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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. microsoft has been around twice as long as google. google has made their stake being the visionaries though. microsoft had and still has almost full control of the os market because they did what google is doing now. people are afraid of change..yea...but change is coming wether people like it or not and i am sure microsoft will fall behind being the visionary company google is. control the os, control the software. control the software, control the browser. control the browser, control where people need to go on the net in the future. i like the fact that google is making this step....even if it's a weak os for a weak notebook. microsoft is not ready to compete in the new age and will fall short in another 5 years. i just hope this "power" google is creating for themselve doesn't go to their heads like ms. i don't it. they have a strong foundation and that foundation partly includes giving back and not having to charge for everything under the sun.
  2. you are here to live, breath, experience things, make mistakes, learn from the mistakes, push yourself always to be a better person, live with good morals and values which i know is all relative. i don't believe in the bible too much, but i do believe in parts of it. most of the meaning behind the ten commandments for example. forgiveness and turning the other cheek would be another example of what i consider good nature with good morals and values. you are meant to find your place in this world where in the long run can invluence others in a positive way....not just you and your life. believing or not believing in god or religion is beside the point. we are all meant to find ourselves in a world that makes it so difficult at times. why it is needed to push our own selves to our own limits without procrastination. a day past is a day lost that you can't gain back in this lifetime. most importantly, ask yourself how you want to leave this world. do you want to die with regret, or do you want to die with no regret? think about that when you make your present and future choices. don't ever have a comfort zone to where you get too lazy to push yourself. comfort zones, or just getting by in life or just being content isn't good enough. there is more out there in the world and we are meant to experience all those things we aren't meant to do until we understand exactly what we are meant to do. some people realize this at an early age. i have heard people call these people "old souls" and i tend to believe that. others may be late bloomers and don't discover themselves til they are 40. some may seem like late bloomers but really aren't. it's the expectations that people or society create that will see through the rosy colored glasses...understanding life and people in general rather than the life of people on an individual level. most important thing to know about ones purpose in life is you will NEVER find that answer asking that question to others. that, my friend, will be found through you and you gut instincts, knowing yourself....not how you were raised or what other people may think or expect from you. gotta fight off those distractions to find your true self and what you are meant for and why you are here asking those questions.
  3. when i attached both acounts together, i remember recieving credit either through past posts or just because they were being nice :angel: i think you may be able to get credit but i would create your xisto account asap if you want webhosting, a domain name or other products or services through xisto. don't procrastinate. there is a thread that explains it all somewhere and i am sure it's pinned at the top. so just look for it. it's possibly on the left hand side of your screen under "free web hosting". it's somewhere. a mod should be helping you with it if you can't find out how.
  4. also, if he hasn't already done so, he has to link a xisto account with Xisto since after 100 cents, it all gets transfered over in to credit dollars. the only reason why i bring this up is he has 5 posts and his mycents are still not showing so maybe he didn't link the two accounts. maybe someone can post the thread on the instructions?
  5. they also have a special release that has the look and feel of photoshop to try and snag up that market. i tried gimp. i like it, but a little too complicated for my taste. photoshop is the way to go in my book....and then again, there are other good free programs out there. none that have all the features of gimp, but if you download 2-3 easy to use programs, you have the whole package right there. or again....photoshop. i grew up with it so i dunno if i'm just being sentimental.
  6. lightening is one of my favorite shots because only a true photographer will have the patience. don't ut your camera on automatic. set everything on manual. be creative with the shutter speed and aperatures. there is a lot of possibilities.digital takes the fun out of part of the creative process since you can take limitless pictures....an can do this by just pressing the button down to take 1 or 2 night pictures per second.(faster if there were more light obviously).last time i took lightening pictures, i din't have a tripod. there was a storm in the distance and used the car to stabalize the camera. what a *BLEEP* to aim high and low, but managed to get a couple good ones.
  7. i don't think you could have ever been as bad with the posts as i was(am???) haha but hey, welcome back bud. don't leave again. what were ya thinkin' of???
