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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. It doesn?t matter fat or ugly or age or color in making a person look more Beautiful to another ,Judging is so wrong in Life ,to much of it has been a issue in many cases of Life .It?s up to People to at least place a end to what Life has been created in our Past .See beyond The mark up on what is Beautiful in other?s .Beauty is feeling great from the inside out. That includes feeling healthy, strong and vibrant. And I think that includes a connection to your sensuality?a positive, conscious connection to your sensuality. It's fundamentally spiritual; my foundation is a spiritual one. Prior to anchoring my self spiritually,Some People say .They had a very different perception of Their body, looked good on the outside, but didn't feel beautiful inside. Emotional perspective regarding physical body would shift based on another's opinion of People.Upon Thinking for self and not opinion of others on How one should look makes a big difference too.. Upon cultivating a spiritual life and recognizing that the greatest beauty comes from your core, relation to your body has changed and your overall feeling about self will changed dramatically. go back to choice. We do have a choice how we look at our lives and how we look at ourselves. It's easy to bemoan what our circumstances are. But I think it's ultimately easier and more efficient to recognize the beauty in the moment, the potential in whatever is before you. In the context of beauty, you feel beautiful when you are unencumbered emotionally and spiritually and recognize the beauty in the moment. There is ALWAYS some one out There for everyone in Life ,Despite How other?s may or may not see another Through their eyes ,it?s really How yourself see Through your own eyes .
  2. Pets that we have .Right now ,a standard Poodle ,chocolate color ,Big huge Dog that sometimes thinks he is a Lap dog ,He is a Friend that is very in tuned into everyone's feelings .Not a very good swimmer Though ,after few tries in swimming oops there he goes ,under the water ,You think all dogs are swimmers ,nope! not this one . We also have several different types of Birds .in past There was always cats ,black bears ,monkeys ,Tigers ,That Played different Roles in My Life from Time to Time .Animals are Creatures that ,are very intuned to people energies ,They are truest Friends anyone could want in Life .Not everyone are animal Lovers but! if they just open thier hearts up ,you be surprised what the Results would be returned to you ,that only would be happiness of most natural kind in your own spirit.
  3. at any age really ,If in a relationship ,your heart is opened to that person with unbinding trust ,secretly you hold within yourself that even you at sometimes don't truly realize just how much trust you did actually hold for the one you love or in a relationship with ,especially for a long time .Once its really broken in cheating ,no matter what way describes cheating ,only thing that matters is how it is described to you ,how it affects you ,cheating is different in everyone?s eyes and mind frame ,but respect for the one you are with and How they see cheating to be is important issue here .and should be respected Highly between the two in a relationship.You can forgive those you love ,that comes naturally .At same time inside you will be a nagging thought that will always linger ,concerning the doubts of cheating .Really girls ,that are in relationship at young age ,they really don't know what they really want out Life and should experience and live Life as they see fit in being respectfully and happy .just as with any guy life. Being in relationship at young age ,I personally should not be limited or restricted in living life how it's meant to live ,each year getting older ,you some how find self changing and growing in a direction that you wish to experience and live just taste of it in your own Life .Life?s a lesson Learn from it and move on.Let go and grow in your Own Life too.you know what type of relationship you want for self or still growing to experiences all likes or dislikes in own self .The stars are in front of you .Don't stop dreaming and living Life .That special one will come into your Life and when they do ,you both will know it .It will be meant to be for rest of your lives together .So Till then Don?t fret over things ,Live your Life ,
  4. Some radikas drink blood frequently, others more infrequently, and yet others not at all. Being a radika does _not_ mean that you'd had to do it. Actually, if you don't really need it, you'd better not. Blood is simply energy in concentrated form. If you can get enough energy, you don't need blood. Think about it. I know it's hard like hell, and you most probably feel like dying if you're used to drinking and won'tdrink. But it won't kill you. If you end up with the fact that you really need to drink blood, consider how much you need. Our eyes are generally bigger than our stomachs. Human body does not digest blood well. It's the energy in the blood you're after, not the blood itself. Besides, when the skin is broken, there is a great amount of energy bleeding from the wound at the same time. You can feed from that too. Though the possibility of becoming ill from Pork blood is small, why risk it at all? It has nothing to do with pathogens, but instead with parasites. Trichinosis is a gastrointestinal illness caused by the intestinal roundworm, Trichinella spiralis. Trichinosis is prevented by cooking all pork and pork products at a temperature and for a sufficient amount of time to allow all parts to reach 71? C. The eggs of this parasite can be found in a certain percentage of all pigs raised for dietary uses ... which is why everyone always tells you to be certain to cook pork thoroughly before eating. It can also be found in the blood of the animal. Unfortunately, heating the blood to the suggested 71? C essentially destroys it, as far as it being "fresh" any longer, though you can make a nice blood pudding from it (I hear, I don't do cooked blood). Along with drinking blood of almost any animals ,there is high risks of contacting ,indigestion of parasites that could live inside your own stomach and create extreme amount of harm within your own self .So really there is no true way to rid self of harming areas in drinking animal blood or humans .So why? Even tempt it as part of your own Life. Although some cultures all over ,use Blood as part of thier daily diets ,in creation of soups,regular dinner meals or just simple glass of blood juice as part of thier daily diet as some believe it creates more energy within thier own body .
