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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. haha i love it! i love how people think they need to convert people in to their own ways of thinking and belief.first off, this person is a good friend of yours and you are a christian. tells me that this person isn't robbing cheating or stealing and pretty much has good morals or values. also, this person isn't converted yet still consideres you a good friend as well? wow. you both don't seem so bad. does this person try to convert YOU???so my advice is to leave this person alone and just be a friend without any pressures of converting.now on to your question more directly. lead by example. that's all you can do. repsect your friends belief as this person should respect yours as well. we all have something to learn til the day we die. keep that in mind when you are trying to convert him knowing you don't know everything there is to learn in this lifetimeif you really don't want to take my opinion in leaving this person alone in the converting process, then make a game out of it. tell this person they you two will trade favors. you will do something this person wants, and this person will do something you want. make a game out of it or something. less stressfull. when it's your turn to ask him to do something, invite him to your church.i'm not a christian per se but was raised that way. i'm more spiritual and incorporate many religions and beliefs and faiths. after being in the world for a while, i noticed that a lot of people are very busy within their own selves to see the more deeper sides of life. one good indirect way to help your friend add to their own belief is meditation and relaxation. help your friend close out the rest of the world and their busy life to encorporate more self realization and deeper meaning. this is helpfull for the believers AND the non believers and the ones in the middle.most importably though i say is lead by example, be yourself and if your friend needs guidance, do it in a way that is less forcefull and less pressure. if he's leading a life that is of unmoral character at times with litte or no values, then try to guide this person without the word "god" in your speach. you will know you are speaking gods word, but does he really have to know it? personally, i believe that if one is living a life with good morals and values and not intentionally hurting others along the way, that is good enough for god and all the other higher powers out there. if you live your life the best way you know how, how can one be punished for that by a higher power? they aren't. there is no heaven or hell except that we create our own selvesif nothing else, just wish for your friends happiness. i hope your friend is happy. can't ask for much more from people, can you?
  2. one thing i hate the most in this world is closed minded people. everyone starts from scratch and the beginning. the true geniuses can turn nothing out of something. always remember that. if people had your outlook, yahoo would still be the site people search from. not google. i remember when google first came online as a search engine. it was NOTHING! my point is, there are resources everywhere. there is something to learn from everywhere. do you think all webmasters go to the sites you just listed? do you think that ust because he's small and trying to grow there isn't something to offer that hasn't already been offered? you knew all those sites you listed but still closed minded and subjective. that's not the attitude of people who have created great success. sorry bud. success takes a dream and the motivation that is built on that dream. it takes an idea from a dream that may not be anything to anyone but them at first. so, congratulations on YOUR excellent job.....let's note that he definately isn't talking to himself when you had it in yourself to reply to him with so much sarcasm and negativity. personally, i have never visited the sites you listed but know more than most about any topic in regards to webmasters and their issues AND i will be visiting his site after i finish with this post. i'm curious. out of all those sites you listed, which is the biggest? why didn't you just list the biggest with the most information unless i am correct that information and resources aren't limited to a select few forums? good talkin' to ya.... btw- i do think he got the message....you didn't like what he created or had to say. *I* say anything that someone creates or their vision should NEVER be disputed!
  3. her reply wasn't objective or fair or understanding one bit so i disagree with you there. yours on the other hand aside from the first part is a good one. i do believe a lot women do carry a lot of weight on their shoulders. not all, but alot. especially when they are in love and they feel they have something to prove when all they have to prove is being their own selves. they tend to create more pressures for themselves than there really is. what, they feel unloved or rejected. if this is the type of women he was with, maybe she was just a runner and scared. maybe she loved him and didn't know what to do. she called him and let him know about his daughter though. that was a good first step. that tells me that she is coming to her own senses in what is right. her first choice was to get away from him. heck, she may still love this guy and ran. who knows. at the same time, this guy has a lot to learn about relationships. although i don't believe he controlled her to leave, he may have not shown enough attention or responsibility where it put where it put things inside this woman to leave. heck, maybe he cheated on 'r. who the heck knows. i've asked 3 times already about why things got broken up and he fails to answer every time oh btw- if she had every right to go off on him as you say, then he had every right to dump 'r. don't you agree? why stay with someone if you find out you are not compatable in areas that are important? to say he had no right to dump 'r is being as subjective as the post you commended. i agree. he should definately take a break from women....but ummmmm....when are men ever smart?
  4. maybe they wanted a child. ever think of that? also, why is it the guys responsibility to use protection. in all fairness, it's the woman's body and the woman should take on more of that responsibility. are you a guy hater or somethin' to only pinpoint his own responsibilities and not his ex's for leaving him out of the blue? homosexuality is not a choice from bad relationships haha you are born a certain way and that's that. women are just more open emotionally to go that route with another woman even if she isn't lezbian. he hasn't even explained why she left him so why are you on his *bottom* to work it out with her? kids are #1, but i will never believe that people need to stay in a dead beat relationship ust for children. there are other alternatives. in fact, it could be more damaging to a child if it is a dead beat relationship and two people are staying together for the wrong reasons. so you put up with this crap before? he hardly even went in to detail about ANYTHING. how can you make so many quick judements? i know you've gotten hurt in your past, but don't let that take control over your own life and how you treat others. so let me ask you because i am just curious. you a lezbian now?
