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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. if you accumulate 280 credits here, then you have the opportunity to apply for a free top level domain. think about it....
  2. there was no passion or hurt in your post. i may feel for ya that you didn't know what was goin' on, but i hope sooner or later when you finally meet someone that matters to you that you have alot more passion in who your with than you do now.....if not, gonna lose the next one too....
  3. best way in my opinion is go to http://www.webs.com/ and fool around with it. keep it simple by just writing your name and publishing your website. then make your name bigger and bold and publish(save on freewebs). then try adding a picture. they make it very easy to create a website with their wysiwyg(what you see is what you get) editor. the foold around adding more stuff and try moving your information around(especially pictures where you want them. i believe free webs make it easy to move pictures around with drag and drop features. what i would do at this point after you fool around with your new easy to create website is to click on the html editor and view your code(SEE??? you don't need to know any code to create a website) try to compare the code you see to what you created and you will see some easy to recognize codes that actually created your website. although seeing the code may still be confusing, google "html tutorials". there are a few good websites out there that give very easy to use tutorials and hands on lessons online that are FREE. go through the basic tutorials and apply them to your freewebs website. when you feel comfortable, go through the advanced lessons and tutorials and try to apply what you learned on your website through freewebs. PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE. soon, you will have a website exactly the way you want it where you can then show it off to your friends and family. this is how i learned. some people learn faster than others so just be patient. after a year or so, you wont need a wysiwyg editor and will be able to write code free hand and use alot of the tools that are already written in to your html editor to create websites faster and create cleaner code and include a lot more advanced features for your website. if anyone is new to creating a website, this is how i learned. give it a year to master the basics to the semi advanced stratagies. you have to be persistent and dedicated and spend at least an hour a day learning. don't give up and don't go too long without learning or you will forget wht you already learned.
  4. you need 280 credits. 250 will go for your domain name and you will be left with 30 credits left over(approximately 1 month hosting) everyone needs to read the very first post very carefully if they are interested in a free top level domain like i recieved. it really does explain everything you need and need to do getting your free domain has nothing to do with how many posts. in fact, if you post even 400 times and recieve 400 credits but wait a year to apply, your credits would have gone down to 35 total credits which is FAR from the credits you need(280) for a free domain name and registration. in fact, if you post 28 top quality posts for 10 credits each, you will have 280 credits EXACTLY....but if wait a day to register without posting more, you will be one credit short so you don't even need 100 posts. only 28 top quality posts for 10 credits each if each post is still worth a max 10 credits. now isn't that easier than thinking you need to post 300 times? or even 100???
  5. read what you said. doesn't that say enough??? hahaha you weren't smokin' when you wrote this post, were ya?
  6. this sounds like a creative version of marketing webhosting. although they will pay you for your free signups(and up to them to convert to paid accounts), the signups still have to fork overaround $60 for hosting and their free domain before they get their hosting credit. a credit card is required according to their faq. the hosting is through ipower web. ipower web pays affiliates $100 per signup so basically it's an affiliate program inside an affiliate program. and the people who set up this affiliate program is giving away 3/4 of their commisions to make this program worthwhile for others. ipower web is a VERY respected webhost. what i don't like about this program is that they claim a 60% conversion rate. if this is true, i would rather sign up for ipowerweb's affiliate program directly for $100 per hosting signup, give a refund of $75 directly whoever signs up with me and pocket the $25 instead of the $2 per lead. this affiliate program inside an affiliate program is ridiculous. if want to promote hosting, then there's more money to be made elsewhere. just be as creative as the company who set up this affiliate program it's probably not a scam, but this affiliate program hasn't been around that long so it's up to everyone to use their best judgement whether to trust them or not. WHYAFFILIATES? that's the domain name you chose for your free domain name? you should have given it some more thought
  7. don't think about it or try so hard. if the guys aren't interested right now, screw 'm. keep being you...enjoy your friends, and um...take a day out to party hardy
  8. grrrr....i hate when people make excuses not to vote. maybe you don't like either candidate, but ultimately you have to believe one is better than the other in your own belief. you don't have to vote for only those people you like. you should vote for the best person who you think wont screw things up more than the other. be a part of the system that makes this country great. there will never be a perfect president, but there is such a thing as the best man for the job between two candidates. that's why we vote and your not vote could be the deciding factor. part of my own life is determined who wins this next election so because i take great concern in my own life, i personally will be at the voting poll and being a part of history and the changes it will make it my personal life.