  5. wow. you just joined yesterday and you are already a success from everyone you read here. that must be a record. i've been here 2 years and i still see that half the stuff in the making money forum will not help anyone one bit. so we differ on this subject. but glad it'[s working out for ya....so tell me.... what posts in particular helped you and how are you making money now? you are right on one thing. textbooks in school is one thing. real life is a whole other story......and.....um.....reality. and no, the don't teach jack on how to survive online if you want to earn a decent paycheck.
  6. first of all, you should have included your age in this post. it could make the whole difference of opinions here. just based on what you said though, dating shouldn't be complicated. you and guy#1 already broke it off. you and guy#2 already broke it off. you didn't cheat on him since you already broke it off. get your facts straight here. so. advice. #1 is to be honest with both of them. you are confused and that is ok. tell them this and tell them you don't know what direction you want to go with your life right now. then, keep it simple. i wouldn't go on a trip with either one of them right now. i would keep everyting casual. date, yes. trips, no. try to connect with whoever you are seeing at the time. keep asking yourself if they fullfill you, your needs, make you happy, etc.... i'm sure guy#1 and guy#2 are both great. i am sure guy#1 gives certain things that fullfill you but not everything....and vica versa with guy #2. while you are secretely asking yourself questions about these guys, i want you to keep in mind some EXTREME good advice i am about to give you right now. you want to be with a guy that you have alot in common with. yes, opposites do attract, but that phase wears off. opposites attracting is more of a curiousity phase. you want to be with someone who compliments you. no.....not your shoes silly....your way of life. someone that you can mold in to one with. you want to be with someone whois strong in the areas that you are weak in and weak in the areas that you are strong in....while still having most everything in common with eachother. now i've heard this many many times so i will state it here. women just want someone to love them....but more than that, women need to FEEL loved. don't necesarily disregard the guy that doesn't make you FEEL loved. he probably shows it in many ways, but hard to see by the woman's dark glasses that keep them blind sometimes. there are many ways to show love. not just be affection like small hugs and kisses. some guys suck at that and other things to show afection(even saying the words, "i love you". BUT don't EVER let that fool you because love comes in many shapes and forms. keep your eyes wide open for that guy that completes you. with that said....again....date. no trips unless it's with any guy other that 1 or 2. date. now here is the real secret in choosing......ready? my advice is that if you don't know which guy you want, don't date either one. they may be nice guys, but there are plenty of nice guys you can connect with so if you can't choose, than neither one is the guy for ya. knowing the right guy is easy....just like for me.....knowing the right girl was easy. there was no question. so let them down easy and keep things casual and not so serious. keep your eye out for the right guy but remember....when the time comes, that right guy will just fall in to your lap when you were looking the other way even it will just happen naturally. just have fun......and be happy. don't live in regret and do what you know is right deep down within side your own self. you gut is right 99% of the time. listen to it
  7. depends on what you are looking for and your experience in building web pages and also if you want free or paid. if you can answer these questions, i would be glad to point you in the right direction without knowing your needs or experience or money situation, i will ALWAYS recomend Xisto. they have pretty much everything you will ever need for web hosting but you have to post an average of 1 time a day to keep your hosting active. if you want to go another free route without the posting requirement and no ads, try freehostia.com. they offer a great free service. if you are inexperienced and just getting your feet wet with building websites, try freewebs. geocities also has great free hosting for the newbie but i don't like their popups or their ads on the right side that you always have to click on the arrow to make the disapear. looks unprofessional just like tripod's crap....BUT! they do have an easy drag and drop webcreation software included in their free hosting. makes it VERY easy for the newbie. if you are looking for paid hosting, there are 3-5 i recomend. i'm sure Xisto - Web Hosting is on that list(after i research them) since i have always been happy with their free service but as long as they have good costomer support that you can get 24-7, that's a biggie to me. Xisto - Web Hosting is just beginning to be spread out on the map. if you need web creaton software, i recomend nvu all the way!
