed my trap email and my xisto email address to the same email adress directlty to my gmail account but something in the system still has the old address. i don't know why xisto is making it har for anyone to change their address and why they insist on a user keeping the same address forever. whenever i explain my situation to support, it's like they are reading it for the first time and insisting i keep my old email address. this is getting me stressed out here because i am tired of explaining that the old email address is outdated and i plan on deleting that account or just letting it recylcle as an unused account. i haven't used that account in over a year! how many times o i need to ask support until they realize i am not switching back and need any emails sent to a correct address. i think this is why my mycents are adding up which i don't really care about that right now as long as it is still keeping track. it does seem to me though that they can impliment an easier way to change an email address so emails get sent to a new email account. i have NEVER had problems changing email accounts with any other co.
  6. support is ignoring me . i reported this issue over two week ago. again about 24 hours ago and i haven't receive a response. o well.
  7. not only is it an old and wrong address, it's asking me to validate my registration like i just signed up. here it is.... ummmmm was there a reason for this??? i had even changed my Xisto email address a while back. i am having the same problem with xisto. i changed my address there too and it keeps getting sent to an account that will be deleted soon. Grrrrrrrrrrr
  8. oh. i believe in washing teeth! do you wash with regular hand soap, palmolive dish soap, or maybe tide? maybe you use some extra stong heavy duty soap to cut the grease and your smelly breath? do you use a tooth brush? can i suggest steel wool? that makes for some good old fashioned washing...but if you tend to wash every day, maybe ya just need a simple scrub pad. don't forget to leave some time for flossing after washing! you will need to get all those fibers from the scrub pad or steel wool out from in between your teeth now Quatrux, i am confused. in the beginning of your post, you said you wash your teeth. at the end, you said you BRUSH your teeth. which is it? do you wash your teeth or brush your teeth? if you brush your teeth, i think that is a bit off topic for this thread as we are talking about washing our teeth
  9. if you want to make money with google adsens or other ads without waiting for your seo to kick in the visitors, write articles for your website and submit them to article directories. do one article every day. you also want to write a press release when your website or blog is completed. not many people do this, but it's a sure fire way to get back links when you submit your press releases. if you don't want to wait for seo to kick in and you can't afford google adwords, then you need to find other ways to get targeted visitiors and i have told you two ways only the top 10% of marketers out there use these methods and other creative ways.so for example.... lets say you have a webpage and have google adsense with ads that will pay you .20 a click on average(heck, some clicks are worth over $20!). now lets say you have a click through rate of about 5%. in order to make a measely $10, you need to bring in 1000 targeted visitors. i say targeted because if your visitors aren't targeted, not only will they not be clicking on your ads, they will be leaving your website in less than 30 seconds.making money is tough folks. it ain't easy. there is no quick way. there is only hard work, dedication, discipline, and focus. you have to also know what you are doing which means getting on news letters and researching websites and the content they have. it means researching your competition and seeing what they are doing and going an extra mile they aren't willing to go.you know why content is king and why google is listing the most relevant sites(you can't argue when over 1/2 of the intire internet population uses google for their search)? because times are changing and they are changing for the better. the reason why i say that is because if you have noticed, every website is competing with the other. this means every website is creatin more and more relevant content. which means, all websites, in order to compete, will have to be better than the others. millions of sites are being blacklisted and deleted. why? because of this google system we have in place that is growing stronger. it's creating a system where one has to create a prefect website presense. everything imaginable has already been done. now all one has to do is look at what has already been done, and do it better.soon, in another 10 years, i predict google algoythms will be meaningless. everything will have a standard and only the ones who get off their butts right NOW will have a chance. 10 years ago, it may have been easy to make money. now it's not. it is within anyone's grasp though if they want it bad enough. that goes with anything in life.
