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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. ok. you want us to help you but you aren't being specific to what you were trying to accomplish on your website while moving files around. chances are this can be fixed without resetting your hosting account but you need to be specific bud. so the htaccess file didn't fix it. the only other thing i could think of is you moved files around after installing a cms or blog and you wanted it in your root directory rather than the folder/subdirectory you created. now is this the case or am i off base here before i start offering suggestions. also, did your index files work beofre you started moving files around in other directories? chances are yes but you need to be more specific here so we can help you. something common that happens sometimes is when you move files rather than copy them to another directory, you get the problem you are having. if this is your case, then move all your files back to where they were before and copy them to the directory. seems a little illogical, but it works in some cases. but again....please be more specific here and try my other suggestion in the meantime another thing is resestting hosting....although an easy quick fix, is a watse of admins time when a person requests hosting but doesn't know how to manage it. this is a time to try to fix the error rather than reset hosting and learn from these experiences because the same thing could happen again and what....reset the hosting account again? i've been in your shoes before and know how anxious you are to get things working again so please be patient. now beofre i posted the first time, i tested my own permissions to see if i could get this same error and i didn't which means it probably has nothing to do with your permissions unless the permissions are coming from the program you installed on your website. in which case, we need to know which program you installed
  2. doesn't sound to me that your dad was specifically mad at ya. sounds like one of two things to me. either he had a bad time when he was out and took it out on ya which would have been wrong to do, or he knows your bad habits and assumed things that weren't true at the time. i hope if it was one or the other, it was the latter because if you don't have any bad habits, why the heck would he throw a fit right from the start.if that's the case, he needs to keep is own self in check. and anyway, bad habits or not, kids are kids.he doesn't hit you or nothin' does he? sounds like he has a bit of a temper and stress problem if this isn't the only time something like this has happened
  3. hmmm try this either in your ftp client or your file manager through your cpanel.find your .htaccess file in your root directory which should be your public_html directory acording to your post. DirectoryIndex index.html index.php <----copy and paste to your .htaccess on a seperate line. if you can't find your .htaccess, create a .htaccess file(simple text file you can create in notepad) and copy and paste, save, upload to your root directory and retry your sitenow if that doesn't work, have you been moving files from one directory to another??? if so, your solution could be different than this simple fixhope this works for ya bud. if not, let me know and i wll try to offer further suggestions
  4. people do not need an invite. just go to chacha.com to sign up directly. the invites are only for people who are already guides that want to earn money off other guides they invite :)be aware though that there is a little process you have to go through before becoming a guide. it's sort of a learning and training phase
  5. hey bud. i appreciate your post and sharing with us all something personal and allowing the one you have feelings for see it as well. was a pretty well spoken if ya ask me.dunno if you were asking for advice more than just relieaving yourself of the thoughts you keep hidden inside but i have to put my two cents in or i wouldn't be me :)the thoughts and issues wondering if your ready to be in a relationship? nobody is truely ready as a meaningfull relationship will have so much to offer that's impossible to predict everything that will come your way to be prepared by your thoughts and the responsibility of a relationship i saw from you tells me you ARE ready as much as anyone can be. you seem like a good guy that isn't ust thinking selfishly for yourself but the other person that you will eventually become involved with.now, with the fact that you don't go out much and the fact that where you do go, all the single women are unavailable(or could just be your assuming), one place to try is the online scene. 10 years ago it was looked down upon only because others thought it was a desperate act. what i ALWAYS thought was why limit where you may find your soul mate? if limit out the internet, why not limit out church, or school, or work, etc? anyway, i always believe in the possibilities to say the least and online relationships and dating have come a long way in the forms of even being more acceptable.there are a lot of free sites out there to pick and choose from. it's hard to find a connection at first online because you don't see emotion or immediate reaction to your communications, but! there are things you can do if you want to go searching....pictures are important because sometimes you can see something in that picture that goes beyond physical appearance. sometimes a picture tells a story about a person if you look at a picture long enough. second is the profile. you want to find someone that has taken the time to write about themselves. you want to find something within what they wrote that very few people may understand or get but that YOU understand and relate to. this would be a quality important to you i know because you yourself took time and effort in your own profile here when you posted what you did. chat rooms are a great way on those free sites to meet people. just be yourself. even if you end up talking to guys at first in those same chat rooms, at least you're meeting people. that's a great start and who knows....maybe you'll end up with new friends that can be fullfilling too.most importantly bud and i speak from the heart now. DO NOT expect in life. sometimes you have to go with the flow. to expect is to be that much more lonely and depressed on a daily basis. look around to see what the world has to offer rather than what it's not offering you right now. we don't live 100 years to experience everything we need to or deserve in 1 year. if we did, then after that 1 year, life would be just plain boring :Dya got a good heart and those with good hearts are vulnerable and it's easy to take advantage of those people. know yourself so much that you wouldn't change a thing about you even if you are sensitive and more easy to hurt because one day, the right woman will come along to recognize it and help you protect and cherish that part of you.hear me?
