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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. i believe it's 15 credits to change domain name and your right. if you do it the way you did it, you will lose all your traffic and visitors that would normally arrive from the various advertising sources of the past, nd lose your search engine rankings completly. you could have just added on the domain to your existing xxx.trap.com account. but i am going to do what you did. i have a new domain but i am not worried about losing visitors. i have none. i still say as long as the one website is established, to make a whole new one with the new domain with a slightly different design and content. you keep your visitors and you keep your rankings. also, if he doesn't plan on keeping his hosting account for trap, a redirect wont work after credits go to 0. so he would have to keep his hosting account either way to keep his visitors obviously 7,000 a day is friggin' a lot of visitors. did i read that correct? one of the more successful trap accounts i'm sure. hey lyon, start a new thread and tell everyone where you're getting your visitors, how long it took to get where you are, and what you did....when you have time ofcourse
  2. why can't you do a simple 301 redirect. i know you know how because i remember you posting about it a while back in another thread. changing domains is never that easy to keep your visotors or your search engine rankings(if worried about that too) 301 will let you keep your visitors bud and it's easy and most efficient. if you want to keep your rankings, that's a little harder.....or transfering your rankings. i would keep your old website for the current rankings for now and create a whole different website for your new domain name and then do the seo on that seperate one. create a link on your new website from your old one(should be a good incoming link to start with). eventually, you'll have the same pruducts, but with two different websites. you can then target more keywords and work on them both individually. the reason why i suggest this method is because your trap site is free. it's not like your switching domains because one is about to expire. you keep your old site and work a little harder on both sites. hope you understand what i am saying. maybe a bit confusing but again, if only worried about visitors, then use a 301 redirect bud. easiest and safest way to keep all your visitors hope this helps ya....hoping
  3. that's old school. i used to do that when submitting on the free classifieds sites when that was not considered spam by the search engines. this is my personal email account though and don't want to waste my time with it. any suggestions? i'm getting some business opps in there, but mainly it's sex sites or pay to sign up offers or just ads advertising their offline products. i've had this account for 20 years but it's just becoming unmanagable. i don't like my spam folder or the filter yahoo uses and it's hard to go through there and retrieve the emails i want to save. i don't want to read each friggin one and mark it as spam. why i asked if there was a way to do it in bulk
  4. well, it's not really a vent but it's not something i need help on either. i've just been feeling down on myself. i know i am not the easiest guy to get along with but my actions recently have been overboard. i've been trying to pinpoint where it's coming from. best answer i can think of is that Xisto makes my emotions scramble with all sorts of emotions that are sometimes hard to control. i take everything personal and i think i get too deep. i don't think i'm crazy, i think it comes from loving Xisto. the real world is embeded in it. happy, sad, angry, depressed and all sorts of emotions that can be read and disected differently depending on who reads the posts. i've come to love Xisto and it kills me knowing i have been wrong with my words recently. i'm a grown man and have tears in my eyes. i feel a little better for reasons i wont state but still feel bad knowing it doesn't fix the problem or how i have acted. to know me is to know i would give the shirt off my back for someone...i go out of my way to help people. but i realized my tone and words don't really help people much and have the opposite effect and just knowing this hurts me greatly inside. it's actually nothing personal towards anyone...but that is besides the point because it doesn't get interpreted that way. and it's my job if i am to write something, that it gets understood the RIGHT way. with respect for others and their opinions.thinking back before the www when there were only bbses, then irc came along, i saw alot of cruel people. i saw how they treated others and their excuse was that it wasn't the real world and anything is game. some peoples excuse was that combined with their thoughts that the internet was a place to vent and release all the negative inside them no matter who it hurt. i for one was an advocate for the people who were getting hurt. i argued with these people who were just plain WRONG! although i don't think i have taken it to that same level as i have witnessed over 20 years ago, but i did to a certain degree. i feel like a hypocrit in how i can feel one way in how the world should be and then i go off acting the way i do sometimes. i am not perfect, but it's just no excuse. but i know my errors and all i can do is try. usually people don't realize things about themselves sometimes and it takes others to help them realize if that person is open to understanding him/herself more. i try to incorportate this life philosophy in my own life to always keep improving myself to become a better person.although i know my wrongs, sometimes it's hard to take ones own advice. not because i don't want to. just because it's HARD sometimes and i thank a few people on trap in being patient with me when they didn't have to be. i don't need to name names since they probably know who they are. all i can say is i love the staff here. i know i am not that well known but i sure as heck don't want to be known as a prick or any other name that describes me better. you can think of one yourself, just keep it to yourself :Pwell, i am a little embarrased writing this....especially admitting the tears in my eyes. i just know i had to release what's inside me here and the only way i could do that was with sincerity and honesty.i just hope the people i have offended or disrespected or embarrased in anyway forgive me. i am deeply sorry and i will always try to improve how i write my posts here. maybe it's a good thing i feel this way. maybe it's a wakeup call and something good will come about it.ok...continue on to the other threads....i feel a little better now {TAKING DEEP BREATH} SIGH! THANKS FOR LISTENING> CRAP> HELD THE SHIFT KEY TOO LONG!