  9. thanks for the link. i will check it out. as far as stating mccain will win, he's behind in the polls. also, he just chose a republican running mate. something that has never happened before. this doesn't bother me but her experience does. i am a republican by nature but will be voting democrat this election. i think mccains choice to pick a female was wise, but needed to pick someone more established like a clinton. although i am a republican, u.s. is a melting pot and i am tired of seeing all white males running this country. i'm sure if obama get elected, he will be less likely to screw up his president status by doing something unscrupulous and will be more likey to end his presidency on a positive note. making history comes with great responsibility and dedication. something a mccain will never understand. if obama screws up, he sets back the blacks 12 years and obama knows this. if mccain screws up, it wont be anything new to any white male president and we will keep electing the so-called best man not even knowing who the best man really is. as a republican though, i love mccain. i'm glad he made it this far and made my decision even harder to support obama. but there is no way i will vote for someone that god forbid if anything happens to him, his female running mate becomes president. 2 years being governor doesn't prove anything to me that she is willing and able to run a country....and to be honest, mccain had several great options to chose a qualified running mate (male or female) other than a no name. too bad for him. i think he dug his grave. WOW! i just read the article on wikipedia on sarah palin. she admited that she doesn't know what a vice president does and in not so many words said she considers alaska her first priority? she support oil drilling in national wildlife refuges? she even went so far to go against putting polar bears on the endangered species list because it would prohibit her stand on technology over nature in regards to oil drilling which would ruin natures habitat. she's against gay rights. she feels homosexual human beings don't deserve the rights as other human beings. she's also pro life! she doesn't believe a woman has a right to her own body to choose for her own self whether to have a baby or not. other than her political beliefs, i think she sounds like a go getter that can get things done and a good person in general. but she should have made a choice to continue to make a difference at a more local level. she jumped at a chance to get her name known and she has to know that she is hurting mccain's chances of becoming president. that's MY opinion. boy oh boy. after reading all that, i say mccain really DID dig his grave. i always liked the fact that mccain wasn't an extreme republican, but there were obviously better choices for the republican party. so mark my word, he will NOT be elected, he has damaged his ratings by insulting other republicans in his choices. as far as rasism in this country, we u.s. citizens are not as racist as people percieve us to be but there ARE people out there that just may shoot the president if obama ever becomes elected. i wont be voting for him because i want him shot btw anyway, thanks for the link. it tells alot about how mccain who thinks this woman can run the whole untited states of america including our military if anything should happen to him....
  10. well it's official! mccain chooses a woman for his running mate and possible new vice president. she's the governor of alaska and her name is Sarah Palin. what an interesting presidential campain this has turned out to be. woman president? black president? woman vice president? i'm wondering though. if mccain wanted a woman, then why not choose hilary? few people know who sarah is. i'm sure that EVERYONE will know her today and in the upcoming months though. i just tried to find out more about sarah palin by visiting her government bio page at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ that has a page rank of SIX and it's not loading. i think the server is overloaded because people DON'T know who this woman is and i am not the only one who wants to find out who the next possible vice president is. all i really know right now about sarah palin is that she was just appointed governor of alaska 2 years ago. does this qualify her to run a country if anything happens to the president? i'm all for women in office, but think mccain just dug his grave to support someone with very little experience and someone nobody knows.