  6. codependancy......can't be there for others until you allow yourself to be there for yourself. sometimes there is a fine line though since being there for the ones they love is who they are.one thing about life without putting a lable on it like codependancy is that there will be good AND bad. nobody can ever get away from the balance life holds for everyone.codependancy in my opinion is a made up word to explain the bad. in fact, if we eliminate the bad, there would only be good and no balance. we ned the bad to experience and learn from thus, bad is GOOD. at least the consequences of the bad doesn't have to remain bad as long as we can convert the bad in to something good.codependancy was a word that made a lot of money for people who love writing the self help books and it's pretty much only a label to discuss about specific problems. instead of labeling these problems with one word as many women like to do by beating around the bush using words like codependancy, why not directly understand the specific problems so one can deal with those problems directly instead of indirectly when talking about a word that is so general that you will NEVER get to any root of the problem?codependancy is a label and so general that the word codependancy could mean different things to different people and their specifics of how they are living.so, it goes along with my beliefs that i know everyone is unique and different. everyone has their own different and unique life to live and nobody is born the same. so why put a label like codependcy on others like it's a deseise? someone from the past wanted to label someone's nature as being codependant. and because with anything else in life, and the fact that codependancies have some neagative traits, it's a bad thing. WRONG because codependacny has some good traits to it too.in fact, what codependancy really concentrates on ARE the good traits and the fact that sometimes too much of a good thing can result in bad things since in this life, there has to be balance.bottom line.....if the good is creating negative consequenes one has two options. leave the relationship since it has very little to return back to you that is fullfilling, or work on the idea that it's what you give that is important, not what is given back and if you aren't getting back, then start being there more for yourself so your not left feeling so unfullfilled
  7. i don't like the word worthy. i think everyone is worthy in their own ways but "worthy" of being appreciated? "worthy" of someone stating something that he or she sees? maybe not. like i said, you don't like being in the lime light but i can say this. the ones who aren't worthy are the ones who will ask for being worthy. you just proved the opposite by your response. my post was directed at you, but is more a real life scenario where we are so quick to take the good in life without really recognizing where it comes from. when the bad comes, we are so quick to give our comments and opinion and recognize the negative that surounds us. why shouldn't this balance out to where we can equally recognize the good as well? now opa, sorry, i disagree with you. yes, for some, what you think other people think as babble is probably babble to some. to others though it is not. far from babble. i only got to know you through your limited posts that were far from babble. what i am saying is why limit others getting to know you or you them when there is only a limited amount of people who wont understand or only consider your words babble? lets face it opa, you did state that you aren't worthy. is that the same as saying a mother isn't worthy when a child shows their own love back to their mother? or the same as a friend telling another friend, "thanks for being there. you are truely a great friend". in those respects opa, you ARE worthy. so my point to my post is two fold. i wanted to offer something back to you that maybe you never saw in me, AND i wanted to get others to think about life on more of a deep level because if we just see the surfacy part of life without really seeing the true meaning behind every word or action, then we go through life not really enjoying the best part of it....and we will definately not truely understand life in general and those that are around us. as far as you specifically though, there is so much meaning behind what you do. it's funny how life works. yea, you started something to make some money on the internet not really knowing how it was going to evolve. that's funny to me in the sense of how life works sometimes. how we will always be guided in a direction in who we are even when it wasn't our original intention. anyway, you should really use words other than babble when you are talking about how you speak. like i said in my previous message, you have a gift. something natural and has more meaning than just creating something special with Xisto. think of it this way opa....the more you speak, the more you enable your own self to touch someone in a special way. people will come and go and even when people go, there is still a chance that a part of you will still be inside them. you've already shown in so many ways your self discipline and respect for others so i am not saying you should go around preaching(unless that is your calling) and flooding all the forums and sub forums with your wisdom all i am saying is that i know you have more to offer and i would like to see more of that. give it some thought bud and don't ever let what you think your obligations are or stress ever get in the way of that either. at the very least though, just keep being you.
