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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. you can bank your credits that earn interest? what's this about? i never saw this option. where is it and how does it work? or just give a link to where i can read about it.
  2. don't ebat yourself up bud. i know that whatever is said in response to your post though, you will beat yourself up for a while. please don't try to. in situations like this, there isn't just all negative so i suggest thinking about the positive. you're an animal lover like i am. i love watching animals run free and i also like to take animals in that nobody cares for. from one animal lover to another, you did nothing wrong becasue your intent was not to kill an animal or hurt and anmial, but to care for them and love them and make sure they are taken care of properly. i'm sure you have other animals now that depend on you and need ya and i'm sure this one incident was a fluke. you do the right thing even if it goes against your mother. you are just being you and what you do is a GOOD thing. with that said, i know it had to have killed ya inside. woulda killed me inside too to watch the after effects. you did the best you could and you still are doing the best you can so keep up the good work bud! and don't give up in who you are and what you believe. accidents happen and that is just part of life and the things we do sometimes. our mistakes don't make us bad people. far from it but please don't let this hinder you in taking in other strays because THAT would be the ultimate shame let time heal the wounds and you'll be fine. the cat will never be forgotten if it passes. also, sometime we have to deal with the horrible for something good to happen. take suicide. a terrible thing to deal with for any family member or friend. but if there wasn't suicides, there would be no support centers or crisis hotlines and prevention centers to offer the help that is needed today. so offer the same thing to this cat and let something good come from it. learn from it so you can try to prevent something like this happening again. so if you want to do more for the cat then do THAT. there are many individuals out there that sacrifice themselves for the many. animals are no different. i feel kinda werid talking about a cat this way but it's true and cats and all animals have souls just like you and i. will make the cat feel better(even if you don't notice it or it passes away) and will make you feel better knowing you are doing more to look after the animals you take in to take care of don't change bud, you're doing the right thing and nobody should ever blame you. could have happened to anyone, but it happened to you this time. you seem like a vry cool person with good intentions. we need more people in this world like you with a big heart.
  3. well i voted for him twice myself but alot of things do seem fishy. not going to get in to it here but i am responding to your post because i disagree with what i quoted. there's only one way to deal with a bully and that's to stand up to up so he doesn't bully you anymore. if it means fighting for what you believe in and getting your face smashed a few times before he gets tired of ya and picks on someone else, then so be it. you stood up to yourself. or you get YOUR friends to smash his face and he's think twice of bullying ya. yes, it worked on the playground. what didn't work is telling the parents or the dean about what was going on because THEN he would catch ya after school and be more upset for getting him in trouble. btw- i say "him" because it's usually the guys with the big ego. i am not one to sit back and get hurt. and i am one that believes you have to protect yourself at all costs from little to big situations to ensure i don't get hurt anymore. now i don't know much about terrorism because i haven't studied it. i don't know exactly who and what was linked to 9/11 and i doubt anyone to this day knows the answer. but what i do believe is fighting back to an extreme and if that means soldiers die, then they die. you send the word out by force. you ensure they think twice before coming back to the u.s. to do what they did. unfortunately, you risk innocent lives when you do that. war is ugly. but at the same time, if you live in a country with known terrorists who constantly get their way through violence, you should get the heck outta that country or be subject to the consequences if others fight back against terrorism. now i voted for this man twice. not really the best man for the job but he acted the same way i would have after 9/11 even through out the coverups before and after 9/11. who is really able to run a country. its said you lose 10 years off your life when you try. it's not an easy job and you will never be able to please everyone. but i'll tell ya this....i believed in sending a word out. might have made people angry as it made the united states look like the bully, but we were the ones being attacked. it may have given us a reason to invade a couple countries, but so be it because not everything was on the up and up with them in the first place. these countries don't want to be blamed for what terrorists did so these terrorists will be getting heat not just from the u.s. but the other countries who lost because of 9/11. my friggin' RIGHTS were LOST after 9/11. anyone who has been to an airport after that date knows what i'm talking about. but i would rather lose rights than be unprotected when i fly. if we did nothing, then it would have been open season on the united states who would be known for doing nothing. screw that!