  10. ok. i figured out the problem. i am going to post what the answer was so this thread can be closed. the problem was that the server url includes were turned off. you can use includes within your own pages, but not from outside sources. probably for security purposes and hackers. BINGO. so then i searched out alternatives and truefusion wasn't too far off. there were two solutions that i found one was using this code: <?require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'file.php');?>the other using this one: <?$a = file_get_contents("http://http://www.somedomain.com/file.php;;echo ($a);?> i tried them and both seemed to work. although both seemed to work, for rss and atom feeds, they didn't really do enough in what i wanted and how i wanted the feeds to be proccessed so if anyone is reding this and trying to get rss feeds posted on their website and your server wont allow url includes, these two options work. a better option i have found though is just downloading a program called carp. it's a free program and upgradable to do alot more for around $30 for a single user license. if you download a program called grouper, it makes the php scripts that much more powerfull or inserting rss feeds. ok. that's it folks. after around 10 total hours of trying to figure it out, i have done so. case closed
  11. here is an seo tip for your flash clocks website. from viewing your site for only a minute, it looks like a word press layout. you don't have your catagory titles OR your page titles in your url. you can ensure your already good ranking if you change how your blog displays your url. it looks like you are using the default setting. that is bad seo. better seo is to change it to display your catagory titles and page titles.now you already have a high page rank for a couple keywords, BUT, with those simple changes, you can get a better ranking for other keywords SPECIFIC to any one of your pages. i didn't even look at your page source. if you don't have the addons for seo, you should get them. they will create metatags for all your pages automatically based on your title and keywords and other neat stuff you need for better seo on your pages.haha while i was writing this, i forgot to close out your page and heard your digital clock go coo coo.....coo coo....coo coo haha. neat.
  12. sorry. i guess you misunderstood. i don't need any help in this subject. as far as my resources. heck. i can't really name all my resources over a 10 year period. currently however, i have been reading matt cutts blog. there are probably very few other people that are as credible when it comes to google in general.page rank has something to do with how google ranks pages for keywords, but very little. like i said. pay attention to a websites page rank. compare the page rank to other websites with a lower page rank that gets ranked higher in the search engines for similar keywords. page rank is a system that has to do with links. relevant links and irrelevant links and how, if a page has a high page rank, can increase your own page rank. this topic had nothing to do with page rank because a high page rank has little to do with seo for the beginner and in fact, has little to do with seo. google has a seporate algorythm for page rank as they do with ranking a website for a certain key word. they are totally different algorythms.i don't really feel i am naive at all on this subject. when i first started out, i did EVERYTHING black hat. created tons of doorway pages, created hidden text that would embed all my keywords. created subdomains for all my pages, etc...that doesn't work anymore. i know from experience. those websites still around using those techniques will soon fall. 5 years ago is when i started doing everything legitimate...but really haven't been around to work on anything inparticular. i have however helped others in my spare time. now i don't understand how you can ever think i am not extensively knowlegable when if i count up all my hours of research, it would be over 5000. when i count up all my hours putting my knowledge to practice, that would add up to over 1000 hours.so when i ask you for any resources to validate what you are talking about, it means i disagree with you, but i may be wrong. i want to see where you got your information and determine if it's credible.i can write a 1000 page book on seo. but this thread was an seo TIP for the beginner :angel:right now, i am currently working on a huge project that is taking hours and hours out of my day to try to complete. it will be at least a 1 year project in getting ranked high for high competition key words. started about a week ago. this is a project that i WILL put ALL my past and current knowledge in. the top website for the keyword i am targeting is a blog....so i have my work cut out.funny thing is, i only had my domain for about 2 weeks. i have no back links and i haven't posted my website anywhere. google found it and it has me stumped as to how. i didn't want it known yet due to all the broken links and unfinished pages that will take me another month to complete. so while others complain about how their site isn't listed, mine got listed in one week when i didn't even want it listed. go figure maybe they got it through g-mail when i signed up for an email account. who knows.
  13. i appreciate the resource on what could be my problem. to be honest though, i am tired of trial and error and researching things i don't quite understand. why i posted. i wouldn't know where to begin in writing a read file statement and whatever else should be included. if people can just write the code so i can test it, then all the better. i am giving up on it for now though. i have already spent 6 hours trying to solve a problem hat seems to be on the server side. if this is a possibility, maybe smeone can also tell me what sort of problems i could be running in to on the server side that isn't recognizing the code. i would like any information that doesn't require me to learn a language or script. i am burnt out how i have it set up right now is i deleted the server parsed htm and html and just included AddType application/x-httpd-php .htm .htm which will allow me to keep my html extentions but the server will allow php to be run from an html file. so i also just inputed the php code directly in to the html file without creating a new php page and using an include. after many hours, it seems this would be the right way of doing it, but NOPE! my website loads, but no news feed. i view page source and the code cannot be viewed. what should actually be seen in the page source is my original html AND the actual news feed title's and descriptions and text from the feed. js would be different in the sense that i would only see the js code and not the output in the page source. this is why i want to do it with php. seo friendly.
