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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. yea, i figured it wouldn't help, but i just wanted to let you know people care out there, even complete strangers and you're not alone. as far as your mother....my wife is the same. i can just kill 'r sometimes because she such a hard stubborn woman but when there is a serious issue when i find out, i have to put killin' her aside. your momsounds like a special woman that loves people.....and a giver. nothing may help right now, but remember this. your mother isn't dead. i didn't mention this before but i have a bit of a scare in me too right now that my wife has cancer. 1 doctor says yes, the other says no, but can turn in to cancer and the test results are taking forever to come in. it's funny remembering what you said in your original post that you didn't want anyone to take pity on you or feel sorry. i'll bet $1000 that those would be your mom's exact words in this case. you're close to your mom, yes.....probably the same way i suspected your mom and grandmothers connection. i know my wife lost her mom several years ago and still isn't over it. they had a very strong connection. it's sad sometimes for me to know this because i want her to feel safe and not alone and not scared or sad. she even knows the spirit doesn't die and our loved ones are still around, but it's not the same, i know. anyway, again, you have a stranger as a friend here whenever it gets too hard and need to release...
  2. as a webmaster, i want my main links to automatically load in my visitors cache so when they click on my main 5-6 links, they will load fast. so basically, when my visitors enter my home page, while they are reading or scrolling through, 5-6 other pages are loading invisably in their cachei believe you can do this in javascript, but i am not sure exactly how and i am also not sure if this is the best way to go about this. i know it can be done as i have seen it done 3-4 years ago and now i want to incorprate that method.the pros to this is obvious. faster load time for your visitors. downside is that it will use more bandwidth because some of your visitors wont normally click on all the links even when the pages are already pre loaded in cache. any help with this will be GREAT! thanks!
  3. well, first of all, i'm sorry i DO feel sorry for you. you're post had me on the verge of crying here i haven't had this experience and hope i never do. most people will never have a similar experience as this so i wouldn't expect much understanding, but i am very empathetic and i know others here are as well and it's good that you have opened up here for answers and just to release. first, when i read the first time the doctor said pnemonia wasn't a problem, right then and there i thought "what an idiot" to myself. but what puzzles me is why nobody took your mother to another doctor...at LEAST for a second opinion. i don't want to sound blaming in such a cruel world scenario right now but people need to get second opinions and stop trusting doctors so much or something like this can happen. also know, the DOCTOR was to blame, not any of YOU were. so now the bad news during the holidays. forget about the doctor. your mother is #1 right now. kids are also #1 so you have two issues here. obviously, be there for your mother. the only way you can do that is to be yourself. open up to her. don't hold any regrets not telling her how you feel. you love her. show her and don't hold anything back. continue the holidays with your kids. they deserve that. they can't grow up relating deaths to the holidays or they will never be able to enjoy them again.....or at the very least, it will be hard for them not to. now, the good news. hope. there is ALWAYS hope! you need to know and understand this. i have seen miracles happen in my time. this is no joke. the more positive everyone can be will give your mother a better chance to live longer. THAT I PROMISE! everyone elses energy will rub off on your mother so be POSITIVE! i am also a firm believer in self healing and finding alternatives other than prescription drugs. i read that you spent over two hours reading our forums here when you joined. start reading up on cancer and alternatives. wether the alternative methods cure the cancer or just slow down the proccess, read for your mother. research the subject and act on some alternative methods or combine that with doctor recomendations. i recomend trying to accept that people die. it's a normal process in everyone. alot of people(including my wife) have a VERY hard time with death and don't even like to go to cemetaries or funerals. some people never accept and some of those people live in regrets because they didn't get a chance to experience everything they wanted to with the person who passes. it's unfortunate that some wait til the last minute. i really don't know what to offer you this is terribly sad situation for me to hear i don't know what i would do with my parents passing as i am very close to both(and now i live 1800 miles away from them). all i know what to say is this.... i believe life is a learning experience. with every experience there is a negative and a positive result. although it's hard to see the positive in something that is obviously so negative, it's there whether there's a positive impact on a cure for cancer or creating awareness about doctors and obvious ignorace in people who spent 8 years just to become a doctor. there is a positive. i also believe that when we die, it is definately our time to go. we are meant to experience and learn a certain amount in this lifetime. after that, we pass....and in time, we get born again. we usually pass when we have thinging else to offer ourselves and others in this lifetime and it's just our time to go rather than just live day by day in limbo. i believe that 2 people can have such a strong inner connection sometimes that when one passes, the other one soon follows(could be a direct example with your mother/grandmother) i believe that foolish people believe that we "die". our host dies. our spirit and soul lives on. this is a FACT. our bodies may die....but our energy NEVER dies and is still existant even when our bodies say we need to leave it. i know some will argue this point and those people will be ignorant because i know better. i know better because of my own experiences and my wife's experiences first hand. so when i talk about life after death or spirits and souls living on, the human body dying is a natural act. after they pass, they move on to a higher level of existance. not a bad place. when they are ready, they get born again with a higher energy level and knowledge to experience new things in their new lifetime. with each lifetime your soul and spirit become stronger. it's not a bad thing. what's bad is the emotion that comes when thinking about losing someone so special. but emotions have no brains and these terrible emotions benefit nobody. not you, not the one who has passed on, and not the one that may pass on eventually. they create negative energy. so stay positive please. find a way. we aren't born to experience more than we can handle. i believe that too. you need to find meaning in all this to