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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. did you read what he posted? he said once he gets the visitors there, they will click on his ads also, i have created several succesfull sites in the past. not one site was a members site. anyone could surf my sites and browse so having members doesn't disctate anything really...except to hide information from people who aren't members
  2. you quoted one section of my post. i clearly stated i was undecided. i will have personal feelings involved if someone killed my mother or other family member or friends. since you quoted one side, i will state my feeling on the side you quoted. so yes, kill when there is no doubt! kill the MF who killed my mother or my wife or anyone else i am committed to deep inside my own soul. and eye for an eye i say when there is no doubt. the flip side is the innocent. i am for protecting crime victims and the innocent people out there. you are right. the innocent will suffer terribly. even if they get compensated financially, prison can mess them up for life.....just experiencing the whole injustice system knowing that they are innocent and have been screwed over mentally and sometimes physically. and if you put them to death, that is WORSE. you in fact implied it's not. it's worse because you illiminate the potential of ever getting the help they needed. see, i believe we aren't put on this earth to experience more than we can handle and you are treading on thin ice in what is expected of us and the potential we have to offer others in this world(without selfishness). i believe in hope, therefore i believe that we should do everything in our power to preserve hope. this again implies that i believe that even if a murderer has commited terrible acts, there is still a chance to reform somewhat and make up for their wrongs. i also believe that punishment is necessary. are you implying that it's not because it will screw someone up for life if they are innocent? well our justice system isn't perfect but you implied that we should take a life of an innocent victim of our system rather than hold him in a pirison cell. are you kidding me?!?!? i'm assuming you are a christian since you are also posting stuff out of the bible. correct me if i am wrong. maybe you aren't christian. if you are, you're just playing devil's advocate. if you aren't, then i'm curious where you get your information from and who taught you values growing up. so again, i will state it clearly. yes, i believe in preserving life when it comes to people who have been covicted of murder. i am pro choice as well but that doesn't conflict with my belief in preserving life. it just means, it's the woman's body and the woman should have the right to make that moral decision....but that's another story.... now what's your point in quoting me and others all the time except to poke holes in what we believe. what do YOU believe? step up and be a man rather than repost everything everyone has already stated. it doesn't take a genious to poke holes the answers to this topic. people have been doing it before i was even born. same thing with abortion and other issues of morality. what is more difficult though and well respected is when someone can actually state an opinion that can be suppored by their own moral or immoral beliefs. i stated my opinion because i can argue what i believe in all day and i'm a better person for standing up for it. are you? what do YOU believe in. i dare you to post it so i can show you how easy it is to poke holes in it. only people who are insecure in their own beliefs do that. you ready to step up and write a page of what YOU believe rather than write two pages of quotes? because if this is what you want, i want the opportunity to pokes holes in what you believe as well. it will be easy as there are valid pros and cons to both sides step up true fusion. that is a dare to get a real arguement and discussion started. i can tell you like a good debate. you are almost good at it except i have read nowhere in the area where you firmly stand on this issue.
  3. were you paying attention? it's NOT free. what is your experience with paypal thinking it's free? there will ALWAYS be an exchange rate on a personal note, it is definately NOT the best service from my own experience. i will NEVER do business again with paypal. where do you get your information from
  4. one thing that helped me in sales when i started one of my interent businesses is that sales is in the #'s. because of this it has a formula to calculate how many sales you can expect compared to how many presentations you make. knowing this, i was told to enjoy the rejections because according tothe formula, i was that much closer to closing a sale. this was the best advice i eer recieved in sales because i used to get burnt out with the rejections, get discouraged and quit before making even one sale. now it's different. my mindset was all wrong. i was concentrating on making the sales rather than weeding out the rejections this has been common place ever since the internet was born. an yes, you can make some money in spelling errors. you can also get some great deals ebay just searching for mispelled items up for auction
  5. not sure about what???? and what are you going to find and post? be more specific or people wont know what you're talking about.
