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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. yea, EXACTLY! uncanny how i was about to adise whiskers to keep his ideas private and away from the forum and only talk to those that can help, PRIVATELY the ideas in this area are worth money as a lot of people right now are trying to compete with myspace. there are even sites out there that will pay you for belonging to their social networking site. it's very copetitive right now espcially when businesses are now paying you(not myspace yet) to refer all your friends. whiskers, i am not an expert in developing except to contribute ideas. i am a great idea man and i know the psychological aspects of web design. hit me up in pm if you will need these skills in the future and we can then discuss more later on yahoo or another messenger to discuss it even further. whiskers, my no n word brutha.......hahaha anyway, hit me up in pm if interested a social networking site done the RIGHT way has always been in the back of my head but could never have the time to organize and develop it myself.
  2. a little advice to carson and you. be creative in the business arena. sometimes, if you can imagine it, life is like a game and all you're doing is playing a game. you determine what it will take to win that game, and then just go about trying to win the game until you do. be creative. i will give you an example of creativeness. sometimes, to win, you need to have help. hire other people to do a job for you that you may be too busy for or for a job that may be just over your head. you don't need to know anything about webite devolopment to make money in it. get the job, then hire someone to do it for you or help you with it, pay 50-50 or a percentage. sometimes you can find people to do things for you dirt cheap or sometimes free because it's something they enjoy doing and they would rather be doing for nothing than not doing it at all. another suggestion in this area if you wanted to set up a business is go to the schools that offer extensive bebsite design and devolopment classes and recruit from there. hire them as an intern for real life experience. they'll take it while waiting for a real job. but have fun with it life is hard sometimes but consider it a game and your job is to win this game. make life fun when sometimes it seems impossibile. life isn't so bad or impossible when you are able to change your outlook on it. if you can do that, you can make whatever your doing at the time fun too and in turn, that much more closer in winning that game of life and more specifically, in the business arena. carson- website devolopment is not just about having the skills to build websites so continue your communication and people skills. customer service is always on the top of my list when i am seeking help from someone. they don't have to have all the answers at the time, but they do have to be friendly and outgoing and determined to help me. work on your sales and marketing and learn how to be creative in getting business and eventually having them hunt YOU down to create a business/consumer relationship. you took economics? good! interestic eh? it will help you. take business law now and go down to your local courthouse to ask how to set up your business legally so you will be eventually be doing it legaly as a taxpayer. seems like you have most of the skills required already and you enjoy what you do. good luck to ya bud.....and remember.....be creative
  3. forget about it bud. i know you lost money and i would be upset too. i woulda let them have it over the phone. if you signed something stating something that they can take security precautions in their own hands then you don't have a case. if you didn't, i would still say you don't have any sort of case because when you are alowing your bank to handle your money, you are giving them assumed responsibility to protect your money. so that's my impression. normally it's a good system and you just found yourself caught up in how it can go wrong once in a blue moon. no system is perfect. i was traveling the u.s. in my truck one year. my credit card co. cut me off. i had no cash and was paying gas through my credit card. well my card was flagged as stolen. why? because my regular history in purchasing things was different and now in different states. BAM! they thought the card was stolen and automatically cut me off. i had to call them to verify and it took me about the same tim it took you.....20 minutes. i was pissed at the time because i couldn't travel anywhere and that *BLEEP* scared me. i didn't know what i was going to do since i don't like carrying alot of cash on me. well, i thought about it later on and came to the comclusion that i would rather have them safegaurd my money and my credit than not safe gaurd it at all. hope cool down enough to just accept it and let it go knowing it's still a good system but also knowing no system is perfect.