  11. do you know anything about seo(search engine optimization), blogs, and internet marketing???? I am stumped here. everyone knows already, i should hope, that blogging can help with your internet marketing efforts. my question is this. what is the best for seo and internet marketing.....to start a blog on my own domain that will compliment the content that will already be on my website, or start a blog on a different domain? normally, i was thinking i was just going to create one on my domain for more original content which the search engines LOVE. then i thought about it more and there are pros if i host a blog on a different domain which is the link exchange possibilities. from first glance, it would seem better to put it on the same domain but i'm not so sure now because everyone also knows that the more relevant links you have pointing to your website, the better(or i should hope people know that too). now being a trap member for a while now, i know there are more questions about seo than people having the knowledge of answering questions about seo but i am throwing my question out there anyway, or maybe someone googling will pick this thread up. if you dare to answer, i would like to know why you responded the way you did and where your information comes from so i can further research this question
  12. i'm curious if anyone has ever heard of transcendental meditation which was founded by Maharishi Mahesh yogi. i have researched the results of the meditation techniques and everything i have ever read was so positive. i have a problem researching the meditation techniques though. it seems as though the only way you can learn them is through a certified instructor that has already learned them. i guess there is room for error in the techniques but they say the techniques are very easy to master and anyone is able to use the techniques for their own benefits. what i don't understand is if the techniques are so simple that anyone can do, then why does one need an instructor? i mean, you have to take a class and within the class there are follow up classes before you are able to use the techniques without an instructor. normally, i am very good at researching things on the net and these techniques have to be available somewhere without having to pay or take a class while an instructor watches over you. it's like these techniques are a highly gaurded secret or something because i haven't found one place that offers these meditation techniques for free. anyway, i thought i would ask here if anyone knows anything about transcendental meditation. and if there is information on the techniques without taking the classes? if not, has anyone ever taken the program? what were your results? the program was founded by Maharishi Mahesh yogi and is world-renowned.
  13. haha no doubt! i used to sleep with the t.v. on every night. in fact, if the t.v. wasn't on or i couldn't go to sleep watching t.v., i would have a hard time going to sleep. what i noticed many times in the past was that i would have nightmares based on what was on the t.v. at the time either before i went to sleep or while i was sleeping. i had some trippy dreams that i know was directly related to the t.v. being on. good call! haha
  14. ya know, i really do hate whiners. i hate the negative energy that goes in to whining. i am talking about the whiners that even when you and others do everything to try and listen and help them if they need it, nothing will ever please them. they will always find a reason to whine.I don't understand sometimes how people can go through life where something will always be displeasing to them. i mean, come on, if the whiners just see the good around them and concentrate on what they DO have instead of always concentrating what they DON'T have SELFISHLY, then they wouldn't have any reason to whine for the most part.for all you whiners out there, see the GOOD and stop whining!oh....and btw.....i am venting, not whining
  15. well, i am not a big al gore fan, but i AM a fan of anyone who puts an effort to help the world and al gore is doing just that by informing people of the possibilities of global warming. it's surprising to me how people are so quick to discredit a nobel peace prize winner without really giving any information why global warming doesn't exist. seems a bit subjective to me...even if i'm not a big al gore fan
  16. i woulda have thought it was more like a protective dream which would explain mermaids nature and possibly including her own insecurities not being able to protect in every situation. dream interpretations is like horoscopes that people believe in. there is nothing set to explain in general. why mermaid needs to interpret her own dream. in my own belief i think dreams can include what may take place in the future. somewhat a psychic or intutive experience. i personally used to have some dangerous nightmares. alot of them were reoccuring and over time i learned to make different choices in my dreams to control them more until my reoccuring dreams were safer for me to live through. OH! i also believe dreams can contain past life experiences as well but when mermaid explains her dream, one obvious thing to me is her own insecurities and fears so she is going to have to ask her own self where her insecurities and fears lie. may not even relate to her friend. just because we dream about things, everything in that dream may not be directly related to what we want to understand about that dream
  17. what was interesting to me was the fact that you have a deaf friend who wasn't deaf in your dream. personally, if i were to guess, your dream represents some form of connection issues to your friend.also, i wouldn't really call what you had a dream, but a nightmare and as truefusion pointed out, most nightmares are stress related usually directly related to insecurities.lastly mermaid, dreams or nightmares come from our own thoughts. alot of times, our subconscious thoughts. don't rely on others to describe who you are or what your thoughts are. my advice if you want to find the true nature to your disturbing dream is to think long and hard about it where there are no disruptions around you and come to your own conclusions. i wouldn't advise doing this when your in bed alone and about to go to sleep at night though unless you want a reoccuring nightmare.lastly, sometimes influencing a reoccuring dream or nightmare can be beneficial. we can learn from ourselves through our dreams and just like real life, we have choices even inside our dreams. with our choices, we can change the outcome of our dreams by facing the fears and insecurities we have. also, sometimes when we can have a reoccuring dream, we have the opportunity to see things the second or third time inside the dream that may have gone unnoticed the first time which might enable you to find the answers to your question.btw- the other thing that interested me was when you said you both were holding on to eachother. this was YOUR dream so i have to assume it was you who was holding on to HIM. being very protective of your friend. it wasn't you that was snatched up. now this tells me you knew the outcome of your dream before the actual outcome happened. nobody controlled this dream but you and only you know your relationship to your friend and fear if you ever lose your friend.also, google dreams and you may find some typical definitions of specific dreams but again, i wouldn't rely on any answers that don't come from your own self.