  4. i went through a lot when i was a kid. i went through a HECK of a depression phase in my early 20's. suicidal and all that. one thing i never did though was settle. i dictated my own life and was willing to wait for my life to unfold. boy was it hard. i didn't fit in in many areas of life it seemed. i did have 3 good friends, but that even didn't help me much. the problem i relized was that i was not understanding of who i was and what i'm good at and what i needed to do to live a fullfilling life. you're young. you need to find that. i wasn't odd. i hung around the polular crowd AND the unpopular crowd. i understood the peer pressure and the hurt others can place on people that don't deserve it. me, i'm as shy as they come and spent a lot of my time alone because i was afraid to approach people. heck, i still am. but i consider myself to be a people person. weird being so shy, but i realized i was. i had to fight that shyness. i still am shy so fighting it hasn't helped me much. i am a people person because i know people. i can adjust my behavior to fit any situation. i do this to be accepted and i want acceptance because i want people to talk to me. it's called mirroring other peoples image. i want them to talk to me, not for me, but for THEM as i am a listening ear. being shy has advantages that others don't have. you are a better watcher. you are a better listener. you have a better read on people that others don't. be ok with it. it may be uncomfortable when you see others playing with others and you're sittin' by yourself, but use that to your advantage. take notice what your strong points are and use them. don't ignore them. be happy with who you are. at the same time work on learning more about yourself and pushing yourself in areas that need improving. it's good to be yourself but it's good to learn from your experiences and push yourself to be the best you can be. i'm 38. i met quality friends in my life that were true friends. i also had a great family bud. let me tell you something. sometimes there are more important things. i left them all....everything i ever knew recently to pursue something that was more important. they will always be there when i return but even if i didn't have them, it wouldn't matter because i have something more important. live your life. your family and friends can't live it for you. everyone is born unique and different. everyone is born with a GIFT. find yours and follow it and very little else will matter. wish ya luck and if you ever need a friend....even just someone to listen, drop me a line. update us on what is going on in your life. the comptuer sometimes can be a good thing too where when you don't have anyone offline to talk to, you can always find someone online to talk to and be there for ya.
  5. well ya had me until you talked about someone who can only be read about in a book. dude, this guy needs real friends in real life. i agree with ya though. he needs to be himself at all costs but at the same time, trying to improve his own self hey bud, you're in a tough spot i see because the more you are ignored, the more biased you will become and you might just miss a friend that was already there right in front of ya so don't let that happen. be yourself. join some clubs or activities either in school or out of school. that makes it easier to meet people. i PROMISE you that there are very cool people in this world that you will meet. like opa said, he has a big circle of friends but he doesn't really consider them friends. most of them probably always wanted something from him and not the other way around and people will take advantage. true friends are rare but what i am getting is that you are not just looking for true friends, but people who you like and what to do things with. i know it must be lonely, but hang in there. first thing is be secure with your own self and know who you are and be confident enough to be happy in life without others if others aren't coming your way just yet. don't let this lead to depression or suicidal thoughts as i feel this may be the case here so if you really need a friend, send me a note. i know it's not the same as in person, but it's something. get a dog or a cat or some other type of animal to spend time with. they don't reject ya and my dog(who has recently passed) had been there for me MANY TIMES in my need when i felt alone. i wish i could give better advice, but i don't know you or your habits or what you're interested in. as far as a girfriend bud, be patient there is a reason why divorce rates are so high. people think they need something they really don't and they are impatient. sometimes you have to sift through all the crap to get to the good and sometimes it takes a while. i know from experience. also, life changes alot when you're out of school. at least high school. so if you plan on going to college, you have more opportunities for you also you stated you don't get picked for things. don't let others dictate. YOU dictate. try to choose where YOU want to be rather than have others do that for you. be more demanding of yourself and picky your own self because you know you deserve that. even if nothing comes about it at first, at least you are being strong enough to dictate your own life and choices while waiting for the good to come. self confidense goes a long way too. the more you seem self confident, the more people will look up to you....but again, just be yourself bud and don't live in regret.