  4. boy oh boy. well, he will definately not get off. there are three types of man slaughter. voluntary, involuntary and vehicular. voluntary is usually associated with "crimes of passion" where you caught your wife with another man in bed together, you snap and kill one or both. it's not murder because the crime of passion(under so much emotion) is considered temporary insanity....but for legal purposes they don't call it temporary insanity.voluntary can also be asociated somewhat like murder but without the premeditation or the planned act of the killing. involuntary are usually ALL accidents. if you get in a bar fight and break a bottle over someones head, killing them, that is involuntary manslaughter or can be argued as such. vehicular manslaughter any killing done by a car and usually carries a higher sentance than voluntary or involuntary manslaughter only because a car is a dangerous weapon and can be used against anyone and anyone who gets behind the wheel of a car assumes that it is.this man killed his child and injured another. i'm sure this man is being charged with more than 1 charge and he will not get off. there are extenuating circumstances which he will probably prove that it wasn't intentional, but he still killed someone. since it wasn't intentional, he should not serve LIFE in prison. jeeez....lion....what country are you from?!?!? he should definately get a hefty snetence....7 years is fair. he can only hope he still has a family when he gets out.what a dispicable thing he did and at the same time, i feel sorry for him knowing it was his own daughter, his own flesh and blood, and a part of him will always be missing because he wasn't responsible 1 day.....just out to have some fun i guess and never ever expected this to be the result. yes, i feel sorry for him too. probably not a bad hearted guy but he must serve some punishment for not being responsible
  5. first off, the poster right above me gave EXCELLENT advice for anyone who wants to get their feet wet. starting from the bottom and working for someone else already doing it will give you invaluable information rather than making mistakes trying to do it without the knowledge or trusting in the advice other people give you. i'm assuming that you want to be an agent between the manufacturer and the buyer? or are you planning on investing money in storing what you buy from the manufaturer in a warehouse somewhere? whatever it is, you want to concentrate on major retailers and major wholesalers/distributors who supply to major retailers and small stores....the key is to ship in bulk though. this will cut your expenses so that your profits are higher. you can be found on the internet in todays age. where to look on the net? i don't know. if you pay me, i will research it for ya google it. there is NOTHING i have not been able to find just doing a search on google. i mentioned tradezone.com in another thread. go there for starters and see what your competition is and what buyers are out there. it may not be the best place but at least it will give you some idea of what your getting in to for starters. knowing your export laws in your own country is a MUST! also knowing the import laws of other countries is a MUST! start reading up start communicating to other exporters and take names and #'s for the ones that aren't exporting the same goods as you. they will be a great resource if you can convince them to give you some trade leads that they can't use, and if you come across any that don't deal with your product, you can pass them on to other exporters. it's a give and take thing and works well. you scratch their back and they will scratch yours. they also may have been in the business a while and know how to guide you as long as you aren't competing with the same products that you plan to export. go to these manufacturing plants and talk to the people in sales. ask them if they drop ship. some do, most don't. but if they do, then your market is also single individuals. best time of year is christmas where everyone is looking for a good deal. not as much money can be made this way but it's good if you want to get your feet wet while learning the business and building contacts. you wouldn't even have to learn the import/export laws in your country and others. you would essentially be acting as a middleman. people send you the money, you send the cost of the product to sales along with the customer information and you keep the balance of the money. or if they don't drop ship, what sometimes they do is allow you not to buy in bulk, but as few as 10 items at a time and as few as 1. sometimes they will even GIVE you a sample product that they manufacture. so because sometimes you can buy as little as one directly from the manufacturer, you can handle it the same way as drop shipping except you will be taking the item back to your office and setting up a fedex account or some other international shipping carrier to ship to a single residense. again, this way you make less money just like drop shipping to individuals, but you are getting your feet wet while taking names and #'s and other valuable information in to grow your business bigger and in bulk keep in mind that when you deal in bulk, most buys will want a sample before they buy. they want to know it's a good quality product because the buyer doesn't want to invest in crap where it gets back to them and the lose their respectable reputation and lose acounts and business over it. so keep in mind, those sample products will be a loss in some instances where in some instances the buyer will not be obligated to ship it back if he/she doesn't like the product for some reason....usually due to quality and being misinformed. i don't know what else to tell ya but it takes time and patience and ALOT of research just like any business.
  6. check out tradezone.com. they are fairly big. the company that owns it has been in the import/export business for decades. what are electodomestic products anyway? are they small appliances like a can opener or toaster oven or something entirely different? i never heard that term before. maybe i can help ya out more if you give more information. also are you just an exporter or a manufacturer as well? or are you just a distributor. you weren't very specific. btw- fyi- trade zone is based in the USA but caters to world wide
  7. right-e-o! after reading sm's post, i was thinking to myself...all that typing just to give a simple "no"? yes, xml like html helps define a language. they aren't one. just like meta tags will define things even further within an html document. it's a markup language. that's what xml is defined as just like html. they can't compete with any programming language whatsoever. these markup languages cannot proccess what a programming language can. now to be more specific, and i will try my best in this in simple terms for understanding, html is used for oraganizing information and how things look. your end result being your webpage. xml is pretty much used for defining information or data and because xml can be used to store information or data, it can be used for a database but is NOT a databased language. again, it is ONLY a markup language now i know there has been a ton of debates about wether xml or even html is a programming language. this will continue until the world comes to an end....but only because people don't understand how things are proccessed in a programming language. heck, even i don't fully. hope this helps. it's hard to define languages in simple terms. why the original question? was there a purpose or were you just curious?