  14. i remember looking at your page a while back. i remember you did a good job with it too.as far as seo though, your information is a bit off. you CAN optimize for more than one keyword or phrase. it's just that the most keywords you want to optimize for, the harder it's going to be. when you are talking about other companies being bad to do your seo for you, that is just wrong to say. yes, many companies will claim to put you at #1. they usually do, BUT not for any relevant or usefull keyword. some companies wil use what is called black hat techniques. those are the companies i feel you were referring to. some companies go straight by the book and you have just discredited the legitimate co's. you talked about pr like you know some secret to it. in fact, not many even know how pr works. also, if you pay attention to your competition, pr doesn't even mean you will rank well for any keyword. it does however have something to do with what you mentioned in getting relevant back links. BUT the key word there is RELEVANT and nobody really knows how google determines that or defines that word.if you can give any references to the things i thought were a bit off, please give them. i would like to read themgetting back links are pretty easy. all you have to do is do a search for the keywords you want to optimize for. take the first 5 sites and copy the urls down for future reference. THEN do another search in google with link:competitorsDOMAIN.com for all 5 urls you saved. this will give ALL the pages that have posted your comptitors website link.once you save all the linked pages, find the add url page. some websites have them and chances are that over 75% of your competitors back links originally were posted on an add url page. i the websites to have one, write the webmaster and ask permission to trade links. outbound links are important to because it gives your site more relevancy. the best incoming links are those that you don't have to link back to though. i thinks blogs normally do well in seo do to the nature of how blogs are set up. all the pages link to eachother in a way that gives keywords more relevance in the search engines. blogs can be limiting though even if you download all the addons. the best way in my opinion is creating a website around your theme, and THEN create a blog. blogs also do well because normally the content is updated regulary and always changes. on a website the content doesn't change as much unless you have a news feed. adding a newsfeed is the easiest way to update your content automatically...either from a news feed you didn't create yourself or a news feed that you DID create.creating your own newsfeed is the way to go. after you submit your newsfeed, it's an easy way to get your back links to relevant sites since they would only add yours if it was relevant to their site. so not only does it fair better for seo, you will get a lot more traffic to your website through people reading feed. you don't even have to be in the top 100 rankings to get those extra clicks.
  15. here are the error messages. there are 3 o them... the errors are if i try to go to the sample.php file directly. if i try to access the page with the include, i don't get any errors and i just get a blank page. the php code even disappears from the page when i try to view the page source of the sample.php file i did notice now that the asp tags is turned off in the php configuration cention of my cpanel. would this be the problem since i am using % for part of the url?\ also, when i use javascript to perform the same task, it works the feed is displayed. i quit for now. this is FRUSTRATING Notice from rvalkass: Added Quote and Code tags where needed.