  6. so you are getting hired for something and want Xisto to do your work for ya? well, quickly, i noticed it's basically a two page website. the links page has absolutely no relevant content whatsoever. so down to my suggestions. you have a ton of keywords in your meta tag. you need to limit that to at the most 5 keywords and optimize the site to include those keywords. i mean come on. you have "stop" as a keyword. this will never get you anywhere. "no" is also a keyword haha don't make me laugh. are you kidding me? what does "no" have to do with any relevent content on your page? anyway, i would suggest to limit the keywords down to three. what should they be? go to wordtracker.com and do a search. goog keywords in your case would be something like "how to quit smoking" or "quit smoking fast" these are off the top of my head and may not be the best ones but word tracker can give you better suggestions. the key with the keywords and narrowing them down is for optimal seo. if you fail to do this, i doubt you will ever get a high ranking for your site bud, sorry. and using high ranking keywords will get you NOWHERE when your site isn't even optimised for high ranking keywords like "sex" or "fetish". you're only fooling yourself with google(which that is the engine you should optimise for) to start) now once you have narrowed down your three keywords(i hope you do....you have FETISH as your #6 keyword.....you kiddin' me?!?!?!?) you want to include a headline that include one or all three of your keywords. when you start your paragraph, you want to include all your keywords in your first paragraph. once you do that, reedit your description to include your keywords and make it as simple as you have it now. no more than 30 words. title is ok. that can actually be one of your keywords possibly, "stop smoking in a week". your revist tag is also ridiculous. you want the spiders to crawl that site eery day? you kiding me? why? i don't see you doing much changes to your site. once it's finished, that will pretty much be it. you want to change to to 30 days and NO LESS THAN 1 WEEK! these spiders are smart. if you start wasting their time and they visit and you don't update your page, they'll stop coming all together bud. in fact, some spiders are so smart they can estimate how often you update your page and you really don't even need a revisit tag. change it to 30. that's what i recomend. your links site is spam in my opinion. your links have nothing to do with smoking or quiting smoking. get rid of it. it's not healthy for your overall appearance as being professional and google wont like it either. also too many banners and the page is slow to load. it's bad alltogether bud. get rid of it. on your home page, if you insist on the ads, center them please.....will look better. also, your ads are in the wrong place. put them on top or to the left(vertically) or embed them within the content of your site. this doesn't optimise for seo, but i am doing you a favor by suggesting this. you will get a higher click through rate. some of it is psychological and some of it has to do with your payment buttons being in the middle of your page. if someone clicks your payment buttons before scrolling, they will never even see your ads. if you don't insist on the ads on your home page, get rid of them. they look tacky right now and unprofessional. that's it for now. sorry if i am harsh but you wanted an opinion. i am no nonsense and straight forward. the overall site is good, it just needs some work and you need to also reserch seo if you want to compete in the search engines. if you have money to spend on advertising, google adwords is great if you know what you're doing. that's it for now. i don't want to overwhelm ya edit- ok two more things. after looking at your site more closely, i tested your html code and it is just poorly written. it's also not up to 4.01 transitional code. you need to fix this. or have someone do it for you. once you have updated your site, pm me and let me know, then post for others to take a look at it again too. i will then go through some more advanced seo options for ya. this site in my opinion needs to be totally revamped for seo....i'd even go so far to say(after looking at it more closely) redoing the whole site and starting fresh. this site was definately not created with seo in mind and there is a lot of work to be done here if you really want it optimised for the search engines(google inparticular)
  7. dish network - fraud or scam - YOU decideok- i have decided to talk about some of the stress i've been having with dish network. dish network is a satelite television and audio programing company. they can also be referred to as a DBSS which stands for direct broadcast satelite service.now i am sure most all of you that live in the united states know who dish network is. they are the parent company of echostar. they are the ones that directly competes with direct t.v.i would now like to describe my experience with dish network. i signed up with them through an ad i saw in the newspaper in warsaw, mo. i called up to ask about the offers as they were offering many specials. i chose the $29.99 package in which i recieve a discount of $10 a month on my bill each and every month for 10 months(for a total of $100 cash back), free dish protection plan for 18 months(which normally costs $5.99), and a refund of my original setup fee of $50 in the form of a credit on my first bill. the $50 is automatically charged on your credit card when you sign up over the phone. what they also required was to charge me one month prepaid service with them.well, that day finally arrived when my service would be set up. two guys showed up. evidently, they didn't know exactly what they were doing. not only did it take them 3 hours, the accidently(i assume) put a hole through my roof in to my kitchen ceiling thinking that was the place that they wanted to go through. it wasn't. my first experience with dish left me a hole in my kitchen ceiling that i have to stare at every day.i didn't pay it much concern at the time considering i was a little excited just to get the service running asap. i had them note their error on the paper i signed and left it at that for the time being.my first bill comes. it was supposed to be for $19.99(basic service)+$5(additional reciever)+$5(local station programing)+ taxes of less than a dollar which should total around $31 a month at the most. well, my bill wasn't that amount as promised by dish network, it was $20 higher for over $50! woah! i thought