  8. hey grandpa haslip did you forget what it was like to be a kid and what we all wanted as kids? i understand that parents need to be strict, but they also have to allow freedom. yea yea, aaron is at fault, but only because his dad(screw his g/f- she should have absolutely no say in raising him. she should just be a friend) wasn't allowing him any freedom or limiting it. why he wasn't in school though is my question. other than that, he is not a parent and should not be responsible for anyone elses kids. babysitting from time to time should be part of the chores, so should walking the dog and helping out in the kitchen when needed. no biggie. but when the work is done, you deserve a break. now in my expert opinion in knowing people, i don't think his dad minds him being on the internet but it's probably all the time he spends on it. there has to be more to this story that wasn't stated. at the same time, hey....it's friday for gosh sakes! parents need to lighten up on the weekends especially. arron sounds like a good kid and sounds like others are putting too much pressures on him and they need to notice that and lighten up a little. everyone has their bad days....but again....haha no excuse for talking to ANY eldors with that language hahaha. i feel for 'm. lesson learned. i bet he can't wait to have a place of his own just like we all did they don't realize the other presures though yet in the REAL world.....muahahahahahaha. that's a lesson EVERYONE learns hey aaron, nice name bud, i have the same one. be cool....sometimes i know you probably walk on eggshells as it is when you sneak sometimes just to use the computer. it doesn't hurt to ask them FIRST if they don't want you to do anything at the moment, if you can use the computer. to them, being on the internet is sorta secretive. they probably have issues with you on the internet because they don't see the productiveness in it and you could be doing other things. talk to them about it and your interests and what you gain from being on the interent. do be so secretive and let them in your life sometimes. your dad loves ya bud...and he wants to know everything about you as you're growing up. if ya let people in your world that love ya, they'll love ya more for it. be privlidged to have the internet at all and even though you don't like it and your parents will never understand ya, you will always have to follow their rules when living under their roof....so even though jaslip was supporting your parents more than you, he has a point too....good luck with it. i know having parents living in two different places isn't easy either. i feel for ya. hang in there bud! btw- being a parent isn't easy either.... try to understand them too....
  9. oh, it's not what the government doesn't control, it's what the government controls already(which is more than we know) that i fear. government sticks their hands in everything. you can hardly blink an eye anymore without them knowing it. i am a HIGH believer in using a proxy when searching the web just because i know the government is monitoring all of our internet activities now. it's no secret. the only freenet i know is accessing the internet without the www. the original poster want to accomlish it on the web. that is a dream that will never come true.....and he wanted to do it to promote piracy and other illegal activity. that's what a freenet will promote since you have most everything else at your fingertips and accessable information on the web is growing every day. freenet reminds me of the internet 20 years ago before the www. everyone controlled their own server and everyone controlled who was able to access information from their private site. most everything back then was private and not public. the people who control the private sites now are typically certain governmental agencies and all those wannabe hacker, cracker, phreakers, and the ones who still want to add to the anarchists cookbook to this day.....basically people who don't want to be know and less government exposure unless they do something stupid and get thier local d.a. involved to crack down on them locally. now anyone can create a free net, but it can't be a part of the WWW. the information that can be accessed would have to be limited unless you had access to some sort of mega severs that can copy all of the information that is already available on the www so that you can make it available in a private sector. you would have to have people that can be trusted to work on it day and night controlling security measures and finding out who is actually accessing this private sector. you would also have to host the same information on many servers around the world and connected. a little redundant, but if a government agency wants to shut down a freenet, then you would have to make it virtually impossible for them to do that. but see bud....what a hassle....and when you are going through all the security measure, that really can't be considered a true freenet. because the hard work and dedication to making it safe doesn't make it free anymore. it's not like open source code but at least it would protect better against any government entity. any illegal activity would be hard to get back to anyone specific(illegal activity is the only purpose i see freenet having). it's a stupid idea with stupid people wondering what if. the internet has many layers to it. one of the top layers being the web pages you are able to access publically without a pw. you find out how to get to the 1st or second layer, then you are underneath the common gateways that are publically accessable and you have your so-called freenet.....or as free as it ever will be. now i love the www personally, and i know how to get to places most other people don't. problem is my identity. not too worried about it now, but in another 5 years, i suggest everyone use a hidden proxy or some other means of hiding your ip even if it means spending an hour everytime you want to access the interent, to change your ip address manually. why? because there will NEVER be a freenet on the WWW and who the #$%$#% knows what website you may be accessing in the near future. for example. you could be entering a back door to a terrorist website. with anti terrorism measures getting strictor and stricter and because of that, the rights we had yesterday are gone today and tomorrow, you need to protect against by hiding yourself. you enter a website that is a back door to something the governement wants to control, you may find yourself questioned or even thrown in jail(innocent ofcourse) so yea, i am aware of the governemtn and that is why i fear our government. they are making slow changes and slowly taking our rights away by creating more laws that restrict us. if the changes in the last 20 years happened all at once, there would be a war in this country against the government. government is smart though. change is slow so we don't notice or don't care about the little changes when they happen. and when they do happen, they bribe us with free education and grants for businesses, etc just to keep us satisfied for the time being without a complaint. some people right this moment consider ourselves to be in a policed state in all states......but that's for each individual to determine for themselves....so forget about a freenet. the governement is and always will be way over our heads and they will always have that control and that power and believe me when i say this. when this message hits google in the next day or so, some governemtn employee peon will be taking note of who i am, and putting it in the governments little private file that they already have on me and the millions and millions of people they already monitor. that's a FACT