  16. my main pages are html and i want to add php to one or more pages. i am calling a php page with <!--#include virtual="/sample.php" --> i am puting this include within an html page. what's in my sample.php page is <?php include ("http://rssfeedreader.com/rss3/rss.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Ffeeds.feedburner.com%2Fsamplenewsfeed&newpage=1&chead=1&atl=&desc=1&owncss=&eleminate=&auth=1&dts=1&width=150&max=20&tlen=0&rnd=&bt=&bs=None&nmb=1&ntb=1&naf=1&nst=1&nwd=600&nht=500&dlen=0&lstyle=-1&lc=Blue&bg=&bc=&spc=&ims=&tc=&ts=11&tfont=Verdana,+Arial,+Sans-serif&rf=".$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SERVER_NAME'].$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF']."&phpout=1");?>i have changed my .htaccess file to include AddType application/x-httpd-php .htm .html this didn't seem to work so i changed the .htaccess file to include .html server parsed this didn't seem to work either. any ideas? i feel it's from the server now that i have tried almost everything on my end. i know php is working because my wordpress blog i installed has php pages that load perfectly. so now i am thinking that maybe php isn't recognizing the feed i am trying to bring up with the code that was given to me. any ideas? all i want to do is get a news feed. grrrrrrrrrrrrr
  17. you are correct. so is bani boy. you will never create a unique site for content. everything has pretty much already been done. BUT, the more unique it is, the better placement you will get on the search engines because of less competition. content is king. yes. this is true. you want to attract users, but most importantly, keep them on your site and keep them interested in coming back. one way to do this is through a lot of tedious hard work if you don't want to wait for your site to be listed in the search engines. on way is to post your link on relevant blogs and forums. give your link out to all your friends. if it's interesting enough. those links will get past on and past on and past on. a viral effect takes place were the 10 you passed it to passes it on to 10 = 100 and passes it on to 10 which is 1000, etc.... if you want to do it this way, you better be confident that your site is of interest to a lot of people. if you don't think it is, then posting your link is still ok, but you will have to wait for the free traffic from the search engines(i am assuming you are not interested in paying to advertise). if you go this route, then seo is one of your only solutions. i've posted about it a few times how to do this in googgle seo threads here on trap. in any case. creating a site is the easy part. getting people to it is the tricky hard part. anything specific you want to know, post a question and i'll answer it to the best of my knowledge. send me a pm if you post something so i don't miss it. good luck
  18. when i first started out researching the web and what it had to offer, i knew nothing. i was a beginner. a newbie trying to walk. i researched everything. not just how to build a website, but how to get it known so people will visit it. so right now i want to give an seo tip for the beginner that will save you a lot of time and headache if you understand the concept behind my tip.One of the most important things in seo are keywords. NOT the keywords in the metatags anymore. they are almost absolete believe it or not. i am talking about the keywords in your domain name, in your title tag, in your description tag, in your alt tags, in your body text, etc... you want to target not 20, not 10, not 5, but maybe 3 keywords for each page you create. i will leave keyword density importance for another day since that is important too and need a balance of how your keywords are displayed. not spamming your page with keywords, and not listing them only once or twice either. a BALANCE! anyway, on to my seo tip for the beginner using keywords...how do you choose your 3 keywords? DON'T be competitive. there are too many people trying to compete for the same keywords embeded in their website. out of all those people competing, how many get in the top 10 results on google(which is the engine you want to optimize for)? ONLY 10! i will repeat. ONLY 10! look at how many results are displayed when you enter a keyword in to google. 10 million results? 50 mil? put the results in quotes. now how many results do you get? 3 million? 15 mil? you think you're gonna get in the top 10? maybe after a few years of working your behind off.now insted of targeting with the competitive keywords that get 1,000 clicks a day in google, create 10 pages that target 30 keywords that are less competitive....say 100 clicks a day instead of 1,000. what you have effectively down is create a less competitive market, but will recieve the same amount clicks on average. you will be also saving yourself a lot of time working on just 1 page. also, you 10 pages an be linked together which will give your main page(usually your domain name) more relevancy to your keywords. google loves that and will boost your ranking quicker. beause your keywords aren't as competitive, your rankings will go up 10 times as fast. Some people agree not to use one word keywords. i agree. some people say to use 2-3 word kay word phrases. i disagree. i say to use 4-5 word keyword phrases. they have absolutely VERY little competition, and people who are specific in their searches will type in those non competitive key words. you site will SHOOT to the top 10 in no time....even if google sees your domain as new and less relevant.If you can create now 100 pages of these sites that would only get you 10 clicks a day for each page which equals 1000 clicks. and hey. you don't just have 1 page in the top 10. not 10 pages in the top 10....but 100 little pages that took a half a day to create for each page. link them all together to your main page, and you will OWN part of that industry where google is concerned.Why try to get your site noticed by working hard for 2 years when you can do it in 3 months to achieve the same goal? in this case and example, 1000 click to your website. Now if you ever run out of content to create more webpages on the same theme as you main page, create another theme and start all over again.i hope people understand this concept of my seo tip for the beginner because it can open doors and new possibilities rather than frustration and thinking getting on the top 10 is impossible.i am not going to reference any links to keyword tools here. keyword discovery is a good tool. so is the 7 search tool. the free tool at word tracker now is limiting bust still a little bit usefull and definately worth worth paying money to for the paid version. google adwords also has a good keyword tool. DO YOUR RESEARCH.the reason i brought up key word tools is you will need them to find out approximately how much traffic a keyword is getting and they can give you suggestions on keywords that are similar. you will need these tools everytime you create another page.if you can follow this one seo tip for the beginner that i feel is more important than off page links to your site(but still VERY important!!! and unless you are going to try and compete with the bigger boys), soon.....you will no longer be a beginner.good luck out there. it's a big world out there on the net, but easier than one may think so survive!