  8. People who are spiritual but do not participate in organized religion may have the strongest belief in psychic abilities. Also, emerging research indicates that genetic factors may have a role in spiritual and paranormal beliefsWhen you talk to someone about life after death, you might engage them in a religious discussion. Different religions present different hypotheses concerning what happens to your soul after you die. At the other end of the scale, they might simply declare that the soul doesn't even exist, and that there is no afterlife.Of course, others will proclaim that you become a ghost. This might indeed represent the majority of people. But do people really understand what they are saying when they talk about "becoming a ghost"? I think not.There are many district yet related concepts which together come loosely under the umbrella of spiritualism. If you ask someone about what they think about mediums, you'll receive anything from outright disbelief to complete enthusiasm. Many people will say that they've visited mediums, and been presented with positive results. Others will declare the whole thing a con - a way for deceitful people to exploit people's beliefs to make money out of them.I could talk in similar terms about telekinesis, fortune-telling, reincarnation, clairvoyance, clairaudience, poltergeists, possession, amid many other things "spiritual". But what is meant by "spiritual"?As much as many people in the world today will dismiss spirituality out of hand, or at least certain aspects of it (those aspects that don't fit into their engrained personal belief systems), it simply cannot be denied that there is something more to reality than meets the eye.Two ways for People to think upon it All.Let's think about this logically. There have been untold millions of cases where people claim to have experienced the spiritual - something paranormal that defies scientific explanation. There is no doubt that a significant percentage of these cases come from the imagination of the person in question. After all, we are all of the same species, all have roughly the same brain composition, and hence all experience the world in a fundamentally similar way.But what about the untold thousands of cases of direct paranormal experience for which there is significant evidence? These cannot be dismissed.If they cannot be dismissed, then they must be explained. All facts in the world are born of reason. Every process in the world (and in the universe) can be reduced from other facts. Some will explain it all as the meaning of ,Cause and effect.The thing that distinguishes the normal from the paranormal (or spiritual) is that spirituality is not born of reason. There are no known mechanisms in the universe that cause a person to be reincarnated, or to become a ghost, or to allow people to communicate from mind to mind.It follows logically that since every process in the universe must be rational, and that the body of evidence for the spiritual is overwhelming, that there must be a mechanistic process in the cosmos that permits and explains such paranormal phenomena.But Truth is Logically ,some areas can not be explained ,There are truths to everything each of us come in contact with every day of our lives ,some do not even know ,what is around them every day ,There spirits and minds ,energy are not tuned into their surroundings as some other?s are energy tuned into .Some will experience things in their lives others will not ,reason is their energy is acceptable and sensitive to those energies that are from spirit ,that are wandering this life ,for a reason before peace finds their spirits to rest .Everything does happen in our Lives for a reason though.Lets not think Logically ThenLet?s Think of the unknown ,that is seen and felt by others but can not be Explained in our Lives ,We all experienced it in some form or another in our Life Time.Some just do not really openly discuss those experienced ,afraid of being judged by another.Between the natural and the supernatural. That is, Indigenous groups resisted defining nature as just what can be seen by the eye, or felt by the body, or heard by the ear. Indeed, some notions of nature also involved the supernatural, for gifted members of society could see, feel, hear and interact with what we would call supernatural forces. Thus, forces and powers of the spirit world, including ancestors and unknown energies in the cosmos were part of the natural order, since they were accorded influence in the affairs of animals, humans and the landscape at large. Some People from different cultures are born with insight of the unknown ,otherwise known as gifts from within ,as in many ways we are all born with such gifts in our spirits ,sadly though to some of the unknown it does not get fully recognized in their lifetime for to some all things have to hold a logically reason for one to truly believe in the unknown.The facts become important to search out rather than accepting and cherishing the unknown ,only we can see feel or experience ,for all energies has a reason why? It came into your life in the first place for you to experience it at the time you did .For all areas or stories of the unknown and real experiences that we all have to tell ,holds a reason to being in touched with in our lives ,why it is there to experience it in self in first place .I believe all should be respected completely.Not questions logically.The unknown is fascinating Feeling to experienced in Life Time ,if really look into Why it has come into your Life at that particular moment.It holds a meaning for your Life and The journey you must take for your own self .So I guess We all could look at these areas in two different ways in Our Lives .One is to believe or One is to be skeptical of everything .As for my Spirit I choose to believe.