  6. hmmmmm well my take is that it will only hurt microsoft and not help them. i will believe it when i see it. they already pretty much of the market cornered so they risk losing miscrosoft os users swiching another free one and there are a couple good ones. the operating system is front end for all the back end profits microsoft makes. their back end profits(the main profits) can only go down from this decision. so again, i will believe it when i see it. if anyone can confirm this first hand, i will be interested in knowing. again, i'll believe it when i see it. i think it's a stupid marketing tactic. maybe microsoft has principles now and trying to fight piracy even if they lose business. but when has microsoft ever made decisions on principle.....blah.....where did this information come come??? as far as a two user license i heard about, i thought it was only a 1 computer license? am i wrong here? only 1 computer per code? i have had problems with m/s in the past but i do know that if you ever need a legitimate code, they give you one over the phone if you forgot yours. i got mine this way once. i had to argue for 1/2 hour with someone i couldn't understand. anyway, this in itself defeats the purpose of protecting against piracy unless that policy has changed too. btw- i had my original code sticker on my pc, i was just testing something out to see if they would give me one. anyway, something isn't setting right with me in what i'm hearing.....
  7. i agree about the acount being suspended. it's either that or it may have been hacked. i only say this because after almost 150 posts, i'm assuming the cpanel has been accessed before in the past. but then there is the possibility that it's a forgotten password too. if it's suspended, then the credits would show it or there would have been warning to suggest a suspension. i doubt it was hacked but a possibility, so if there is a possibility you forgot your password, then try the suggestions previously posted about changing your password. if it costs 10 credits, big deal. you have your website back. i do know that my ftp account password is the same as my cpanel password(i didn't create a seperate ftp account) so if you have your ftp password, see if you can still access your site through ftp first. most programs save the password for future use. other than that and trying to figure out your password, i wouldn't know.
  8. rulese shouldn't be set in stone either and sometimes there are extenuating circumstances where rules don't apply. if he has a website that went over the limit on the bandwidth, then this is a major problem that needs to be fixed faster than any other usual problem around here and he is willing to pay for it. if it's against the rules, then usually people get a warning for things like that and then they know better.....or if an exception is made under certain circumstances then all the bettter witht he understanding. if i was running a free service, i know quite well why those rule are there and it's because they would be recieving hundreds a day that they couldn't possibly answer.
  9. sorry to hear about your grandfather. that was good advice. i also wanted to add that a will is nice, but a living trust is a nice compliment to the will. some people aren't smart and not responsible for when they have already died. probably because it's hard for some people to even think about or consider their own death. but you are right. if they don't want their money and assets squandered away, they need to take better care of what they worked hard all their life for and protect their assets after they pass.
  10. ok, i don't have the words to write an update in what has been going on, but shortly i will. a lot has been going on. she's in a safe house now because she AGAIN go beaten up(now by not only the neighbor but a friend of his) and the police are now not even taking the report. they are accusing her of false reports and threatened that she will be arrested soon and the chief of police told me i will be going to jail soon too.you know what's sick? after getting beaten up in the street, one person urinated on her feet. anyway, the police didn't take pictures. or make a report so i took pictures. she's safe right now which is the most important thing but i feel i am being watched and i also feel i am going to be set up for something soon while i'm alone here in the apartment.hope i am not just being paranoid. nothing about this makes sense. everything is fishy. anyway, i will update on this further LATER when i have the words. i am going out of my mind, trying not to do something stupid and at the same time, nobody to talk to as i recently moved here away from friends and family. it sucks. i pace back and forth in the apartment alot not knowing what to do
  11. haha, yea but this IS the vent and most anything should go. i mean...he wasn't disrespectfull so he should be allowed to vent how he wants.... .....even if he does need counseling....it's not a crime heheheh as far as using extra letter. heck. i use extra letters sometimes. it's called creative writing. sometimes create a visual effect that you would not normally get if writing "proper english". it's like i use all lower case becasue i don't believe in capitol letters unless it's to stress a word. even the begining letter of every sentence is unessesary to capitolize because of the period that distiguishes the start of a new sentence. a capitol letter seems redundant to me so i don't follow "proper english". i never have and never will. i will repeat letters in words like "weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!" or "HELLOOOOOooooooooooo?!?!?!?!", etc...i got more. those two just came to the top of my head anyway, just my two sense....and for the record....hoping he gets the help he needs! tomorrow is always a new day...