  19. i don't know if you would call it an html news ticker or not, but what i want to know is how to take a portion of one of my pages, and have it automatically displayed on another page. i am not talking about frames, but html and/or javascript. i want it so when i update one portion of my page, the other page will be updated automattically for the little portion of the page i updated.is there any easy free program that can do this or maybe someone can write a tutorial and post it? or heck. just explain it here.now if what i am talking about isn't an html news ticker? what would you call it exactly? i guessed for the title. sorry
  20. wish fullfillment or just wishfull thinking? i don't think it's either. reoccuring dreams to me are the ones you need to pay attention to. the are dreams that have the ability to teach you something if you pay attention. if you ask me, you need to really pay attention to how the changes affected you....or if you want to be really insihtfull, how any changes affected THAT person. sounds more like you being afraid of something....so your fear of WHAT. either you need some cosure on something or you're having some sort of vision you need to pay attention to. in either case, i would take it serious. not any wishfull thinking mumbo jumbo... posting about it here wont give you the answers btw.... YOU need to pay attention
  21. ummm, i think there was something terribly wrong with your interpretation of that post. although meant to be a serious post, there was some humor to grab the peoples attention. also, as far as the bandwidth is concerned, they do know that unlimited bandwidth is not reality but have advertised a package for it to please the users mind set as long as they don't "abuse" it and the other services included. in fact, the package they are trying to get people to sign up for is the $6.66 a month package which does not have unlimited bandwidth and costs less money. that doesn't sound like they are trying to screw anyone...does it? maybe....just maybe....some people need to gain a little perspective and a little sense of humor to be able to laugh and understand things a little better. reading posts like this makes me glad i am not a guest of trap 17, but a MEMBER. at least the members understand...
  22. i am not confused with the # amount as that had nothing to do with what i was talking about or the topic title and description. re read my post. what i AM confused on is why it lists the topic starters name in the latest post rather than the last posters name since the last posters name will obviously appear under the latest topics.
  23. i noticed that when i am viewing the latest topics on the main page, it lists the topic starter. when i view the latests posts on the main page, it lists the topic starter. was this meant to be? it seems like when we view the latest posts, it should list the last posters name.....not the topic starters name since that's already listed in the latest topics section.
  24. here's my two cents for earning mycents... i do believe that QUALITY is important. so what is quality? i believe that it has to do with the topic title and description. quality will have to relate to what the original poster was posting about. so how does this system determine quality and distinguish from non quality? by the key words that were placed by the original poster. that's the only way a system can distinguish quality in my opinion. there were good points brought up though as well for earning mycents. if two posts were of the same quality and length....would you get less for the second post if it was posted right after the first? that can be a possibility if it's grouped in to one group when your posts get converted to mycents however long that takes(every 15 minutes or so???). if that can be true, then maybe the new credit system is taking something from the old in the sense that if you allow your mycents to build up without purhasing anything, there may be a decline in how much you get per post. these things can easily be determined by someone who posts alot and is willing to write down all the data. it wouldn't be precise, but would give enough truth to what people are wondering. but i do believe that quality is key here and my description of what quality is according to trap is a fair assumption. the better the quality, the better the relevancy. the better the relevancy, the better the rankings for trap. the better the rankings for trap, the more ad views. the more ad views, the more income for trap. so this is MY opinion on how earning mycents works. notice, i have the topic title in the first two paragraphs that fit together nicely in what i am talking about. i also added "earning mycents" to the last two paragraphs. if i were to have left out those keywords, trap would have a harder time thinking it was a quality post....thus....earning less mycents. just a thought. hope this helps
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