to myself. also, my $50 credit never came on my first bill as promised either. well, i was upset. dish network lied to me so i decided to call them. this was my second problem with dish network and it's only been 1 month!when you call dish network, they ask you what your problem is. they don't really listen to you. what seems to happen is that they read something off a piece of paper sitting in front of them. i was contiuously interupted by dish network's customer service center employee and that encouraged me to interupt THEM until they understood my problem. well, i was hung up on by that employee. i then called back, i got another employee to hopefully help me. this time though, i could hardly understand this person with their middle easern accent and broken english. i still tried to make an effort to explain but again i was interupted several times. i was now frustrated because these are the people who are supposed to be helping me but they wont let me state my problem before interupting me.i asked to speak to a supervisor. at that point, i was very irritated, frustrated and wondering if i'm going to be hung up on again. i was on auto pay with dish network before i knew they would be over charging me. at this point it just seemed like a scam. tell them one thing when they sign up, and then charge other fees as they see fit.the supervisor i spoke to actually let me finish with everything i had to say. because of this, i had calmed down a little and satisfied that at least someone is listening. my frustrations and anger grew when the supervisor finally spoke. he told me that because my setup wasn't hooked to two seperate phone jacks for each reciever, they are charging me $5 more for each reciever(2) for a total of $10 which they call a programming access fee. they also stated i have to wait for my $10 credit until i fill out a rebate form and i will not recieve my $50 credit until i fill out another form to recieve it. well, i argued with him.i argued and argued telling this person i knew NOTHING about a programming access fee and if i needed the system to be hooked up to a phone line, why didn't they install it that way? i also told him i was promised a $10 credit every month for 10 months starting with my first bill and i was also promised by the dish network rep that i would recieve my $50 credit off my first bill as well. now this has been the third person i was trying to explain my problem to and i timed it. i was on the phone for approximately 3 hours with dish network that day.i demanded they credit my credit card for what was promised and for what dish network scammed me out of with false statements. they refused! what i finally negotiated was that they credit me $10 for the programming access fee and my $10 credit will start being credited starting the next month, and i will recieve $50 credit for the setup fee on my next bill. i decided to pay it on this man's word again. do you believe that? dish network already lied to me with false statement that i consider a scam, and here i go again trusting them. i warn you all now, NEVER trust dish network. dish network cannot be trusted!well my next bill came. i finally recieved my $50 credit and they actually credited me the $10 programing access fee that i was never aware of when i signed up. they also started my $10 credit per month as originally promised. i was happy with that. but wait! what was this? they charged me another $10 extra for the next month in programming access fees! hahah how ridiculous! i had to call again and argue for another hour before they told me i didn't have to pay it. next month, same thing. in three months now, i had talked to dish network a total of 5 hours out of my valuable time and energy to get their errors corrected.i told them i will NEVER pay a programming access fee but i compromised. i again told them that they should have installed the equipment properly so i didn't have to deal with this b.s. and if they want to come out and install it properly, they can so i wouldn't be charged this b.s. fee. they agreed to set me up with an appointment for someone to come out and hook it up properly and the way it should have been hooked up originally. they day finally arrived when they were supposed to be there. guess what. they never showed. guess what? i was charged another $10 on my next bill that i spent about 1/2 hour arguing this time so they would take it off and to set up another appointment. the day came again. they never showed....hahahahaha! wtf! guess what....another $10 charged and i called them again to get it striken and to set up yet ANOTHER appointment with their irreliable dish network people. they evidently said they couldn't find the house(at least it's on record that way but they never had a problem coming here to set it up originally and take my money!)during this whole process it just felt like i was being scammed by a big company worth millions of dollars because of programming access fees that they are just hoping people will pay without any arguements. somewhat like large insurance companies do sometimes when they deny your claim the first time in hope you wont fight it. it's a SCAM i felt that dish network has been succesfull in for years.well, they finally came to my house! i was relieaved that i wouldn't have any more problems with these scumbags. calling them every month has left me distressed, angry, sad, depressed, and all sorts of emotions! so i was finally relieved! well, hahaha....sorry, that relief was only temporary hahaha. i laugh because i am remembering how they hooked up the recievers to my two phone jacks. they drapped one of the phone cords over my television, on top of my fireplace, through my kitchen opening and in to the phone jack. because of this, the cord never touches the floor and the cord is not securely fastened to the wall. in fact, if you can imagine it, imagine a phone cord that is never even flush with the wall or floor so when the phone cord is drapped from one corner of the wall to the other wall, there is about two feet of open space between the phone cord and the corner of the wall! that's how they hooked it up! i took pictures! hahaha it wasn't funny then, but it's funny now after i got over my anger. they expected me to look at that mess they installed just to save $5? NO THANK YOU! i waited for my wife to come home before we both decided we can't have it there. it looks bad, it's in the way of other things in our living room, and it was a hazard for anyone to accidently pull on the cord. especially when we have small