accept it and move on rather than have it ruin your life too or your kids' life through this process. i also would like to give one last bit of advice here. that is to talk to your grandmother. talk to her after you get in to your bed. try to relax your whole body and mind, and talk to your grandmother either with eyes open or shut. try to picture her standing by your bed and talk to her. do that EVERY NIGHT. why your grandmother? because i believe that even though she has already passed, she may help you with your answers. don't shrug this off please. i know some may find it ridiculous but it's not if you believe. i believe her and your mother were connected more than others know and your grandmother may be able to create some peace for you in this situation. do this EVERY NIGHT. it may take a while, but don't quit thinking it's not working. always believe. eventually, your grandmother will appear by your bed or she will appear in your dreams and guide you and comfort you. believe me when i say this WORKS! ask your grandmother to come to you and ask her to guide you. she's still with you and she's still with your mother. answers come in time so patience is important. i'm so sorry about all the deaths so recently and your mothers news of irreversable illness. stay hopefull and positive even if you have to fake it until you become stronger. stay as positive as you can and tell all other family members to do the same. positive energy has healing powers. negative energy will just make the negative processes quicker. i don't know if this has helped you. i just gave some things to try and believe in. when it's hard to believe in anything except that nagging question "WHY?"!!! please post updates on your mothers condition and if you need a friend, pm me.
  4. hi alison. that's alot of reading there you're right. it is a great idea here behind it all and it IS like a community. who helped you in chat? was it haslip? he was the first person who actually helped me when i first got here. your objective opinions are always welcome and actually appreciated. as far as the problems you've been reading about with the hosting, i have NEVER had a problem with my hosting here. it's very reliable in my opinion and experiences here i did my due diligence in searching and researching for free hosting. although there are a few excellent ones without posting requirements, i chose trap as one of my providors because of the community. so if ya like the idea behind Xisto, then i suggest to keep reading and post in the subjects that you are interested in or have knowledge about. once you bring your credits to 30, sign up for the higher hosting account. once you do this, your credits will go back down to 3 credits or so, so remember to post to bring that # back up. don't let it fall below 0. 1 credit is worth 1 day of hosting and credits drop 1 a day. also keep in mind that after you have your hosting account, if you save up 280 credits, you can appy for a top level domain at $0 out of pocket. if you're active with good post quality then you can reach that in 3-4 months. now some advice that has helped me. i usually only read the last 20 posts and the last 20 post topics unless i wish to start a new topic in a relevant area. the top 20 can always be found at the bottom of most every page. these are the most current discussion and these are the areas i like to hang out in my own self rather than reply to outdated topics. anyway, thanks for the intro. if need any assistance, just post it or pm a moderator. good to see ya! most people are friendly here despite what you read so just be yourself and have fun....don't look at posting as a chore
  5. woulda been nice to post the address. i googled it. here it is.... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  6. i'm not too familiar with the different ftp programs out there but i've been using coreftp ever since i've been publishing my web pages. very basic and easy to use with drag and drop feature. i was always curious what other people use and why and if in fact the one i use competes with the others out there...
  7. yea, be carefull bud and make sure they know the tos. i allowed my wife to share my account(in fact she has access to any and all my accounts) and she broke the terms of service and i took the posting suspension. as i know i am responsible for all my accounts, no use complaining about how it was someone else. anyway, she also felt really bad about what happened so just make sure you both know the rules
  8. lyon took his time to post about the best free html editors in the freebie stuff section http://forums.xisto.com/topic/21124-the-best-and-free-websitehtml-editors-text-editors-a-good-collection-check-it-out/ on page 3, he narrowed it down to his top 3. it's a very good list and i think referring to that topic above will help you out with your decision my personal favorite is nvu ok- editing this post since i don't know how to delete it. i just realized i responded to someone who posted over two years ago.....blah
  9. i've studied several art forms in my past including tai kwan do, jujitsu, lima lama(sp?), judo, and boxing. i actually met and talked with chuck noris at one encino, ca dojo when he was working at a place i was researching. that was an mazing experience i always liked to mention to my friends back then hahayou need to research your own self. not from a pamphlet and not from advice from others. you need to go in during class and watch what they do and see if it's right for you. take 2 weeks to do this research. visit one place a day for two weeks.for me, i learned alot. martial arts teaches self discipline. within that self discipline, you learn and experience much including how to defend or protect yourself and others. you learn how to take care of your body and you learn respect.martial arts is called an art because it IS an art. it's something that deserves perfection in every sense. you need to be dedicated and not quit after 2 monthsyou will not find what you are looking for here. you will find it by researching first hand and experiencing it yourself.but if i were to recomend anything to you, it would be jujitsu. it works more on control holds and using someone elses strength against them. you still get a workout....you will sweat wherever you go....but it doesn't really base the art on speed or punches or kicks(although all those are involved in any art in defense) it mainly involves being on the ground like judo does. jujitsu understands that every fight usually ends up on the ground and encorporates the defenses involved in that. not only does it teach you control holds and working other peoples strengths against them, it shows you how to get out of control holds.but every art form will involve speed and punches and kicks. they have to. every art form is for defense and protecting ones self from harm. if a fight is at a distance, kicks are necessary. if close, punches.....when closer, control holds and no better place for control holds than taking someone to the ground because that's when their movement is limited.but don't take jujitsu just because i suggested it, research your own self in what will work for YOU and what will keep you interested so you don't quit after 2 months again.
