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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. some people live a lifetime without ever knowing their parents. which is a shame. parents aren't superman or superwoman. they are human just like the children they create.i would try to get to know your mother and let her get to know you. sit down with her and try to understand the problems she is dealing with her own self. i know you don't like what's going on, but you can still show her the love she deserves....as you deserve as well. it's there. sometimes people have to look a little harder to find it.
  2. darnit darnit darnit!!! i had posted a long post earlier in this thread. now i am thinking i accidentally posted it in another thread or it just mysteriously disapeard so if someone finds this mysterious post somewhere....please redirect it here.i will sum up my post in a few words though. science and technology has NOTHING to do with paganism and wicca....and i personally will believe in nature over science any day of the week.i don't practice any one religion since they all have something to offer, but they are all still subjective to the rules and beliefs.someone once told me that there are time limits and a god or goddess can take us away as easily as they have brought us here....and the time limits can come in any form. it's just another way of saying we all have a purpose in life and a so-called destiny to fullfill. not everyone lives to be a hundred....and there are reasons for it beyond any scientific explaination. that is my belief.
  3. ok, so i copied this off another thread. i peronally like basic as a starting point but i am a little biased since this was the first language i learned.... you can actually do a lot with basic, but there are limits. join a good programming forum for help and understanding and all your future questions. there are also very good tutorials for any programing language out there. take some initiative and do your research before asking so many non specific questions.
  4. all i can say is WOW. i'm glad google stepped up to the plate. it has to be costing them millions. what is this, principles over money? what does billy have to say about all this?
  5. i have given it some thought. i really do think you should keep it the way it is. i think you've done a really good job. i also feel it wont be your first and last internet project. no, you wont be a teenager forever. you are one NOW though and it's working for you and i woouldn't change it....well, maybe small changes here and there....but you get my point.sometimes....we all need to think about our future.....and sometimes, we should just live in the moment.....so no....don't change it. you've done an excellent job, nameless.....for a newbie just enjoy your blog instead of stressing over it. you've accomplished a lot
  6. no pictures please....VIDEO.....let's see what ya got....then bani can critique. typing with one hand while twirling with the other? that's insane. that would be too much of a distraction for me. i am known to type with one hand and hold my cigarette in the other though
  7. i wouldn't start with python.i do agree with truefusion that you should learn css(and even html) before learning php.but for all practical purposes for you who wants to understand a language and create something that you can be proud of, no matter how basic it is, try BASIC. it's as basic as it sounds. still fun to program in and the least complicated in my opinion.i am lost in todays time. i learned basic and visual basic, cobol, pascal and c, c+ and fortran. i quit trying to learn the languages. it just took up way too much of my time. now, i know html, am lost with css, and know a little php. that is it. i dabbled with python a little but decided it took up way too much of my time since i had better things to do :)now you WILL need a complier for some of the languages. you just input your source code in to the complier and it compiles your source in it a lower level language that can also be executed. there are also translators in which you don't need a compiler....but i am unfamiliar with them.which brings me to my last suggestion other than basic. assembly my be a good language to understand as will...you are actually getting more to the core of how things work. where binary is in it's simplest form of just 1's and 0's.so i would start with basic and assembly. see if that at all interests you....if not, you should really read up on what all the languages have to offer for your practical needs in learning. back in the day, we had to pay for the compliers. i think there are free ones floating around now. i know when i dabbled in python, i used a free one.but to start to learn to create something from scratch and understand it, start with basic. although outdated now and limited, it's still not really a bad language to start learning from. i would also combine that with learning assembly if you was to learn a little software hacking skills as you mentioned
  8. that's nice if i just wanted to look at your sig and not any content without scrolling. i know dinosaurs are big....but daaaaayum....it's only a sig. you also spelled the word wrong haha. i would put an MF underneath it as well.....
  9. the basics would be a website. you then need a form or a capture page to build a mailing list. you then need an autoresponder to mail newsletters to your mailing list. if you don't have those basics implimented, you are going to struggle for sure. after you have the basics, then you need to advertise. a technique used by many now is to use video to promote. it's a very good way to promote because it makes whatever you are doing more personable. this is just one way out of MANY. be creative and work hard for what you want or need.