  8. i've been a memeber here for a while. i've read some good posts and horrible posts. i've understood people and not understood people. i have made connections and non connections.i want to say publically right now that one of the connections i have made with is opaque. not because i am kissing *bottom* for another friend. we rarely speak to eachother. in fact, the only time we really spoken when i was on the verge of suspention on trap and on the verge of deletion.i have read alot of what opaque has said in these forums. he created these forums and everyone is so quick to listen and comment on his words. does anyone really truely listen though?i have listened and all that i have heard was something that always has a deeper meaning than the surfacy crap that everyone believes in or hears. personally, i would like to see opaque post more on a regular basis. he has a gift of some sorts that rarely nobody sees. he's living and breathing right now to influence others in a positve way. he works hard at it too.sometimes opaque works so hard at one area in his life that he forgets about the other areas that could be just as meaningfull. doesn't mean the other areas are meaningfull. ust means one has to sacrifice in life from one thing to another dictated by the time spent on any area.opaque has great restraint and great trust in his moderators and admins. he doesn't believe in everything that goes on here but has picked the ones that he thinks can speak for him in what he stands for and believes here on trap.opaque has ultimately created something on Xisto than rarely is seen now in todays society, but he's so busy creating backstage that nobody ever gets to see him ON STAGE.if i know opaque as i speak of him now, he's not comfortable on stage so much as back stage. what i qould like to see more of on trap is opaque's on stage presence here on trap. he has a gift and able to speak so much truth and wisdom. he has lots to share with others and i personally would like to see more of that. it's a gift to share with others and it shouldn't be wasted by distractions of other things probably just as important.i had to share what i have seen on Xisto when it is rarely seen by others in their busy lives of posting for credits. opaque has something else to offer here other than free hosting for posts if one takes the time to truely listen.am i the only one that sees this or are there other people out there that sees more like i do? please post your response and what you have seen from this man who hides back stage and never puts his own self in the lime lightpersonally, i would like to see more of who opaque really is and someone who has more to him than creating a community called Xisto....
  9. that's why i gave the post 5 stars because i have researched this company. yes, it's a farily new company and they are offering a fairly new service. most of the scams out there or companies that wont go anywhere are the ones that don't put effort in to professionalism and training and reputation. this chacha has. this is why i recomend it over the ppc or ppr programs out there. it's only .20 an answer but that ads up to at least $5 an hour or $40 a day if working 8 hours. this is a JOB and they refer this job to guides as being an independant contractor which basically means you work for yourself but are contracting your services to this company. i'm curious to find out what sort of a success this company will do in the future when it isn't so new. it promotes a good service and has taken the time to gain contracts from all the major cell phone compaines. doesn't sound to me that this company isn't serious in succeeding. i say be cautious like you stated, but be open to the fact that this company is legitament. i researched it. i am not a guide, but i researched it and give it two thumbs up:) hasn't been in pcplus or magazine yet but has been noted in national media. research it yourself and then come back to give an opinion on it. i say it will be a multi million dollar company in the next two years. that is my prediction. i rarely post in here about the dead beat scams you always see in here....but this company has lots of potential.....even more potential than what google started 3 years ago and failed in.