  10. i think you set your test for yourself too high so i don't think you failed really just as long as stronger emotions don't come out of you being a friend. i don't want you to end up on a jerry springer show if you know what i mean also, while you are out with her, you still need to respect her relationship to her husband and i dunno what his thoughts are of you spending the day with his wife. there is a lot involved in this situation that i don't think you are aware of or its consequences...why it scares me a little with you just being friends....but if you can handle that then i'm sure she has a well deserving friend in ya and to be honest, i think the friendship is a GREAT thing. i think you both need the attention given to eachother....so keep us updated....and be honest :Doh! i almost forgot....you may see how messed up her life is, but it's not wise to say that outloud to her hahaha. she may know already that it's messed up, but i doubt she wants anyone else seeing that and even commenting on how messed up it is. she wont admit it, but it will make her feel worse. and why is her life so messed up anyway? she needs to find an appreciation for the life she has or get a new life and get out of the situation she's in if she isn't happy. i hope it has nothing to do with her kids and feeling trapped. her husband maybe?
  11. what i am saying is an online business is just like an offline business. you need determination, time, and lots of patience. what i am saying is yes, wait 6 months to a year for the results you wanted to see. you see, most people quit after less than a month. they don't have the determination or patience thus, they don't see the results quick enough. don't go in to it thinking you will see results right away because when you don't(and you probably wont if your like most people), you will quit! you CANT QUIT if you want to succeed. that's what i mean by needing determination. i don't have the link off hand, but read the post from opaque in what he had to go through in creating Xisto when it was NOTHING. well, he made it SOMETHING and that something didn't happen in a month or two. so yes, advertise it.....not like crazy, but spend an hour a day to market yourself and your site. i talk about yourself too and not just your site....well...i'm going to give you something now i rarely talk about you can just market your site and be successfull, but you also want to market yourself. build your reputation. write quality posts to BUILD your own reputation. the bigger your reputation, the more people you will have that will follow your advice. build trust. get known. post some quality content in the areas you know. if people don't know you, they are less likely to follow you to your site. this has been RARELY talked about on Xisto(and i read most of the internet marketing posts) so i offer this to ya as STRONG advice. why? because i am catching a couple of your errors already in your posts. so post quality content. get your name out there. build trust with solid information and advice. then incorporate that with your website and you will have more success than the average joe blow that you are obviously competing with. also, make sure you build that good reputation because if it ever turns bad, i gaurantee that nobody will be visiting your site if they know who you are and your bad reputation. while you are building your reputation, make some friends and contacts along the way. that never hurts. it helps and when you can build friendships along the way with your communications through your posts, it makes what you are doing more fun and you are less likely to quit if you can make what your doing more fun than work or just a tediuous job. don't just join 1 forum, join 100 forums. post once a day to each forum and get known out there. it takes time and patience. it's not easy. that's why you need the dedication to have that winners attitude.....and whatever you do.....if this is what you want to do.....DONT QUIT!