  8. i disagree 100% in not telling her boyfriend the 100% truth in how she's feelings. wether her insecurities are warranted or not, if she wants a healthy relationship, she wants to be in a relationship with someone who can be truthfull and honest to her as well. it works both ways. she also wants to be ain a relationship where she's with someone who can sympothise with how she's feeling, understand it, and either admits he's cheating or comforts her to make all her worries go away because what she was feeling was untrue. if a woman feels she is getting less attention than before, they get insucure. they have a need to be loved more and more which will create a more secure feeling. she needs to be truthfull to expect the truth in return. hiding the truth or feelings only to let them fester is the same as lying in my book and to base a relationship on things like that is to doom the relationship in the end. the key to being honest, is to communicate in a way he will understand. you will need to sort through your feelings, understand them your own self, and THEN be able to communicate them in a way HE will understand. easier said than done. something good to practice now, no matter how hard since chances are, this wont be the last relationship you'll be in. all relationship should be a learning tool for the future. all of them have something positive to gain from it. so always be honest with yourself and those you choose to be with. remember...you are CHOOSING to be with this person...so you also have the choice to be honest or not and know what dishonesty does(maybe you don't yet). it festers inside a person where they become more and more empty and irritable where eventually that person wil explode with so much emotion that nobody will ever quite understand hahaha even if it's truthfull in how one feels. it took that person 1 year or two to explode....but to also understand how she was feeling for that year or two. to pile all of that tension up on one person all at once and expect them to understand anything is naive.....so yes....honesty is key. being truthfull is key....and communicating in a way where the other person can understand what you are trying to say. practice practice practice. there is always a right and wrong way. most learn by doing it the wrong way until they know better
  9. bani- i really liked your post, but you were specifically talking about how you shouldn't use these arguments that are very unscientific and already debunked. that would only be true if science could prove one way or another. if something exists or not. since relegions base their belief on faith, science has nothing to do with proving or disproving anything to do with god. at least that's how i see it and think it's just wasted energy since maybe these believers know something science will never be able to prove or disprove.truefusion- this is one of the first times i have actually seen you give a true opinion base on what you believe. i respect that. so let me ask you this. god is supposed to be inside us all. we shall call god "the holy spirit" in this analogy. since god is inside us all, wouldn't that make us god? could it be that the stregth really is in the #'s? maybe only a certain amount of godliness is inside us and it's different for everyone(i believe this to be fact without the god analogy anyway). but if you collectively combine us all, the differences would make up the complete god. the possibility to combine everyone's stregnths and to the extent where all our differences compliment eachother. one thing i have also add that i know i already don't believe is it is better to serve other before one's self. sounds selfish but i will tell you why i believe being selfish is good. if you can't take care of yourself, how can you possibily take care of others? if your not strong in what life gives you, how can you be strong enough to help others? i know you can argue that if someone accepts god in their lives, that they will recieve help from god to be strong enough...but then that goes directly to my point that these people can't take credit for being there for others since they couldn't have done it without god. i say take care of ones self FIRST. THEN and only then are you able and strong enough to be there and help other. otherwise, one can say these people could be misguided and will misguide others through their own weaknesses.i dunno. i may be wrong...but everyone i have ever tried to guide without being religious, i always told them that they need to be there for themselves FIRST to be able to be there for others. i believe it's important because if they don't eat right or excersize and stay healthy, don't do drugs or anything that can make you unhealthy, they are cutting off their life source and the ability to serve and help others that could be much more long lasting and fullfilling for lives in general. this should especially be true in the healing professions because you really don't need the doctor making any mistakes on the operating table when he needed to take time out for his own self FIRST because he has a human life in his hands. but then, i know that can be argued when a lot of people will take the belief that the situation was in gods hands...but then this statement will be just another excuse for an arguement because even the ones who believe in god argue about what exactly is in god's hands.i think it would be better for all if there were stregth in #'s just because there ARE arguements on god issues amoung religions. even though there are bad apples in all orginizations, just because