  5. it's also why trap will insist on a relevant topic name.the bigger search engines now don't need a seperator to find key words in a string though but all in all i would use a seperator if the file contains more than one word only because some search engines stil will not sort through the string.alot of debate over this issue inthe past if keywords in a file name helps get better rankings. personally, i believe they do. if they do, they can't hurt. i've read many articles though saying they don't help. i believe that these articles are false and try to teach a webmaster something that wont work so that the ones that wrote the article will recieve better results. i've never tested this theory but i say, if you know it wont hurt you, DO IT just in case :)oh btw- same debate is going on for keywords in a domain name. some feel it's irrelevant. some feel it is. go figure. better safe than sorry i believe....but now it's starting to get off topic....
  6. sorry to hear about your cat. 16 years of lots of lovin' is a good life. i had my cat run away about a year ago. this cat was strange in the sense that if i threw a small object, usually a rolled up ball of paper, it would fetch and bring it back. my wife recently brought home a stray. another very interesting kitten. i think it was only about 4 weeks old when she surprised me with it but surprisingly very smart in every way. my golden retriever puppy i just got for christmas and "gypsy" play tag and hide and seek all the time. it's funny to watch. they are also both never afraid to attack eachother playfully. after they are all pooped out, they sleep together like best buddies. losing a pet after 16 years is like losing a family member and i know exactly how it feels. they can never be replaced, but i think there is a cat out there that is going to be missing a lot of love and attention if you decide not to get another one
  7. so explain to us what happened with your ex? i think some people are getting confused because only 1/2 a story was told. i'm curious now what's going on with you, your daughter and your ex.anyway, i agree children should always come #1. your ex did right thing in contacting you. your other ex was wrong in flipping out immaturely and without support. i woulda dumped her in an instant too i don't play any games and if someone can do that once, they can do it again and worse things. good riddance to her.now explain this past with your ex....i'm sure i'm not the only one who is curious
  8. btw- seems like i got a lot of responses while i was away. i encourage everyone that ever had the slightest problem with dish network, even if it wasn't as excessive as mine or others, to post about your problems. let your voice be heard! it wont solve your main problem, but will make you feel a little better to get it out and to make a stand to say that the way dish network treats its subscribers is not right at all! i thank all that have posted on my original topic. didn't think i would get such a large reply from others here and i am glad to see i am not alone in this battle. i know several people have sued dish or actually i believe its echo star? and won even after signing a contract with them. dish makes it very difficult to resolve problems unless you take them to court and taking the to court is just another hassle and takes time to prepare your case against them. they know they have you by the balls and will take advantage of it and your wasted time they don't seem to care about. they will procrastinate and tell you what you have to do until you persist enough and stand up against them. at that time, they will usually give in. and for what? hours and hours of your time and effort, after all the stress you went through and frustrations. they don't care about those things until they know you are really serious. when they finally give in, it almost seems not worth it. they know that and plan on people just giving up and paying the few extra bucks that ads up to hundreds of dollars through your contract with them.for me, it's not worth it to stay with them. i plan on finding other means or no cable or satalite at all. my time is valuable and it's better spent elsewhere rather than hours on the phone for their own fraudulent and scamming ways to get people to subscribe to them.also, if i haven't said this yet in a previous post, dish networks affiliates are the biggest scam artists. they will tell you all sorts of lies just to sign up with them so they can earn their 50 dollars or so in commision. when you finally deal with dish network directly, it's a whole other ballgame that people need to be aware about. so NEVER believe the one signing you up, and never believe in the ads you see in print. there is much much more to it that what is told to you and what you read so don't be fooled!