  10. maybe they can get rid of all your spam while they're at it seriously though.....you had your blog a lot longer that when the edit feature was changed so that's your own fault if there was any related content that you wanted to insert a relative link. that's a pretty cheesy reason to be upset. you have your whole future ahead of you. i'm sure not editing anything from the little time you've been here wont be that big of a deal for ya and your future success....sheeeeeesh!
  11. i was talking about an seo perspective only. the way you have your whole thing set up can only hurt. will never help. backlinks a vital as BH said, but it's not the number of backlinks, it's the backlinks that are related to your site. backlinks with some relevance. also, from a pr persepctive, being linked to a site with a pr 0 will not help you. you always have to link to a pr higher than yours. so not only relevent sites, but with a page rank higher than yours.for serps though, just concentrate on the relevant and related sites to link to. also, link exchanges aren't very wise. google has caught on. if you exchange links, google sees your site as less relevant since it's very easy just to exchange links. worked in the past.....not so much now...if you don't want to change anything, don't. i am sure it can still be successful. you will just have to work harder for your seo. that's all.also, if you are afraid of change, then you are afraid of life. gotta learn and grow somehow. that can only come from change. life is give and take. with every choice, we lose something....but hopefully gain something better. if you don't feel like risking anything, stay indoors and lock your door.as far as comparing yourself or something you do with someone else or what they have done.....DONT. find your own way that's best for YOU. like i said in another thread....when you are always living on someone elses advice, you're life really isn't yours....is it nameless.now our teen years are supposed to be the years when we get to know ourselves fully which stays with us for a lifetime....so with that frame of mind, you have an excuse not to change your title.whatever you decide, do it NOW. you should have thought about all this before hand...and now you're struggling. you fall in the trap as so many others have done in the past. you're learning though.guess what, you rank 8th for the keyword "modern teenager" it's also a good keyword in my opinion. also, other sites are linking to you that are in the top ten for that keyword.if you are so confused in what to do, you can always create another blog with a different domain when you hit 20....then link your old with the new.this is your first blog so you're not supposed to know everything. if you don't find your answers and still confused, keep it the way it is. it is still working for you....
  12. i would suggest you start doing your own research. the information is out there for anything you want to know. you just have to go out and find it. research. google the keywords you are looking for.i started learning what you are asking now when i was about 15. i was self taught like most others. simplest way would be to look at code that was already written and study it and figure out what does what. there are also tuts on anything you want to learn. it takes years....and even then you will have never mastered anything as there is so much to learn. also know that whatever you learn has probably already been learned and done by others.now, if you can be more specific in what you want to learn and do, maybe i as well can be more specific to get you started....but thinking about the big picture leaves me with a headache and i know talking about the big picture will just leave you more confused. so please be specific. start with something small and specific people can guide to to.always my famous words for nameless... "keep it simple" then grow from there....
  13. if it were me, i would not only change the title, but the domain. use your name domain for something else. maybe a personal blog. create another domain that has 2-3 words in it and play on words for the title as BH suggested. OR....i would create a subdomain or directory to host your blog....then you can have your 2-3 keyword phrase inside your link. don't worry seo too much for "a philosophical blog of a modern teenager". it's too long of a keyword phrase. nobody is going to search for it even if it is recognized as a keyword phrase in the google serps. BUT! "philosophical blog" and "modern teenager" are good keywords within the title. now if you do or don't change anything, always remember to enter your title keywords in to your blog posts somehow without it sounding unprofessional. download a good seo plugin that will automatically create your important metatags for each page that is created....especially the title. you don't want the same title for each page. bad seo. your title for each page will usually be your blog post subject title. and again, fore each blog subject, you want to enter the title keywords in to your published post. VERY important for seo. i would reconsider the domain your blog is hosted on. you have the credits to buy another one and i believe you can host up to 5 for the cheapie hosting. a domain should be chosen VERY carefully and cannot be done in a day. it takes research and thought.
  14. me too. i would love to debate gdi with anyone who says it's a good opportunity
  15. ofcourse your upline will help you. that's the only way they can ensure themselve of making any money. it's not a scam site, but it's saturated like you said, it's not the best extention in the world, and your upline will NOT be helping you as much as you think....you will be doing all the hard work...and work THEY didn't have to do during the .ws craze what .ws should you buy? NONE!