  12. hey, i just wanted to let you know that you seem like a great person that realized his own mistakes. i have made those same mistake with my woman. that's why i am on Xisto rather in bed with my wife right now anyway, it's not all you either though and the results of actions can get worse over time. you have seen your own errors, but i think she has her own errors she hasn't yet been able to make up for. she wants to be friends she says? i don't think so. i think there is more to this story. her kids definately will miss you and kids are #1 in my book and when you made the decision to support her and her kids at such a young age, YUP! what a transition that was and you did GREAT! you must really love her and her kids. she knows this. your distance created her distance though. this is the problem. her distace created something that she's hiding. i would try to get her to be open with you rather than accept just a friendship. women are strange sometimes. a lot of them are very insecure....especially if they have already come from bad relationships that didn't work out. when you didn't give the attention she needed and fullfilling her need to be loved, she searched for it somewhere else thinking it could fullfill her. it didn't. this is a possibility in your case. so what women sometimes do, is even though they are still in love with ya, they will dump ya before you have a chance in dumping them. why would she think you will dump her? maybe if you ever find out what she's hiding don't accept the firendship copout. be loving and try to get the truth out of her by being understanding. know this. people make mistakes but mistakes don't define us. what defines us is what we learn from the mistakes and our choices and decisions based on what we learn in life. you both seem like good people. work it out and find your answers with understanding and love and support. she needs it. so do you.....from HER. if you feel she isn't opening up, show her my post and watch her read it. don't take your eyes off her whil she reads it. you may find some answers in her subtle reaction and she if she wasn't open before, she might be open after she reads this unless she wants to base your friendship on lies. you need answers and closure to your relationship. i don't think she realizes how hurtfull it is to you without talking about what went wrong. i wish you and her the best and hope you both can work out your problems. also, now that you know the errors of your ways and she still just wants to be friends, any woman would be glad to have ya because just wanting to feel loved is VERY important to women. you give them that and they will never be able to live without you so don't be stupid anymore when you're in a relationship. leave the 3 hour game playing when your not in a relationship or just limit it to 1/2 hour- 1 hour a day. compromise bud but you already know that so i'm proud of ya! your 23 and know more about relationships than most people who are over 30. you're on the right track!
  13. first of all, i disagree HIGHLY in proving anything to her. you don't need to prove ANYTHING. all that's important is knowing who YOU are and being happy about it. be yourself, always and don't accept anything less from your own self and the choices and decisions you make in the future.now on to your answer in what to do. you need some closer to the questions you have. that can be a killer in your own thoughts of "why" does she feel different. you need to hear it from her directly. since you two are talking and friendly with eachother, i'm sure the answer isn't as personal as you think. it probably still steps from the humiliation she went through before when you were the one who spread the rumor to your so-called friend.some things, bud, needs to be sacred or you will not be trusted. i think this is a trust issue and i don't think she wants to be embarrassed again by you. now, you went through the same thing. time shouldn't have passed this long talking to her to find the answers. you need to ask her if she can spare 30 minutes at lunchtime or after school where you two can talk and get things out in the open.be open with her FIRST. tell her how you feel and how it felt to you. did you feel betrayed by your friend? did you feel hurt, ashamed, embarrased? did you feel guilty? was it hard to talk to her feeling guilty? whatever you felt back then, open up to her and be honest. she'll appreciate it, believe me. then, after you opened up FIRST, it makes it easier for HER to open up to YOU. when she does, you will get the answers to your questions that were floating in your head for way too long.now, you may hear some good news. she may finally open up truthfully that she IS still liking you more than a friend in which case GREAT and GOOD NEWS. or, she may feel differently. if that's the case, all things aren't lost. you two still talk and are still friends considering. so give it some time, be yourself, don't be fake just to try to iimpress her, and let time take care of what is meant to be. if it's not meant to be, you will still be friends. you win either way bud. just take my advice and be patientnow as far as your schooling system.....i had never heard about that system before. it SUCKS!!! boy oh boy. is there a high suicide rate in your country? if yes, then i can see why. kids shouldn't have to have so much pressure. they need to be allowed to be kids! schooling isn't the say all in life as you will learn later on. you learn more from every day experiences(just like you're learning with this girl) than you ever will in school. for some kids, school isn't even them and some of the smartest kids never even graduate from high school and have succeeded to be VERY succesfull in whatever they were interested in doing. they even reserve the better teachers for the smarter kids??? hahaha so the not so smart kids really don't have that chance to excel huh? i am pro education up until high school which at that level you get a very well rounded education. and i think the better teachers need to be with the students that are struggling and the students that need more attention. that whole system shocks me to say the least! when i was in fourth grade, i was concerned more on improving my skills in kickball rather than preparing for a test that could change my life forever! then, because the system is this way, it probably promotes parents bragging about their children or shying away talking about their children. PRESSURE PRESSURE PRESSURE! i say this about your school system because in the united states, even though we don't have that pressure, there is still pressure and that is bad enough. i wasn't a school guy myself and ditched, never studied, barely graduated high school, but was a b+ student in college when i attended for 60+ units. i did better when there wasn't any pressure from parents and society than i ever did when i was forced to study and attend school. i SERIOUSLY probably would have commited suicide....lbeing honest....literally killed myself if i had to live in that system of control and pressure. there is just too much more in life that is more important at that age. granted, here we have the SAT'S for four year college admissions, but as a semi adult(17-18) we can handle that pressure more easily and we also have more of a direction for ourselve in where we want to go in life(more of an idea).well, i had to state my opinion on that terrible school system. good luck with the girl. let us know what happens
  14. blog master already gave GREAT advice on what your asking. so to recap, he stated to post in forums but do not spam. post relevant information in what your site is about with a link back to your site. he stated it's great advertising at first and is also good for seo(link backs). i recomend that you do this. you cannot post referal links here but if you have your own website, that's ok to post it as long as you include some relevant content along with the link. a lot of people do press releases on the web for their newly created websites. i also suggest to join a traffic generating program. update your website to be search engine friendly and get on the first page for 2-3 keywords. keep updating your website and keep posting your link when it's relevant in the forums just like blogmaster described. be patient and your work will not be for nothing. in another 6 months, you will see a difference depending on the effort and time you put in to it. it takes time and effort to market online. it takes dedication and also lots of patience since people don't see dramatic results in the first couple months.
