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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. questions 1 and 3 were answered. as far as #2....ofcourse they can and they do. first, when you sign up for adsense, you give them your personal info including your address to mail the checks. online, they gather at the very least your website content in order to put relevant ads on your site as far as other personal information, i wouldn't be too surprised. they keep track of ip's for sure since they will ban users from clicking on their own ads and friends who click on your ads just to make a couple bucks. is it safe? if it wasn't, people wouldn't be using adsense and it would be the talk of the town. i don't think google will try to do anything that might ruin their credibility. if google gets sold, then i would be cautious. all in all, don't sweat it. it's free aside from the time to put the code on your site and set up which ad formats you want and you make a little money. i do believe they charge a chek proccessing fee though too(when they issue out your check for the earnings you have accumulated) and depending on your webpage content(you don't choose the ads google places on there) you earn from $0.00 per click to $10.00 per click or higher. the way they pay is still a mystery to everyone. there is no definate answer to that last question. i think i was averaging .05 a click when i had adsense on my site that had to do with pets. the webhosting, porn, casino, insurance ads pay a whole heck of a lot per click though. so do some other ads. what you get paid has to do with the competition of ads placed through google adwords and how high the bid price is for that particular ad. not so much based on the highest position of the ad(the highest ad position can sometimes be cheaper than what someone is paying for the 2nd and third position believe it or not...)
  2. you should care more about controlling your population. as far as the question, i personally believe there are pros and cons. a virgin is a nice thought because of the idea o two people sharing their lives together and growing with one another and never needing anyone else to fullfill them. on the other hand. you date a girl or marry a girl that is a virgin, don't expect much in bed. they will be very inexperienced so if the woman is a virgin and the man isn't, the sex could get boring for the man when he compares his other experiences and might stray. could end the relationship. best senario would be for both to be virgins. no problems.... but we don't live that way anymore and it's not a crime to have sex before marriage in this country. what the heck....your way is that if you never find a wife, you never experience sex? what a shame for you....
  3. i don't think Xisto allows for more than 1 domain with their free hosting. i could be wrong. if they do, then log in to your cpanel and add your domain. the directions are right above you, bud. you will also have to direct that domain to your hosting account just like you did your first domain.
  4. free hosting is ok. but not for internet marketing. if you go with free hosting, your url will rarely make sense, the url will be longer and more comlicated to remember or type, and it's harder to get ranked high with sub domains and directories that are linked to a domain that isn't relevant. also, if the domain goes down, so does your website and all the hard work you did to market it.so for the beginner internet marketer just getting their feet wet and are on a limited budget, go for free hosting. i can recomend a couple great places for free hosting with no ads and no posting requirements if there is an interest. but after your website is up and running, consider paid hosting asap because when you do decide to transfer over to a paid top level domain name, you have to start your internet marketing campaign all over again. that would really suck! you can use a redirect, but i am not a big fan in redirecting ANYTHING.hosting is $5 a month, and if you pay for a full year, some places will give you a free domain for a year. christmas is coming up. all those that are SERIOUS and wont quit on themselves, ask for it for a present or something. there is always a way to get what you want if the WILL and DETERMINATION is there.never bother with anything other than a top level domain(.com, .org, .info, .biz, etc...) .com is the best since it is in peoples automatic thinking already but the disadvantage is that most all the good short names are taken. if you decide to go with anything other than a dot com.....like a dot info, then you risk having someone type in .com as the extention instead of yours.domain names are only $10 a year....VERY easily affordable.....more so than hosting but i wouldn't get your domain until your website is built UNLESS you have that PERFECT name that you KNOW will incorporate your main keyword and it's available.trp 17 really is the perfect place for ANYONE who wants to start an online business. they offer free hosting. they require you to post at least one time a day to keep your hosting running, but SO WHAT! remember one of the marketing strategies for one way links and search engines that need to find you like google? you will have to post somewhere anyway. you're killing two birds with one stone with trap 17, you will also belong to a long term community with good resources at your fingertips. trap 17 will also give you a domain for a year once you have 300 credits. a beginner in internet marketing can't go wrong with trap 17. trap 17 should consider lowering the qualifications for a domain name to half the credits required, but for now it's in beta to see the demand. we'll see what happens. when you get your domain name here, then concentrate FULLY on marketing. then, when you go for paid hosting, you will still have your top level domain and wont have to repeat all the work you did with a sub domain! trap 17 will get paid for paid hosting eventually and everyone's happy. it's a win win for everyone.why i will ALWAYS recomend Xisto! but if someone is still not wanting the posting requirements, there are great hosts out there without the ads