children we sometimes take care of here. not to mention a hazard to the reciever if it ever fell off the telivision if someone accidently pulls on the phone cord. i can just imagine them over charging for that too when they were the ones creating the hazard!ok- so that was the first reciever. the one upstairs was done a little better but my phone jack wasn't near the reciever just like the one downstairs. they ran is across my floor to the reciever and left it like that. i say a little better because at least the phone cord was flush with something. but again, i was disappointed. another hazard. someone could easily trip and fall or trip and pull the reciever down and break it. when it's a hazard for me or my wife, i KNOW it has to be a serious hazard to small children that we have in the house at times. my wife and i agreed this was unacceptable and unplugged it.so now, not only did they ruin my ceiling and and put a hole in my roof where it wasn't supposed to be, they have created unprofession installations and hazards in my home that i am responsible for if anyone gets hurt. they lied to me several times before my installation and after my installation. so now i'm pissed. they still continue to charge me falsely on something i have told them repeatedly that i am not paying EVER. i gave them the option to cancel my service because of this so i can switch to another company. they refuse. they want ME to cancel so they can trump up the cancelation fees. i wont do that either.so now i mention my ceiling thinking i can use this as a trump card for either free service or to finally satisfy me as a customer without anymore hassles with this programming access fee. well, they want to look at the damage. i refuse. i tell them i have pictures and will get an estimate for the damages. i told them they aren't coming in my house again to create more of a mess than they already have.so anyway, what happens next? they charged me $30 to have someone come out and install their equipment the way it was supposed to be installed the first time. they charged me $30 for someone to come out and do an unprofessional job which just looked nasty and also created several hazards in my home. also, ofcourse, they are still charging me the programming access fees. so i call them again. i tell them i am not paying another bill until you correct your errors and finally get my problem resolved so i don't have to call again. well, it's been two months and i haven't paid a bill. obviously now they are charging me late fees just another way to get more money out of me while i am disputing my whole entire bill as long as they continue to overcharge me. they are charging me late fees illegally i found out. so dish network is operating illegally in the state of missouri because in the state of missouri, if you are disputing a bill, that bill is not supposed to be charged late fees. i even wrote my dispute on the money order they cashed. i threatened to take them to court and they didn't seem to concerned.so now it's been two months. i recieve a call from them to call them back about my bill. i suppose dish network wants some money for their services they are fraudulently over charging me for. i brok down. i decided to call....dreading it....knowing i will have to argue again.....but i want to be fair, so i call them. well, their computers were down the other day(very recent) and they couldn't help me or even tell me why they called me.so now i am upset. i was holding for a while just for them to tell me this? i asked the # to thier corporate office or their executive department. this is the third time i have requested this and each time i am denied that information. they say they don't have it, but they DO. they don't want you to have it for some unknown reason.they don't want you to go up higher in the chain to try to get your problem resolved. they want to keep you with THEM just so they can make your life a total nightmare just like they did mine! they wanted me to call back after their computers are back up. what i told them was why don't you have a supervisor call me when this happens because i am not a psychic and cannot predict when in fact your computers will be operational. she agreed, took my information, and it's been two days now and nobody has attempted to contat me either by voice or answering machine or voicemail. so i will have to call them back since and dread yet another disturbing call(i CAN predict THAT now....) with dish network where very little will get done about my problems once again.now i will make updates to this post as time passes. my main objective here is to let out my frustrations and emotions that dish network created inside me. i plan on editing this post later for spelling and grammer and sending this in to their corprate office in colorado. i also plan on faxing it to their fax # i have. i plan to hit them hard soon with public exposer and i will append this post to include that threat because i believe the public should know the lies dish network tells you, the scams they pull, and how hard it is to be a satisfied customer with them. they cause emotional distress and it's just not right! i grew up in northridge, ca but now live in a small town in warsaw, mo. the papers here are smaller than i am used to and they are always itching for a good and well written article to add to their 7-8 page paper. i know as well the t.v. media would eat a story like this up because it's a public awareness story. so if dish network ever reads this, be prepared to solve my problems or do battle. i may not be a million dollar company, but i, unlike you is well respected in my comunity. i own two businesses here, and i am a very fair and responsible person. they pushed me to my limits where i am now considering hiring an attorney far a case against them.to back up my story here, i have researched dish network and echostar. both companies have been sued for the same things i am complaining about now and they have lost several times in court. they have a history of decieving people. they have a history over over charging credit cards. they have a history of charging things on your credit card that you never authorised them to do. they have a history of lying and just being an all around unprofessional company. all my research comes from searches i have done through google. i'm hoping this post gets a high ranking for the same things i had to research and this is only the beginning!has anyone else had problems with dish network? post your vents with them here and make them pay attention!