  10. nice site. i can tell you put a lot of time in to it. i didn't browse your entire site. but i'll give some suggestion to improve it(my opinion only) i'm a biggie on knowing what i am going to look at before i look at it. i am also a biggie on seo. again, your site is good. i would like to see more of a general overview of what your site is about and what i will see when i click on your main links. nobody needs instructions where your menu is or why you have a guest book etc... everyone already knows what a home page, guest book, forum, and email is. the other links need to be explained more in detail to get the user interested in clicking on them. the pictures in the slide show need to be explained more. i got through two of them and didn't really know what i was looking at or why. what's the history in the first picture and why is it important? who died in the second picture and what was his importance? i didn't recognize the name so a little history would be good to keep me interested in continuing on to the other pictures and reading about what i am actually seeing. i'd like to see some image tags so when i scroll over a picture or a picture of a symbol, i want to know what it is. what's it's meaning? your doorway page is the link you posted. when i am in the english version of your website, http://www.vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk/eng.htm. THAT should be the home page from now on whenever i click "home". the way you have it right now is that your home page is actually a doorway to your main site depending on which language a person chooses. you need to change your home pages. you should have 2 home pages for the two different languages. a home page should contain all the text links to guide the visitor. a doorway page just needs one or two links(normally just one) to enter the site. hope you understand this part. flanders, people, news, pictures, media, ecards?!?, etc....need to be explained on your main page(i was about to call it your home page, but you have it set up backwards) i want a little taste of what i will be seeing when i click on a link BEFORE i click on it. i still don't know what a flander is and i am not going to search for it. it should be on your main page. now these suggestions will make your site a little more user friendly it will also give your site more relevant content, better keyword positioning and density and will eventually improve your site rankings in the search engines naturally. it also looks like you are using the same keywords and description for every page. don't. use keywords that are relevant to the page. use 2-3 main keywords, stick those keywords in the description, use a heading with 1 or two keywords in there and start your first paragraph with all your keywords in it. doing this will force better search engine placement. i don't want to overwhelm ya so those are my suggestions for now. but i like what i see, you state on your main page that this is only the beginning and you welcome comments so this is why i went in to some detail. great job with the site. it really does look good. websites take a lot of time if you want it just right. one last thing and this is important! if you didn't already know, google has already indexed the web page at the address you had us link to. google isn't recognizing your other pages. first, you need to update your pages REGULARLY adding more and more content. now that google has recognized you, you want google to lose interest in your site. you also want to creat a site map. with all the javascript code you have copied, i'm sure you'll have no problem creating a site map or researching how to create one. you need one. forgot one thing. put your javascript in a file and have your webpage access that file. search engines don't normally like a ton of javascript code pasted within your htmal. a little is ok, but you have alot. don't get rid of your scripts just because i said that. just put it in a seperate file in your public directory.
  11. WHISKERS_W - YOU'RE A FOOL AND VERY UNEDUCATED! In my opinion, *BLEEP* and *BLEEP* are one of the same. *BLEEP* is just easier to pronounce for the black man and because of this and because of the excessive use to create different definitions of the word, people seem to think it's ok to use *BLEEP*. where the hek do you think the term *BLEEP* came from? it's sounds almost the same! obviously it came from the other N word. don't fool yourself in thinking that it nly means "man"....or in california talk, "dude" or "homie" we all already know that calling someone a *BLEEP* is disrespectfull so i will stop refering to that one except to say you must be one if you want to talk about DOG being racisit. white people can't even get away with saying the word *BLEEP*. they will be shunned by the black community. why? because they know the main definition is derogatory. the blacks created their own click just like fat people or any other people that become catagorized by society. believe me. fat people can tell fat jokes, but don't be going around telling fat jokes around fat people if you're not FAT! the white man has laughed at the black man for year loving how you call eachother "*BLEEP*" and think it's ok! you know...those racists like you think dog is? you're a JOKE to the majority of the people out there. i want to let you in on the hidden secret out there. what about niglet? yet another made up word like *BLEEP* that comes from the N word you idiot. don't brag about being a "brutha" until you start respecting your BROTHERS! notice the A at the end of brutha? notice the missing R? notice the same thing with the word "*BLEEP*"? are you following me? why it has become aceptable, i don't know! i hate the N word in