there are arguements amoung religions and faiths shouldn't discredit one or the other. BUT it is one reason why not more people are believers. this is one of the reasons because instead of the strength in #'s by combining and possibily compromising ones own faith, they seperate themselves. others see this as being weak and not as strong as a religion has the potential for. in this case, maybe it's up to the religions and those who believe in god to come together rather than preach something that is one sided. wouldn't god be that much more credible when people try to talk about his existance? so in a way, the religions that believe in him are actually discrediting him indirectly.although i am not religios, i do believe and practice some of what is in the bible. i also believe in other things like the wiccans practice things like whatever you do will come back 3 fold or 10 fold. funny thing is, there are similarieties with that and what has already been written in the bible. but one religion has made it a law or rule within their religion to make that point a bit stronger than what was written in the bible.that's another pro for there is strength in religion. there are so many interpretations of the bible, it isn't even funny when in fact there should only be one. the truth. especially in the new testiment when the story telling begins from different people who had experienced things first hand. how can those books ever be interpretted differently than what was originally written and "true"(true is an assumption when it's ridiculous to think that exagerated truths weren't invented back then). if there was only one interpretation of the bible, it would be less confusing to others. since religions are making it confusing. maybe they DO have to get their crap together before they ever start preaching THEIR side since the word is only as credible as the one preaching it. this really does discredit god in a way among the different religions. it will always be one sided. that's why i think it's a waste of time arguing points like this when the strengths from within ones own self can actually lead the way. NOT something practiced by millions of people with millions of different interpretations.it's sad that we this arguement will last for centuries when the real answer is within. if someone has to be convinced of something by someone else spreading a one sided word that can be argued, it really is pointless. the existance of god and his word has been spread already to the societies of this world that aren't in seclusion. so why the need to spread it more? what is the urgency to repeat ones self in spreading the word? why is it that even though the word has effectifely been spread, that there are still a crap load of non believers or people like me that don't really know what to believe specifically as one truth? maybe the word spreaders are so concentrated on spreading the word that they FAIL to spread it the right way where others can understand the word they are trying to spread? if that is true, then that can be considered discrediting god indirectly as well. i can't deny that the bible is a great book when it's the one book read by the most people in the world. but what if it is outdated? newer versions have been created(with again more interpretations) to siimplify the spreading of the word in the new age. but why does one need the bible to preach what is true?i have gone to many churches of different faiths of christianity. NOT ONE take the time to help an individual ind god in a sermon. all a sermon comes from is what is written in a book and once in a while comparing it to a real life new age experience that most people can relate to. big deal! anyone can be a preacher if that's all it takes. but i believe that's not everything it takes. it takes a person to TEACH HOW to find god based on what is already inside an individual. real steps one can take. a path a person can follow in steps. churches don't teach anything like that for the most part.there are only a select few churches or temples i have been where they actually take preaching to a new level and guide people through steps and different scenarios for those steps for different people. like meditation. meditation has been practiced for hundreds of years but it isn't taught in churches of christian faiths unless one considers a small 2 seccond prayer meditation. if so, then why not practice and preach a 15 minute prayer? that is unheard of.i dunno. i am rambling. all i know is that there IS ignorance. even among believers and the ones trying to spread the word the same way from beginning of time even when times change. religions need to change with the times in order to be truely organized and healthy religions.reminds me of the time when someone tried to preach their own word about a company called amway. they wanted me to come to a meeting about a business opportunity. they always claimed that they have to help people to benefit their own selves. i went to the meeting around 1994 and i made a suggestion to who would have been my sponser. i said....heck, i can do this. i will pay in to this but i wont try to sell crap the same way they have been doing it for years and years. there are better ways. i will create a website and base it around the amway business. you know what i was told? don't reinvent the wheel. don't try to better something that has already been proved a success as amway was already a multi million dollar company. well, i was led to being discredited by those who felt they knew better. 