  5. there's a really good one out there. lemme see if i can find it and post the link here. it's VERY informative with advanced techniques. most everything you need is in there as long as you can understand the terms. i'll edit this post and put the link at the bottom to update you all so stay tuned.... ok. before i post the link, inside the ebook it thanks you for your purchse, but please note that this ebook was not for sale. all you had to do was fill out a form with your name, email address etc. i personally don't ever fill out forms with my email address so i just put fake information in the form. but if you want to be on a mailing list that may benefit you in the future, i highly recomend to fill in the correct data. after you submit the form, you will be taken to a page with the downlod link on it. it's in pdf form and an EXCELLENT ebook on seo. probably my favorite resource when i needed even more knowledge on seo than i already had. some great stuff in this ebook is all i can say. anyway, here it is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ enjoy.....post your review of the ebook here
  6. i know. and again i am sorry. buffalo help was already been on top of this. i would have appreciated this in private chat, but i am requesting both my posts to be deleted. don't want any trouble over it
  7. naw, not a twat haha you move up the ladder in learning experiences. there's a term called "old soul" which is a soul that is high in the learning experienc dept. and has had many lifetimes. as you move up from the small learning experiences in previous lifetime your experiences in other lifetimes get harder. you are never born to live a life you are unable to handle. the more experiences, the stronger you become. although i know there is life after death, as far as how quickly you get reborn is still a question in my head. i tend to believe one stays in a limbo state in the after life until one is ready to be reborn. i don't believe in heaven or hell except what you have created for yourself in your past lifetimes
  8. take your time. no rush. i expect some good things outta you actually, waiting for my free domain from trap to come in so i can start working on my site again where i can advertise it finally....after i complete that site, i might have another internet business site for ya that has me stumped for any logo or banner at the top. do you plan on doing templates or just logos and banners? my other website would be an internet marketing website.... also, if i like your work and you plan on charging eventually, then maybe we can trade services. i'm good at marketing on the net and seo if you plan on having a website....then, you can ad your own site to your portfolio too
  9. well since it's for your portfolio and all go here wildcat-exotics.trap17.com/ and see what you can add or replace to make it better. i'm going to be working on this site again soon and know i wanted to probably eventually change the couple banner graphics. but if you can come up with a logo for wildcat exotics, that would be great, and anything else. after you're done, i'll take a look at it and see what i think. i wont give you any suggestions or the thoughts i had in mind since your job would be to be creative anyway....so i think it will give yea some practice....and if put your time in it, can be added to your portfolio. i don't advertise this site yet because it's not done and i don't want it listed. why i didn't put the http in front of my address. google will snap it up quickly on trap but i would really like a logo and some sort of graphic banner floating on the top and/or anything that would look good {appended message} btw- wildcat exotics is an exotic pets business that will be located in warsaw missouri. now that i have gotten wildcat oasis off the ground(my little cafe/hamburger joint) i want to get wildcat exotics off the ground. my main business will be buying pets wholesale, selling retail.....on the net and off the net locally. "wildcat" comes from the school name "warsaw wildcats" in this small town and this name is known here. why i chose it in both my businesses. "exotics" is what i will be dealing it...specifically exotic pets. i wanted to give you a break down and clarify so it's more helpfull to you in what direction you think is best. also, a small tip since you will be dealing with colors and banners and graphics in your future projects(and hopefully get paid eventually too). do some searches on the psychology of colors and banner or logo placements. it's very interesting the psychology behind it and what is more clearly visable to the subconscious even depending on the theme of the website sometimes. it will help your eventual business projects not a lot of people know the psychology or willing to take the time to learn it and it's important so i don't know why they don't i also plan to redo some of the website so if i like your work, i will be building it around it. BUT! i prefer the name and description of the site("wildcat exotics - your exotic pets resource") to be in text. not graphics. because of some seo issues. i may modify it around your design(if your up for the task) but wont delete it and i don't want it duplicated. anyway, lemme know if you are up for the task. and if you have any questions, lemme know. you wanted a real business, well....you got one. good luck
  10. exactly. and that is the way i like to do it in case of an emergency arises and i can't log in or i forget to log in or i want to concentrate on something else without worrying about posting. i always leave myself a comfort zone. also, it's harder to earn credits once your hosted and the more credits you have after hosting, it's harder to gain credits as well for example, if you post a 20 line post when you have 10 credits already, you'll get more credits for that post than if you posted that same post with 100 credits. so people need to know this too to take that in to account. it's a give and take decision. saving up credits and not saving up credits have their advantages and disadvantages. i only know this because i've posted enough to recognize a little bit how it has affected my own credit account. note: aside from free hosting with credits, you can also get a free .com domain for a year with credits.