  9. dish network - fraud or scam - YOU decide dish now decided to raise their prices. $3. this is my current complaint with dish network. i called customer service and they told me dish has the right to raise prices as stated on the contract. i told them i have a problem with this. i asked them. well if someone signed up for 29.99 a month the month before you raised prices, and they thought they were only going to pay 29.99 a month, are you still going to raise prices on them too? "yes", he answered. haha well, i skipped talking to a supervisor. they don't know jack about anything. they just get paid to act like supervisors but are really a customer service rep tat gets paid .50 more an hour to take those calls and will tell you the same as any other person you talk to. now when i contacted the exectutive office in colorado before, bill watson is the one i talked to. he was fair and knocked off a large amount i was over paying on my bill. he stated he didn't have to do this because my contract stated i would have to pay misc. fees but he did it for me to resolve my issue. i tried calling direct this time and keep getting an answering machine. i leave my account#, my name, and my phone # ever time and i still haven't recieved a call back. he assured me that if i had any other problems to give him a call. well, that's what i am doing and still haven't recieved a call back from him. is he avoiding me? are other customers complaining so much he doesn't want to deal with me who has the same problem with the price increase? btw if anyone didn't read my past posts, his # in colorado is 720-514-7332. this is his direct #. maybe other people can have better luck calling it than i havebeen having. i am going to refuse to pay an overcharge until by complaint gets heard and resolved. i have about 3 more months until my commitment is over and i am 2 months over due right now. now even if something is on a contract you sign doesn't back it binding and legal. nothing is binding unless it is legal. i don't know the legalities of raising prices when i made an 18 month commitment. if they have a right to raise prices to whatever they want, then shouldn't i have a right to agree or disagree? if i agree, i pay it. if i don't agree, i should have the right not to pay the extra money or have the right to cancel without being charged to cancel, shouldn't i? why is it that dish give all the rights to their own selves in their contracts and disregard any rights the consumers have? that's not only not right, it's unfair and deceitfull to make consumers believe they hold no rights after they sign a contract. who the heck made dish network god?!?!? so 3-4 months before my contract expires, they are trying to get me again with hidden fees and raised costs. haha i knew my resolution wouldn't last forever. i can't wait to cancel and i can't wait til the whole world knows about my experiences with dish because i can gaurantee that i am not the only one. if do a search for problems with dish, you can see thousands of complaints by others. this is too excessive to just be some simple errors. btw- dish requires a credit card to qualify or at least your bank account info. they say they are running a credit check but they don't care about your credit. they require your financial info so they can charge you without your knowledge when you refuse to pay something that wasn't agreed upon. there's been cases where people have returned their equipment and dish claims they never got it and there have been charges of 500-1000 dollars that wasn't authorized except within the contract to do so. they want their money first, then they will try to resolve the problem of missing equipment. if don't believe me, google all the complaints and you will run it to the same problems everyone is discussing here. dish network, WATCH OUT! when i decide to cancel, i am cancelling my credit card haha you will have no information to charge me if i refuse to pay anything. my bank will issue me a new account no problem. BILL WATSON- you need to answer your phone and return important phone calls. isn't this your job? what are they paying you to do over there in the resolution dept.???
  10. i was going to go that route but dish will charge you if you are going to cancel. this charge is different for everyone and it pretty much equals the total amount you would normally pay for your 18 month service agreement. if people didn't sign up for the 18 month service agreement then it would be easier to cancel. they go with the 18 month service because dish claims you are saving money. in reality, you waste time on the phone because they don't give you what they said they would offer you for the 18 month commitment. funny story here. i had someone come out to install my phone lines to their recievers. this guy told me that he gets his service free or that's what he was told. turned out he as well. someone who installs this stuff and works directly with dish has a problem with the company he works for haha. he told me they charged him fees here and there and it wasn't completely free as he was told. haha gotta love their contractors.
  11. NO NO NO! i agree and understand what you are saying as far as legitimate error and such and some sort of confusion with the bigger compainies where more errors will occur than not, BUT! i have spent probably over 20 hours total on the phone with dish. i have talked to the customer service reps that i have a hard time understanding with their accent, i have talked to supervosors, and i have talked to the complaint dept. in there main branch in colorado. i have NEVER EVER in my life(i am 40) experienced more problems. it's not errors that need resolving. it's their false claims they make when advertising to confuse people. they kjnow exactly what they are doing to get a high subscriber base. some people are rich enough to just pay the crap they overcharge for without worrying about complaining all the time and those are the stories you wont hear about. i am not rich. i am on a limited budget and i believe in paying for only the things that were offered to me. now if you look at the contract. it's actually 2 seperate pages front and back. nobody in their right mind would read the whole damn thing before they sign. they just sign. turns out, dish claims they aren't liable for anything within their contract. even if they damage something or their subcontractors damage a home while installing equipment. they say they aren't liable haha. when you have a few complaints about errors, that is one thing. but when you get hundreds of people claiming how dish is screwing them over, that's a whole seperate issue there bud. dish network strategy is to get as many subscribors as possible and then weed out those that have a problem with them later either by early termination(which they think they protect themselves in the contract) or waiting out the 18 month contract and go with another company. dish wins either way. they even put in the contract that even if you don't pay by credit card, they have the right to charge on your credit card. that is right on the contract in small print haha they fool you in their advertising acting like your getting a good deal when actually you are NOT. your only recourse is to spend the 20-30 hours on the phone like i have and get things resolved. read my update i plan on writing after this.....