  12. i haven't checked but the forum ain't gonna help you. the forums don't take payments. look on Xisto.com and check how you can pay for extra bandwidth. i personally don't know if they have this option as i've never checked, but if they do, then put in an order or email them. i am sure if your willing to pay for something, they will get back to ya soon ok i checked for you. what you are talking about has nothing to do with Xisto evidently because i saw no added bandwidth for a certain amount of money. what i did see though is a banner for Xisto - Web Hosting. my advice to you is see if they do you a favor to increase your bandwidth just for this month since you weren't being smart enough to check it when it was running low. also it sounds to me that if you ran out this month, you will run out next month and you need to pay for hosting for more bandwidth. i don't think Xisto offers this though and only deal with free hosting. but again, maybe they will do ya a favor and increase it but i do think you need paid hosting and you should get it right away. your bandwidth i think is reset after the end of the month so your screwed for the next 10 days. it will also take about 3 days to trasfer your site on another server and i think the sooner the better. runing out of bandwidth is no good. you shoulda been a little smarter in catching this error but now you know and will be more aware in the future. again, if i were you i would transfer your site to Xisto - Web Hosting or some other paid hosting account ASAP. i doubt you will find anything cheaper than Xisto - Web Hosting for all the services you get.
  13. i would like to know how old you are and if you have every run a business so i know what i'm dealing with here. there are pros and cons to both sides but because you don't understand the other side, i will explain that employees and people like to take advantage of things and like to get away with doing something they aren't supposed to do. if internet access is readily available but there is a policy that you shouldn't browse the net, then what is to enforce the non browsing when it has NOTHING to do with their work. this wasn't part of your question i know so i will continue to say that although you find it strange if people in the workplace can't browse the net, so are you saying that people who get paid to do a job who do nothing but browse the web all day while taking away the time needed to do their REAL job properly is ok? now granted, this case was within the educational system. it was obviously an office job and not an outdoor or traveling job. but even what your saying....someone in construction should be able to take his laptop up there and pretend to be working while he's really browsing the net i don't know what country your from but it doesn't matter. i don't lump everyone from one country together like you do, but YOUR opinion seems a bit weird to me bud, but it wouldn't surprise me if you haven't yet graduated from high school yet and know very little about the law or businesiness practices. and even if you have graduated, i will still bet you your under 21
  14. this topic should be closed. it was a b.s. post from someone who has posted 3 times in 1 month. when i first read it, i didn't reply. the answer is obvious and the post didn't give any specifics to reply on so basically... he's too young. period. he doesn't even know what love is yet and just wanting sex. blah blah blah....topic should be closed it was a b.s. post
  15. i disagree about with holding opinions. she obviously didn't know what was going on so she had no clue what issue it could be without posting about it first. we ask questions because we don't know the answers or what opinion to have yet and the only why we will know is if we ask questions. she obviously felt more comfortable asking in these forums because she's not used to posting in the other forums i think where you were coming from is that she was suggesting it was trap 17 servers and giving trap 17 a bad name or something which i didn't see anything that indicated those things in her post she just wanted someone knowledgable to answer her question.
  16. i think the judges decision is fair and long as it goes along with a companies policy. i feel if a company doesn't want any internet browsing, then employees will have to sign something stating they know it is ground in getting fired. but see if an employee can't be fired for browsing the internet, then the company might have some slacker they want a reason to fire that they can't use the internet unless it's found he was doing something illegal on it. i'm for less laws myself and i don't like laws regulating my every day life and if i owned a business, i would want it run my way without the help of the law or what others may judge in ethics and morals and what is right or wrong. i'm smart enough to do that my own self and don't need judges or lawyers or the law dictating my life so that's more strongly in what i think....