  15. well, my heart goes out. yes, you have a keeper in your b/f. he may not understand fully, but at least he's still there.you sound like like you are on the verge of of something serious if you don't get help and i mean professional help. it sounds more than just a nervous breakdown. you also gave me the impression that you are worrying to much about everything and everything rushing in at once and as you try to take things in, they don't register. worrying about what others think is a sign of low self esteem but that doesn't even begin to describe what is going on here. well, i say some professional help. you're not crazy. you realize there's a problem, but you don't know what is making you feel this way. if not professional help, i then highly recomend that you search out some online support groups and find one that deals with what you are going through. also, try yahoo groups as well. they usually have a pretty good selection of everything under the sun and they are quick to access.my problem in giving advice is this. you said alot in one sense, but said very little on the flip side. there is more to this story i know....like.....before you felt this way, how were you feeling and what was your outlook in life? what were you doing the month when your feelings started changing so dramatically? try to pinpoint the time when the changes were occuring and figure out what was happening then in your life to trigger such changes.someone mentioned bi polar. it could be that or something else you were born with and that is usually controlled with medication. it may be something you weren't born with such as too much pressures. some people with too much pressures(or feel pressured with expectations) have breakdowns where their whole body will go through drastic changes where it just eventually shuts down.i don't know what you're going through but you need to diagnose this either yourself or professionally. i recomend professionally through a psychologist first(not psychiatrist). psychiatrists are doctors who can prescribe medication and they like to guess in a diagnosis a lot of the times and throw any medication at ya and use you as a guinea pig. bi polar takes YEARS to diagnose properly because it has many symptoms and phases including similar symptoms to manic depresion when they are at their low....another phase is an extreme high where bi polar people feel they can accomplish anything and everything.while you try to diagnose what you're going through(sounds like some nervous breakdown due to too many worries or expectations), be open with your boyfriend. he's a keeper. don't shut him out. you will need him for support through this and if you ever think you're doing him a favor by shutting him out just to protect him or not cause him hurt, think again. if he loves you, he would swim a thousand miles for you without question and it would hurt him more if you ever did shut him out unnecesarily.can you try to explain more in another post? how old are you? and tell us how your life was before this and what you were going through when all these changes occured? i'd appreciate a followup post. i hope you get the help and support you need. if need to talk about anything, pm me. i wish you well!
  16. hahahaha i was thinking the same thing.....but i think they know approximately how many grains in 1 pound of rice on a serious note, i loved the website. for someone like me who loves helping people and not ever having enough money to donate much of it, this site is GREAT. i plan on making a commitment to myself to do at least 700 grains a week and plan on putting a banner up on one of my websites to advertise it and advise others to join in support and do the same i'm also going to be telling all my friends about the site and i suggest everyone do the same. it's no out of pocket money and about 2 minutes of your time per day average to feed one good meal to a starving human being that probably doesn't have a long lifespan otherwise. this is one of those posts that need to be pinned and bumped to the top20 ever so often in support!
  17. nice job! i rarely comment on tutorials but this one was not only presented well(i give it 8/10) but it's actually very usefull for many people who didn't know how to do this before. good job! hope that wasn't your real ip though you just told the whole world you access your computer remotely all the time...