  12. ahhh i disagree with the two comments. you don't sound like a moron. just inexperience with women in general and you are taking this stuff too light hearted like you don't care about your relationships.you were right on the money to dump this other girl who had no understanding of your past or your daughter. kids come first above all in my eyes.BUT!first off, how can you be taking care of your responsibilities when you are just now finding out about your daughter? second off, can't really give an opinion here not knowing why your ex and you broke up.you did good by tellin' the other girl off though. she seems controlling and immature and insensitive and non understanding and the list goes on haha she needs to grow up and mature a little. some guys like the jealousy. maybe you do to. maybe you told her as a reason to break up because you already knew her reaction.so all in all, women aren't really screwed up....well....some of 'm hahaha but my point is the ones that are screwed up are the ones that don't know what they want yet and take advantage of others and emotions in the meantime when you can't even keep a commitment.life is a learning experience and relationships are hard and they take WORK. they aren't easy like dating. with a relationship, you're actually combining your life with another....almost like a marriage with a lessor degree of sacredness attachewd to it.do me a favor though. don't have anymore kids til your married and can keep your commitments. kids are #1 and they deserve a mother AND a father together in a balanced home environment. i'm happy though that your ex called to talk about your daughter. +1 for your ex there. i hope your ready to be a dad and a father bud. if not, better start learning. kids are GREAT. we as adults who have experienced a lot in life can still learn from kids. they're pure without the b.s. of how life has altered us along the way. now if don't have enough money for child support, don't ever let that interfere with your ability to spend time with your daughter. and please. don't teach her to get involved with the guys that will eventually dump them when they are to have a child together. i am sure she will grow up to be better than that. watcha think?on a side note. i remember breaking up with an ex that i didn't even have a kid with. took me over a year to start dating again. how easy was it for you or how meaningfull of a relationship was it to start dating right after you broke up? you need some maturing up yourself too.
  13. i don't think he wanted a review he wants to bring visitors to his site. yea, it's what everyone is doing and this method works. how it works is a little misdirected though.those sites are a dime a dozen. i hope he researched all the sites though before he posted the links and his own reputation on the line. if not, he's making a grave mistake.the site looks good in general though but i just suggest any visitor to use caution. trust and reputaion has to be built by time and wisdom. not by one simple post to attract visitors.if someone wants to make money this way, my suggestion is not to join any of those little programs but create something unique and promote it. and just like he is promoting someone elses services and products, you can have people do the same with the one you can create that is more unique than what has been done over and over again so much that it's almost a waste of time and effort to promote.the only people that really visit these types of sites now are teenagers or pre teens who are now just being exposed to the internet and the different websites and are curious about the different ways to make money....but these sites aren't the best way so all visitors use caution and common sense
  14. i've had some scarey inst6ances before. all had to do with a car oh! except one where i was shot at! i forgot about that one haha!fisrt one was when i was 16. i was driving my parents car back home from work. i was going about 65-70mph on teh freeway when a trucker decided to pull in to my lane. i was going faster. it hit me, car went spinning. from what i was told, the car should have flipped and because i wasn't wearing my seatbelt, i would have had serious injuries if not dead. i was told i was VERY lucky to be alive.next one happened after coming home from a ski trip. i was heading down the mountain with my car on a curvy road when i hit a patch rare patch of ice that i didn't see. the car does a 180 to the other side of the road(thank god no other cars were coming), hit a snow bank and did another 180 back to the other side of the road where my car stopped hitting the snow bank on the other side. reason why i was lucky was because on the other side of the second snow bank i hit, there was a cliff with no gaurd railing. no doubt i would have died for sure if there was no snow bank to stop my car. i was around 18 at the time and going around 40mph down the mountain.next one was at night coming home from las vegas. it was 4 hours in to the drive so far and about 40 more minutes to home. i was going about 80 mph and coming up to a curve on this desert highway so i decided to slow down. i didn't notice the ground was wet. i guess it drizzled before i got there. when i slowed down on this curve, my car hydraplaned and started to swerve. i had to release the brake to gain control but i couldn't and started to swerve to the other side of the road. luckily no other cars were coming. i was about less than a second in controling my car when i hit the end of the other side of the road. my car flipped several times. i only remember it flipping once since i blacked out but it flipped about 5 times. i wasn't wearing my seatbelt and got thrown out the car about 15 yards(was estimated). my car was found about 50 feet from the road. i remember while i was blacked out, i had a sinsation of falling and i was trying to grab hold of something in pitch blackness. it was like a dream(but real). i woke up on the ground with my friend calling my name wondering where i was in pitch blackness. he wasn't thrown out. i had a hard time moving and in fact, was afraid to even try to move not knowing my injuries. well, turned out, i went to the hospital and literally walked out ofter they did their tests. it took me 3 mintues to walk the 50 yards out the door but i walked away with only scratches. next day, i came to pick up the things in(now out) of my car and noticed the damage to my car. passenger side didn't have a dent. my side was 2/3 smaller. i know for a FACT that if i had my seatbelt on, i wouldn't have been thrown out and i would have been dead. or an extremely high chance of it. i was also told that i was found a little further than my car traveled and if my car would have flipped one more time, it would have come very close in hitting me.anyway, this one was the eye opener and knowing my close brushes before, i knew something was watching out for me. my personal angel my time wasn't up yet and i had more to live and experience with a purpose i didn't know until now.i've had guns pointed at me on 3 different occassions. once while working as a security officer, once in downtown los angeles after i flipped someone off for almost hitting my car, and once coming home from a bar. those guys shot at me, knocked my drivers side mirror completely off, and missing me. there's other times i got lucky. too many to count. i'm just glad that i realize that even though luck may have some part in it, the main reason why i am still here is that i am being watched after and i know why. it's an amazing feeling knowing this and knowing what my purpose in life is....even though i am still learning to master my purpose :(btw- after i flipped my car, it was the only time in my life i ever saw my dad cry after i got home. what a strange and also enlightening experience. my sisters have never seen him cry and one has said she doubts how much he loves. if she saw what i did, there wouldn't be doubts. some just show it differently than othersnow, i did die in my sleep once. does that count? heheheheh now that was a weird dream