  8. i was always curious about those survey sites. i figured it was mostly a scam, but i knew that some legitimate companies would pay ya what they say they will pay ya. i just didn't want to wast my time or 30-40 dollars to sort through the list. so if you have already sorted it with the ligit companies, i would like to see that sorted list could be usefull in my spare time...
  9. anwiii

    Tae Kwon Do

    whoever said tae kwon do is not an art has no business posting here. it's definately an art as it requires years to master. i've studied this art among other art forms. i can say that i prefer a diversity of art forms rather than master just one. reason being is that every situation is different, BUT! what what usually happens when you need to defend yourself in a fight, is close range combat. kicks don't cut it. most fights end up on the ground. this is FACT so ground fighting is more necassary to master than any other art form. whoever said jujitsu and akido named two art forms that will work best in real life scenarios.now i must warn for all you youngin's braggin' about what you like and what your studying right now, do not brag about this or even mention it outside your training facility. this will only lead people to test your skills and you ending up in more fights than necessary.martial arts is not just for defense and protection, but for discipline and self guidance.
  10. still missing the point. he doesn't care about repeat visitors. all he cares about is the postenial first time fisitors that will probably never return. now when he bragged about 600 visitors a day, if that is true, then in my opinion, is is doing something right. maybe not perfect, and yes, if it were me, i would do things a little different, but it's his site. he doesn't need repeat visitors he said, he doesn't care about the content, and he only cares about the clicks on the ads now again, if people are clicking(i don't know why he would go to all the trouble of constanly changing his site if they weren't) then he is doing something RIGHT not WRONG despite other peoples opinon on how he should design his own personal website. with that said the internet is made up of a diversity of people and information and how that information is accessed. i it were all the same, it would be BORING. i am glad i have a right to create my site however i want to and i am glad other people have that same right. people can pass judgement, but i dare anyone who does to give me their website to crtique because i can pass judgement the same way. fact is, NOTHING will ever be good enough for others, but if what we do makes our own selves happy, then that alone should be good enough the internet is a library of information but is not bound by limitations or rules. i am glad it's like this because when i create my next site, i don't want people telling me how wrong i am to have built such a site on the flip side, i doubt i would have done it the same way he did. i feel there is potential for a lot more content and interest but like a lot of people, he's in it for the short term. not the long term. the internet, aside from being a library for information, it is a business marketplace. it's where the little guy can compete with the big guy....espeically if you have that creativeness that can succeed on the net there are no limitations and if there is little content on the page, so what. if people <- snipped -> despite the little content, great. fact is, most people may be disappointed, but some may actually like the ads or the relevant trailer. great....some....so if it doesn't appeal to the masses, it's rubbish? RUBISH i say! ok now that i made my speech, i will now say how i would run that site. create a relevant domain, create a relevant home page to the entertainment industry. whenever there is a need for new keywords to be used, create a speperate page. takes a couple hours to create a good page with 1 or 2 specific keywords. don't change the main page and put the updated page in a seperate folder or create a subdomain specifically for those 1-2 keywords. the page will still get a high ranking and you never have to change it again. all you have to do is creat a relevent link to that page on your home page. beofre you know it, you will have 100's of pages you never have to edit or modify and at the same time, getting the same amount of hits and your website now is more relevant and will attract long term visitors if you have the upper hand in the movies coming out. people will even start bookmarking your site and you get the repeat visitors. more visitors=more clicks obviously ok. i'm not judging, i think he has a great concept so i just wanted to give my opinion on impoving the site. sanjay- why don't you post a link to your site so we all have a better idea of what you're talking about?