  9. In this world, nothing is more important than knowing how to dissuade the aggression of wild animals. More than ever before, there is a pressing need for education in the area of bear assault survival tactics. Especially more and more People ,privately own or breed such animals or have as Pets in this World, with simple as applying for a State Permit to do so. What these owners don?t realize is Bears stay as wild animals in all Respect ,not fully Pets and should never be thought upon as only Pets. But we do! Accidents occur right in our own back yard ,as well out in the wild.Never Allow your Gaurd Down at no Time around any Wild Animal in Wild or as Kept as a Pet.The first and most important step in surviving bear attacks is prevention, and that means preparedness. Whenever one ventures outside, whether for a short hike or a month-long backpacking excursion, one should always have all the necessary tools to ward off possible bear aggression. To avoid startling bears in the wild, be sure to bring a pair of morocco?s or an air-horn on any outdoor trip. These unnatural sounds will ensure that every bear for miles around will know exactly where you are, and thus will not be startled when you cross paths. Most likely would not adventure towards that disturbing sound ,The bear instinct would be to place distance between you and them, especially if mother with cubs. Preparation is vital, but is just as important to know exactly how to proceed if an unavoidable bear attack arises.If you are either out hiking, hunting, or camping you need to be aware if it is bear territory. Being aware if there are bears around will be your first clue on how to act and what to do if come in contact with one .If you happen to spot a bear out in the wilderness and the bear sees you .there are few things you need to do so the bear will not charge you .Bears can attack for a number of reason?s e.g. ,protect territory, food, cubs, and being surprised. Talk softly, calm and slowly.You want the bear to identify you not as a threat ,Back away with your arms and hands raised above your head ,waving them slowly. This will make the bear think you are larger animal and hoply make it go on it?s merry way.Do not make eye contact with the Bear at any time .It will see you as Threat.Do not lose sight of the bear as you are backing away though .You want to know what it is doing at all times.If the bear decides it?s being threatened and charges you ,DO NOT RUN. Stand your ground when its charging .Bears will commonly ?Bluff? charge before they will attack.At this time continue to SLOWLY walk backwards, away from the bear. If the bear continue to charge and is going to attack, lay down in fetal position .If the bear senses no retaliation ,it may see you as not a threat and leave you alone. If you are wearing a back pack ,keep it on ,This will help protect your back during a attack, laying on the ground in fetal position can reduce the level of injury sustained during the attack, if the bear decides to leave ,don?t get up right away ,Stay on the ground and wait more than 10 minutes, The bear can be off watching you ,waiting to see if you run.If the bear does not stop attacking you ,you need to fight back. Try to get up and be loud and aggressive as you can ,Punch for the eyes and snout of the Bear ,This can daze the animal and give enough time to escape .As this may sound foolish to Hear ,Bears are very sensitive to loud sounds and will retreat far from disturbing sounds ,that is hurtful to their ears. Also most sensitive areas of the Bear is the snout and the eyes, will Daze them for brief moments ,enough time for you to escape ."If None these area's work umm Hope to have some cookies or candy ,something sweet on you ,For the Bear will want something in return for punching him between the eyes"
  10. The Language of Flowers originated in Persia in the 15th century, and was brought to Europe in the 18th century. In the 19th century, this floral code,became popular and people sent messages in bouquets to each other. Since each flower, color, and number had a specific meaning, conversations between lovers took place without a single word being used. Roses are the perfect gifts to convey your emotions.Throughout the course of time, black roses have conjured up a variety of symbolic meanings. From unnatural worlds to death, vengeance, farewell or rebirth, the black rose has come to be viewed in a number of different ways depending on the occasion. Though symbolic meanings may differ, the interesting truth is that black roses do not even exist. What many believe to be black roses are actually dark-red colored roses, which have such a deep color that they appear to be black. Perhaps someday not too far in the future a black rose will exist as many in the field are working with the myriad of rose varieties and colors to come up with the coveted black formula.In the meantime, there are quite a few roses come which come close, but not True to the Eye.Black Magic One of the darkest roses, this rose has black buds before it blooms into velvety garnet flowers. Black Baccara Perhaps the darkest, this blackberry colored rose also tends to be blacker before its blooms begin to open into velvety textured petals, growing up to four feet tall with flowers June through August. Black Beauty This small flower begins as a burgundy bud and opens into an almost black velvet bloom. Black roses signify death hatred and farewell. Used at funerals. A single black rose was used by a close friend and or loved one leaving for a war or on a journey he did not expect to return from Color Black Chakra - 1st Chakra: Root Chakra - Grounding, Focus, and SurvivalElement - AirDark colored crystals are very grounding, and deepen our connection to all things physical, (the natural being).They help relieve us of fears specifically associated with our physical existence here on earth. They act as a shield, protecting and deflecting negative energy.All dark stones - Black, Brown, and Deep Grey, are associated with the Root Chakra, and with survival here on earth. They govern our relationship with the physical world and our bodies.If you have trouble seeing yourself, your body and it attributes as they really are, or have trouble accepting your shape, height, weight, color, etc, wear a necklace or bracelet of dark stones will help you to own and accept your appearance here on earth.Black Rose ,It is often said that black color is always related and stands for revenge, sins, darkness, magic's and mystical as it is also said black magic. From the beginning, the black rose has been a powerful symbol in cultures all over the world. This magical flower can celebrate a cheerful birthday or make a strong case for revenge. It would have been very rare when we would have come across the black roses in our life or someone would have presented us with the black roses. A pure black flower is the sacred Grail of plant breeders worldwide and in reality no pure black flowers exist. The supposed black tulip is also actually a very dark purple color flower and the black rose is, in fact a very dark red color flower. As it is very rare to find black flowers but there are some less common flowers, which rarely occur in black forms. The description after the color indicates how you feel about the person to whom you are sending the rose. By the way, black does not always mean that you wish the recipient to be dead; it can also be a wish for your own death, perhaps if you just can't live with the way the situation stands.Really What one Feels and see through thier own eye's and believe in meaning through thier own mind ,makes up meaning of the True Black Rose.