ANY FORM! even when you idiots are calling eachother *BLEEP* back and forth....even when i know YOUR definition of it, i know where it came from and it's derogatory, PERIOD! now as far as DOG being racist? hell no! if he called someone the N word, then it was either a mistake or this black fella wasn't nice, disrespectfull, and dog was just mirroring his image. i have seen dog disrespct the black man just like i've seen him disrespect the white man, and any other idiot who wants to play games and try to step up to dogs responsibility in doing his job and prevent him from doing just that. sometimes dog has to mirror other peoples derogatory image or he will get run over and unable to properly preform his job duties when he goes in to not so nice neighborhood. he has to let people know he's there for the fight and wont be pushed around. that's a bounty hunter, bud. i went to a 99% all white school until they started busing in black for racial integration. my mom was against it. i for one can say that i am all for it after living the experience. i think my mom is partially racisit in some indirect way, but she was a teacher when i was growing up and the blacks loved her. she's just misinformed about people i believe. i used to get in all sorts of fights with the blacks. why? good question! i didn't start 'm. it's how they were raised, take down the big guy and you'll be respected by your homies. we had about 5-6 black gangs get bused in to my school and these a-holes were picking on me haha. would you believe that i gained their respet by fighting back? it also helped when they found out my mom taught some of them and word got around that she was very cool so eventually i was off limits. i was in a click now i was afraid to be in. why? because these gangsters would bring weapons to school and trust me enough to show them off to me....and yes....guns included....in SCHOOL! now although i don't condone the N word, i've used it with no regrets because sometimes, in situations, i have to stand up to myself and mirror other people's image just to gain repsect. to show fear is being WEAK in the black community. they called me cracker or pillsberry boy. i called those people the N word. if i were to call them "you mean black man", that would have gotten my A** kicked for being WEAK haha. a black man threw something and hit me with something in the library during lunch. i was with my click that consisted of a black guy, a couple asians and a couple whities. so i looked at this guy straight in the eye and told him....i have nothing against black people(it was a black man who threw the object), i think everyone should own one. i had to stand up for myself without throwing something back or that would have just caused a fight right then and there. a joke and a little humiliating did the job. he sized me up after the bell rang and i waited for him outside...for about 1 mintue he just circled me and i just stood there not saying a word and him not saying a word. this is how you deal with the anger the black man has in certain parts of the country. you talk about one man being racist when he's not....i can talk about 100's of your "bruthas" being racist and for better reasons than you gave about DOG! you have the writing skills of an educated man, but you need to educate yourself more on what it takes to survive in a cruel world and why people do and say the things they do. doesn't make them racist and doesn't mean they are bad people. heck, sometimes it does.... don imus, i peronally don't like. not because he used the N word but because i just don't like him for some reason....howard stern though is #1 in my book. you gonna call him racist too? but even i know don imus made a mistake and he should NOT have gotten fired for something that is politically incorrect. the N word is just that. a WORD for god sake. get over it if people make a mistake! society has put so much pressure on certain things that the word becomes more well known than if society just didn't talk about how bad it is. society a more dispicable definition to a word that shouldn't be as dispicable. it's a WORD and there is such a thing called a slip of the tongue. honest people sometimes make honest mistakes. now, i used to live in los angeles. i now live in warsaw, missouri. a small town. i have traveled the the south and up in to n. carolina. N word this, N word that in the white communities. the same people claiming they aren't racisit or they like the black man, they are just used to saying the word. with some people i believe it in how they might have been raised by racist parents....but others....no....i don't believe them and i step up tellin' 'm not to say that crap around me. it embarrasses me and i don't want to be associated with people who use it. i use my own disrcrection to to try to guide and teach those that are willing to listen...or the community that i live in now that uses the word. my favorite parts of the united states was the south. traveling through the black communites with a STRONG sense of culture. not ONCE did i ever hear them use the word "*BLEEP*". why? because if it was something good, they would have adopted it in their culture. fact is brutha, i am a white man and know more about the diversified black culture than you ever will. i even spent a month in africa. my best times was late at night when our group was asleep and i was having beers with the black workers and tribesmen who live there. even there, not ONCE did anyone utter the word "*BLEEP*" the word "*BLEEP*" came from the ghetto. it's ghetto talk in big cities. it's non existent in small town like where i live now. gets your facts straight before you utter another word about DOG and what you think are acceptable words like "*BLEEP*". i may be prejudice in some senses, but i have NEVER been racist. you on the other hand is the pot calling the kettle black(excuse the pun). there is a reason why oprah may despise you and your kind. it's because oprah is well respcted for a reason and she was well raised with good morals and values and with a good heart. you even admit that bill cosby and her dispise people like you. that's not something to brag about my *BLEEP*, it's something to do some soul searching on and grow up on out of the ghetto. now, if you take offense to this post, so be it. hope you don't. hope you know i am making a strong point and arguement that is well needed. you're my example. do yourself and others a favor and live responsibly in respecting others. DOG didn't hurt you yet you feel the need to down him and his name. do some soul searching like a said and spread the word and live by example. in all honesty, i believe you have been making an honest mistake. it's up to YOU to realize it and do something to reverse whatever YOU put in other peoples head thinking that it's ok to do or say certain things in this life. and again, i have been wrong several times my own self wether it was a slip of the tongue or telling an inappropriate joke at an inappropriate time. i'm no angel but at least i know what's right from wrong so i know better in the future when i make a mistake and learn from it. do the same, kid(can also be substituted for "man" but you already knew that didn't ya)....be smart