  17. well normally i wouldn't have replied to post like this for obvious reasons. but if you really want to get credits then you already recieved good advice. but something told me there was more to it and noticed you joined april 1st and it's been 23 days and you only posted 6 times. again, i normally wouldn't have replied to a post of yours unless i saw sincerity in really wanting to know but now just wanted to bring the facts to attention. it's already clearly stated how to get credits so post, follow the rules, then get your hosting. simple as that. it's posted EVERYWHERE but then.....i don't think you're too serious about hosting
  18. i have a chase acount and have no problems with it ever. sounds to me it's YOUR mistake and not theirs. and sounds to me that you need to stop writing bad checks no matter WHAT they told you. don't ever write anything eover what you have in your account so you don't have to blame others for your own mistakes. be responsible and this would not have been an issue now as a side note, i would have talked to them rational. i've dealt with this situation before with other people and the bank is usually willing to offest half the costs that occured over a misunderstanding in order to keep your business....probably hoping you write more bad checks so they can charge you an extra $200 but i woulda been professional about it and acted stupid and talked to a supervisor to view your whole month transactions and credit you rather than act overly emotional where they would rather not work with you your post is overly emotional and subjective. again, i have a chase account and been making my payments on time and i have never run in to a problem like this. stop giving businesses a bad name because of your own mistakes
  19. sounds like a drama triangle to me. i'd be carefull if you want to pursue him
  20. this is also a take off of the scam that wants your baking account info so they can deposit 1.5 million in to your account because their government will freeze the funds. i get tons of emails a day on this stuff and am just now trying to create filters for them all. i've seen enough and wasted enough time trying to delete them manually. the winning the lottery scam is the most recent scam out there that has jsut begun to pick up lately(in the last 1-2 months). could be the same people running the chase bank, ebay and paypal scam because that picked up in the last 1-2 months. something new was added though. now they are targeting WESTERN UNION. this has only picked up in the last week or so. so everyone be aware please. if you aren't in business and the sender's email address isn't familiar, then don't open it and just delete the mass spam all at once. if your in business and these are getting sent to your business email(like me), create filters. in cpanel of Xisto, you have HORDE mail that i recomend and not SQUIRELL mail. set your filters in horde and report all spam as in the "black list" i don't exactly now how the mail is forwarded.....either through one of the email clients in the cpanel or through a source that isn't accessable through cpanel. i have my email address forwarded to a yahoo account so if anyone knows this answer please let me know so the spam isn't bypassed directly to my yahoo even if i set filters up through horde. i say horde is better than squirell because you have to subscribe to accounts through squirell where horde is automatically subscribed and easily access your email account that have been created. i think squirell only accesses your main account until you subscribe and link to your other accounts.
  21. well, i'm sorta new so i didn't have a chance to see all your posts, but i'm sure you'll be a loss here. the good news i suspect is that your website has taken off due to the free service here at Xisto. that's what i am hoping for in the future where i will eventually need paid hosting. so good luck to ya and congrats. as far as Xisto being down recently, i've noticed the same thing. i don't know what the problem is but not worth complaining about when ultimately i am happy with all the other services that some like to complain about(like credits) so i think that the problem will eventually be fixed hopefully and if not, a statement should be made about the problem. the problem usually occurs when most everyone is already in bed though so not really a high volume traffic time.
  22. how's my neighbor doin' yea...tipton is about 30 miles from jeff city. i'm in the process of finding a place to move so if ya hear of anything, lemme know. there has been a lot going on with not only my neighbor now, but the police. it's getting messy and we have been taken alot of steps to protect ourselves and create awareness for others. something is fishy in tipton....very much so. i used to like this town but not anymore. i NEVER had problems like this when i used to live in los angeles, california. my fiance just got a blackeye from the neighbor again when the chief of police was told about it and saw her face, he just looked at her. we walked out to report it through the county and not the city and direct report it to the prosecuting attorney. but boy oh boy. there is ALOT i can say about the police around here it's not even funny....but to ignore taking a report like this....it just supports my thinking that something is VERY VERY fishy....like our neighbor is the one being protected for some reason....and not the true victim!
  23. she's not interested, she is CONFUSED. a big difference. she already cheated on him now she may want to cheat on her current boyfriend. my advice is to stay the heck away from her until she is not confused anymore and can learn that she doesn't always have to have a guy in her life until she isn't confused anymore. this girl has some problems. doesn't make her a bad person, but she just needs time for herself and away from the influences that are guiding her in the wrong direction and confusing her even more.