and any requirements. i used to host my website on Xisto until i had to move 4 times in one year. i had to let go of my site since i couldn't post. oh well. i had all my work saved. so there are downfalls to any decision you make but the good outweighs the bad for the beginner. trap 17 offers a great service.remember. when you want to start a business online, it can either be a full time commitment or a part time one. either way....if you spend at least 1/2 hour a day after your website is created, you will be doing good 1 year down the road. you will have to wait for the reward at the end because you will be doing it for the long run, not the short run. some people get burnt out because they dont see results right away. DONT!!! "if you build it, they will come". it's true to a certain extent if you have built a basic marketing campaign with your website.so DONT get burnt out which is easy to do online. a year from now you can either be in the same position you are in now.....or, you can own a succesfull website. something you can be proud of a year from now and something you can show off to other people. and if these other people ask you how you did it, you can tell them and help them just what my intention is by posting what i am.if you have a limited budget or no budget, you can still create a great online business. don't be fooled by people saying you need even 1 penny! BUT! it will be easier and less time consuming if you had the money for hosting, a domain name, a couple programs that do things for you automatically, and some money for a google adwords campaign.again, if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. i am not a guru or an expert, but i am very knowledgable since i spent hours and hours of researching this topic. i've heard it all and i have experiments with most every option. any questions i can't answer, maybe someone else here cangood luck to all! also, if you want more than the basics, let me know. i only touched base so a foundation can be made with the basics. there are advanced ways of starting a business online....but those advanced ways are dependant on what type of business you plan to start.
  5. there is so much that goes in to internet marketing, it can be VERY confusing to a person just starting to learn this outline. it's a good general outline, but within that, there literally 100's of things you can do within this outline. #1 on the list is self explainatory. basically your website will reveolve around a hobby or an interest you have vast knowledge about AND something you enjoy(even if internet marketing isn't something you enjoy:)) #2 some would disagree that this should be #2 and creating your website should come next. since this is internet marketing and making money or driving traffic to your website, i think finding good keywords to employ should be #2. overture or wordtracker are great tools to find many targeted keywords for your website. you want to try to find the keywords that everyone ISN'T using compared to how many people search for those keywords. EXAMPLE would be that you would want to target a keyword that was googled 1000 times that month with only 1000 web pages(other websites) incorporating that same keyword.....RATHER THAN targetting a keyword that gets googled 100,000 times that month with 1,000,000 webpages incoroprating that same keyword. with this strategy, your competition is less, and your chances of getting to the 1st page of any search engine is much greater which means your rewards will be greater. DONT be general with your keywords. use 2-4 words as your targeted keyword phrase. i like using 3 words for a key word phrase. also, only target 2-3 keywords(key word PHRASES) on each page of your website. do NOT use the same keywords for the different pages on your website! this will allow you to market each page seperate and each page will have a GREATER chance of being on the first page of a search result. if your website's main subject is fish, don't use a keyword "fish". use something more specific such as "tropical fish" which is still too general but better than just fish. or use a keyword phrase even more specific like "fresh water tropical fish". this is only on the top of my head without researching through wordtracker which i recomend HIGHLY! #3 is to register your domain, but i would personally create a website first before thinking of a domain name and registering it. why? because you can view your finished product first and the name of your domain will come to you easier and it will be able to fit in with the content of your website better. also, there is a marketing strategy in choosing your domain name. some search engines like one of your main keywords written within your domain name. also, you want a domain name that is easy to remember and easy to type. successfull websites have built their business around this marketing strategy. "ebay" or "amazon". both these domains are easy to remember and easy to type. in fact, amazon is a word everyone has heard of before so that worked GREAT for them as a marketing strategy. #4 which i would put at #3 is building your website. you really need to do research on SEO or search engine optimization because there is just way to much to list in building your webpages in order for them to be marketable....especially in the search engines. you have to deal with your title and description meta tags, your keyword tags and your keyword density within your webpage, your img alt attributes, your headlines, your outbound and same site text and urls, first paragraph of your body text, what inbound links you want from other websites(very important now), and much more to consider in preparing your website properly in order to market it properlyand get some good quality traffic to it. also, leave room on each of your pages for new fresh content so you can update your page monthly...but weekly is better! the search engines LOVE fresh new content on your web pages! not alot of people update their webpages and find their sites quickly dropping in webpages. the more you update, the better chance you will gain better ranks than those who don't update regularly! #5 is to market