  16. nameless, gdi has been around a while. you wont make as much as when they first started. also, the most important extention is still a .com if you want to make some money online, i would have to tell you to do your research first. you also need to know how to market whatever you are selling. i don't want to discourage you in your efforts to try and find a way to make money online. all i want to point out is that there are a lot of variables that you need to consider first before you start forking over your money. 2 years ago, i was hearing about gdi all over the place. now i rarely hear about it. i think it is not a wise investment right now. there are better ones out there. also....who the #$%$#% needs a .ws?!?!?!?
  17. why post a thread and not try to answer your own question??? that's stupid. is this part of your own meaning to life? "These are some mysteries of human existence that will be exposed right here". that is what you said, isn't it? i don't see anything being exposed. maybe i need to smoke a bowl...i loved the title though. it actually made me enter this piece of crock thread!
  18. oh my! someone willing to compare god to material possessions. what a joke!why is it a wrong notion that material possesions cannot contribute to a person's happiness. sometimes material possessions are symbols of the hard work and dedication and achievment in ones own life. i mean....come on now.....when you work hard and save and able to puchase a new home....there is some fullfillment in that. material possessions have commonly been passed down from generation to generation where material possessions take on a sentimental meaning...not to forget about a traditional and cultural one.material possessions alow us to travel more readily to expereince things we would not of the ability otherwise.so yea....i would say material possession DEFINATELY contribute to a person's happiness....BUT they aren't the only thing that contribute to happiness.
  19. i have a similar issue that i canot be in agreement on either. i never really minded the creative commons license when it was implimented....although i do feel it's more appropriate for someone who owned their own site and not speak for the whole user base. BUT! when they took away the edit feature(sorry, 10 minutes doesn't cut it)....that with the combination of the ccl is very disturbing to me. THAT was when i had to give some serious thought to staying or leaving because like i said before, i am 100% against it. i am not here to promote or help promote other peoples websites. once a post is published, it's public and shared information anyway. whatever.... i am not going to let it bother me too much since it's not really directly hurting me. it's just the principle of the whole situation. but i have chosen to stay despite. i have been a long time internet user for 25 years and for most of this internet life, i was never able to edit CRAP in the past from other sites or bbs's etc. i was also always under the impression that one you post something on a site you do not own or control, you automatically give up some of your copyright rights willingly. there was debates about when a user left a site and wanted all his information posted, deleted. it doesn't work that way. this is why users need to be responsible and know the laws when they post anything publically....ccl or no ccl. BUT, trap, i believe is exceeding authority to give ccl to anyones copywrites. at least it's implied they are doing this. i don't think this is legal....so with that and the combination of getting rid of the edit feature, i had to do some long hard thinking i also don't think imlimenting certain changes will help promote trap....but... if people aren't in agreement with the changes like me, they have every right to leave and not post. it's unfortuate for trap because i am in agreement with ski when he said we are losing a valuable poster. i cannot think of one thing that these small changes will help trap in the long run, but i CAN see how they can hurt trap. mycents were never an influence to my decision to stay since i cannot be bought off. like i said....i have things i would like to offer and the members and staff have already offered me alot. so it's the combination of sharing and giving and caring i i think personally outweighs the changes i am in disagreement on. that's just me. some people wont have that same thinking....