  10. ok, in all seriousness here, i agree with truefusion and one other guy who posted after my last post. it's very easy to feel attracted to other people even when you're in a marriage and especially if the marriage is going a little sour. i think it's natural and nor harm done in feeling attracted physically or intelectually to another even when you are in a commited relationship. problems occur though when you actuall consider persuing any relationship with that person when you are already in a commited relationship. your problem however goes deeper than that because if you were ever to consider entering in to a relationship with this woman and lets say it goes so far to getting a divorce and marrying her, you will still be related to the one you got a divorce from(in law). then you have to consider how many people in this family will support this. probably 0. that's a fact. when 0 people support this, then you are left with one option. to discontinue anything to do with the family you married in to. all i am saying is there are consequences to thoughts and even more consequences to actions and if you persue this relationship then be prepared for all the negative consequences. i personally am a family man. i love family. even the family i married in to. it's hard enough marrying in to a family you don't hardly know. it's harder when you cause disruption in that same family. ust because this aunt was close to you from the start doesn't mean you need to persue her. ust means you have stuff in common just like other women out there that you have yet to meet. and ust because the attraction of your current wife isn't giving you fullfillment doesn't mean you cheat on the sacredness of marriage unless you have no morals and values and the vows you took mean nothing to you. if that's the case, you shouln't have commited anything to your wife and waste her time and love for you. marriage in the untited states right now is not as sacred because when things go wrong, people seem to take the easy way out when in fact there could be a possibility of gaining back what you lost. so! my suggestion in all honesty is to try very very hard and to try to have patience with one that you commited to. give it a year to try to gain back what you both lost. you married her for a reason. right? where did that reason go? before people get married, sometimes they put on an act because it's really hard to get to know someone fully in 1 or two years. when you're with them for 5-10 years, then you really know all what they are about because you have to live with them every day constantly. you see all the good and all the annoying habits. i personally don't know what sort of situation your in with your wife but if you both found a connection when you were married, it's still there but only lost until someone seeks for it again. takes two though. why don't you sit down respectfully with your wife and come to an understanding FIRST and try to work through things. if she or you are unable to do this, THEN file for divorce because this marriage is too broken when 1 or 2 people in it fail to try and put effort. all i hear from your post is one sided stuff that you yourself are unwilling to put effort in to your own commitment. i don't know your wife's side. you are already searching elsewhere and that is all i am hearing and for that i say YOU are wrong by the limited information i have to go on. simply put though bud, i feel for you but don't ever enter in to any other relationship when you are in another. it will cause even more problems. i hope for your sake you understand that it isn't worth it. either fix stuff with your wife and guide your aunt to try the same with her own husband, or you both get a divorce before you ever commit to eachother.....then expect family not to approve or accept and plan on living without them.....even for the special occasions like christmas and thanksgiving. understand?
  11. i couldn't have said it any better, dagoth. i love the night. there is so much to see and hear at night when other people are too busy sleeping or winding down watching t.v.. i always liked to sit outside. living in a small town now and not a big city, the stars are much brighter without the reflection of the city lights. i can sit outside on any cloudless night away from any outside lights and see shooting stars on any given night. they prevail more at certain times of the year, but they will always exist and you can always see them if you are patient and keep your eye out
  12. to the one who said women shouldn't play hard to get, i disagree. they should. no girl or woman should respect herself enough not to be so EASY. some people will look down on that anyway.as far as be subtle? women can never just be straight forward. they are always beating around the bush on one thing or another. it pisses me off. i hate hints and i hate trying to verify with questions to figure out what a woman is actually trying to sayalso, if you women are going to tell your other girlfriends everything under the sun about us guys, you better not let it get back to us or there is hell to pay for sure. i don't know why they have this need to tell personal secrets but i think it's very disrespectfullother than that, women are evil, men are scum. let's all deal with those facts
  13. oh believe me. i am not offended, i like to talk about the possibilities and debate them once in a while. as far as the pink unicorn. well, i don't think i am crazy or nuts in believing this, but i do believe that there are other level and planes of existance than the one we normally see first hand in our every day lives. i also believe there are sometimes portals to these levels of existance and planes. i've known people who are not crazy and swear up and down they have seen fairies. there have been many theories on why people see things where other people dont. the possibilites to these theories hold some basis only because i am sure there are not just 3-4 dimentions. when we only use 2-10% of our brain, doesn't that say something to our own ignorance and show a little proof to the possibilities that are out there that we can't possibly comprehend right now? i use our brain as an example only because you want to use science and proof to explain your belief.
  14. i researched chacha. intersting way to make money. i gave this thread 5 stars just because it's very rare when you see something legitimate in here. from what i understand, being a guide takes some dedication and time to learn how to be a guide. the training and there service is VERY well organized. you answer questions from people who text chacha. a guide basically gets pain either .15 cents per question answered or .20 per question answered. you also get 20 invites to give out. if any one of those invites becomes a guide, i think you earn about .05 for each question THEY answer. all in all, if you take the time to read and learn to prepare yourself to be a good guide in researching other peoples simple questions and answering them for them(average time for each question is about 2 minutes), you can probably make $50+ a day. it's a good program if you're on the internet anyway. might as well make some legit spare cash. you get paid through a debit card they give to you or you can be paid by them directly depositing funds in to your own bank account.