5 years later, amway had created their own website and everyone followed. incomes doubled, trippled, and quadrupled for those that were open to that change. so i compare that true experience with how the word of god can be spread differently to empower more people. but this isn't happening collectively with all religions. the only place i have found that tries to incorporate all religions are the self realization centers....there are no ministers or priests. only monks. ones who do have their own beliefs but wise enough to incoporate all people of all religions and faith. i know this post seems a lot off topic....i just couldn't help myself. indirectly though, it really isn't off topic because it always described what can be argued or proved or disproved and opinions of the potential to get to the answers people may be looking for so the credibility of god or religions can grow stronger or weaker based on the arguements discussed
  10. i have to laugh whenever i hear these debates from both sides. it really is funny to me. why can't people just say that they truely don't have all the answers? at least that would be an honest answer. with all the areguement lies truth that nobody will ever admit to for the sake of arguing and being right. to say if any one thing cannot be proved, it must be "god" is just pure ignorance along with all the rest of the arguements from both sides.walk in to a store with your friend. tell him to write down what he sees. write down what YOU see. compare notes. guess what. what he and you see may be similar, you both will also see totally different things. who's right, who's wrong. why can't both be right. heck, all major religions practice their faith in their own way. they have different "laws" and beliefs to their religion. who's right and who's wrong...with millions of followers to each major religion. what if they all were right and wrong at the same time?god is with them all so why aren't they practicing the same religion or faith? no. you aren't going to see a catholic wedding ceromony performed for two people who aren't catholic. you aren't going to see a minister of the presperterian faith send over their congregation to believe what the catholics believe. so what. all relgions don't believe in any other religion but theirs...even the different forms of christianity faiths for the sole purpose of an individual finding god at a better place.so we are left with science fact and some theories.....or we are left with faith(which most all religions claim faith to be the basis of their belief)i know little about science....nor do i care to. i'll just accept those in a position to be smarter in the areas i am to do their job well and trust in it. faith, i have had faith in many things. mostly people. one thing i know about faith is that it lets you down over and over again in life and faith is no basis for any kind of arguement. BUT just because faith lets us down, that doesn't disprove or prove anything that has to do with god. and why "god" why all the arguements about "god". because of the books in the bible and the religions that practice what is man made. in fact, god could be something completely different. what about more than one god? what about a higher power that has a name NOT GOD? what about the unknown?i have known christians who have followed the bible to a T. when raising their own children, they were two of the most cruelest parents i have ever witnessed. they would always revert back to a quote in the bible.i hear comments like god is trying to perfect certain species which would be the explaination to evolution. would this mean that god was never perfect him/her own self to try and continuously perfect something?personally, this subject is a wasted subject. i doubt anything will ever be proven either way because one side is trying to argue faith and the other side is trying to argue the unknown....or IGNORANCE as i will call it. we are ALL ignorant. sure, we all me be smart in our own little areas we are gifted in and the gifts we hold from which we were born with....but not 1 person will ever know it all.let's say someone has actually met god....for real...100% true. this dude actually met god. does that mean there is only one god? no. so then the arguments will continue. what is god and what is nature. oh....and even if it were a fact that one has met god....doesn't mean people will believe. unfortunately we live in a society that has the words on our national currency but if one walks the streets preeching he has seen god, he will be institutionalized. i hear so many people that believe in god giving god all the credit to their own lives. oh no....these people didn't overcome life's hardships....god helped them and if it weren't for god, they'd be dead or living a life of crime. these people can't even take credit where credit is due them.now my last paragraph is based on what i've seen personal and which i hold my own belief in that a lot of people believe in god because they have nowhere else to turn. they believe so strongly because that one belief they always failed to believe in is a last resort and they turn to god out of their own insecurities and fear. religions therefore are recruiting people out of their own insecurieties and fear. somewhat like any cult has to offer their own followers.i am definately not discrediting any major religion. but i do discredit how all religions operate. they are not perfect....nothing is in this world is. i there are strength in #'s, why then can't all religions compromise to make the #'s grow 10 fold....where the faith, the organization, the belief, the power of