  20. i have to admit, i had the same thoughts of leaving after the edit feature was taken away. i actually gave it some hard drawn out thought because i am 100% against it even after understanding the flip side in why it was the edit feature was taken away. my reasons were selfish. trap has been so good to me in the past. gave me a lot and i wasn't going to repay them by leaving. life is full of things we don't like but it doesn't mean we have to walk away from everything we don't like or we'd always be walking away...and that is no way to live, and i am not just talking about trap. so i apologize for what i am about to say if you don't see the hidden meaning. if you are to leave because of an edit feature issue, then maybe trap didn't need you here to begin with. i'm a little biased in my thinking because i see trap as more than just a post to host or just another forum. if others had the same intentions of leaving for the same reasons you hold, then trap would no longer exist. based on you're goodbyes, i think maybe trap had given you something more than just an edit feature too. whether opa or the mods or the users here realize it or not yet, i see the beginning of a transition phase for trap. everyone has their own comfort levels and very few like change. so when we are confronted with small changes in life, we have to ask ourselves where our loyalties lie. if i was playing in a championship game and was substituted out for the rest of the game, i wouldn't like it. i wouldn't walk to the locker room to undress and go home either. i would sit on the sidlines, supporting my team knowing there is something greater than my own selfishness. i hope you reconsider because i don't think any changes no or future changes should be taken personal or someone left with a feeling that they aren't wanted around because even if you may feel it, it just ain't true. again, i had some serious thoughts of leaving myself after the decision was handed down....but i have made the decision to stick with trap during the good and the bad....and the ugly and although i have something to offer others here, others have something to offer me. there will always be two sides to a coin. some people are to stubborn or lazy to know that and to turn the coin over as proof of it. i think out of all the regulars here, i needed the edit feature the most....especially for my bad grammer and misspellings...but mainly because i have so much going on in my little head, that my posts really do need the most editing. i can live with it as long as trap can live with some of my double posts which was always frowned upon in the past. if i have something to say, i am going to say it. rules or no rules. at least i said it. i've seen people come and go. normally, the people who go have lives that take them away from trap as there is only so much time during a day. i have see a select few leave on principle. you are different than those who left on principle and didn't give trap a chance. you've been here a while so i would think that you would be able to see beyond an edit feature. nobody is forcing you to leave, you leave on your own accord....and by the sad face at the end of your "last post", it makes me wonder what you are really leaving behind.....and i would guess you already know the answer to that....that's why you didn't leave your second to last post as your "last post".... i hope you reconsider....
  21. good call. also you have three home page links pointing to different pages. you have an html HOME page, a php HOME page(the home links on the top and bottom of the page). also, when you just enter your domain, it shows up slightly different than your index.php page for some reason. the obvious difference is the extra google adsense block on the bottom of your home page that isn't there on any of your other pages. i already suggested eliminating that per adsense rules since you have your 3 in your last column working for you and since you are only allowed 3. i know this had nothing to do with your banner or logo but thought you would like to know...
  22. i love your banner. i wish i was as creative for my own sites. what i don't like is unnecessary words in graphics. if it was me, i would stick with the logo and write out the words in your html editor of choice. but that's just me who always tries to look at the advantages of seo and getting my site and the keywords i write recognized by the search engines. btw- i went to your site and it is breaking the adsense terms of service. if i were you, i would limit your ad slots to 3. but if you want to risk it, who am i to tell you otherwise.
  23. estimated earnings is just that. ESTIMATED earnings. they are not actual earnings but the estimated earnings are usually pretty accurate. before they pay you, adsense will run through your earnings account and determine which are valid clicks. they won't pay you for invalid ones. estimated earnings usually include invalid clicks.adsense also does an average of your valid clicks. they take the total of your estimated earnings and divide that # by the days in which there were page impressions.1.15 for one click is pretty impressive. there are a lot of ways to maximize adsense earnings/impressions/clicks. one way of doing this is tracking your visitors activieties, knowing where they came from and what they are doing on your site and adjust accordingly. this is very very important when first starting out with adsense or any other ads for that matter. you have to get in the minds of your visitors....it's almost a little psychological game.anyway, good luck with your future earnings. the first few are always the most exciting....no matter how little
  24. the design in my opinion looks better. don't know why you haven't uploaded the theme yet. i would put an h2 header under the title for a short description of your site. after i posted, i notcied google had already spidered 3-4 of your pages 1/2 hour after you said you uploaded your site. that was lightening fast. you should also think about creating a site map after you are done creating your theme. remember thoughm, you will have to continually update it just like your blog. so bani found him a little piece of property on the internet....there goes the neighborhood! hahah j/k
  25. i don't think that was a very cool thing to say. yes....people make mistakes. EVERYONE does.... there is an old saying though...."better late than never". in this case it would be true. he didn't have the thoughts when he was dead. he had them when he was alive. alot of people don't have any closure after someone close dies. this could be a chance to have some closure. your one sided thinking like it was all about the dead guy with a hidden message means nothing to the ones that may feel contentment and closure.... as far as services like this goes.....they would never be able to gaurantee delivery. also.....i am sure these companies are at high risk of going out of business as well. oooohhhhohhhhhh take the money and run......
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