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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. ofcourse it is. it came from the king himself. you should have posted your opinion to the thread diretly though just to bump it up to the top 20. don't worry though. i just did. good call. i think everyone should read it. from hardships to breaking through. i even saw Xisto in one of the major hosting review sites recently. amazing. it's building a reputation for sure
  2. i only caught this post because someone resurrected it in another thread recently using a link to this thread makes me smile reading the whole thing. although it's the users and members who make or break the site, it's the sysop who has the dedication in this business that will succeed. i smile because i can appreciate a post like this as i used to run an internet site(bbs) "california coastline" and "hidden caverns" both of which had it's own unique purpose back in the early 90's on wwiv and galacticom software. sleeping in front of the keyboard sounded like me back in the day when i was still learnin to program just so i can mod the software. i quit when the www was fully public and there was less demand for what i was offering i smile because i can appreciate and HIGHLY respect the dedication involved in the beginning and when one is so busy doing everything himself because you don't know who to trust and any one person can crash a system if given the opportunity. it takes patience, dedication, trust, a sincere liking and understanding of people and a vision or a dream i raise my glass to ya opaque! cheers bud
  3. he knows exactly what he did. you are uninformed. he just needs to stay away from my post topics. they aren't for him to respond to because i know i will never get a decent response from him. if there was an ignore button, i would hit it in his case. and you are wrong sir! i do NOT have to respct truefusion as a moderator
  4. try freehostia over 000webhost. i currently use freehostia and can tell ya, they are the best i've come across without having to post or host forced ads. i tried 00webhost before. excellent company, but a couple quarks that sent me to a better place. but excellent co. none the less. i would rank in in the top 20 for sure possibly the top 10 freehostia is in the top 10 and i even rate Xisto in the top 10. alot of people will disagree with me because of the posting requirements. i'll tell you why. i know who is searching for free webhosting and who is searching for paid. i can then catagorize. the majority of people who search out free webhosting are ones who can't afford to pay for web hosting or a domain name or want to conserve their money. i can then say the majority of those people are people from the ages of 23 and below. people who are straight out of college and don't have a secure source of income yet. mainly kids though who haven't graduated from high school yet. i can also say that since social networking is on the rise dramatically, that the belonging to a community is becoming more and more popular and Xisto is doing an excellent job in this area and i hope they continue to expand more. so to combine free webhosting and a great community based environment, Xisto is in the top10. they can however make it less strict with 1-2 line posting issues or just allow some users slack in areas. it would create a more user friendly environment and less worries that their post is relevant. i like to make wise cracks sometimes and i feel limited because it's not relevant. i like to be myself and have my posts reflect that but it's hard when there are limitations. it would be more fun here in fact. that's what i wanted to say. Xisto is a great place for relevant content though. they are doing GREAT on google so i guess it's a give and take thing. Xisto will ALWAYS be the best if you don't mind posting though. how can i recomend these two places? from experience! 5 years ago i was doing extensive research on the best free hosting sites. i read the reviews and went to a ton of websites to pick my personal preference. i picked Xisto with posting requirements. why? because it's not just a free web hosting site, but also a community. i like that idea and i like most of their concepts and rules that support that idea. i have done my due diligence so i hope in this thread, people can learn and trust from my research. if you want a community based free web hosting site, Xisto is the one for you HANDS DOWN. if you want just afree hosting with no requirements or forced ads, i recomend freehostia. i am sorta anal about picking the best of the best and researching things before i waste my time btw. i am also interested in what the competition is and who is competing with who. well, those are my picks and nobody can dispute them as i have done extensive research. there is another webhost that is unknown to me called zenurl. i always wanted to reseach them but haven't had the time lately. very popular and growing by large #'s. if it wasn't good, it wouldn't be growing so it gets me curious. i'll be satisfied for what i have right now. heck. half the free webhosting sites don't allow you access to htaccess! Xisto does usually, people want you to pay or more control over your web pages. thanks for suspending my account for not quoting too after all the support i have ever given to Xisto i will be writing a review on that one later!