  15. that's one heck of a spider! does it move quicker than a normal spider? if so, it does look like a wolf spider. if it is, it's pretty harmless. they grow big and rarely bite. they also don't like it around people so it's rare you'll find them in your home. they like it better outside under a pile of wood or somethin' :)if it's a wolf spider, they move quick so it will be hard to catch in a jar. they are runners so if you're good, you can sway him to run to the door to the outside by guiding him. just don't guide him towards under a couch or somewhere else where it will be hard to get to him. if it's a wolf, i wouldn't kill 'm. i personally HATE spiders. i live in missouri and wolf spiders are everywhere here.
  16. pay per lead is usually when you refer someone to a website and the visitor takes the time to fill out a form. since it takes time to fill out a form for more information, it's considered a lead and after they fill out this form and the information is verified, you get paid. you get paid whether this lead buys something or not. zamaliphe is talking about something entirely different than pay per lead.
  17. well nobody mentioned rape until you just mentioned it. as far as it being against the law, yes, rape is against the law. so is sexual harrassment but that didn't stop you. that was my whole point. you may not agree with the law like me, but you will be in a position to enforce them soon and it scares me that you don't know what sexual harrassment in the workplace is. there was a letter that got shown to people. once that happened, any ride invitation or an invitation to buy a cell phone or just being NICE is cause to suspect you of sexual harrassment in the workplace. i respected that you were honest with you and in fact, if you were just being a nice guy, then GREAT.....BUT! that's not how she will take it or others reading your letter obviously. right? you had to quit your job bud. that's how serious it was and you knew how serious it was. that's why you quit instead of others making a bigger deal over it. she yelled at ya in the store saying she didn't want a ride. you were upset but put yourself in her shoes. she did it because you kept making her feel uncomfortable after she set the boundries and after you kept over stepping them and she wanted to prove to you and others how serious she felt about the situation. it caused you embarrassment. i understand that.yes, i am 39 and have experienced alot in this lifetime. i have made TONS of mistakes. i have been in deep waters where i would think about suicide because i kept asking myself why life was so cruel. it IS cruel. fairness or the law or what is right or wrong is all up for interpretation. it's all relative. you may not agree with what transpired, but that is life my friend. other people were uncomfortable and obviously other people in power thought you were wrong as well. from the start i suggested to be carefull bud. do you not remember that? i tried to be supportive as much as i could be. do you remember that? i had a chance to date a married woman once. a long long time ago. i didn't know she was married until our first date. she came clean and told me her marriage was in the midst of a divorce proccess. i ended that situation cold turkey. why? because i have morals. i will give any relationship a chance even through a divorce process. who knows what could happen. she had a kid involved and i am no home recker if there is a chance that they can work through things. she kept calling me and i kept ignoring her calls. i'm not good at letting people down. she was searching for something she wouldn't be able to recieve from me. security....love...attention....the idea of what a marriage should be. when i was in my early 20's, i knew it was wrong to get involved. there is a moral and value issue(in my opinion)if you ever consider me a friend...hey....buy ME a cell phone or one of your other friends. not a married woman. that will just be taken WAY wrong even if it was just a friendly gesture. in my opinion, it's a way to buy someone off so maybe they will like ya more if buying them things works and what you did backfired. why i am sorry because i know she meant a lot to you and i know if she meant a lot to you, you aren't over it that quickly like you want to convince me. if you ARE in fact over her that quick, then shame on me for believing how much she meant.there are people out there bud that seem like good people. they gain trust over time, then they DO rape the women. they do take advantage after gaining trust. it happens eery day. it's hard to determine sometime who the good and the bad are. they have the same characteristics. you as a police officer will learn this fast. you will learn how to determine if someone is lying to you but it's not fullproof. these people who try to gain trust are expert liars. so are drug users and other people. they base their whole life around lies until they are just living one big lie. who is to say you weren't going to take advantage of her after you built trust? nobody but YOU knows. nobody else will know and it's not up to you to convince people. people can live a lifetime and they will never be understood fully by others. that's a fact and it makes the world a lonely place sometimes when people don't see clearly who we really are.now let me break something down for ya. there are 3 types of people who do the wrong things. people who know they have done the wrong thing and don't admit it. these are the people others need to watch out for. then there's the people who do the wrong thing but don't know it. these people also have to be watched out for until they learn what they did was wrong. then there are the people who didn't really know what they did was wrong until after the fact and they admit their wrongs. which person are you? which person do you want to be. the first two people will have a hard time learning from their mistakes. the last person is one who will learn from their