  11. Friday the thirteenth is considered the unluckiest of days, unless you were born on Friday the thirteenth. If you were born on this day then Friday the thirteenth is your lucky day. The origins of Friday superstitions are many. One of the best known is that Eve tempted Adam with the apple on a Friday. Tradition also has it that the Flood in the Bible, the confusion at the Tower of Babel, and the death of Jesus Christ all took place on Friday. Long before the Bible was written, Friday was considered an important day. Primitive people set aside Fridays as a special time to worship their deities and ask them for good crops, health and happiness. Those who worked on this day were told not to expect "good luck" from the gods. The day Friday was named after Frigg (or Frigga), the Norse goddess of marriage. Later she was confused with the goddess of love, Freya, who in turn became identified with Friday. When the Norsemen and Germanic tribes became Christians, Freya was supposed to have been banished to the mountains as a witch. Friday came to be called "witches' Sabbath." For it was believed that on this day, each week, twelve witches and the Devil met - thirteen evil spirits up to no good! This is just one of the explanations for our superstition about Friday the 13th. The Bible is often considered a book of numbers. In the Bible the numbers 7, 12 and 40 appear throughout the Old and New Testaments. The number 12 is considered a lucky number. As a result, the number which follows 12 was thought to be evil. Known scientifically as "Tridecaphobia," fear of the number 13 is probably the most common of all superstitions. Buildings avoid numbering the 13th floor. Airplanes avoid the 13th aisle. And most common of all, Friday the 13th is considered a bad luck day. Psychologists believe that Friday the 13th will become a day of bad luck if people focus on the day because people will create their own bad luck by paying attention to the superstition. Feeding energy into anything - especially a superstition - can cause manifestation of the event - as the consciousness grids are reacting. Remember the grids and the universe are mathematical. They respond to geometry - numbers - the primary language of the Universe. When many people believe that an event is negative - dark - evil - based on a date - or number or sequence of numbers - this can cause disruptions in the grid harmonics - and cause the event to happen. It is not unlike believing that a curse has been put on you - or your family - or someone you know. The more you believe that it is real - the more you will create that reality in the grids. You maybe simply looking for the drama of events linked to a specific superstition. If you do not play within the parimeters of that energy - you won't even give it a second thought. You can tune into the frequency of the superstition - fear - and experience the strength of it. If you believe that everytime there is a Friday the 13th - something bad will befall you - then you will manifest an event of that type. As far as digits go - they do have meaning as they are creational. It would follow that some digits are triggers - some are lucky - and some will signify the polarity - negative energies! Number 13 has had its share of troubles. It is 1+3=4= completion for many things. But haven't bad things happened on other dates? In ancient civilizations - Egyptian, Sumerian, Assyrian, Hebrew, Christian - people believed in Magik - the power of the Magician to caste a spell - the power of the Gods to create, etc. Much of it was all based on control by fear! We are giving up fear, right? We have seen the tricks - the illusions - the magic - the clown - in all of the cultures we have looked at in recent months. It is in the program. Number 4 - the final trick! The main event for the trickster - or he just part of the illusion. Trickery makes us believe creation is external to us when it is quite the opposite. The trickster challenges you. to think to question things ,to get past negative emotions until you finally see the truth in what is occurring. Superstitions are linked to myths and prophecies. A superstition is a belief, half-belief, or practice for which there appears to be no rational substance. Those who use the term imply that they have certain knowledge or superior evidence for their own scientific, philosophical, or religious convictions. An ambiguous word, it probably cannot be used except subjectively. With this qualification in mind, superstitions may be classified roughly as religious, cultural, and personal. Every religious system tends to accumulate superstitions as peripheral beliefs,Often one person's religion is another one's superstitionIf Believe in superstition like as Friday 13 ,you will fall for anything in Life .There?s many myths of Life cycles ,different cultures that gets handed down and Taught to each of us ,some myths just stay as Truth but again is it really Truth or how one may believe in ones own mind. The Money makers of Television has brought many Great shows concerning Friday 13 ,that as growing up ,We all learned to relate Friday 13 in some form or myth in our minds to bring out Fear or associate this day as unlucky, as many other days ,Fear is one the Greatest Tools that creates myth's as Friday 13,as real as it can become in How a person relates to it ,as part of How they Believe in one's own mind.