  15. anyone who is married and wants to cheat on their partner is the scum of the earth in my opinion. says a lot about morals and values and the sensitivity of others not to meantion the sacredness of marriage. in law out of law. same thing funnyman. if you were to have any children with your aunt, those same children would be your counsins so, i gave you some good advice. i will hopefully be seeing you on the show soon
  16. you need to go here -----> http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ so they can help you out. and hey, you can pay reverend shnorr $100 to marry you. good luck with creating little children who are also your cousins...
  17. well this is a waste of time. you obviously so no point to anyone but your own self. this conversation is over. i don't feel like allowing you to get credit for your jibberish posts in this thread here anymore. all this guy asked for is what we thought of his site. that was IT and you make a big whole issue about off topic nonsense btw- i personally liked his site only because he took the time from the start to create the many topics needed so information wont get cluttered. i can tell he put some time in to it so he should be proud of what he's done so far. you on the other hand don't even have a website so i don't know what your point is to all your jibberish lastly, let me explain why i don't go to the webmaster forums. the experienced webmasters go there because they like to help people and answer questions. not because they have anything to learn from there for the most part. the experienced webmasters get their information and resources elsewhere for the most part. the inexperienced people are usually the ones posting questions or thanking the ones who posted usefull information for them that they would have no other knowledge of if they didn't visit the forums. fact is bud, there are other places other than forums that will give you a ton more resources and information than any forum you can name including digital point which is probably the biggest webmaster forum on the internet. it's certainly the most well known and oldest and most established since they came online.....what.....10 year ago? the reason why so many webmasters go to the webmaster forums is because it's an easy search for them and easily acessable. with a little more searching and research though, these same people who are looking for guidance and answers can find even better resources and information. just takes a little more time and effort to find these places and people who offer the information for free. not to discredit webmaster forums. they are a great place to get your feet wet, but believe me, if you think for one second if people don't visit and learn from the webmaster forums that they are not a serious webmaster, you are seriously mistaken and have a alot to learn. now for me and others who have been on the internet trying to establish themselves as a webmaster over 10 years ago when the WWW was established on the internet, there was no webmaster forums and very little help and information out there. we had to learn from scratch and from our own mistakes. sure, i can go to the webmaster forums and learn a little but it's not worth my time when all information to me is available elsewhere and a lot more usefull information that you rarely see in any forum including digitalpoint. if i were to go there, my time would probably be spent helping others with their own questions and problems. i don't know about you, but i don't have the time for that. also, when you get your information on the forums, a lot of time you have people like you on there that don't know what they're talking about. it creates a lot of debate and frustration with those that just want a no nonsense answer to their questions or problems and information they need to start building on their own vision. it creates a lot of confusion for those that just want solid information without people discrediting eachother in what is the best way to do things. this is why you will rarely see any top webmasters wasting their time on those forums no matter how long they've been established. they, like me, have other resources and have better things to do than to visit these forums. in fact, they wont even go there to post to get their sig back links. why? because the smart ones like me know they don't make a difference to page rank or worthwile relevant links to their own webite. this has been a common myth for 5 years now and i am sure this myth is still being spread around the net and even on the most established webmaster forums in the seo sections. now the #1 thing most webmasters seek for now is good seo techniques. do you think these forums are offering that up to date information? i mean....the really good stuff? no! why? because more experienced webmasters will charge for it. why would you think they would give that information out for free in some well established forum? they don't want their ranking to go down just because they supplied the most valuable information to millions of people. so my point is, the more experienced webmasters will answer questions there if they have nothing better to do. you see mainly the more unexperienced wanting information and the good information they will rarely get in any webmaster forum. and believe me. normally, if a webmaster has nothing better to do than answer questions on a forum, then i question their knowledge as it is unless they are taking a break for a while because i know being a webmaster is sometimes an 18 hour a day job if what to do it right. there is a lot involved being a good webmaster and these people will have absolutely NO time to post on any free site that they aren't gettin' paid for so the webmaster forums are good to get your feet wet. there is a lot of basice information on there. the guy who just put his webmaster forum online needs to seperate himself with all the other forums and find information he can post on his own forum that can't be found on any other.....this is quite easy to do if you know where to look. enough said. happy posting elsewhere. i just needed to get my 2 cents in beofre i stop posting on this thread....