mistakes and move on. criminals usually fall in to the first catagory, kids usually fall in to the second catagory, and the wise usually fall in to the third catagory. i AM 39 and have gained my knowlege along the way in which i am able to write what i do here and try to guide ya bud.my other post had sorta a harsh tone to it. i didn't mean anything by it. i just want to make ya think. your going to be a police officer. it's one of the most important professions in this country. so are teachers and other people helping professions like nurses aides. these professions take responsible people to fill these professions. not teachers who get hired because they know they get the whole summer off. not cops who get hired to fullfill their need for control, and not nurses aids because it's one of the easiest professional professions to get in to now a days. you will have to determine what sexual harrassment is and arrest a criminal. you will have to know the difference so this criminal doesn't have a chance to commit other crimes against women or....if you have a heart like me, you will feel guilty over it and will have to seperate the emotion....but it makes a person hardened when they have to seperate emotion. that's why police officers have a very high divorce rate because it conflicts with what most women want.i have seen to much in this world not to be cautious about your situation. not to say your a bad guy, but because if i wasn't, or other people weren't, then they would never be able to determine who the bad guys are.fact is, you wrote a letter stating your feelings. that is sexual harrassment alone in the work place btw. then you tried to buy her a cell phone and give her a lift home. how do you think others will take this?????? this is a lesson bud. you were wrong. she wasn't. YOU were. she was just doing her job and she was just being friendly when she greeted you every day. you took it beyond that. you and you alone and your job was the consequence.now you are going to be a police officer and all that was damaged was the mirror? didn't get a license plate? didn't call nothing in on your cell phone? if people were going to hire me as a police officer and knew about that situation, the first question i would be asked in the interview proccess would be why i didn't get a license plate. police officers are considered "expert" observers. that's what they do for a living and that's what they train you to do....observe. i had my mirror shot off once in los angeles on night after coming home from a bar. 3 guys in the car. i got their license plate after they took off at high speed. i was stupid knowing they had what seemed to be shotguns, and i was also lucky that nothing hit me, but they were later arrested. this is the job your getting in to and it starts by learning from your most recent experience with this women. who knows why she did what she did. maybe it was a bit over exaggerated....but same goes for you too. why did you do what YOU did? the whole situation seems a bit weird to me.so all i am saying is learn from it....and when you finally get sworn in, you will be swearing in to protect women too. not just men. women who get abused by men more than men get abused by women. you will be called to settle domestic violence situations and will have to determine who's fault it is. domestic violence is hard to control. that's why in most states now, it doesn't matter who's fault. both go to jail after the second call in any 24 hour period. police officers usually don't do their job in taking them both in and later someone suffers. police officers aren't the judge and jury....and domestic violece is a serious issue in this country now. why BOTH go to jail now. i compare it to sexual harrassment because people take it lightly as a pat on the butt being friendly....or confessions true feelings as just being honest and coming clean.....but there are consequences. why? because if there wasn't, there would be more of a problem with it today as there was 10 years ago. and the likely victim will usually be women. i don't agree with how the law gives women so many rights right now because it can be taken advantage of very easily but in this case, the way you talked about this woman, i don't think she took advantage of it. like you said, i don't think she wanted to hurt you. i think she just wanted you to stop and she ran out of ways to tell you after you opened up to her
  18. screw that noise. dreams don't kill people. i believe you can die in your sleep or while your dreaming. i believe dreams can have effects on people that can cause them to die but it would be something else entirely killing that person. not the dream.also, if you het the ground when falling, you don't die also, when you die in your dream, you wont die. not from the dream alone mind you. i remember studying dreams in my phych II class in college. a lot of theories.i've always been facsinated by dreams. i believe they can call upon the subconscience and call upon another reality that a lot of people are unaware of. i remember when i first was able to control my dreams. trippy experience. blacked out the first couple times and woke up. i always wanted to fly in my dreams so i taught myself how to fly in my dreams using stupid little lessons i had someone teach me within my dreamas far as dying though. i was stabbed after a chase dream. i died in my dream and saw myself floating over my body in my dream. i woke up soon afterwardsi know some of you may think i'm crazy when i say this next part but i believe other people can enter your dreams. almost like freddy kruger in a way. don't laugh i'm serious. there is energy out there that a lot of people don't know exists or know how to control. the people who try can sometimes enter in to your thoughts while you dream. they can possibily manipulate your dream if they are good enough. if they want to be harmfull, they can possibly kill you in your dreams. this is only possible when your sleeping and more open to certain energy. but it wont be the dream itself killing you or injuring you. it would be that energy form. that form could be another human being or someone who has already past awaynow one thing that was strange to me when i was dreaming was i actually burned myself in my dream i guess(i don't remember it too much) because when i woke up, i had a burn on my arm. two burns in fact. to seperate burn streaks. to this day i haven't figured that out. what i was told once about it was that someone close to me tried to contact me through my dream.i don't understand them fully, but i am VERY facinated with dreams. it's another world some of us will never experience fully...just like scuba diving. whole other world beneath the ocean. but the ocean will always be more realistic to people than dreamsi believe if we didn't have dreams, we would die. not the other way around. they help us cope in our real lives. answers can be found in dreams. so can peace and experiencing things you would not normally experience when you are awake.