  12. congrats bud!!! do you live close to your sister? hopefully you do so you can visit often. really nothing you can do when their born execpt to just look at them, make funny faces(that will scare them til they die) and make funny sounds to make them look at you funny :Pbut at age 3+, that's when the fun begins as an uncle. i should know. i am one be creative with your role as an uncle. your sister will be doing the hard part raising this 2-3 year old tyrant while you get the best of seeing and semi raising your nephew when the time comes you ask to babysit. you can expose this kid to ALOT of stuff that the overly protective parents wont even consider.....but you can and the kid will grow up loving ya for it! and eventually your nephew will come to YOU if he has a problem.....because you are the "cool" uncle that understand him.also, watch close because these kids grow up faster than you know it. at first, they can't grow up fast enough.....but THEN they grow WAY too fast so you really need to watch and keep up i know he isn't your kid, but it really is fun watching a child grow up....at least for me it was. such a reqarding experience!congrats again and to your sister and husband(if she's married)p.s.- don't agree to change any diapers if they ask you to babysit. that should be a stipulation in babysitting hahahaa
  13. EXACTLY! they can kick you out even if you aren't cheating. only if they suspect that you are. i doubt a casino will kick anyone out just because they are winning though. usually if the player isn't cheating, they will get comped with food and fre stay at their hotel or comped for future visits. this is a strategy to get them to stay longer so the casino can mke their money back in the long run as far as b/j being the best game? naw. poker is since you are playing against other players and not the house. the disadvantage would be the rake the casino takes from every pot. CRAPS is the seond best game if you play don't pass/dont come and black jack is a VERY close third as far as straight ods in winning without cheating(card counting etc.) craps i believe has about a 1.9% advantage to the house while b/j has about 2.2% advantage to the house poker depends on the rake and how well you play to determine what advantage you have compared to the other players. if you're good, you will always have the advantage in the long run. it's the best game in the casino and no other games compare. but now that the world series of poker is nationally televised, poker has become more populare and therefore more competitive with better players. texas holdem specifically is the most competitive right now where 10 years ago, it was a game few people knew it existed. without cheating, the only game that the house oesn't not have the advantage is poker. plain and simple. people think black jack beats craps in the players advantage. it DOESN'T!!! but craps is a gutsy game...it's still around 49-51 with the hosue advantage and in craps, you eiher win alot or lose alot. some people don't like playing it for that reason alone. if you want to keep the advantage low in craps, you NEVER play the proposition bets or the buy bets. the only bets you want to make to have a good chance is the pass/come line bets, the don't pass/don't come bets, and the place bets. also, ALWAYS take maximum odds! ALWAYS! black jack is tricky because there is basic strategy and advanced strategy. too much to list here with the combination of the dealer face card and your two cards. poker needs to be researched for advanced stgrategy and betting techniques. but the most simple rule in poker is that if you feel you are ever beat at any given time, FOLD! do not chase.....EVER! 99% of the time the odds will be against ya. hope this helps anyone planning on gambling anytime soon. btw- cards go in streaks but they always average out. just like flipping a coin. the odds will always be 50-50 that it lands on heads. BUT! it can land on heads 10 times in a row(i've seen it happen) but in the end....after a couple thousand flips, you'll see that the the odds are not 90-10 but back to 50-50. knowing this, the longer you play, the more true odds you will be getting so spend time to find that 1 table that the odds at the time are for the player since everyone goes in streaks. and the odds at any given time is NEVER the same because of what i just mentioned(in the short run ONLY!)
  14. thump, it shouldn't be a question of age, but when you let them out of the house by themslves. when they are old enough to leave their house to ride the bus or go to the mall or ride their bikes to the store. THAT is when they are old enough for a cell phone. a cell phone is good for two things. communicating socially and for emergencies. so when they are old enough to leave the house on their own, i qould suggest giving them a cel phone for emergencies only at first. this way you can teach the responsibility. if they abuse that privlidge, don't let them leave the house....they will learn eventually haha. their first cell phone, most will just be happy about showing it off anyway but they will have it for emergencies and you will be rest assured that they have that way of contacting you if there is trouble. parents....especially mom's are worry warts and sometimes over protective as it is B)if your child hasn't left the home by him/herself then there is no reason for a cell phone now is there. they can always use the house phone :Pwhen my mom bought my neice her fisrt cell phone, she was in jr. high. at first, she mainly used it to call home if she wanted to stay later at school and to tell my mom to pick her up later than usual. THEN it grew to using it in the house when someone else was using the phone. she's now in high school, very responsible and still loves her cell phone like all teenage girls.so my suggestion is that if they are responsible in using their original minutes just for emergencies at first, buy some minutes for their birthday and christmas so they can start using their phone for socializing too. always make sure they are responsible which means they should always know how many minutes they have to leave some over in case of an emergency.before you know it, they will be graduating from high school, going away for college and moving out and just coming by when they need to steal a couple cans of soup and for christmas and thanksgiving but....parents dread that day and they like to ignore that part of life until it happens....and then go in to a deep depression when it doeswell, i am getting a little off topic so will end this post here.