  18. well shucks! i wish i was there. i woulda wanted to ask him if i could have it if he didn't want it
  19. really? i never thought i looked clogged and horrible when i use vasoline to prevent dryness on my lips. so what do you suggest instead of vasoline?
  20. not nuts. even if you think nothing came about it, always pay attention to your intuitions and such. there could be another meaning to it alltogether. or, could be the calm before the storm. ya never know.
  21. i know that's one excuse to use makeup, but even so, isn't it still kinda fake? it's not like me putting vasoline on my lips to make them shine. i do it if i have dry lips. isn't the real reason why women wear makeup the fact that they think they can look better or prettier than any natural look? you tried to say makeup should only be used to bring out your best features. that ofcourse is one opinion. when is too little or when is too much? it's all relative to the one putting the makeup on isn't it? so the meaning behind "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" sorta gets wiped away. women don't just like using makeup though. they like painting their nails and getting them professionally done along with their hair and even dying it. by using makeup, they can actually change the way they look by hiding their natural features. now after asking some questions and intimating my own beliefs, do you really think i would marry someone who caked on makeup? when we talk about makeup though and ways to use it gently to brings out features, it's also important to talk about why covering up and bringing out features is important, don't ya think? ever since i can remember as a kid, this has been a question in my mind why women feel they need to use makeup. is it have something to do with insecurities as well? you know. getting in the mind of women always seems impossible i think you wrote a very well written post. maybe you can continue writing why women need to apply makeup in different situations that different women can relate to. and answer some of the relevant questions like "should all women wear makeup?" or "what's more important, wearing makeup or being happy just the way you are?".
  22. very well written post there and i don't realy want to take away from the time you spent, but......women should dress up in halloween costumes while their at it. you started with concealer and in my opinion, ALL makeup is concealer. it hides everything about your physical appearance. what i don't get is some guys actually like it when their women conceal themselves. me personally, women don't need to go to all that work. why can't they see the same beauty without the makeup??? women have gone so far now as to paint their dogs toenail or dye their hair pink. their excuse is "the dog likes it. look how much more happy HE!/she is"...top it off, my woman has asked me more than once if she could pain my nails.the only way i would let my wife be womanly to my body is if i can be manly to her afterward and stand her up by a tree for target practice....
  23. sorry, i should have quoted. i remembered exactly what you said. this is the vent though and i understand it.....but ummmm think you're being a little harsh in your words there. you're not god and you certainly don't sound like anyone's judge and jury. kids are kids they do some strange things for many different reasons. before you start judging and sentencing in your own thoughts, think about where their actions come from. think about why they are doing what they are doing. there are hidden meanings behind everything. think about why you even know these kids that would do something like that. think about what possibilities their may be to hold a positive affect on their life just like i know you love your parents. you didn't say you did but i know you do yet all you say about them here are things you hate and don't admire about them. if i were to judge you by only what i have seen, i would have to say you need to have a little more mannors and self discipline when you talk down on your parents publically as you have. so just because someone does something that another sees as bad, wrong, injust or one sided shouldn't define who they are. should it? or are you without imperfections your own self and have nothing to improve on in your own life...think about it....sometimes you have to see beyond words and actions to really see people. now like i said before. i say you stand up for what you believe in and don't allow others to take away what you stand for. although you still have a lot of growing up to do, i think your head is clicked on the right way and i do see your point in the things you say including an eye for an eye to a certain extent. i know you had a point to your vent so i hope i didn't take away from the release you needed. i just wanted to point out the flip side. that sometimes you have to see past the negative you see to see the good. i hope that the good isn't totally hidden by your negative perceptions and the good you see is just as equally important to notice and talk about.