  5. stay on topic trufusion. i didn't ask if something was necessaryor not. i asked if it was allowed or not. you have no idea what my intention is or why i asked the question and only want a response from a mederator or admin that knows the answer. obviously you don't when you post off topic in your assumptions. also, from now on, when i have a question or need help, i will never be asking it from you. i just wanted to make that clear. i can think of alot of things unnecessary that topic has no business here so as a moderator, you should know better and post something relevant to the post topic....but stay away from mine
  6. i know by reading the rules a while back that Xisto is against any user asking another user for free creditsis it against the rules to request a loan for credits? paid back with interest?
  7. it's the system and it's life. you said it bud! i'm from the u.s. and i believe in all those things you talked about. character based on morals, values, and principles. unfortunately in this world, sometimes you have to choose between those things and the set of laws we live under. i always choose character and has gotten me in trouble too many times to mention. i believe in helping people and in todays society, the more you help, the more apt you are in getting screwed over. it's not easy but i'm strong enough to continue living my philosophy in life til the day i die. now as far as this manager. no. he shouldn't have gotten fired unless it was a continuous ordeal with him drinking while on the job where customer service is #1 and where is is in a position to lead by example. he should have been let go for a week without pay to think about it. that should have been enough punishment depending on his past job performance.....and that little weasle who rated these two people out needs to be set straight....i hate narks and people who rat others out. if people aren't hurting others and you still disagree, just turn away and mind your friggin' business!
  8. i am a FIRM believer in respecting mother nature and not messing with 'r. cloning, like alot of the other technology around today is bad news. it will come back to haunt us.we may be able to clone a shell, but we will never be able to clone a soul. there is more out there than we know. i've experienced it and i believe in it. i will never question it or mess with it.the #1 reason why we are attempting to clone is because we CAN. all other reasons are MUTE. don't let the scientists fool you when they give you their reasons of why......like it will benefit us somehow. it wont. not in the long run. in the short run, it may be exciting, but god help those who can ever support a comcept like thisi watched a movie about a year ago about 2 parents who lost their child and decided to clone this child. boy oh boy was that a mistake!
  9. i wood hav tu start reeding tu get my hi skool dumbolma.......naoooo bak tu the pournactually, it's true....remember the movie "cable guy"? when cable got shut off in the district, dude picked up a book like he was reading it all along.the older generation feel the internet is unproductive. they don't understand it. it's like setting the time on the vcr. they will never get it....even when you show them how to google something 1,000 times.i am who i am today partially because of the internet. back when the internet was semi-public, people always stated that the net wasn't the real world. i kept telling them they were wrong. especially when people would hurt others by the use of their words. it was then and will be tomorrow a form of communication and it's as real as it gets. although, it's easier to put on a mask behind a computer screen.i've experienced a lot on the net and i don't regret a single day that it was a part of my life, even during the most traumatic times on the net. i've learned alot, it helped me grow and now i get a pleasure of guiding others on and off the netahhhh! did i mention i met my wife on the net? soulmates.....for sure, without the net, i would be a totally different personi also wouldn't have the pleasure of being on Xisto and Xisto wouldn't have the pleasure of banning me for not quoting
  10. Xisto - Web Hosting.com sells top level for $1 cheaper. you save 1/4 penny a day
  11. sing with me faund.... o/`o/`o/` raindrop on roses and whiskers on kittens....bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens....brown paper packages tied up with strings o/`o/`o/` ok ok....you will have to watch the sound of music for that to make sense....
  12. i know:) i had to look up the date you joined as user1 to get the date Xisto was created because evidently, there was another Xisto created around the turn of the century 2001 or so but i thought it would be interesting to show what you looked like when you first came online
  13. http://web.archive.org/web/20041014063511/http://www.xisto.com/ anyone around back then?
  14. it's nice to see you post in your own forum as much as you do here. can i ask what exactly is copywrited?
  15. we are talking about business here and working for yourself. it's about demand and being able to supply it. it's like walking in to any retail store. the more people you have working for you, you can meet more of the demands of the comsumer. you don't see the owner running around trying to help everyone. in fact, some investors who purchase businesses don't even know how to run them. this is called smart businesses my friend and being creative and allowing yourself the freedom in knowing you can accomplish anything for your customer even if you have to sub contract or hire a third party. above the rest. yea, nice concept....but why would i call you a moron for illustrating the common law of supply and demand? now if you would have just made that up just now like your so-called gevernment thread, you'de be hailed a genius by me.