  11. well i for one am split for different reasons. at one point in my life, i really believed an eye for an eye. i also believed that if someone murdered and the situation was bad enough to recieve the death penalty, i believed to end that life to protect everyone else from this person including the other prison inmates. half of me says these people on't deserve to live....EVER in this lifetime after they ended someone elses life and commited the worst crime a human can commit.on the other hand, i have grown in my 39 years. there is such a thing as forgiveness and the right guidance and second chances. i know if someone killed someone i loved, it would be hard for me not to find this person, abduct them, and turture them for a week before i take a gun and put them out of their misery with a bullet straight through their brain.i am definately split because if it's not someone i love, it's someone else who was loved by their own family members or friends and i try to think of this issue more objetively than selfishly. this is a very tricky question because both sides will always have valid points.i think i lean more now towards human preservation only because unlike what truefusion said, 9 years is NOT enough time obviously since if you look in past cases, there have been people found innocent after they were put to death so with that as a fact, that is good enough reason not to impose a death penalty when you will be sacrificing innocent lives. i also am pretty firmly against screwing with mother nature. the government didn't create us so i don't feel they have a right to terminate us. they should only have the rights we as people give them to protect our safety which they can do without killing people with a law that allows them to do that. mother nature is not to be messed with. i try not to mess with the natural laws of nature in my own life because i know i will never be stronger than that force and it could backfire just like it has backfired already on our government here in the united states by killing innocent people. also, you take away the potential of that innocent victim. that person could have been the next thomas edison and could have contributed greatly to society....or another martin luther king. we will never know because we killed himi remember writing a paper on this in my philosophy class in college as my final paper. i forget what i wrote or where i stood. all i know is that the death penalty, pro life vs. pro choice, etc...are very hard because of the selfish personal issues i may have if i was personally affected.but i say, when in doubt, don't kill, preserve life. i would also rather give these people 3 meals a day in a cubacle to think about what he/she did for the rest of their lives than give them the easy way out and end it. i believe in a little suffering for those who actually DID commit the crime but that's just me and i don't mind paying taxes for it. i think it costs about 20k a year for each inmate. it adds up because of all the overheadanyway, that's my 2 cents....
  12. anwiii


    no bud, it wouldn't be racist to create an organization for the advancement of white people unless you consider the kkk such an organization. they have orginizations for minorites and the people who have been oppressed in this country. i used to be against it and got so angry why all the organzations and grants go to minorities. fact is they are for the people who are in need the most. it's either allow these organizations to exist or close our borders. i am closing borders fully. i like a diversity and a melting pot of different cultures so how are these people supposed to survive in an all white society majority white society? create their organizations where there is power in #'s.....or just allow other to keep interfering with their civil rights and allow them to be poor and homeless the rest of their lives without a helping hand. usa is the land of the "free" and where others can achieve great dreams where anything is possible. when you oppress minorites, you oppress the potential of what can become in the future for this country. that is why we have those groups and that is why it wouldn't be racist if you created your own group to benefit white people if you found an area that white people actually needed. good luck with that
  13. maybe it wasn't configured fully. maybe if you retrace your steps to unconfigure what you had so far and try to configure the addon domain again. this may work. maybe it wonti know when i run it to b.s. problems like this, i just try to fiddle with it(since i like to figure crap out on my own anyway) and usually i can come up with a solution.it looks like something was obviously configured though at least partially....
  14. you will need your members jacket. do you have it? also ummmm.....keep posting :)be patient bud. it's a good site. get hosted, keep posting, have fun, and enjoy!
  15. yea, but business is business. i've always believed in the concept that if it works, don't change it. seems to be working for him. he wouldn't have posted it if it didn't. so if it makes him some bucks, great. the last poster who gets sick of websites with no content has a right to his opinion. but my opinion is, it's HIS WEBSITE! it's not anyone elses so who the heck cares how he feels about someone elses website if it is working for him and he is happy with it he also mentioned he changes keywords. but obviously there is SOME relevant content since google goes by content and outside links. there is no google bombing invloved so obviously there is relevant content and idn't i hear he has a link pointing to a trailer? how relevant do you want?!?!?