it. again, this is another area which you need to research the different areas. but i will quickly go through the main ingredients to market it. first, you need to submit your site to all search engines and directories. key thing about this is to MANUALLY submit your site to the top ten search engines and directories. there is one exception. DO NOT screw with submitting your site to google. let the google spider find YOU. you do this by posting on Xisto or other high profile forums on the net. google should pick ya up within a week so don't sweat google. google would much rather find your site than you submitting your site manually or automatically. google has always been about relevency and if the spider has found your site, then google will think your site is more relevent than those who just submitted their site manually or automatically. make sense? i hope so. after you spend a day submitting your site and each individual relevant web page, then write and article and a press release about your site and what it has to offer(hopefully if you created it right, you are offering something that other similar contect websites do NOT offer, and you have set yourself apart from the crowd by doing that). go find some forums to post in. stay within the topic of your website, use your keywords within your post, and ALWAYS use your website url as your signiture to your site and incorporate some keywords within your signature as well. you have now started your one way incoming links that are very relevant to your website. google LOVES these! post in these forums at least once a week. now enter one of your main keywords in google and do a search. copy and past the top 50 urls in to wordpad, and save it. start with the top url and visit that page. find the webmaster or owners email address and write to them. tell them that your site can compliment theirs and ask them if they can put your link on their site somewhere . go down the list and keep writing those letters. this is marketing. it's tedious. check out relevant newsgroups and post in them using the same techniques as i mentioned in your forums postings. create a blog and post to it EVERY DAY and incorporate your web pages within your blogging. RESEARCH internet marketing and seo WEEKLY since internet marketing is like buying a computer. once you do it, some of it gets outdated a month later. keep up to date! and spend at least 1/2 hour a day in these basic marketing techniques. keep killing the pipline so there is always a fresh flow of marketing going out so new visitors can see your site and come in. allow 6 months before seeing any results compared to the first day you published your website on the internet. it's a slow proccess. if you FAIL to fill the pipeline by not spending 1/2 hour a day to market your site and update your site, then the pipline will slow down which wont allow people to see your site to enter it. do not for ANY REASON think that once you have the traffic you need, you can stop what you were doing before. this will slow down your pipeline and you'll wonder where all your visitors went. if you want traffic, you need to spend at least 1/2 hour a day FOREVER trying to market it and updating your website with fresh content. anyway, there is a ton of things you can do. i just went over the basics. even though what i refer to as basics, don't fool yourself. these basics lay a foundation to what can become something big if you continue to put effort in to it. these basics alone can put some of your web pages on the #1 page of a search result based on your keyword phrase and can easily draw in 1000 visitors a day after 6 months of persistance. want a little extra money? put adsense ads on your website. research the proper way to do this by blending the back ground color, using vertical ads on the left side of your page, horizontal on the bottom, and a couple blended in within the body of your site. don't put crap on top or on the left. there is a psychology to google adsense and how to place the ads and even the colors you use for them but that's more advanced marketing, sorry. what are you going to do with the extra money earned through adsense? ADWORDS! your adsense can literally pay for your adwards account if done right....but don't be too quick to use adwords unless you have the money up front to pay for a campaign. that's about it boys and girls. if you have any questions, write 'm to me here or pm me. i'm always happy to answer any questions. there are more advanced areas of marketing, but this is a good overview and a good start for anyone who had the question "how can i start an online business and how can i market in on the internet?". there are many ways. this is just one way.
  6. blah blah blahmaybe next century. not this one. laws will need to changed. don't you need a birth certificate to get married anyway?also a marriage is a binding and legal agreement. i doubt ai would qualify to be capable in entering in any such agreement. robots with ai are owned property just like a car. you will never be able to marry something that can be owned or sold. anyone who believes this needs to get a life......the only reason why these scientists mentioned it is they have no lives and therefore are nerds and therefor will have a hard time meeting women and therefor love the idea of marrying something that they program in to it.that would be funny if it did happen next century though. i wonder how many robots will be programed to be gay....
  7. nice job on your script. was a little too slow for me though.your script though was a little generic. try to make one that not only lists related keywords, but digs through the related keywords to find more keywords. make the script to send all keywords found to a file that eventually outputs all keywords and related keywords down to 5-6 generations.there are scripts out there already that does this too i know, but they are hard to find for the beginner(at least a free one)this will definately drive more traffic to your site. then you can ad a form to get contact info....and maybe a few adsense ads for a mailing list and a little extra income.good job though on your script.