  18. yea, i agree with that advice. you talk about being interested in her and not pursuing a relationship at the same time. so something else is gettin' the best of your thoughts right now without you even giving things a chance. you know, that's what dating is all about. it's not a marriage and dating doesn't last forever. it's there until you are ready for a stronger commitment.....if ever. sounds like either you've been in another relationship that didn't end good for ya or just afraid maybe she isn't interested as much as you are. whatever the case bud, take sm's advice and know that dating is supposed to be fun no strings attatched and whatever happens happens. if things work out, GREAT. if not, then it wasn't meant to be and you move on to what IS meant to be....and you will never know what that is until it actually happens
  19. well if you work together, it's going to be hard not to see her unless ya quit and i don't suggest you quiting since you met her in the work place(i'm assuming you met her as employee to employee). patience patience patience. that is my advice. it's ok to have feelings for people....especially when they boost your ego whenever you walk in a room. it's great, ain't it? it's a good feeling and she offers that to ya. she sounds like a very cool person the way you described her and maybe in a way you boost her day as well when she's able to talk to you knowing you wont be judgemental. you know, you two can be friends if you find a way to get the other thoughts out of your head. how do you get her out of your head? not that easy. it will be hard since you work with her. keep busy with work, join a gym, make some new friends and do the things you have in common with eachother. study for school or the next test. keep riminding yourself that you are her friend and nothing more and nothing more will come about it because you don't want that either. convince yourself that you will be there as a friend ONLY. a friend will be there for HER just like she's there for you when you walk in to the work place. keep the friendship INSIDE the workplace as well. that's where you met her, that's where it should stay in this case. it's hard bud. i feel ya when you say you're staring at walls and hard to sleep sometimes just thinking about her. you are in control of YOU though and YOU can shoose what to think about and what not to think about. train your mind to concentrate on other things that are important too. it's not easy. it takes time. it takes PATIENCE and self discipline to go from here. it IS a test. you are right. do yourself a favor and pass this test. life is full of them and making the right decisions and choices. this probably isn't the first and most definately wont be the last. whatever you do and whatever choice you make in this life, your character is on the line. your choices will define you and what you stand for bud. you sound like a good guy your own self and it sounds like you already knew the answer before you posted what you did. the problem is, it ain't easy nobody will ever tell you it's going to be easy. life isn't easy but you have come this far at 17.....that's about 1/4 of your life you've already lived. listen to your gut and be able to support and have the strength to do what your gut tells ya. as far as meeting someone else, patience again hahaha sorry but true. life doesn't happen in a snap of a finger. you aren't meant to live your whole life in a month. there is LOTS to experience and learn and to even teach others when you gain your own knowledge in life. life is a learning experience. there are many lessons and many tests. be patient to experience all the experiences you are meant to live through. don't allow society to dictate who you are or what you stand for. we all aren't meant to go to school and graduate, then find a good paying job with benefits, then find a true love during that time where 2 years later you settle down with that beautifull house with that dog and white picket fence. let life happen naturally for ya bud without forcing it. your lonely. you want someone to love and you want to be loved. good. be yourself and wait for it to happen. i found it just being myself and not searching for it. i found it naturally. i believe that whatever is meant to be will be. so you need to decide how you want to live. you don't want to feel lonely for 5-10 years until you find your life long mate do you? it's not a good feeling. do some things that can make you feel good about yourself because i feel a little low self esteem in your posts(sorry, i pick up on the smallest things) be happy with who you are and live YOUR life, nobody elses knowing who you are and what you want to do in life. you can have everything in control of YOU if you allow it. take some control of your life. you sound like a good kid having some normal problems alot of us faced when we were your age(i'm 39 now). good luck with it bud. it's not easy and i'm glad you shared your experience. that helps sometimes....especially easier sharing it with strangers
  20. i agree with half of the argument. traffic generating programs are not the best method to generate traffic, but they still work i've only belonged to two (instant buzz and traffic swarm) and the both were succesfull campaigns. the problem already noted is that you recieve credits the more pages you view or visit. others do the same which in turn is hard to convert the traffic in to people viewing your page for over a minute. secret is to have an eye catching page. some people create doorway pages with these traffic generating programs because their home page will never be as catchy as a doorway page. so with with these programs, there is more work to create an eye grabbing page to keep a user on your site for more than a minute. yes, it's a lot of work at first because most of the programs include an mlm concept in how to distribute credits. you will get the most credits NOT by manually surfing, but what the other people below you do so you have to build an organization within the traffic generating program AND concentrate on the page you want everyone viewing.now once in a while, you will get a few people who stay on your page because they are interested in what they saw for the 30 seconds or so. these are the people you target. i'd say about 1% will stay longer than required. if you have a 5% conversion rate, then you will need to drive approximately 2,000 people from these traffic generating programs to make 1 sale. now from experience, this adds up depending on how much you are selling your product for. if you're selling it for $5, then it is probably not worth it. if selling something for $50, it may be worth it to ya. anything over that should definately be worth it. why?because after i had a downline, everything was automatic with very little work. i was averaging a couple thousand page views a day and was making about .75 sales every day. if you do the #'s, there is an average of 30 days in a month. if you are selling a product for $50 then you would gross $1500-the cost of the product as profit in 1 month.so i am telling you that traffic generating programs DEFINATELY work. BUT!!! and a big BUT!!! they will not work if you don't put a fulltime effort in to them in the beginning which includes always contacting your downline to surf for credits(at least 100 a day). people who quit after 3 months will not see a big difference. people who are persistant and dedicated and don't quit after that usually are the ones succeeding. it takes about 6 months of dedicated fulltime work to promote and that's with ANY business anyway. how long did it take you to create your website? how much time do you put in to updating it? hand submitting to the major search engines and how much time is it taking you to make it search engine friendly? fact is, you spent a whole HECK of a lot of time and work if your doing it right. that's the amount of time needed to market it in other places. traffic generating programs is one area and that's the topic here.so i agree. if you quit after a month or two, i agree. they don't work and will not work. but i disagree if your dedicated and do it right. my personal example was 2 years ago or so and took me a year or so before that to work on my own system that would work in my case.i have let things go extremely in the past year or so but i can't believe things have changed so much that they don't work. everyone is still using them. i was bringing in over $1,000 a month just from 2 traffic generating programs. one program showed 1 page of my website and the other just places a one line ad that people had to click to see my page. both worked. at at first, but in the long run they did.now people who want to tell me they don't work are quiters or people who didn't have enough time to run a business or people who didn't know how to go about marketing it correctly. either way, they quit and now telling people it doesn't workso let me ask a question. do you take the advice of quiters your whole life or take the advice of people who succeeded? let me go further. do you take the advice of the people who succeeded or do you dedicate a year to be the best you can be and see for your only self with a WINNER mentality? if you want it bad enough, you can accomplish just about anything. you are only limited to how you limit your own self. this is good advice in every day life as well. take it. it WORKS!