  19. ok. i clicked. enjoy the beer when ya win. i love comptetion against buds. post the stats often so we know if we should click again another day. late!
  20. yea, it's one area of the law, i don't know what i believe. i believe it's a little too much but things like this and how men treat women have been bringing women down in the workplace for years. it's just like we have obolished slavery to a certain extent, but how many rights did black people really have? they are still struggling in certain parts of the united states because of what had happened 200 years ago. there has to be a way to make up for the misgivings just so women or blacks have an equal chance here. that is my opinion. now as far as going to far, i don't know. it seems excessive and it seems that women can abuse the law to hurt others just to make a point or get ahead. but yes, all women have to do is mention it and that's enough for a good case in this country right now until other things change. same with domestic violence. the law is strict in that area too where women are concerned. i've seen women take advantage of it and innocent people gone to jail. it's sad. there is no perfect system though. never will be. but i believe the united states has all the checks and balances to make this country great. the people have a say in this country too so nobody is really left out in the wind. we hope for the best. that's what i do....with our not so perfect system, and sometimes we have to fight for our rights. either way, it is a free country and i love it.
  21. well, this is why i never became a cop. i was trained by what some would say the best, but decided against it. i wanted to help my community i grew up in. i wanted to help people. i realized later that i wouldn't be protecting and serving. that is not the job of a police officer. other than crowd control and a lot of report writing, all a police officer does is enforce laws. i didn't believe in a lot of the laws i would be enforcing and i certainly don't want to put people in jail that i felt don't belong there. i also cannot bend the rules or work in a position to bend rules in what i think is morally correct in my own judgement. i would have to enforce the law period. so i decided against it.now sexual harrassment is WELL defined within the law. there has been MANY court precidences set forth in the last 10 years. i wouldn't suspect male police officers to take this seriously. one of the biggest lawsuits was brought on by a female police officer in the state of california. a certain dept. was sued for a lot of money over male officers hanging sexy femal photos in their locker. it was offensive to a certain female officer, she took it through the chain of command(who were all male) and nothing got done. "no big deal", right? WRONG! it IS a big deal when you refuse to respect people and sexual harrassment has been deemed serious in all 50 states now. i don't respect how this conversation has went and i will tell you why. i'm no dummy. all we heard was one side. you paid very plain mistakes while writing your posts recently that go beyond unfair. you are now talking to cops that are in the area where she works. you posted already who she is and where she lives. god only knows what will happen to this lady. i'm not dumb here. you're obviously out of control and you need to relax or someone will get hurt.as for me, i am glad you posted where she worked and where she lives and her full name. i have it all down and i will be making sure she's going to be ok because frankly, i don't trust you now and again, we have only heard one side and you are still taking sexual harrassment lightly when you were clearly in the wrong. i don't have to agree with how the law is written or how strict a d.a. will prosecute a sexual harrassment case in the workplace, but i know disrespect when i see it and i know someone who is intentionally trying to ruin a persons reputation. anyone who feels she doesn't have a good case of sexual harrassment is fooling themselves. a woman doesn't have to have a lot of proof to win a sexual harrassment case. this is where i sorta disagree with the law BUT! women have been trying to fight for their rights for a long time and strict laws allow them to compete in the workplace now.employers run scared when they feel they may be sued if someone slaps them with a lawsuit because they did NOTHING to stop sexual harrassment. that letter was enough....haha MORE than enough to prove sexual harrassment. you offered to drive her. again she set the rules and told you NO! good for her. you didn't listen the first time.quit while your ahead bud. before your situation gets worse. you're digging yourself deeper. i took a personal interest in your whole story and now i am riding a thin line where i told myself i wouldn't do it anymore. that is to disrespect the posters here on trap. but let me say this clearly. until you settle down, i will not trust you. especially when you have male cops that are friends of yours. i have her info. it's very easy for me to get yours. it's also very easy for me to point her in the right direction to trap and other things that would not go your way if you pursue anything against her. let it rest. your emotional. that's understandable. you're hurt. you're car is trashed. revenge or other bad intentions are not going to help ya. maybe for a whole 5 seconds, but after that, if you have a heart, your guilt will eat at ya. i believe you have a heart from what i've read. and i still believe ytouy care about this woman. you just need to chill, let her go and get on with your life and be happy and successfull in whatever you put your mind to that is GOOD with GOOD intentions. take my advice bud. you didn't then. take it now. this is serious.and i want everyone to realize reading this that this has only been one side. and copper, when you go to bed at night and are lying there. i want you to think about me and know i know more about this situation than you think i do. that is a fact. be carefull what you say and be that responsible person you have admitted you are at the young age of 19.