  8. For the next two weeks, I will be accepting applications from people who want to learn the internet marketing business. This will be limited to Xisto members ONLY! Out of the applications, I will select two or three people to work with me directly as I teach them how to succeed online in internet marketing. I am limiting the number of people I help so That I can fully give them my 1 on 1 personal guidanceThe requirements to be accepted are as follows:1. You MUST be computer literate. I can?t help you if you don?t know how to turn a computer on or you don?t know who google is.2. You MUST be internet marketing illiterate. I don?t want to waste my time with people who already know what I will be teaching.3. You MUST be able to spend at LEAST an average of 1 hour a day on the internet. I say average because you may not have the time 1 or two days out of the week to log on the internet. but you need to commit at least 7 hours a week4. You MUST not have a quitters mindset . Please- I only want to dedicate my time to serious people5. You MUST be willing to learn6. You MUST give me a commitment of 6 months. This will give enough time to learn everything you need to learn to become a successful internet marketer on your own7. You MUST be 18 or have your parents permission. I am NOT going to be competing with your school work or the chores you need to do at home and interfere in how your parents want to raise you.Why am I doing this? For two reasons. My time is limited as I just got married this year. I run 2 offline business called ?wildcat Oasis? and ?Wildcat Exotics?. my time is limited on the computer and I need some help and by helping YOU, you in turn will be helping me. Also, I know how it is to research everything you need to know on the internet. I know the pitfalls and what actually works. I want to help others. I love people and I love helping them.Who am I? My name is Aaron Webb. I Lived in Los Angeles, CA for 37 years of my life. I moved to Warsaw, MO almost 3 years ago to be with the love of my life. I?ve been on the net longer than the WWW and I have been studying internet marketing ever since the WWW was in existence. I have been On many mailing lists, many website and talked to many people about internet marketing. I researched internet marketing so much that it was coming out of my ears. The thing that sucks about internet marketing is that it?s like buying a new computer. It gets outdated every 6 months or so. To keep up to date, you need to buy a new computer every year?.or in the case of internet marketing, keep up to date WEEKLY?.even DAILY. What works today will not work tomorrow.Well, I never really gave a full effort in what I knew. My friends and family are shocked in how much I know and always ask me why I run offline businesses and nothing online. The answer I never told people was that I got a lot of crap from people that I was wasting my time online. I was told to get a real job. So I did. In fact, I started my own offline businesses and now I run two with my wife. Right now, I want to make a commitment to myself and to 2-3 other people who want to learn the business.My time is still limited, But I need to do this for myself since I?m not getting any younger and internet marketing has always been a passion of mine. I also want to take 2-3 people along for the ride. We will ALL work as a team as I guide and answer any and all questions.If You?ve read this far, You?ve past one of the qualifications not listed above. The next step will take a little time from you. You will now send me a PM here at Xisto.Tell me about yourself. Age, where you live, dreams, goals, etc. Tell me why you want to learn internet marketing and why you want me to teach and help you. Tell me what you are expecting out of this partnership. I want you to re-read the qualifications above and tell me about your computer knowledge, how much knowledge you have in internet marketing(better not be much), how much time you can commit per day or per week, what sort of a commitment you are willing to give me and your own self, and if your younger than 18, you need to tell me so that if you are one of the 2-3 people picked, I will know to get some more information from you and give you my personal information so your parents can contact me.That?s it boys and girls, men and women! Bottom line, I need help. I will be choosing 2-3 people to help me. In order for them to help me, I will be teaching them step by step everything I know to succeed in internet marketing. We will be washing each others backs and we will all be working as a team. Eventually, you will know enough and be confident enough to spread your wings to make a serious income online.Also, ANY money we make during the commitment period will be split up according to how much work and effort each individual has given. So you will not only learn some serious internet marketing, you?ll probably be making some extra spending cash. The cash will be nothing compared to the knowledge you will gain during your commitment with me and the 1-2 other people I will be helping. BUT! I don?t want you committing yourself just for the cash. I want you to commit to the knowledge you will be gaining.I?ll be waiting for your pm?s. after I have selected 2-3 individuals, we will start going through a simple step by step process that will last about 6 months. If I have time enough to help more than 2-3 at a time, I will select a couple more so don?t get your hopes up if you aren?t chosen initially.Thanks for your time. I know this post was long, but I wanted to explain in almost full detail what my objective is. Will be looking forward to hearing from anyone willing to make a commitment!-Aaron webb