  15. oh. i concur 100%!!! there are about 5-10 worthy free webhosts out there and without ads. the good ones give you free hosting for about a year and without ads so if you still want hosting at the end of the year, you would have to pay about 6 dollars a month or so to continue. but is is WORTH IT! google "free web hosting" and you can come up with a list yourself. do your research and fin one that fits ya. Xisto has always filled the criteria for me. they aren't asking you to pay one penny towards web hosting, they have the majority of all the toys you would normally ever need. all they ask is you post an average of 1 post a day for all the goodies you get including a free top level domain name. if you post 1 post a day, it DEFINATELY takes care of your hosting account and after a year, you should be able to afford that domain name for 250 credits. bravenet used to be a VERY good service and i used to recomend them HIGHLY like i do now for Xisto. but that was 10 years ago when they offered great tools and services. i would NEVER get hosted there. their hosting always sucked. their tools and services can be found elsewhere and better ones. they cannot compete now. all they are doing now is living off their good reputation and name....and i will never take that away from them because they have an impecable name and reputation. unfortunately they aren't keeping up with all the new services and tools offered like before
  16. 3 quality posts should do that for ya....double that in the next 2 days just so you don't hit below 0 again. i don't know what this thread is all about. i have NEVER had a problem posting. sure, there are some times when i read through the new posts and i don't have anything interesting to say or debate, but other times i can post on 4-5 topics. so i can average about 5-10 creits a day when i am really trying to get my creits up. which if it was 3 credits a day(normally 1 post or so) x 365 days in the year, that would equal about 1100 credits. you minus that from the 365 credits taken away during the year and i still have over 700 credits one of the secrets besides opa's suggestion in the beginning of this thread is to post on or start something that you can continually repost to. i always love a good debate. that has helped me build up my credits in the past. any current events can also help bring your credits up. there are a ton of current events EVERY DAY. offering suggestions to people like i am doing now also helps bring your credits up DO NOT think of this place as a place for free hosting and a place where you HAVE to post. think of it as a place where people gather to shoot the breeze. think of the people here as your friends everyone talks about how you NEED quality posts. B.S. so don't be pressured by that. just make sure your posts are on topic. i personally like to read quality posts, but sometimes just shootin' the breeze with a 2 line comment should be enough to add an input to something. i sometimes just post a wise crack and hit send. hek. i do that in person so it should be good enough here. i am ME and my posts will reflect that now i believe i have been warned unofficially a couple times in the pst about my posts or attitude(i forget). in those times i get angry because someone isn't allowing me to be me(as i know i am a fairly decent guy buy nature with good morals and values) so i know i have to suck it up. i don't give in so much as i COMPROMISE. so what normally works in the real world usually works here too. have a sense of belonging, don't feel pressured, be yourself, post on the topics that you are interested in or start a topic you are interested in. the more you do, the more people you will meet and talk to. the more you meet people the more you will want to come back and your postings will come more naturally than a feeling of having to force a post or two here and there. most important thing though is to have fun. if you're not having fun, then i would say it's just not worth being here. for some, this holds true so if this is you and you ain't havin' NO fun in and around here, i say go find a place that fullfills ya more
  17. where the heck do you type that in? are you talking about the game that comes with windows xp? my in 3d pinball but nowhere to type or input anything...
  18. if you don't know, then stop talking about the western world are you a virgin yourself or does that just apply to your slaves?