  22. there re no more steps. i would suggest you go in to your control panel right now just to see for yourself. there are three boxes to input the information to add on a domain name. after you do that, your folder will already be created for you. after that, just copy the files and your done bud. it's that simple. just make sure that the domain name already points to Xisto's servers. there will be some wait time, but not much. hmmm...i just went to my own cpanel and it doesn't give a box to enter the root/home as rvalkass typed it but i believe it's automatically created for you as /public_html/binaland.com i created n addon domnain once though and it was easy. i don't think you will run in to any problems creating it once the domain points to Xisto's servers
  23. like haslip said, get hosted here on Xisto. after you do that, go in to your control panel and in to fantastico. there is a program that you are able to install called noah's classifieds. i am going to be using that soon after i finish my website. it's very basic and user friendly. it will create a database for you so all the visitor has to do is write their ad in the preformated text boxes and post it. the ad will appear as soon as they submit it. very simple and you don't have to worry about creating your own scripts. PROBLEM right now is that Xisto recently upgraded to the new php version that this noah's classifieds is not compatible with. what you can do to get around this problem is to download the correct version of noah's classifieds directly from their website and upload it to your new website. i believe all you would have to do is to create a database(very simple). the installation after you upload the program is very user friendly and almost automatic. like i said. i believe all you have to do manually is to create a database, possibly change a couple file permissions, and then delete your intallation program for security measures. there are other classified software out there that is free like certain versions of isell. i would suggest using free software and then if you wanted to create your own classifieds site, you can work on that gradually, but my suggestion and haslip's will let you get started with it quick and easy.
  24. i learned html about 3 years after the www was public. i think i did a search on yahoo and low and behold, i found about 3 great websites. all had something different to offer. i printed out about 200 pages worth of stuff, stuck it in a notebook binder and would study a section every day. one of the sites had an online tutorial which would allow me to write in html and show me what my work looked like through each section of the online tutorial. i'm sure there are better ones out there now for anyone interested in researching it. the tutorials were good at first to learn colors and text and the format html uses for a webpage. after i learned the basics, i went on to geocities(before they merged with yahoo) and started to create my first webpage. any problem i would run in to, i searched it out in yahoo(now i like google) and found the answer. every answer to any problem i had, i would write it down and file it so if i ever forgot the solution, i wouldn't have to spend time researching it again.html was fairly easy to learn for me only because i had already taught meyself a few languages before html. the key is understanding the rules to the language. i was never good at memorizing terms but they became easier to remember the more i used them. also, it was fairly easy for me because html is a pretty basic language and not a lot involved with it. anyone can probably learn it in a month. when you learn html though, don't confuse it with the other languages you can embed in the html document because that is when it will get more confusing until you understand how the other languages work and what they can do.
  25. it's not worth it to retaliate unless they harmed your business, reputation, or making money from breaking any copywrite laws that would relate to your situation. sometimes, it's just good to feel happy that someone used your stuff for personal use and it's floating around. if you do see copywrite infringement though. best thing to do is talk to the webmaster and show proof of copywrite so the webmaster can remove the material. to register a copywrite costs money. all it's really good for is to have a date to the true copywrite. it's hard to prove copywrite infringment sometimes because someone can steal your work, modify it, and claim that as theirs. my friend used to work in the entertainment industry as a writer. to get away from the cost of copywriting everything, what he used to do is make copies of all his work and mail it to himself. when he recieved it back through the u.s. mail, they stamp the date on the envelope so that is proof enough and will hold up in any court of law as long as you don't open it up. keep it SEALED. musicmaza- yes, you can take your work from any blog site and paste it elsewhere. i'm assuming you are still talking about how you want to transfer your blog info. you own your own work. you can do whatever you want with it. as far as the other sites allowing you to publish your work, they have their own publishing rights. you can ask them to remove your work from their site after you copy it(if that's your only copy) just so there isn't any duplicate copies out there but they can refuse but that shouldn't prohibit you in any way to do what you want with your own work. i'm only mentioning this because we already had a discussion about how you wanted to transfer your stuff over to possibly Xisto because they have the wordpress program in fantastico within the control panel and i just noticed your shout to haslip.
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