  9. I'm almost 40. MY dad has been a stock broker for 40 years, now recently retired.I've heard of this program and the newsletter and the affiliate program that is connected to itmy take is this. penny stocks ARE risky. second, a computer is only as good as what a human programs in to it. humans cannot predict how a stock will rise or fall on any given day and i will bet my life that a computer can't predict it either.what a computer CAN do is make research easier and automatic and creat stock picks based on past performace and the ratios that have to do with outstanding shares of any given stock.all in all, penny stocks are risky, but for $40, doesn't hurt to subscribe and follow the picks without investing. part of smart investing though is to diversify your portfolio. have multiple stocks you invest in. don't EVER invest in just 1-2 risky penny stocks(all penny stocks are risky)if you only get 1 pick or so a week in this newsletter, it wont be worth investing. too much risk because i gaurantee you 100% that out of 100 stocks this program picks, about 25% of them will lose money. you don't want to put all your money in one stock as that could be one of the 25% that loses moneyso be warned and cautious
  10. the only thing you are "investing" in...or actually GAMBLING on is more people investing their money in the future. it's a pyramid scheme that ends after 1-2 years when nobody else invests so there is no more money to give back to the investors. if you want to invest in a REAL investment, try calling a stock broker that is actually licenced
  11. what is the scientific definition opf a universe anyway? you would first have to know it before being able to determine if it's a possibility of more than one. "uni" suggest 1 of something....but 1 of WHATuni is a prefix of verse....so what is VERSE. it can also be possible that uni is NOT a prefix of universejust some things to think about that i have no clue on. maybe someone can inform me...
  12. and for those who DONT believe in it because facts don't change. perception does. my theory is that there is something between the third dimension and the demension of time. there has to be unless my logic is off. each dimension connects itself to the previous demensions. they are all related and linked which means to me that perception also changes dimension. i.e. someone's third dimention could be someone elses fourth when you reverse perception. i believe time is the 5th and there's a layer that seperates 3rd and 5th. i wouldn't go so far to say the spirit world, but i am not saying the spirit world isn't included in that dimension, i just don't think the name justifies the true meaning of the fourth dimension. the closest theory to mine that i've read is the cube inside a cube...literally another plane or layer. my perception on this is that the other cube would have the same dimentions as the other cube, they would be linked because you would have to have the 3rd to have the fourth. we would look at it as the 4th dimension, but the people or things living in that 4th dimension would look at it as the 3rd. hard to explain. but if you don't believe in spirits, then you don't believe in angels, fairies and unicorns or other mythalogical cratures that sometimes get trapped in our 3rd dimension. hmmmm hard to explain my thoughts in words. although all the dimensions have to do with perception INDIRECTLY, i believe the 4th has to do with unlimited perception DIRECTLY. then, from the 4th, you can link time. after time, i don't believe there are other dimentions to be accounted for. the reason i put time after the fourth is because although time can be linked to the 3rd dimention, it would be limited and no dimention is limited except by perception... ok...whatever. i know i am not explaining it correctly. hope i confused you all haha
  13. glad you have a heart, bud. my take on it is this. he eithr doesn't know you that well to call you a friend or he just totally disrespected you which is not the characteristics of a friend when he tried kissing you. either way, he's not acting like a friend. now he has ya acting different when he's around so he doesn't get the wrong impression. that sucks! it sucks because you two like to hand together and both goofy probably in the same way....or silly....or whatever ya wanna call it. anyway, it's not your problem. it's his. gotta be straight and tell him to respect you and your heterosexuality or you two can't be friends. if he can't respect you bud, then that friendship is over no matter what you want. he may be hanging around you just because he likes you and thinks your cute. ever think about that? you can't help him with his self esteem. if you get too deep, he's just gonna be like a woman....get vulnerable and then want some lovin' haha....heck, i should laugh....but it's true. my advice also is to not hide who you are around him. it's not your problem, it's HIS after you defined your friendship. if he persists, you need to end the friendship. sad thing to do maybe but you can't wear a mask around him bud, that's not being a true friend either. didn't want that last statement to be taken harshly because i understand your situation and you are doing things with good intentions and who knows, if you're any different around him now, you just might lose him as a friend alltogether because you changed. i've had gay friends in the past, but never had your problem. one of my best friends did though when i introduced him to my gay friends....haha it was hilarious to me that one of them liked my friend a little too much but everyone was also mature enough to respect eachother too which is what your friend needs to do. keep having a good heart, bud, it's nice to see.....but keep it in check. you have feelings too and people will want to take advantage of your goodness