prayer in #'s can completely benefit the world for the better? you wont see it because there is greed in religions. there is polotics in religions. all these religions have something in common though. they believe in a god. and people will worship their god. they will give god all the credit for their own actions. all the sins and all the successes....almost like they aren't even living a life of their own. some would call that slavery. some would just call it a bunch of worker ants that only have one purpose in life. to serve.we all know science has nothing on god. but then, neither does faith and any one religion hold strong and true when preaching about a belief.so why all the arguements? why all the debates when in the end, there is only one thing that has been proven through all the chitter chatter about god and religions. that one thing is ignorance. we will all still be ignorant in the end. we wont have the answers.maybe this is how it's supposed to be if this has always been the conclusion to all the debates. if it is so and we are all meant to be ignorant collectively, maybe we aren't all supposed to be ignorant as individuals as everyone has their own life to live. everyone will experience different experiences in life than anyone else born. maybe isntead of arguing about something that has nothing to do with us individually, we should start concentrating on what affects us on an individual basis. if there is a god, does he want us to all be the same? does he want us to believe in the same beliefs? is god really going to eventually create that perfect world? what would happen if there was such a perfect world? what would happen if there were no more mistakes and consequences? what would it be like if this world was just unexplainable, we are meant to work all our lives and die, never to be reborn...just become a mixure of debree, dirt and dust and mud? what if there isn't a god and life really does hold no meaning? what would be stopping people from killing themselves and cutting their lives short to bypass all the pain and suffering life holds for everyone....along with the happiness, enjoyment and contentment at times? i mean, if i believed after i die, i am not reborn somehow, i couldn't possibly want to live through 80 years of pain and suffering....or holding a job for 60 years like a creature of habit. but yea...lighting off those fireworks is fun so i guess i'll live for that....but will have to wait another year.my point is this. everyone has their own purpose in life. they feel it strong or they would just wither away and die. where then does this purpose come from? where? were we born with it or was it through years of molding from our parents through their own expectations in life for us? did god create this purpose? any christian will say yes. a religion based on only faith that has let people down since year one. faith is some what like trust....but with a twist of expectation involoved within faith that MAKES it faith because if we ever find out faith was wrong, we ARE let down because of that expectiation twist that trust doesn't hold(unless there are man made conditions on trust).i have 5 best friends. one of them is born again. he told me his job was to spread the word. spread the word. now the only reason to spread any word is to recruit people to believe in that word. that is the ONLY reason to do such a thing...even if you may not know the person you are spreading the word to. even if that person already believes in that word. that is every christians duty as i am told...as it is written in the bible. what if i already believed in god though and the one preaching gods word was of a different faith? i have been approached by others that certain faiths were the wrong faith for different reasons. so is that faith they are preaching the say all or is that religion....who has millions of followers speaking the truth?i think before the non believers start trying to argue wether there is a god or not, they should wait for all the major religions to come together and believe in the same thing....until they can come together, the non believers will have a good point of their own NOT to believe in any one religion that preaches gods word. if gods word is truth and truth is written in the bible, what is the problem with religions coming together as one....and not seperate? yea...i see a good arguement there for the non believer to wait until the people with faith and get their crap together and stop seperating themselves where in fact stregth is in the #'s. and maybe these non believers should keep their own selves in check and start working on their own selves and lives rather than argue something that will never be solved. maybe they can find something more productive to do in their own lives, spirit and soul that can make a difference in their own generations to come. argue something unique in what they KNOW. guide in what they KNOW. pass down what they KNOW.me, i will never believe in any one religion. i will never believe that there is only one "god"(the one dictated in the bible). and i will always believe that there will always be more out there that science will eventually catch and at the same time where science will NEVER catch. i will always believe in ignorance and i will always believe that ignorance is a good thing. something to push us for the answers based on truth to any one individual that makes us unique and different. just like no one will see the same thing, no life will lead on the same path. there will always be different beliefs and there will be truth to it ALL!