  12. i was doing a search on google on SEO and ran across a website the told you how fast a website would load at different speeds. i forget which website. i will try to do a quick search for it and ammend this post if i find it. otherwise, i was searching for SEO at the time or search engine optimization. if you perform this search, with a little research, you may be able to find it if i can't quickly. btw- it was free and web based BAM!!!!! here ya go http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  13. ahah! good call! yea, i don't know too much about wirless connection, but i love my laptop for it when i'm traveling. tapping off someone elses connection is easy. but does that explain the 8mb to less than a mb connection speed? that seems pretty drastic even when you're sharing a connection. you're gonna have to have several people sharing that connection all at once especially knowing that 99% of the people online pay for a provider. how far does wirless extend? 1/2 mile for a clear connection? i hadn't thought about that though. that's a high possibility to his problem....or part of his problem! good call! this is where buffalohelp's help will come in handy. test your connection without wireless and see what your speed is. will give you some idea of what your speed should be depending on the distance factor....then you can do what ridwan suggested. i wouldn't know how specifically to limit ip addresses to only your two computers though. your isp should be able to help ya or maybe ridwan or someone else can tell ya how. let us know what the problem was and how you fixed it. i'm curious now. i'm thinking of going wirless broadband through a company called embarq soon so it's usefull to know any unforeseen problems before they happen. let us know, bud!
  14. i graduated high school in 1986. the WWW wasn't even around then so the first website would be after that. the WWW was created AFTER i quit college in the 1990's so the first website will be in the early 1990's. now this is FACT so i don't care what history says. i was a big part of it back then in many ways. there is NO WAY the earliest website was in the 1980's! the history i know is that originally, i had to direct dial in to a computer that was hooked up through a telephone line. only one user could access any one computer at any one time. then came multi line access. this was when computers cost $2000 just for a basic system where now they cost about $500. eventually telnet became available so you didn't have to dial another # to access another computer. also, every system you could access back then was it's own server. the internet was just beginning to form a foundation back then to the new technology we have today including other means to access the internet including the WWW and the first website. people like to confuse the internet with the WWW. the internet was created in the 70's i believe from san fransisco to los angeles(don't quote me). this had nothing to do with the government! also, the first website, if my own history serves me well was created in 1992-993 give or take 1-2 years...same time when the WWW was formed through LINKS. now in my opinion, i am sure one of the first websites includes a bbs(bulletin board system) turned website. as far as the very first website? now it has me curious and i will research it and get back to this topic. gotcha! "The first Web site built was at CERN[4][5][6][7] and was first put online on 6 August 1991. It provided an explanation about what the World Wide Web was, how one could own a browser and how to set up a Web server. It was also the world's first Web directory" found here.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Berners-Lee the first website back then in 1992 could be found at Info.cern.ch in which, the first webPAGE could be accessed at http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html more information can still be found at the website http://info.cern.ch/ whew! was fun researching. brought back memories. i had to smile. DELPHI#1!!! hahaha one of the first internet service providors if not THE first. there was no such thing as aol OR compuserve back then funny thing....i believe in the late 90's, i recieved a stock pick in my email stating to buy yahoo. i forget how much per share. something like $2. i don't even know how it arrived in my email. email wasn't even a standard back then. by "standard" i mean that to recieve an email, you would have to recieve it from someone accessing the same original server you had the email account on. god, i'm on a high right now after taking a trip down memory lane trying to research the first website haha unbelievable how things quickl change! some other little personal history, i know about 10 people who hosted some of the first web pages in history. the annex was a huge bbs turned website in the early 1990's. owned by a friend of mine, greg, and his partner(name escapes me) who graduated from law school in the late 80's. set some original court precidense in the online industry. his office originated out of van nuys, california i believe. another biggie was dreamsys.com(mathew ryan - owner) which is now offline as of 1-2 years ago. it was a bbs turned single webpage that was dedicated to all his members. formally known as dreamscape(dreamscape.com was taken) and before that, "playhouse". btw, go to annex.com and you will be at one of the original publically accessed websites that is still around today. they deal with webservers and hosting packages and developing their own software now, but when they first began, they were a chat board with some games and stuff. one of the biggest bbs's in the WORLD. i forgot about them! i can probably get some free webhosting haha! i think they have an "about" section where you can read their history. does anyone remember this crap besides me? even port royal.....one of the biggest internet sites in the world based in the san fernando valley in california. bigger that the annex at one time but i don't believe they ever caught a WWW presense. i could be wrong. but i listed two of the first publically accessed websites in history. the annex still around and huge as ever. good ol' days. brings back lots of memories this topic does!