  14. i have advice for you too my friend.... i tend to ramble though. it's one of my annoying qualities so i'll try not to do that in this reply(although i believe i already am) OK! you love your fiance. she loves you. there are problems. when one gets resolved, another pops up. good. that's life. now you know how life works. i'm proud of ya. this shouldn't have any limitations on getting married unless there is a direct relation with the problems and getting married. some people create drama so they don't have to concentrate on what they fear. this may not be your problem. i don't know. if it is, stop it! if it isn't, here's my advice. if this marriage is meant to be, and it better or you both should be wasting eachothers time. does she feel like a soul mate to you? does she offer things to help you become a better person? do you offer this in return? does she feel the same way? if not, you aren't meant to be and you are just with eachother for companionship so life doesn't feel so lonely and crappy. if you both offer this, then stop procrastinating. there will be problems before you get married and problems after you get married. that's life, bud. you can't put a stipulation on marriage saying you two will marry when their aren't any problems. here's the good part now. just get married if you both know it's meant to be. if you both know this, there is no reason to procrastinate for ANY REASON. you two will be commiting to eachother the rest of your lives. the problems you face, you will face together and it will be easier to deal with to gether with the love and support from one another. now the problem arises about her father. STOP caring what other people think if you know what the right choice is. if he deosn't support, then he doesn't have to be at the wedding. i know it will cause problems but you have to make the choice of the lessor of the two evils here. her father isn't going to make you two happy for the rest of your lives. that will be up to you and your fiance to make eachother happy the rest of your lives. knowing this, nobody else matters. it's nice to get the support and combine family's but life isn't all that easy sometimes. i'll tell you this though. your fiance is your soon to be father in law's little girl who want to protect her from all evil out in the world. if you show the love and he sees his daughters hapiness and that glow that can only mean that you are treating her right, then he will come around. ultimately, he just wants his daughters happiness. have faith bud. with making your fiance happy and your fiance's mother with support, he'll come around. good luck with your situation. sometimes when you know what's right, all that's left to do is to just DO IT! right? right.... take care.... you know what the right choice is, you're avoiding it hahaha, that post made me laugh. you do know that advice like that can only be said on the internet so you don't have to look at the facial responses you get, right? i mean if someone came to you with a problem and said "hey! you ever try dancing?" with one of those big grins, you'd get a lot of strange reactions but the thing is, strange reactions are a good thing sometimes. sometimes that reaction includes a smile or a laugh....heck....i had to laugh. but most important was the good advice in what dancing has to offer. haha i'm gonna have to remember that and use it sometime when someone else comes up to me to talk about their problems....
  15. sounds like you have a grasp on what you're going through. that's good. it's a start in understanding the problem because the problem isn't a lack of motivation or inspiration or being unemployed or feeling negative about yourself. although all these may be true, it's not the problem. the one thing i would suggest is to allow yourself to feel that it's ok to feel the way you do EXCEPT the negativity towards your own self which comes from deep within your own self and knowing who you are inside....which....isn't a bad person at all. just a person having a difficult time in life for the time being. this doesn't define who you are or the negative thoughts that might arise about yourself. so accept the fact you are in a difficult time in your life. it's good you recognize what's going on. you explained it well. alot of people don't recognize what you do and can't explain what they're going through as well as you have. good. so now you know it hasn't really affected your ability to think rational(even if you feel like it has). so since this is the case, you need to get down to basics, bud and start thinking from the ground up and not from where you're at now to where you came from. start by defining who you are....not how you are treated or what you experienced in life, but WHO YOU ARE. start from when you were a child and work your way forward. think about what you've learned on the way as you grew older. some things may be silly to others, but not to you because those things helped you grow and become stronger and built character. based on who you are....what nobody can ever touch, think about what you wouldn't change in the choices you made and be proud of those things. then think about what you would change so you don't make the same mistakes in life. then pat yoruself on the back for those things too because you are learning and understanding how life works and you're better for it. take some time out for yourself. go to those places that you've always found enjoyment and peace. if you feel they don't offer that for you, go anyway and try to capture what you've lost. some people like to go to a creek, or the park because it offers peace