  11. i like to follow my gut instincts in things. just remember this. in good and healthy relationship, there has to be trust. if there is no trust, there is no relationship. by you just asking the question you did, there is no trust, thus, no relationship. so, in order to have a healthy one, you both need to be open and honest with eachother. tell him what is on your mind and ask the questions you need answers to to ease your mind. if you don't, the relationship will just go downhill from here. just remember though. if a guy is cheating on you, it's for the best in the sense that you want to weed out all the scumbags to get to the good ones. btw- just because he is spending less time with you doesn't mean he's cheating. i never saw that written in any rule book anywhere but if you sense something is wrong, there probably is....whether it's him cheating, he doesn't love you anymore, him wanting his space or hanging out with his friends more, etc.... how old are you???
  12. well obviously, they didn't introduce them to breed, right? or did they? if not, just intoducing the same sex creatures should do the trick. however, it will still distured the natural order. in my opinion. i think 200 was a little excessive. why couldn't they have just introduced 20 or so at first and document any changes. i think that decision was a little hasty in my opinion since snakes serve their own purpose as well to the environment.my question is. if people were getting bit in some cave with a bunch of snakes, why would anyone go in there?and who's the hero that went in there to introduce the mongooses? what a dummy. i'm like indiana jones on this one. wherever i know there are snakes, i am somewhere else!
  13. "?" funeral?!?!? what funeral?!?!? i'm gonna live forever!!! Muhahahaha
  14. i guess they have a lot of catching up to do. they still havn't changed my email address in their system. something that can take 2 seconds. 2 weeks ago, i would get one or two answers a day to my past problem. now it's once every three to four days. i hope it's just a personal website for sky. otherwise, this is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE. even if people go on the basis on the webhosting being "free", mycents is still converted to dollars to be used as credit for products/services. i think it's also unacceptable when xisto leaves it's customers in the dark and not explain that there may be technical difficulties. i mean, come on. they should at least tell people publically here or at the xisto main page. it would illiminate at least SOME of the qondering and question some people have rather than piss 'm off with no informaton at all about their personal acounts and website. my advice to sky is - don't stress over it right now. there is nothing ou can do and all the stress may just cause unneeded arguing which probably wont help either. keep sending them emails and see if the support tickets are working now. if very little damage occured, maybe they are still willing to compensate you for your troubles. so....don't stress bud. just keep posting as usual and get your mycents up there. you can continue to work on your website offline until it's back up again. don't stress, but continue trying to comunicate with them. the squeeky wheel gets the grease. stressing about things you can't control personally though doesn't help the situation. i feel for ya though. i hope your problem gets resolved sooner than later
  15. this sounds more like a hacking question than anything else. i would go elsewhere for that answer. the obvious is to ask your son, but you probably already did that if it's your computer. if it's NOT your computer, then you shouldn't be asking your question here. my question is, how did he get your password to change passwords??? get the password the same way he got yours. when you DO get it fixed, i suggest installing a free program that allows you to see all keystrokes a person uses on that computer. if you already had something like that insalled for security purposes, you wouldn't have this problem. you would see the password he typed in. i personally wont give any techniques out in how to hack or reset passwords. what i can do is say that if all else fails, just reformat and reinstall the os. it's the lazy and easy way. some people don't like doing that if they aren't smart enough to back up their data. if if you have a backup or if you just don't care about losing anything because getting your account back is more important, that is an option. needless to say, but if you don't have your access, your son should have NO access to that computer until it's fixed hope this is a learning experience because you realy do have to be aware in who is using your computer....even if you trust them and this was just an accident with him foolin' around with things he didn't understand. i personally like catching the little boogers in the act. maybe he changed passwords so his own account isn't limited. if this is the case, don't limit his computer time. when he logs on, he may have admin privlidges. catch him in the act....presto. you have your admin privlidges back. be creative or just ask in a forum where hacking is allowed.