  15. EXACLTY!!! i feel the same way unless the browsing was within the scope of the job duties. also, company policy, as long as it doesn't break any laws, should over rule any court precidence in any specific case. but then if the employer doesn't want emplyees surfing the net, the internet should not be available in the work place to begin with! so it's partially the employers responsibility as well if internet access is available, could it not be assumed that the internet is within the job scope? i am not too familiar with this case but i remember reading about it her first about a year ago or so. was always curious why the judge came to his decision. i agree with you. i as an employer am allowed to create my own laws in the workplace as long as it doesn't conflict with civil rights laws or the constitution including the amendments. i wouldn't be surprised if there was an appeal to this case. anyone know???? i have to ammend this post. i know i posted earlier on this subject only because i hate american bashers. i tried to read the article after i posted but the link is no longer good but i have a theory here. could it be that because the internet is becoming more common place, it is considered to be like the telephone? i've never heard of someone getting fired for using the telephone as long as it wasn't obstructing their job duties. do you know it's illegal to deny a person emergency access to a telephone? internet is growing. it's common place. it's a communication link just like the telephone. the internet isn't just for the hackers anymore like it was 25 years ago. the computer is an intricate part of todays society now. without reading the article, this could have something to do with it. technology is gonna kill society ain't it....it's comin'....
  16. if i read it right a while back(it may have changed???) you need hosting before you can apply for your so-called "Free" top level domain. a non hosted member will always recieve more credits per post than a hosted member. i believe the objective was to have the users put a little more effort in getting their domain and keeping their hosting active. the credits used for hosting is a better deal than the domain in my opinion since the hosting with no ads is equivilant to about $50 worth of hosting for 30+365 credits where the domain is only worth $10 for 250 credits so for the credits, which you get about 1 credit per 3-4 lines of post, it's worth it to post for hosting. but the domain should just be a bonues if you ever reach 280 credits. from what i understand, the domain is a reward for hosted members in good standing that post regularly. so for the person that is worrying about losing 140-30=110 credits, yea, it's a loss bud unless you work out a deal. with buffalo help or opaque. but i doubt you'll be able to unless your posts were exceptional. you get more credits for a non hosted account so it would be unfair to others who had t work harder for their credits as hosted members. MY question is why is there two different credit systems for hosted and non hosted members? uneless it's just to get people hosted quicker, i was always curious about that.
  17. what?!?!? what makes you think that kids wont like a kid that's too skinny or not proportioned? kids are MEAN! they don't like fat people, they don't like skinny people, they don't like people that aren't the same race, they don't like the dummies, and they don't like the smart kids. they don't like the trendies, etc....and the list goes on and on and on depending on which kid you're talking about. kids are kids. deal with it skinny guy.....and don't show off your muscles unless you're lookin' for a fight because kids love to fight too. don't take it personal. be happy with who you are. that's most important....so deal with it...and eat a couple big macs for god's sake!
  18. this is old news. i'm not worried personally. but my opinion is this. DOG knew what he was doing when he broke the law and he broke the law anyway. why? because he made a choice based on principles and morals which sometimes the laws don't cover he should face some consequences for it knowing that he represents the law and is supposed to uphold the law, not break the law. i don't know where he was arrested in mexico, i am assuming outside of BC because in baja california you have the right to be brought back to the united states for your hearing and judgement. the united states should step in. in my opinion, DOG is someone to look up to and an inspiration to many people. for the most part, i highly respect what he does and how he goes about doing it. but then, i only know what i see on t.v. that is edited too so i know my opinion can't be too objective knowing this. if he WAS such a bad person though, i'm sure his bad reputation would be posted in every paper. it's not. he's more than just a celebrity but at the same time...he has to respect the laws of other countries if he intends to cross the borders! you better know what you're doing when you cross a border. in some countries, you can recieve a dui just for having ANY alcohol in your system when driving.....and in some countries, first offense is DEATH. these are some of the laws you need to abide by when you cross the border or face the consequences!