  21. i agree with all but the last part. at first, my curiosity was getting to me. i mean, where do you know her from and why is she hanging around a 17 year old? if you continue with your thoughts bud, you are setting your own self up for early disaster and heartache. not because you are 11 years younger, but that doesn't make a relationship any much easier either when you aren't even graduated from school if you pursue a married man/women, that person loses all my respect upfront. that should NEVER happen. she has two kids. well, kids are important. they are #1. they deserve a chance with their parents, not an outsider trying to break up their parents and someone who can never love them the same as their parents. now, even if she gets a divorce or leaves this man, STAY AWAY! you will be caught in the middle of something you don't want to be in and you might just lose a friendship alltogether when she's forced to choose. with all that being said, just stay away. if you cared or loved her at all, you would know what the best for her is and it's not a 17 year old with an infatuation and hormones blaing right now. with age, comes experience. she's lived in the real world. you haven't even tasted it yet. there's a lot to experience other than breaking up families. you either need to be there for HER if you can, and if you can't, stay away all together and break all ties or your thoughts will become stronger and you will start acting on your emotions and not your brain i know you probably didn't want to hear that reply, but i am giving you straight up solid advice. it's not worth it to you, her, her husband, and most importantly the kids if you continue on your path in this thinking! my general advice is to stay away and drop all connection. let someone else be a shoulder to cry on. the more busy you keep yourself, the less you will have time to think of her. start dating and experience what's out there. there are other people out there with the same qualities and i can almost gaurantee, better qualities for YOU. she may have some, but probably not ALL that will fullfill you in a partner. not once in your letter did i sense a true love coming from you. i also didn't sense a type of soul mate connection. knowing what i sensed, again i say to stay away and keep busy doing other things. get her out of your mind. don't talk to her on the phone, don't go where she's at. if you see her on the street or any other public place, turn and walk away. that's my advice. what you are suggesting is trouble. you want more. you can't have more. if you try, you will get hurt and possibly hurt a family and especially kids who deserve better than you interupting their lives if you continue on these obsessive thoughts now i meant no disrespect, but i did want to be firm in my tone because this is serious business and i don't think for one second you know what you're getting in to or the consequences if you continue to pursue even a friendship relationship which sometimes leads to more.....
  22. anyone who creates web pages for profit should be open to any ideas to get paid. when you do a job and they promise profit sharing, what they are actually offering is an investment opportunity but instead of you giving them money, you are giving them your time. not bad if you think they will succeed. and if they are counting on their webpages to be the main selling point and where that will be their main or only source of income from that business, then you should also know how to drive traffic there and read up on seo to get them on the first or second pages of the search engines for specific keywords. i like the partnership idea because it will push yourself more in doing the best you can since the sales will be relying on how well you did your job in some ways.just make sure that you have a contract that states exactly what share your percentage is and when you get paid. i am assuming in this case, it's a new company with very little to no sales. that's why they are offering such a big % of the profits.i would do it! if it fails, you gain experience and more to add to your portfolio. it wouldn't be a total loss and heck, you may be able to sell the design to another travel co. make sure though that you protect your source as something that's copyrighted and put a clause in the contract that if the use of the source code is only good for a year or so(or another specified period of time) unless the company is making at least $10,000 in profits per year. if in the first year they accomplish this, then no problem....but if not, make sure they have no rights to the codeotherwise, it's too easy to steal. if i wanted to take advantage of you, it would be easy. i would have you build it, save the code, and forget about ever paying you. i would even keep it as mine and you would never be able to claim it as yours or add it to your portfolio. it would be hard for you to prove it's yours unless you paid money to copyright it first.