  24. it IS just as good as everyone says. the only problem you will have is trying to figure out what to do with your hosting once you have it
  25. wow.thought you presented your point of view pretty well in your original post and topic you created. you lost my vote though and support when you start talking about how you wish certain people die a slow and horrible death. sheepdog, i respect your point of view. i ev en agree with it to a certain extent but i relate it to darwin's theory about survival of the fittest. you may have created your own theory around his to some extent. that's fine. but life is more than theory or belief. theories are a dime a dozen and belief in this world vary from religion to religion and personal experiences in how we were raised and who we are when we are born. you know why there is no right or wrong belief? because there is truth to all beliefs. believing in pro creation is fine my wife believes the same thing within her own line of family and future generations. she has three kids all grown up. i always wanted kids and felt i would be a great father(in some ways i believe my mom said it best that it would be easier for me to be a good father than husband). BUT! my wife is unable to have anymore kids so i have to accept this and figure out a way how i can be a good father without having kids of my own. i have seen all sorts of mothers. there are the ones who were just born to be mothers and ones who are in no way shape or form considered to be a natural mother. for the ones living against the purpose of life you talk about, or for the ones who can't have kids, there is always adoption. problem i also see aside from a bit of darwin's theory in your belief is the bit of the bible in your belief as well. it's now a fact though that some people are just born homosexual. heck. some people are born with male and female parts. some are born without them both. now i personally believe in reincarnation and the some of the aspects that go in to it like from generation to generation of reincarnation, we are always becoming stronger. some have lived very few lives while others have lived many(those who have lived many are considered "old souls") i believe in some ways we determine our own paths by what we've already learned and we are born a certain way and reincarnated NOT by accident but with purpose and intnetion. so anyone born different than those who can pro create have a purpose that has nothing to do with pro creation. so this is why i don't fully believe in your belief or what i would call a theory for everyone to stand behind. it also tells me there is a bigger purpose as a whole that people need to live by and that purpose can differ from person to person in how each person is different and unique and may hold a different purpose than their neighbor according to the bible, we weren't born perfect in god's eyes unless god just wanted us to see ourselves in a deeper light. jesus died for our sins for a reason. it wasn't because the human race is bad and we all need someone to die for us and our so-called sins. it was to make us think and to make us grow to be better human beings. in fact, if the human race wasn't so ignorant, then nobody would have had to die to make us think on deeper levels. we are ALL born perfect. even the ones not attracted to the opposite sex as even those people can offer the world around them something different and unique that is GOOD. the fact that homosexuality hasn't killed our race yet disproves your point all together. homosexuality will never kill our race. in some forms, homosexuality is needed for our race to survive and better our own selves if you look deep in what others have to offer. what ISN'T our purpose as a human race is tachnology that is making it easier for human's not to think for themselves anymore and live that lazy easy life that technology has to offer. there are so many signs that TECHNOLOGY will be the destruction to us, not homosexuality society and cultures have dictated specific ways of life that everyone should live. although truth to it, it doesn't apply to EVERYONE and EVERYONE needs to find their own individual and unique purpose. if what you are saying is true, homosexuals are a mistake in life because they can't reproduce. to go beyond that, any higher power than created us, created us as mistakes. why? as some cruel joke? to take it a bit further, if any higher power has the ability to create mistakes that the world has to live with then it isn't just limited to homosexuals. we might as well talk about all the desieses people can be born with and all the deformaties people can be born with that can never fullfill this purpose you are talking about. let's discredit all of them while we are at it i believe in pro creation to the extent that i don't believe that any abortion is right for any reason. although i do believe in pro choice and would always hope the woman can make the right decision for her own body. BUT that is never the case when a woman gets pregnant just to abort that living thing that will always be a consequence to her certain choices. i will never believe that procreation should be a belief practiced by all though
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