  19. no, no, NO!!! firist of all, you don't need a two page tutorial in how to get your site listed with google. it takes 3 lines at the most. your tutorial had some good points in it, don't get me wrong, but it was poorly written and you wrote a tutorial on doing something that requires too much work for such a siple task. your way is like going to google's add url page where google will then put your site in a que. if a user only did what you told them to do, it could take google 6 months for them to spider your page and the pages linked to it. why, why, WHY would you write a tutorial that would take so long to get indexed??? google likes to find your site by itself. it would rather do that than you entering your url to get your page indexed. why? because google mainly bases their rankings on relevancy and if they can find your site without you directly adding your url, then your site seems more relevant and you get a higher listing. now the question is....and the basis of your tutorial was....how do you get google to find and index your site? simple! and i keep telling people this here on Xisto. create a signature on Xisto to include your url and a couple of your main keywords. post something relevant about your site, include your signature, and do that for your 2-3 main pages of your website. also make sure that each page of your website doesn't dead end and that each page can be linked back to every other page of your website. you mentioned to people to create a site map. GOOD! that's one way of linking every page together. now all one has to do is WAIT 1-2 weeks and your pages should be listed. you didn't add your url to google and you didn't have to wait 6 months to get your site indexed because of the backup in the que. you waited 2 weeks. you follow my instructions and you will get your site listed quicker than the majority of the websites out there on the internet because newbies are confused in how to get their site listed quickly. this has been tested several times and it WORKS. as simple as posting one post on Xisto. also, when google finds you, you will be RANKED HIGHER than if you just added your url! amazing high? it's a win win situation and you kill two birds with one stone. ENJOY the quick indexing guys! do not follow the above tutorial except for creating a site map. that can help you get your other linked pages indexed quickly.....AFTER google indexes the page you posted about. just creating a site map though wont help google find you and index you
  20. i believe in all that....that's the positive side to miracles. i think what i truely believe more than anything else about miracles is that miracles are possible. in knowing that they are possible, they really aren't miracles at all. most people tend to believe in the probable than the possible and sometimes the redefine the word possible as a miracle. i believe there is alot of things our there that are unknown to all and that leads to ignorace when people start calling things miracles. : also, i believe everything and everyone has a purpose so although some people would say that surviving what should have been a fatal car accident a miracle, i call it meant to be and there is a purpose behind the survival which doesn't really make it a miracle anymore in my belief some people will call miracles "god's intervention"....so deep thoughts there.... simple miracles to me though is just looking outside and noticing nature as it was intended.....the beauty in everything that sometimes we take for granted. we are all are a part of nature and that miracle and we all are here to learn and grow and teach if we can trasport edison to 2007, he'd be flipping on and off the light switch to his room a couple hundred times saying that THAT was a miracle.....so to each their own in how they think and interpret what a REAL miracle is....
  21. it is possibly a Xisto site, he joined this month so anyone interested can look on the request hosting page, for his name, for his sub domain name and there you have it....i think i will check to see if i can find it right now just for the heck of it..... ok. nope! couldn't find it quick so i stopped trying. i tried 3 possible websites but they all weren't working so who knows what he changed his website to....he's only made 30 posts in 3 years so i wonder what the chances are he will even come back to this thread
  22. you tell her that SHE is. without looking up the definition, to me a miracle is something good, something special, something dreamed about that becomes a reality, something people can't live without, something that seems impossible before it happens. people hope for miracles. that's why your daughter is one and that is what you tell her
  23. so lets do the math here. that check was issued exactly 4 months ago. so let's assume that site has been up for 6 month(assuming) and lets assume also that $70 check is the biggest one paid out that is public knowlege(assume again) let's also assume that there is a measly 200 that acticely participated within those 6 months. here's what it boils down to: $3,000 which you said this site has paid out so far gets divided between those 200 measly people. that comes out to an average of $15 a person for the 6 month period. WOW! a whole $15. i wonder how many hours that took. i wonder how many hours it took to get paid a little over 4 times that amount($70) $3000/6 months = $500 so an average of $500 was paid out per month. seems to be just like any other gpt program. you don't earn @%#$% they aren't scams, but they sure as heck aint worth the time to make $15 in a 6 month period of time.
  24. it's how the west was won, my friend....all the sluts and whores in civilization. i think you need to loosen up and buy yourself a $5 hooker.....you'll feel much better
  25. good advice there. ALWAYS do your research before spending a penny on anything. making money online involves advertising, marketing and sales. if you aren't familiar how to do any of that online, then you wont succeed until you do. funny thing is....once you learn how to advertise, market and sell on the internet, you wont need these get paid to compainies to make a couple pennies. you will have the knowlege to make a living with 6-12 months dedicated effort. by a living, i am talking about 3k+ dollars a month. not 5-600(if you work ft at it) doing paid to read or click or programs that pay you to sign people up etc.... the people doing paid to's are teenagers and then you got some adults that just don't know any better to make a buck. then you got the other people who are just addicted to the net. they don't do it for the money but as long as they are surfing the net, might as well get paid some pennies for it. now the secret to paid to read or paid to click or paid to refer is to get 100's of referrals. at LEAST 100 people under you clicking and reading and promoting the same thing you are trying to promote. you will get paid for their efforts too....alot more than you can do your own self. that's the key to those programs. but again....and i can't stress this enough. if you know how to promote those companies, you have the knowledge to make a good living doing something that doesn't require as much time btw..and pays more....either being an affiliate and selling their product, or creating your own product or service and marketing it. the latter is better in the long run. joining an affiliate program that already has a product or service is good for the short run. i like the long run. affiliate programs can get old and die....then you need to switch to other affiliate programs. i like the long run of my own product or serice. it will never die unless i kill it. i will also take more pride in what i do, i will enjoy it more, and i will have more patience in my results
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