  23. all spells work or they wouldn't be written. some work only for those who wrote it. you have to have faith and belief in the spell. it's power of thought, mind over matter, blah blah blah. just like when you attend a church service and pray. power of thought. the more people who believe and have faith in it, the stronger it's able to work. now the idea of santa clause is a good example. i don't believe in a santa clause, but i believe in the idea and the good energy that is given off during this time of year. who creates this strong energy? kids. the idea and the engery would be non existant if kids didn't believe because very few adults haven't believed in ?YEARS. now although i don't believe in santa as i once did, i do hold santa up as a symbol of a spirit that doesn't have to die after new years only to reappear again 11 months later. so yes, spells work. the ones that don't can be modified into something that works for YOU. power of thought. should only be used for good. when your belief becomes strong, you need to be responsible i also agree with the poster about not taking medication to heal you. i am a firm believer of self healing and also just eating and drinking the right foods. your immune system will thank you too because yes, the more you take a medication especially antibiotics, you become more immune to the effects the longer you take them virtually causing them to be useless to you in the future with no benefits of taking them at all unless you're now addicted and don't want to go through a withdrawl phase. the poster who doesn't believe in spirituality or magik etc. all spirituality is self realization. not really any specific form of religion except knowing your own self deep down inside and looking more closely to the unknown. many religions encorporate spirituality but they aren't a requirement for spirituality. in fact, you can't deny spirituality. it's inside us all no matter what you believe. magik however.....although i believe it's inside us all as i am a firm believer in power of thought and some define that as magik, not a lot of people are believers and because they don't believe, it's lost and very weak and there is no clear indication it exisits in us. people who believe, know better because for some, we encorporate it in our daily lives and we have had success with it that cannot be argued. it's fact, not fiction. while talking about the "unknown", visit my mypage site. i visited a cemetary one night. i've always been curious about what's out there so i decided to take pictures that night. i didn't modify them in any way....so go take a look and tell me what ya think for all the non believers out there https://myspace.com/browser
  24. you don't like my jokes when i try to make light of something and not so serious tone? sorry anyway, thanks for clearing that up. originally you said the forum content was copywrited so i was unclear what you meant. and redistribution rights is of consequence. that is not a copyright. why trap obviously requires quoting which i got my acount suspended for 10 days because i didn't quote. honest mistake none the less, but i say that because you still can't use what people post for your own gain. yes, they posted it publically, but it's still theirs. there was talk a long long time ago about how users should have the right to delete any of their posts. they don't since redistribution right on the form thread is implied when someone publishes something somewhere so i wanted to clear up any misconception of copyright that you may have had with forum content as far as getting members. yea bud, it's hard, but a little time and effort and dedication can do wonders. secret is to offer something that few people offer. quality content and content people can rely on will be important on any forum. refer to my email. so like i said in my email, you seem like a smart guy and capable of a lot. put it to good use. as far as your posts, yes, it was relevant when you wanted me to go to your site and review it. so i beg to differ on what you think was relevant. i reviewed it and made a little joke relating it to Xisto now if you are serious about keeping the forum and promoting it, i wish you all the best. it's a good start, a little generic, but i'm sure if you're serious about it, you can do wonders in making things happen. if you need advice or help, post it. i like helping people more than i do questioning them
  25. well, the last comment was a joke seeing that it is a newly created forum and you have hardly advertized it. i see your posts all over the place on trap. you have been a member for 3 days and you have 80 posts. believe me, as you know, i've been watching and the only posts i saw on your forum came from YOU anyway, a joke none the less... as far as copywriting forum posts, i beg to differ. that's why i was curious what was copywrited. you see, copyright is bound by "original works of authorship and forum posts doesn't fall under this catagory. it's just like saying you own the copyright of someone's picture when they upload their picture.....haha that's ridiculous. content is the same bud. the only way you would own copywrite to forum posts is if you paid someone to post for your forum. you don't know much about that symbol at the bottom of your webpage, do you. in fact, posting a copyright isn't required for a copyright to exist. a copyright exists automatically when you complete the finished product. you don't need the symbol. it may act as a deterent to steal, but it's not needed to keep a copyright. also, your site is powered by another company so that can't be copywrited either. the only thing that could possibly be copywrited is the layout if you modified it and it's original. if you are telling me your forum content is copywrited by you, then i would like to know where you are getting your information. just by saying you own the posts and content can get you sued for fraud and deception even if you don't make a dime off that website. be carefull what you do and say. i keep testing your knowledge and it seems you're always getting caught in a web that you create. i don't mean to sound harsh, but stick to what you know from now on btw....as far as content that other people place on your website, alot of times it can be argued that you would legally have a license to distribute, but the author of the post will have the full copyright. again though, if by chance you still think you have a copyright on forum posting, i would like to know where you got this information and i will appologize to ya if i am wrong
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