within nature. some people like to go somewhere more secluded where there aren't people because any little noise irritates them. so it depends on you really. there will not be any magical words anyone can say to to make things better for ya. you are going to have to find the key your own self. life is strange. it goes in cycles. sometimes it's good, and sometimes it's crap. but believe me....after you sift through the crap, there are also rewards. it's worth sifting through the crap. the crap doesn't kill ya. we kill our own selves with negative thinking at times. how did i deal with negativity my own self when i was depressed and even suicidal in my early 20's? i searched deep down within myself. i realized i wasn't living a life for me but for others. my parents, my school, society in general. i was different than any typical guy and i had to fight for who i was and be happy with who i was and understand that it was worth the fight to do what i am meant to do in life. i fought like a mother f$#%#$^. expectations were placed on me at an early age to live a way of life that wasn't me. it sucked when i realized what was going on. that was MY problem. my problem wasn't being unmotivated like others said. it wasn't having a depressing problem like people said. it wasn't that i needed medication because others said i had a chemical imbalance(hahaha i still laugh at that one). it wasn't ANY of those things that people put in my head that made me even more depressed and suicidal. it was the fact that people weren't allowing me to be me. they expected more. anyway. it wasn't easy, bud.....it was like fighting the world but i was strong enough to do it. i know that we weren't placed on this earth to handle more than what we are capable. understand this because what i just said is important. you need to believe in that. we aren't placed on this earth to handle more than what we are capable of handling. life is cruel sometimes, but it isn't THAT cruel. it may seem like it, but trust me. it's not. my best advice i can ever give is to just love yourself. love who you are and fight for yourself. you're worth it. when you can do this, you will start feeling better about yourself. being unemployed is ok. feeling like crap is ok. also, make the right choices for your life. usually the right choices are the harder choices because it's a harder path. you need to know this and accept this and know what you're fighting for. pretty much what you are fighting for is your life because you're dying inside right now. this isn't how it's meant to be. you're going through what you're going through right now because you are meant to learn something from this....and it's not just learning the world is crap either....something much more deeper and spiritual that only YOU will be able to relate to i don't know you but i sense you like to think about things. dwell on things sometimes. i sense you are a deep thinker....so deep sometimes that people may not understand you or who you are. i sense you have a good head on your shoulders. i also sense that you are somewhat logical in thinking. your smart. the most important thing i sense is that you are strong willed even if you don't feel you are at times, i sense it strongly that you are. i don't make this crap up, i just sense things and pick up energy from people that others don't notice i wish you well. i know you will be and i know you will find yourself. it's meant to be so hang in there. there's alot of people that care. i am one of them so if you ever want to talk, send me an email on trap and we can go from there. -aaron
  16. NO! we aren't done! http://forums.xisto.com/topic/37977-7-eleven-convenient-store-didnt-give-me-a-refill-price-on-a-gulp-at-the-store-near-me/ i love when people talk about how bush will be impeached just to see their poor little distraught faces when he isn't. and you know somehing else? i was a survivor of the northridge earthquake. stores and gas stations closed down. there was only a select few open within city limits. one 7-11 was open. they decided because there was a demand, to charge 10 dollars for a gallon of water and over price ALL their items in the store. they have always hijacked us and they will always continue to hijack us. if they don't like us there, then they shoulda never supported living in a country that supports and hides terrorists. we aren't targeting innocent civilians, but torrorists and dictators, trying to change the world in small ways in the hopes that one day people will live with free choice. i love the way you people think. people get shot in the streets every day. when your mother gets gunned down in a driveby, i would love to hear you comment that "oh, we shouldn't go after the trouble makers. there's enough violence" oh. you would want BLOOD and don't tell me otherwise. familes were killed in america because dirty, third world country citizens decided to take parents away from children who now live in foster homes, never to see their mommy or daddy again. these people live in new york or somewhere close and have the constant reminder of the last place their parents were breathing. they are victims, and when there are victims, there should be justice and with there should be justice until this sort of thing NEVER happens again. EVER! now you go down and support your local 7-11 because they are well deserving of your money after they are known to screw over people of america even under a national disaster where people are supposed to be helping people during those times and everyone coming together. impeach bush? no my friend, impeach YOU because you don't deserve to live in a country were americans die to ensure your freedom and safety and you are ungratefull.