  24. i'm posting again. i wanted to say that racism feeds on racism. racism deals more than with blacks and whites but i will use blacks and whites as an example here. alot of blacks were raised slaves in this country. caused alot of bitterness and anger. ofcourse they will see the white man as someone bad back then and hate them for their treatment. because of this, some whites will start to hate blacks not knowing where their attitudes are coming from and revert to talking down about blacks and to their face. this in turn will cause more crap and eventually, it wont be specific to a person, but to a race or color.i see this in my own parents(not to an extreme) and have tried VERY hard to raise my neice in a different mannor. my mom blames crime on the blacks. she still lives in los angeles. she blames the l.a. riots on the blacks. i've heard this crap so much i get sick of hearing it. it's closed minded. yes, the ratio of blacks and white to crimes cimmited show blacks at a vry higher ratio but when you open your mind up to the why's, then you realize that it's not fully their fault but a bunch of other determining factors. but when people see the statistics, they are closed minded and start hating the blacks. why are they commiting crimes? why do they live in poorer neighborhoods? why do they sell the drugs, why have they generally scored lower in tests? why do they rarely graduate from a college? these aren't all the determining factors but examples and these ARE determining factors and not just statistics of my observance. each factor has a role to the next factor and if you backtrack in time from factor to factor you come up with on main factor and that is the white race always held the black race down and it started when we made them slaves.now i hit my mom with this and she said that this was 200 years ago and "they should get over it by now". B.S.!my mom is VERY cool but she has some minor flaws in her thinking that a lot of people do. you don't just get over crap like that. it takes time. some blacks have learned to live and exist in a society that in the past have always tried to knock them down. they do what it takes to live. where? in poor neighborhoods. why? because nobody will hire them. so what do they do for money? they rob/steal/sell drugs. they are forced to crime.i know all people have a brain and have smarts to make the right choices, but under certain circumstances that are extreme, it's VERY VERY HARD to make the extreme choices that wont get you in trouble or in jail.ok, now i've said enough on this subject. i hope i made people think in my last post as that was my intention rather than think narrow minded. next time you see your foreign neighbor, smile and say hi. it doesn't matter if they smile or say hi back or give a negative response. you did your part and continue to do that. soon though, they WILL smile back and give a positive response. the worse thing that could happen by something positive you do is that it will just make them THINK
  25. this whole subject gets to me right now because i posted something in another thread about my neighbor who has done some terrible things. he's black. i am white. my fiance is white and HIS wife is white.the other day when i saw him acting suspicious, i had him move along back to his own apartment rather than hanging near ours. after that, i called him a "*BLEEP*".now my take on that is that he is scum of the earth and he shouldn't even be living on it. but does that make me a racist? i don't think so. deragitory comments are meant for deragitory people. "niggers" refer to blacks in a deragitory way.racist, no....prejudice, yes. i am prejudice just as everyone is and has nothing to do with color. just as i called this dummy a "*BLEEP*", i have called white people worse crap than that.now i love people in general and love listening to and watching them. i've told many racist joke, but am i a racist? naw.... people cry "RACIST!" too often and it's usually those who cry it that are the racists. does it exisit? YUP! should it be taken lightly? NOPE......BUT! it shouldn't be taken to an extreme. and it shouldn't be exagerated to state that people are racists when they aren't. there's a fine line but if people are respectfull, it doesn't matter who is right or wrong or if someone got the wrong idea. in the end, you'll know who the racists are and who you need to avoidsociety wont change racism and make it better. the only people who have this influence of change is family blood. and this wont happen fast, but slowly and over generations of time. sure, with the laws gradually changing, it makes it easier for the blacks and mexicans(the two races that have it the hardest in the united states with blacks being #1) to survive and be juddged more on their character than their color, but it's the PARENTS OF CHILDREN who teach them racism and it will always be the parents who will sway their children in to thinking different about different races. it's NOT peoples fault. it's history's fault. we started off on the wrong foot and needed to learn from our mistakes. children are born innocent. these racism is learned experiences usually being taught in the home over time. is it the parents fault? they were taught the same crap. they are victims of circumstance too and it's VERY VERY hard to change ones mindset of learned experiences. it's like touching a hot pot on the stove. we learned not to touch it from an early age because we were stupid in touching it in the first place. well, there's no way we are touching that crap again. how many people will touch a hot pot? nobody. how many people will touch ANY pot on the stove....most people will be cautious and feel the air around the stove and the pot before they touch it. same thing is going on with racism right now....it's getting better and people are growing smarter in how they feel their way around.anyway, don't know if any of that made sense, but i don't really think racism today is anyone's fault. you can't blame them. they were taught this and the people who taught them this were taught the same ways. it's sort of a screwed up thing where we just have to let time take care of the learning process.
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