  16. yea, i agree with onscreen. i don't like turning to different auto modes on my camera for the reason that the camera isn't perfect sometimes for the pictures you want to capture. if in night mode and the picture is blury or fuzzy, it could be that the shutter speed is automatically set to something low. because of this, it wont copensate for any slightest hand movement when trying to take a picture. solution? tripod OR setting the camera on a flat surface if you don't have a tripod. when i didn't have a tripod. i would stack boxes, lay the camera on a car, or between tree branches so that there would be no slightest movement or "shake" when holding the camera up at a very low shutter speed if you don't like this option, you can always try to open up the aperature to allow more light in the camera. this will allow you to increase your shutter speed. there's actually a couple other solutions. but try stabalizing your camera first. adjusting the iso to something higher works too...but just try stabalizing the camera and test it that way FIRST if you are still getting a blurry picture or fuzzy picture, maybe it's something else....but i doubt it if your daytime pictures are good quality. means it's not the lens or anything to do with the camera(probably)
  17. insecurity. that's why people stare. insecurity. when people reailze certain facts about themselves is when change can occur. not until then. WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. you wouldn't have to get all that dirty stuff out if you brushed your teeth :angel: yes. listerine. i use the stuff every day. good strong stuff
  19. i have to concur. the website you listed loads perfectly
  20. you have no idea what music is about if you are asking someone to help you and write it for you....
  21. that's like saying guns kill people. that's b.s. don't ever think a relationship makes people fat. that is absurd. they also blame it on thankgiving dinners or christmas candy. BULL. grow some juevos and get out and eat right, excersize right and if you truely think the relationship is making you an unhealthy glutten, then maybe you're in the wrong relationship.do you have any choices when in a relationship? if so, your in the wrong one. if your choices are still there, then it's YOU making the wrong choices.nothin' wrong with being overweiht though. i say do whatever makes ya happy. i'm overweight and don't give a rats *bottom*. i eat what i want and i don't ever want to go on a diet where it will limit the foods i like and the quantity if i'm hungry. i'm 6'4 and 240 so i got a little belly on me all i know is i want to die happy. and if i get fatter, you wont ever see me blaming a relationship! ahahaha
  22. hey bud. welcome to trap. go to freewebs.comthere you will find a very easy to use service to create your first website. that is where i started. you will also do well if you search on google for something like "html tutorials" and read up on html. but with freewebs, you don't need to learn html. it's a really good beginner site. once you create your first website little by little, you can always look at the source code(that alien code you wont understand at first which makes up your website) and try to piece things togethr and figure out what pieces of code dos what. it will take a while if your new to all of it so you will need patience and a determination to really learn something on your own. or....heck....take a class. those are good too :(btw- don't get confused in how many things people are telling you to learn to create your first website. ALL YOU NEED to learn is HTML! that is IT. html bud. now go to freewebs and google to do someresearch and post back your experiences. again, welcome!
  23. only one thing you can do right now is home school. when after first grade, try to skip the child a couple grades in to third. that would be a start. at least you know your child is smart. not a lot of parents will recognize the traits of their own children. alot of smart children who don't get recognized will start failing classes. they wont do the work or the tests. everything will be boring to them. they want to be pushed and feel they are being held back so it's IMPORTANT not to hold the child back. even now. you should be home schooling. after skipping a couple grades, closely monitor the child. if the child is doing the work and getting good grades, you might try bumping the child up again one or two more grades.keep this child busy busy busy....but don't force it on the child. one of the drawbacks at having a genious child is the child wont grow up with his friends. he just wont have a normal childhood compared to other children.....but what is normal anyway? just remember not to go light on the child. love, nourture and dicipline the child and set rules and guidlines like you would any other child.
  24. brushing with both those is also a good way to whiten your teeth. in all searious and honesty, people should only brush two times a day. the more you brush, the more sensitive your teeth and gums will be. also, you don't really want to brush away all that enamal. once in the morning(After breakfast), and definately once before bed. flossing should be a routine, but i rarely floss myself.
  25. good good good. was worried that maybe something happened to him. ummm, i don't know how staff and mods can have a life outside this place though....but glad when i know you guys can manage that
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