  17. sounds good. other than seo, find out the demand for these niche services to ensure it's worth your time. while waiting to get ranked high, i would dabble in google adwords so you can still make money while away from the computer. or while you sleep. a way to grow any online business is to incorporate a need within your community as well and advertise offline. since one of your businesses has already taken off, you can afford to invest some advertising dollars offline and to create a successfull goggle adwards campaigne
  18. haha i'm with ya there bud. i left the darn thing at home hoping it wouldn't die, but still scored 75. i also went to the concert. my friend can talk to me later...... makes me look like a crappy friend, but i'm really not. few things more important than a good friend but heck....i need a life too
  19. wrong. breathing has never been an automatic fuction. breathing has always been a learned experience. although it's true, you don't have to constantly remember to breath, but it's just like saying you don't always have to concentrate on the road after taking that path several times because it seems automatic.....SEEMS. breathing is LEARNED and because of that, breathing can be unlearned. it's not a natural instinct. no, but "america" does
  20. you need to slow down their bud and read my response in the other thread you posted your disatisfaction with godaddy... http://forums.xisto.com/topic/36992-godaddycom/ you didn't enter in to ANY agreement or purchase with godaddy so why are you jumping the gun assuming it's their fault? you don't know the agreement between buy.com or godaddy. i know it's a let down but why buy godaddy when it's clearly buy.com's mistake. THEY are the ones not to be trusted. THEY are the ones that made you believe you would get a free domain, not godaddy.com. i can understand your frustration, disappointment and even anger, but i think you are directing it at the wrong people, bud.
  21. it may not be godaddies responsibility. you need to consider that buy.com may be at fault for not taking the offer down in time knowing it takes 2 days to get the promo code to you. don't be so quick to judge. i would ask for a refund from buy.com in the amount of your purchase telling them that you only purchased from them for the free domain which was refused to be given to you because of the expiration of the promotion they should have known about. i don't have any experience from godaddy.com, but from other people and the posts in this thread, i believe them to be reputable. consider that because of buy.com's mistake, go daddy is refusing to give more domains than just yours. maybe godaddy had a contract with buy.com to allow the advertisement for only a certain amount of time and buy.com exceeded that time frame in the contract. sounds like the contract benefited buy.com to get people to purchase something from their site so i can see how they might have exceeded the time frame to increace revenue.
  22. hadi, please do your research because it doesn't sound like you know too much about the market and where stocks come from or how they are bought and sold. you are also giving advice in another thread that i don't think you're qualified to give. you don't buy stocks from a company and you don't sell stocks from a company. you buy stocks through other investors through a broker. when someone sells a stock, that stock becomes available to be bought through a broker to another investor. there ARE some stocks you can buy directly through the company but that's rare or a company may release a certain amount of shares for a broker to sell to investors. but you are still not really buying directly through the company but the original investors of the company that hold stock in it. it's NOT a piece of cake and if i hear you giving that sort of advice again, i am going to see to it that your post is deleted because i can't sit back reading bad advice and watching people believe what they read and lose their hard earned money. so again, YOU need to do your research before you start investing. i give you that advice because i don't want to see you lose your money either.
  23. people don't have to lose all their money if they take advantage of establishing a selling price if the stock goes down a certain percentage. you can also set a selling price of the stock goes up and reaches a certain price. also, you can hedge your investment by selling short to minimize losses. my best advice for anyone investing in the market wether it's stocks or options, that they do their reserch. don't put all your pennies in one basket. spread it out between 7-8 investments if they are considered high risk. it doesn't hurt to invest in fairly conservative stock as well for long term like disney or american express, etc....which offer dividends quarterly and can see the stock split once ever 5-6 years or so. research is KEY in high risk investments. if you don't plan to do your own, you need a brokerage firm that has a research dept. but then you will be paying higher commission. i like to do my own research because alot of conservitive brokers will highly persuade you from the risky investments. at the same time, i like those brokers because those are the trustworthy ones not just out to make a commision but looking out for the best interest of the client/investor. i guess it's all give and take and pros and cons to everything.
  24. he says his computer shuts off. i don't know much about this area. i usually fixed my comptuers from trial and error. is their a fail safe on computer that if it gets too hot, the comptuer will shut down?personally it sounds like a power supply problem, but what do i know....
  25. it may be an assault on the american taxpayer, but i would rather have the system be subject to holes rather than lay strict guidlines to survivors of a national disaster area where it would leave victims HELPLESS in recieving the immediate funds they need after they are immediately homeless and without assets. SSI is a federal organization that does just this. many people with qualifying disabilities sometimes spend years in the court system before they see a penny in assistance. the agency is there to allocate funds to people not to fight so people can't get the funds. i remember i used to live in northridge california during the time of the northridge earthquake. another national disaster area where femma stepped in. we needed fund to repair our home and the car that was damaged in the earthquake and recieved this money quickly. people less fortunate than us that lost their entire homes needed immediate assistace and got it. if immediate assistance means that criminals can take advantage until they get caught, i am all for it! there is no perfect system for immediate assistance and victims should NEVER have to wait for it
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