  16. yup! i do. i was forced to take lessons for about 6 years and practice at lest 1/2 hour every day. i hated practicing and hated the classical crap i was meant to learn. but! to this day i still play. it's more fun and relaxing. especially when i've had a tough day or week, i will just sit down and play when i have the chance and life just doesn't seem as bad after that i just bought my first house this year and guess what??? little antique piano came with the house(boy is it heavy for a little thing)! :) i was never that good at reading music for left hand, but i still love to play by ear and screw around with the music i CAN read. i always hated music when growing up. i grew up with two sister who would always play the same songs over and over again(BLAH!) but began to appreciate it in jr. high and especially now. the piano and i have long lasting memories and has gotten me through some rough times
  17. i think you all are missing his point. he optimizes it for a rare keyword and continuously optimizes it when talk of a new movie is coming out to catch that rare keyword. it's actually quite genious. it my not have a lot of relevant content, but if it makes money with adsense, then so what because that was his purpose to begin withnow there is a unwritten moral code that is in question, but i don't think anything is being broken and nobody is getting hurt and if there is a trailer to watch, then that's even better :)thanks for the post bud, others don't get it, i do
  18. both of your sites are showing up on my end. i am using firefox. all looks good to me bud
  19. a week to get approved? took my account about 24 hours...or at the most a day and a half....
  20. it would be a preload_document or a prefetch. something along those lines, but i don't know exactly the best way. i've spent a couple hours trying to research this and it has me stumped unless i just trial and error, but i don't want to do that and waste more time. gosh darnit, i know i was amazed when i saw it done first hand 7-8 years ago. i stole the code but then i lost it all somewhere. it was the greatest thing since sliced bread back then and now i forgot what i did and how it's done i know it's becoming more irrelevant now(aside from the image preloaders) due to high speed modem lines becoming common place but it would still be faster. any gurus out there with the answer? i luve ya long time! hehehe ok maybe not....but would appreciate some help on this one
  21. personal feelings about believing in life after death? well there IS and that is a FACT! i have experienced and seen too much to believe otherwise. alot of people have seen and experienced what i have but for those that haven't.....well......you have a lot to learn about life because there is a whole other exisitance out there. you can see it sometimes, you can hear it sometimes, and sometimes you can even smell it. someone mentioned that we come back to make up for any wrongs. this is absolutely TRUE! but in fact, it's more than just making up for wrongs, also reliving past mistakes until you learn from the experience. now some people believe in god, some goddess, etc....but it's that higher power that DOES dictate what is right and wrong and morality and values etc.... we can choose how we want to live, but if we learn nothing, we come back and relive the same crappy experiences until we do and ready to move on to other levels. there are people out there considered "old souls". what this means is that there are people out there that have been reincarniated many times. they have experienced much and it's these people that are more in tune with "life" and it's meaning than other people it's a sad world when there are people out there believing that when we die, we are fertilizer for the grass to grow taller and that's it because there is so much more to life than that. it's sad to see people question or play devil's advocate on such a deep and important issue that needs strict guidance by those who know better. i'm not saying i am an expert or know it all, but i do know there is life after death and i do know there is reincarnation. aside from what i KNOW as FACT, let me tell you what i believe in other areas that i don't know as fact. we are here to learn and grow and abtain a stronger soul and spirit while we are here. it's inside us all and this is fact. we die 3 ways. we can die naturally....which means we have nothing more to offer or learn from in this lifetime and it's our time to go. after we pass, we are able to either be reborn, or guide the living as what some will call spirit guides. we can die in an accident which means sometimes our spirit will linger in the afterlife until we accept our own death and move on to be reborn. we can also die commiting suicide which means we didn't learn a DANG THING in this lifetime to take our own life. we will relive our own suicide over and over in the afterlife until we learn from it and are strong enough and able to be reborn. now those are my beliefs alone. they have no factual basis for it but my beliefs come from everything i have already experienced in this life as well as a very intuitive nature inside my own self. i believe in my intuitiveness and how it has guided me so far in this lifetime. now let me get back to more facts that are less substantiated. since we are here to learn, and we ARE judged while we are living AND in the afterlife, the more we learn, the more we experienc. we are NEVER put on this earth to experience more than we can handle. this is fact. we have to use our brains, and most importantly our minds in what our purpose is and what is meant for us to expeirience, learn, and grow from. we will make mistakes, but this is how we learn and grow and move on to other higher experiences. the more we experience, the stronger we are to experience more difficult tasks each lifetime. we grow from this. people are meant to learn little things like smiling and learning from other peoples reaction, to bigger things like experiencing rape and forgiving and possibly creating awareness....turning a cruel and disgusting act in to something positive. god forbid you don't learn to forgive or turn that negative in to a positive because you will catch yourself reliving your