  19. the key words is "up to". buffalo help had the same idea i was going to recomend, but before you go to that trouble, i would call your provider and ask them. sometimes the slow connection is due to how far away you are from their base. the further your home is away, the slower the connection. so what it could possibly be is that they just didn't tell ya how fast exactly. i'm sure the homes closest to their base get that 8mb and hey may cover such a wide territory and you're just on the outskirts of it. check with them first. if you know any neighbors that have the same providors, ask them what their connection speed is too. but i would call them first before trying to diagnose the problem as suggested. could be a simple answer and you'd just be wasting your time. it will be a downer if you find out it's a distance thing and cannot be fixed so cross your fingers
  20. the question was answered for you. almost any hosting provider can provide what you're looking for but you have to realize that your bandwidth is going to be very high with any pictures and videos you are offering. what this means is that your hosting fees will be higher than normal. rather than paying what....$3 a month at Xisto - Web Hosting, you'd be paying around $50-$100 per month just because of the bandwidth. then there are other fees if you're going to set up a payment method. merchant accounts are about $40 a month or so(don't use paypal unless you want your funds frozen). i'm not an expert here, but you have two ways to go. you can be an affiliate of an adult site and they will host your site for you(so you don't have to worry about bandwidth and hosting because the fees you pay would be part of a package deal) or you have your own pictures or videos? is this what you are trying to set up? you have your own copyrights to your own pictures and videos? if so, then you need your own hosting. make sure you copyright anything you put on your site though. people will steal it in a second. or there's the option of setting up your own server. i don't know the costs in that but it may be cheaper and safer depending on how big you are planning on building this website i'd be able to give ya better advice if i knew exactly what you had in mind here. you were very vague. best advice i can give ya is to not jump in to this plan too quickly. plan it out, write out a business plan to follow. research your best alternatives and the costs invloved. be patient. you don't want to run out of money 2 months in to starting your business. it's the #1 reason why small businesses fail. they don't have the money to fund there business after startup. if you're more specific in your needs, i can help ya out with some advice....but again, i am no expert in this area either.
  21. it would be a means for a lot of illegal activity. that's for sure. "freenet" to me sounds like the underground internet except "freenet" would be accessed through the WWW. i don't see a difference except when you're surfing, your activities can be more easily monitored. anything more publically available like the WWW will be monitored more closely by the government. WWW isn't the internet anyway so i don't understand the word "freenet". WWW is just a means to access SOME of the information on the internet.
  22. sometimes it's not just about us trying to help ourselves out in just the things we care about. sometimes it's about helping others succeed in the things THEY care about. one thing i learned in life is that it goes in cycles. at least i have noticed this in MY life. knowing this, i've also recognized that what goes around comes around. there will come a day when you nee help in something you care about and nobody is going to be there for ya.on the other hand, i have met 3 different types of people in this world personally. ones that terible things always happen to them for some unknown reason, ones that only good things happen to them for some uncanny reason, and the ones that are in the middle and go back and forth(like me). you may be in that catagory that you will just go through life where everything just goes your way for some reason. i've seen some weird crap in this world and can't explain the why's. i would just start caring a little more about others. you might not care right now if they take an interest in what YOU care about right now, but maybe one day you will and nobody will be there as i still believe what goes around comes around. it's easy to milk the good stuff for all it's worth, but is it worth it in the long run?only you can answer thatoh. i had to add on to this post so i am editing it. here's a deeper thought for ya bud.... :rolleyes:maybe you are helping without even realizing it. maybe by you not helping, it's forcing others to try harder and succeed in their full potential. it's weird how things work out sometimes and the hidden meanings by the results we see. maybe if you helped, others would think they didn't have to try as hard, but because you don't care wether you win or lose, it would have been the same as you not trying at all and hurting the group even more. anyway, i had to add that deep confusing thought haha ok maybe i'm as crazy as you are....
  23. I feel our ancestors from the Past ,always held their ways of Healing, themselves or other’s. It’s interesting to View ,other’s peoples Knowledge of How They were brought up as a Child or Stories that was over Heard from grandparents or the Elder Generations, How Many actually are used To This Day . Add to this ,of any Healing areas ,or Knowledge of What you know in Healing energies without the everyday Medicine ,Most People these Days depend on Now . What really works ? What Really Don’t? Here are some ,That was Handed Down .Some can offer you Something to actually Think about ,some you just can not Believe,Some Oh! Heck ,it may be worlth a Try. Notice from truefusion: From how many places did you copy this stuff from?http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.witch-crafted.com/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t http://www.witchforum.net/forum/index.php?topic=198.0;wap2 http://www.neworleansmistic.com/spells/greperityspell.htm http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Did you forget about our forum rules?
  24. Spiritual inner souls: We need To Focus more on ourselves ,to Bring more out in Open ,To Love who you really are Meant to be in Life . Not How The World see's us to be . [note=truefusion]http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/]
  25. Meditation is Good for anyone to perform as a Daily routine in their lives . I should perform it more in my own Life ,but sometimes get to busy to actually Take the Time which is really excuse I use for forgetting . Tuning into your Higher Self is Important Part of your Own Life May be Try This ,fitting it as part of your day to day Life. Should Feel High Energy ,Peace Flow Through out your Body . Very Relaxing . Notice from rvalkass: Another copied post. Copied from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You're hosted so you should know the rules - anything you copy needs to be in QUOTE tags.
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