  18. wow- sorry you had to witness that. guys are scum sometimes. women on the other hand can be evil too what he did though is disturbing. not only did he cheat on you, he lied to you pretending nothing was going on with his ex. are you that lonely that you need this guy as a boyfriend right now after what he did? you yelled that you didn't want to talk to him yet 2 minutes later, you are telling him that ofcourse you want to be his girlfriend? he just proved to you that he isn't a one woman guy. in fact, it's probably do to the fact that he doesn't even know what he wants and is testing the waters right now. unfortunately, you might ust get hurt again because of this relationships at this age is tricky. usually they don't last but it's no excuse to cheat or lie. people are immature at that age and usually people don't know what a true relationship or commitment is yet. for me, i had never cheated in my past. not only was i raised with good morals and values, it's just not in my soul to play another human being intentionally. now comes the trust issue. you were devestated. you already shrugged off the rumors(wonder where they came from in the first place since they turned out to be right and he WAS with his ex) once and got hurt. can you trust him now? if not, i suggest taking a break or playing the field until he has ample time to prove himself to you again. there's a saying that is old and true. "hurt me once, shame on you. hurt me twice, shame on me" think about it. whatever happens, ust know one thing, you weren't the one who cheated and you are the better person so if this doesn't work out in the future, ust know any other guy will be lucky to have ya.
  19. that's all good and i guess you have basis for your opinion there. still though, your research comes from other people who probably don't believe in god either. i'm in the u.s. and a big majority of the people living here believe in "god". sp when you ask the question what is more likey.....the belief of the minority or the majority, what is the more likely belief. i know astrology and god are two diffferent things but i do believe astrology is connected to the unknown and to the energy that surrounds us all. scientists will only believe in what can be proven. what about the POSSIBILITY of something that MIGHT be true though because it can't be disproven? you can't change my mind....i don't think anyone can do that but i will always incorporate all beliefs into my own while seperating what i think is b.s. while always being open to the possibilities for instance. i was raised christian. didn't really question what i learned in church until i was a teenager. then i told my mom how can i believe in something that i don't see or feel? later, i changed my belief in the possibility and to this day, once in a blue moon i will pray to the god i was brought up knowing. why take a chance in not believing in something that might actually exist? another instance is i was always fascinated by the unknown. i always believed in spirts and ghosts and reincarnation and such but my beliefs were never validated with hard evidence until recently. by evidence, i mean something i can share with others rather than tell some freaky stories that have actually happened to me that make no common sense except for believing in something others have tried to discredit since man's birth. so after capturing hard proof on something that validated my belief, i am glad i am open to the possibilities and i am glad cannot be labeled someone who believes a pink unicorn is right in front of me as i am typing right now. one thing about life bud, it has a lot more meaning behind it than just science to prove or disprove theories i do agree with you on one thing....on only SOME things proofs exists
  20. sorry bud, you are way out of line. first off, this thread had nothing to do with being a success online. it had to do with someone creating a webmaster forum and wanting a review of it and possibly get some input and signups so it can grow. obviously the guy you just replied to DOES know how to use the internet. he's been posting here for a while. and just for your records.....not to blow your mind or anything, i was a webmaster before those forums ever existed. so in fact, you don't need forums to be a webmaster. your logic is very very silly. you should actually read what you write before you post what you do. as far as the off topic you constantly bring up with success on the internet and being a webmaster, yea, there is LOTS involved. more than i mentioned and a heck of a lot more than you mentioned although what you mentioned is also a good start. all i was trying to say is everything anyone does starts with a dream or vision and you don't even have to be a webmaster. that's life in general. what i say isn't some fairy tale. it's real life. if people don't have dreams or visions or goals for their own selves, they are just biting their time here until they die. sad part is, people like you and the people closest to them often stomp on their beliefs and dreams and visions and want them to comply with the standard of society or a general belief that some people think everyone should follow. sound like anyone you know?