  16. ok bud, let's try to get you some help here. bare with me. i want to keep it simple.... you want tolog on at http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?app=core&module=global&section=login an then check to see if you are actually logged on. you will notice your login name at the upper left hand corner of trap's webpage. now if you see that you are logged on, go directly to any topic to post on and hit reply(don't do anything but hit a couple links to get to a reply button). will it let you? if not, check again to make sure you are still logged on. now if you don't see your screen name up there in the top left corner, it could be that you forgot your login information. make sure you have that correct. NOW- possible problems could be trap doesn't support the version of internet explorer you are using. if so, you will need to upgrade your version possibly. if you have a firewall, this could possibly prevent you from accessing certain parts of trap let's start with the obvious and post here to verify if it works or not. here's what i want you to do after verifying your username and pw are correct and still having trouble.... click on tools, then internet options, then privacy. make sure your setting is medium-high or lower and then hit the apply button. after that, click on the advanced button. make sure you are allowing 1st and third party cookies. also verify that you are allowing session cookies. once you verify and/or change your settings, click ok, and click apply again if it allows you to. don't click ok at this point. what i want you to do now is click on the general tab where you're at and delete your cookies and your temporary internet files. they are right next to eachother now you're done with the obvious help techniques. i would close out internet explorer and restart it. also, i am not sure if you need to reboot for the changes to take affect. this may be a possibility so keep that in mind. try to log back in to trap using this link again.... http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?app=core&module=global&section=login and verify that you are actually logged in where it should show your screen name in the upper left corner. try to reply to a post again. if it works now, GREAT! if not, click tools, then internet options, then privacy again, then click on sites. enter trap's address and then click on allow. click ok and then apply and try again. hopefully these steps work for ya bud. if not, check firewall and check i.e. and make sure you have at least version 6. this is the version i am using and i don't have any problems. but i prefer firefox over i.e. any day. i only use i.e. once in a blue moon now. now if this doesn't work for ya, please reply so we can try to dig deeper in to the problem. if it does, reply that it works so that anyone else that may have a problem in the future can refer to the instructions. crossing fingers....i know you gotta be frustrated. hang in there also, don't assume ANYTHING. i want you to verify EVERYTHING and do EVERYTHING i suggested without assuming cookies is already enabled
  17. gosh darnit, one of the other main reason for my post was to say i am good at marketing. i know a lot of the ways you can market it on the net and get the hype going. just because you build it, doesn't mean they will come. marketing is just as important as the development. that's in an ideal world bud.....one which we don't live in. there will always be people out there that will take credit for other peoples ideas after they steal them when the originators were not smart enough to get copyrights or patents.
  18. is this made up by you or is it publically available? if publically available, point me to a website. i want to refrain from posting on this subject until i get more facts here.... if i was your age, i would be all for the drug and alcohol use. i'm not anymore and you and the others who think like you are the ones who drive my insurance premiums sky high. do you know the statistics of teenagers and the laws they break while behind the wheel of a car? and you want to lower the drinking age to 16? you're a pot smoker aren't you. its funny that i hear the same arguement from the same people. it's never their fault and they can never admit their own guilt. all they want to do is get high and float through life while killing their own brain cells. get back with me on this when you reach 19 and have the opportunity to take a college health course. as far as pot not the cause of any deaths, BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!! in fact, there are several documented facts that people have died just by inhaling ONCE and they found no other drugs in their system.i'll bet you 100 Xisto credits on that one and show you proof beyond doubt. also, you said cigarettes are a killer and should be outlawed? i don't know one instance where a a death was documents when someone died from inhaling the tobacco. yes, it's a long term killer. pot however is a long AND short term killer(short term killer in two ways). alcohol is the leading cause of illness and death. it is both a long term and a short term killer. it not only causes people to become depressed and kill themselves, it causes them to get behind a wheel and kill others. it also destroys vital organs and inoperable desieses not to mention continuously dehydrates you and causes your immune system to drop. get a clue before you start promoting b.s. now as far as the other things, yea, i want more information. some of it sounds interesting like job pay. i never liked our wage system in the u.s. so that part interests me but i disagree with the suggestion. it should be based more on how much time it took to get qualified to do the job. not based on anything else and the government should set that standard. reason being, you get paid for the time you put in. obviously there are 24 hours in a day. if the average work day is 8 hours and everyone worked 8 hours for example, everyone is putting in the same amount of work time wise. wether you're a teacher or a bread maker pay should be the same based on time since everyone is working just as hard in the same amount of time. BUT if someone is required to put more time in to train before they get paid, they should be compensated for the with extra pay when they finally get out of school or training this type of system would not only be fair to the lower class, it will create a competitive market for the same services and the people who succeed will be the ones doing it better. not the ones who don't do it better who are usually forced to increase their prices to make up for the loss of business. since the system i stated will cause a more competitive market, prices will drop and the value of the dollar will increase(in the long run) there is a downside though. money will leave that countries marketplace. also, it will turn investors away and in the short run, a change of government so drastic could just cause the economy to collapse.....especialy when you have drunk and high 16 year old stock brokers trying to sell stock for a company that sells swamp land in florida because they thought it would be funny to do. again, you are posting about a subject you know nothing about. i've been following you around tonight. i should know.