experience until you learn and grow from it. life is supposed to be balanced. now all this may seem irrelevant to the after life, but it's not. it's all connected. life is what we make it and death is a mirror of our life. we don't die. our bodied die. our host for our soul and spirit dies. the flesh becomes fertilizer but our spirit and soul lives on and continues to live on as it's meant to be and because i know this to be true about learning experiences, i also know the world will never be perfect or a utopia. there will always be problems, there will always be pain. but with the problems and pain, there are the happy, fun,and exciting times. on a depper level, there is nature all around us that is NOT bad and most people are too busy to take 10 minutes out of each day just to enjoy the birds that sing to the dropping of the leaves in autom. it's all around us and ever changing now i was at a cemetary recently. i was with my wife and her daughter that took me there. they are strong believers in the afterlife and while we were walking through, i don't think the daughter experienced much, but my wife said she heard a baby crying and also felt a child touching her hand trying to hold it. what i sensed was very positive energy. a calming feeling. somewhat exciting feeling because i felt there was lots of energy there that was somewhat sacred. i walked around with my camera. i took random pictures where i felt i needed to take a picture. i didn't see anything until i developed my pictures off my digital camera. this experience at the cemetary was very enlightening to me that verifies what i already knew. life after death. the pictures are on my myspace. i think i posted 6-7 of 'm. spirits and energy all through out the cemetary. i never caught such good pictures before. whenver i take pictures, sometimes i'll catch some orbs or something. orbs are white balls of light that show up on camera. sometimes they are visiable to the eye as well. these are spirits. just like the ghostly image i caught of a person standing next to his head stone at the cemetary. life after death? i feel sorry for anyone who says no. and doubly sorry for anyone who doesn't believe we are on this earth to LEARN and allow our soul and spirit to grow. here is the link to the pictures.... https://myspace.com/browser although the spirit by the head stone was a good one, that's not the one that leaves my curious. it's the last picture i took which had a white misty ring around a tree. above the mist, you can barely make out something that looks like someone that belongs on a totum pole. something sacred appeared and i don't know exactly what it is. only thing i can come up with is something sacred protecting the cemetary. i've never seen any picture like it, and i took it. a little bit freaky to me because i don't understand it fully yet(but i will in time) also, that last picture on myspace is also the last picture i was able to take before my camera went completely dead. that was strange too knowing what i took right when the camera went dead. so anyway, i wanted to share a tiny bit of my experience with you and to show one reason why i believe in life after death and the purpose behind it. those pictures were taken with a flash, and i set the camera to a very low shutter speed with an iso setting of 400 on my digital camera. they were taken in missouri, usa about 4 months ago welp, that's it for now. if you didn't enjoy my long winded post, i hope you take the time to go to my myspace and take a look at those pictures. i'm sure you will at least enjoy those
  22. unless things have changes, anyone can sign up for google adsense who has a website, or like you said, a blog. it's pretty much automatic and they DONT require any visitors to get approved and i will also have to question the person who said content. although good content is key for seo, you don't need seo for adsense.i remember when i first published my 1 page website. it was a nothing site, little content and ZERO visitors and i got accepted with a google adsnese account no problem.now the PROBLEM was, because i had very little content, some of the adsense ads didn't make sense for my site. once i started updating my site though with more content, adsense quickly adjusted their ads accordingly to suit my site better.has anyone been rejected for the google adsense program or something? i always thought it was pretty much automatic approval....
  23. well, all he was trying to say is to manually submit your website to search engines and directories as this is the best way to get listed on page one for your keywords(his opinion). he also noted google likes it done this way(his opinion). so that wraps up basically what he said in better english. what he said was half right. manual submissions are better than auto, but google prefers to find your site on it's own without manually submitting your site directly with google. also, manual submissions would only be good for the top15 or so directories and search engines as it would take forever to manually submit to all of them. somtimes you have to watch out when you optimise for manual submission. some directories don't auto submit your website and is done by hand by either a volunteer or employee. i've had my site description and title changed and i've had my submission moved to another subdirectory. it's a pain to get things changed too once your site is verified and entered in to the directory. so my point to the last paragraph is once you went to all the hard work to manually submit your site and it's verified and accepted(for those sites that manually verify by a human), go back and double check that it's now in the directory that you chose, and your title and description and keywords are in tact and it is just the way you submitted it without altercations. i know yahoo was known for changing crap around so always double check!
  24. delete the suspended address that your htaccess file points to. the htaccess file can be found in your public directory. just delete the suspended page.
  25. yes, remove it. that will most likely solve your problem. i have been following the suspended accounts closely and this usually solves the problem
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