  21. i think all those things can influence anyone. wat's your point? there are a lot of things in this world and universe that can influence us including the other things that you may not believe in just like past lives, angels, spirit guides, friends or family that have already past on, etc... when you ask what is more likely, then what you are really saying is that you have no beliefs or faith in anything you don't see or open yourself up to feel. there's more out there than anybody can possibly imagine so to discredit anything you don't see or open yourself up to feel is being completely and utterly subjective with no openess to the possibilities. if that was the case, heck....the world should still be flat bud. i don't know the exact definition of astrology, but to me, astrology is somewhat of a strong belief or religion. it could also be considered a science. the science behind astrology basically affects and influences nature that surounds us. human beings are only 1 part of nature as astrolgy will affect more than human beings. but we as hman beings are fascinated with the unknown and how it affects us directly which is why there are horoscopes and signs associated with it. since you brought up religion and gods, yes, i do believe a lot of people go out of their way to believe in something that might not even exist. to them, it gives meaning to their lives where otherwise, they would have none. as far as astrology, i don't think it just has to do with someone's personality but someone's nature in general which would also have to do with some of their own purposes in life that not even genes or the way you were raised by family or friends can control. genes and family influence will in fct never control our nature. i was one of 3 sibblings and we all turned out different and lead very very different lives. babe ruth didn't hit home runs because of family influence or his genes. it was in his nature. now my question to you is, what influences someone's nature? by nature i mean what they were born with in regards to their own gifts and strengths? personally, i feel it has somewhat to do with higher power and astrology can in some senses be a guide to your nature and gifts and strengths and weaknesses. just because it's been tapped in to a long time ago doesn't however mean it's been perfected. but be certain of at least one thing without calling it astrology. how planets, stars, moons, and everything else in general align in way WILL influence nature in general. i'm sure you can't discredit that so what makes you think these things cannot influence humans which are still a part of nature? me personally, astrology and how it influences nature and people is very very likely, but i also believe a higher power is very likely too. i believe in reincarnation and i believe that everyone is born with a purpose in life that is pre determined before your even born. i believe in all that so call me crazy and wacky, but i know there will always be more out there that cannot be proven until one experiences some of those things for there own selves
  22. well, i don't believe in the general mumbo jumbo that you can find in local newspapers. if they were true then all signs would be living the same life and we all know that ain't happening :)on the other hand, to get information from the more experienced astrologers that can do a reading on specific information about you, i DO believe in.i've always been facsinated by astrology but never really got in to it much. just in general and i have to say from what i have seen and learned, there is truth to it. at the same time, there is fiction to it as well. i don't think this science has been perfected at all.with that said.....it's documented proof that when the moon aligns to be full, there are more police calls than normal. with that information alone we can assume with little doubt that the moon affects people in different ways depending on how the moon is aligned(full or not). if the moon can affect people, why can't planets and stars?does our own planet affect us when it's aligned a certain way?(day or night).now i have read about who i am in general from some good resources on astrology. i'm a pisces and the information given was about 75% acurate. i then read the other signs in who they generally are and i have to say that the percentage that was me doesn't come close to what i read about with my own sign. is that just a coincedence to the non believers?do your research before you post to this topic rather than stating a belief without any knowledge or facts to back it up and because this science is far from being mastered, any post will always ust be an opinion
  23. name one person who has built something without a dream or a vision please. i HAVE heard of them. in fact, all of them. i may have even visited 1 or 2 5 years ago or so without remembering. i AM in to websites and i AM a webmaster. i learn and teach myself as i did when i was learning programming languages long ago. yea, it be easier not to make the mistakes others have and follow the strict advice of others by listening or reading a book, but i choose to take the hard road with little exception. with that, i'm sure i know things other people don't and never will. i also know things that other people will never talk about if they DO know certain things. his site is a waste? why do people need to reinvent the wheel? well bud, it's not reinventing the wheel. it is trying to make something better that has already been done. i remember a long time ago when someone tried to reqruit me for an amway meeting. sounded interesting. after the meeting, a lightbulb went off in my head. if i join, i am going to publish amway on the internet. this was about 9 years ago or so. what i was told was this. "don't change what has already been working for years". also, "do not try to reinvent the wheel. i heard so much crap from closed minded people it wasn't even funny. nobody had vision....NOBODY i talked to. 1 or two years later amway was on the internet and growing drastically in size. my point to this story is obvious. i have to defend someones idea and effort and hard work against people like you who have no insight to what really goes on in the minds of creative people and innovators. please email me your website, i am sure i can review it for ya i've been doing this and other things related for years. you can say what you want about me with absulutely no knowledge of who i am. that's ok. for years my credibility has been top totch with very little arguement or disagreement. i've helped tons of people just starting out learning how to build a website to people to people who are already established and need seo. granted, i've fallen behind online due to my two offline business, but the basics will always be the same. before you try to discredit someone who is in the top 5% in knowledge base, i would sugest you do your research and open your mind a little. also, instead of being so subjective, why don't you lend a helping hand out with something helpfull that you can add to help his site grow or just visit it and give an honest review
  24. they can either do that or just close their laptop screen will shut off automaticlly without even downloading a program or pressing any keys
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