  19. really? you're gonna fight 'm? at 14 or 44? you have a lot to learn in the real world bud. your ideas will change when you get outta puberty. i've lived it and i've seen it. i've seen a lot of blacks who will do exactly what you stated and it got them NOWHERE. hard lessons to learn. everyone, not just the blacks should just be happy with who they are and KNOW who they are and where they come from. nobody can EVER take that away and if they believed in themselves as such, there would be no reason to fight over such idiotic words now if they said a momma joke, them is fightin' words! haha no j/k....hmmm....whatever
  20. they're baiting the canadians. all there is to it. they've been doing it in the u.s. for years. i would love to see the poor canadian's face when he finds out he's going to jail after believing in this crap though haslip- its not that similar directly since the "druggies" aren't infringing on anyone elses territory or rights. indirectly yes if they rob cheat and steal for their drugs...but not directly. pirating directly causes price increases and companies to fail. forces demand down which limits new releases and future development this press release is nothing more than to get the piraters to become complacent over a certain period of time. if i am wrong, then i would LOVE for someone to tell me the logical reasoning behind making such bold statements that seems to encourage pirating.
  21. 20 posts....in what...about an hour? don't talk about things you don't know about. not only are they monitoring people, they have programs doing it day and night red flagging key words and topics. then they investigate further and it all gets logged. now tis is a FACT. in fact, there are many many federal crimes being broken every day on the internet and the government isn't doing anything about it just yet. this is FACT. now what my OPINION is that within the next 5-10 years, government will be cracking down heavily. it will be on a federal level, not a state level nad in FACT, they are working on a system to do just that....the question is WHEN. i don't know. now to stay on topic, this is exactly why a freenet wont work. the government will have it's hands all over the internet soon just like it has been controlling the media on certain levels. i'm not even talking about the thoughts and ideas of national security and the crack down of public information becoming private. think again before you start talking about a subject you know NOTHING about just to get web hosting here. i've been involved on the internet probably before you were born and have been involved with many of the changes and transitions you want to debate this? let's go....
  22. again, the question has been answered for you unless you want to be more specific. YES, xml can be used for a database but NO in every sense of the word that xml and html are programming languages. they are languages, yes, but not programing languages. they follow a set of rules based on the language, yea, but like tetraca said, they offer no mathmatical calulations or fuctions. in other words, they don't compute things like a programming language does. they don't interpret 1's and 0's so how can they even speak to your computer? just because programming languages can be embeded in other computer languages doesn't mean they are also programing languages anyway, it's complicated. don't lose sleep over it. yes, again, you can use XML for a database since it's main use is for storing information
  23. actually, you should look in to that if you are going to use paypal. but paypal has a history of freezing acounts.....any accounts for any stupid reason. they are unreliable and most of thier employees don't have a single brain cell in their head. that's what i mean. if you use them, you are trying your luck with your hard earned cash.
  24. there is also free hosting with a forced ad.....paid hosting with no adds i believe is less that $10 a year with Xisto - Web Hosting if you on't want ads and you don't want to post to keep your website alive.
  25. hey bud, pm me so we can talk about it. do you have messenger? you don't know me so it will be easier for you to talk to me in private if you're willing. i can listen, but i can't help unelss i know a little more information. i'm here as a friend if you ever need one. pm me bud. life isn't as bad as people make it out in their own heads sometimes. ive been there before and it's not pretty and will get worse if you don't get it out and talk to someone...eventually changing your outlook on your OWN life.
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