  11. i don't know....isn't that strange garden? anyway, haha i hate when i do that. it's just alot easier than saying "him or her". sometimes i will put that is, i just wasn't thinking. the name tells me your a girl and if you're a guy....dang...shoot me haha i don't think a guy would choose garden in their name. but anyway. good question. why do we refer to god as HE? forget it....i'm off topic now. anyway, sorry 'bout that. please accept my appologies
  12. yup! he should have read my original post right above his. i knew people get confused on that issue. why i posted it
  13. well, you have my support. very well done and even including links to all your recomended sites and the faces to add to your review. keep up the good work becasue i will be looking forward to reading more on this thread. i might even experiment with the links you posted and input my opinion after i read some more updates don't let this thread die. you're doing a great job and very usefull and helpfull for all those seeking to build their own site that don't have the money to pay for software or scripts and resources
  14. nice poem i respect it bud but i hve to disagree with the direct meaning behind it. the indirect meaning will probably never be known except by you. which is ok. i say nice poem because it reminds me of one i wrote in my mid 20's "never ending re-run". i have learned a lot about life since then and my views have changed dramatically. some things i know for a fact, such as life after death. there is no other way to explain what i have personally experienced. i was once the most skeptical person one can know. why i never really believed in "god". because i am still skeptical. and although i hold no proof of a higher power, i believe in one wether it's "god" or some other higher power or powers. but life after death is a fact. no doubt in my mind and based not on faith, but my own experiences. but i refrain to talk about them most of the time because one excuse people can have is to just chalk it down that i'm crazy i know this post holds no meaning to you. your most did me though because i could relate to it and my thinking in my mid 20's. your thoughts actually take a way a lot of the good that is in our lives and what is in our souls. why we are meant to experience things. it's not your time yet, but it will be one day i have faith actually, i do agree with you that our bodies die and will rot like you said but there is more to us than our bodies that are used as hosts for our soul and spirit...
  15. and to add to what has already been posted, it is at LEAST 30 credits. it will cost you all your credits that you have accumulated(Even over 30) except for the 3-4 credits they leave for you. your credits will dop to 3-4 credits which equals 3-4 days of hosting. then, you will need to post to gain more hosting days. if you accumulate 365 credits, that is worth 1 year of hosting. so basicall, the 30+ credits is for your hosting account to be set up. after that, you pay for it by posting quality posts(not one liners as stated in the tos) hope this helps you understand further. it's a great site for free hosting. you can always purchase credits or upgrade to paid hosting through Xisto - Web Hosting if posting isn't for you.
  16. well, i have been going on that site regulary now. i told my wife about it and i guess she thought this site was based on a great idea too since she's on there more than i am now. i'm happy to know that and the fact i am indirectly helping others by spreading the word. my efforts are good, but if i spread the word more, that can really add up to a lot of grains of rice.again, i encourage everyone to not just go to that site yourself, but to spread the word. according to the faq on that site, 25,000 people die of hunger every day. i live in the united states and most people here take food for granted as it's available everywhere....even for the homeless.
  17. i've used a couple of the rebel cameras and i thought they were GREAT. they take GREAT pictures at a very affordable cost. i will always recomend the rebel for the beginner and intermediate photographers out there. i was a little weary in how they were made though because compared to other cameras, they are as light as a feather and i was always afraid of breaking the camera if i set it down too hard or god forbid if i dropped it. but that was my own insecurity so switched to another stcuk with another cannon model....then later switched to nikon(which certain n series models are great and recomend highly) but the rebel is unbeatable in price and takes quality pictures that can be compared to the pictures taken from cameras twice as expensive. great for the bigninner because the price can't get any better and you have all the features you will ever need as a beginner and even an intermediate picture taker
  18. now THIS is the thread that opinios are great....even when people are in disagreement and i am in disagrement with you except when you talked about trying to put an end to microsoft's evil regime i loved microsoft back in the day. they created a great operating system and created great programs. problem i have with them today is everything microsoft does now is dependant on what they've done in the past. also, they are are thieves. they buy out the smaller companies that might give them competition in the future or companies that have something they want and when they buy people off, they take the credit. microsoft has gotten way too big and they are a force to be reckoned with now. this is why they find themselves in court all the time because the u.s. government has stepped in. google on the other hand is a reletively new company and hasn't really dominated any one area except for their search engine. they are even in the midst of losing their copywrited name since we are turning their company name in to a word in the english language. google is too new to be too big bud i am happy with google right now because they are offering things that no other company has offered in the past. i love new technology that benefits society in general. i don't like the misuse of it like microsoft has done. this is why i am a firm believer in open source. yes, google put ads on their search results. i didn't like that either BUT if i have to accept them just so google gets paid for all their wonderfull efforts and hard work then so be it. it was also genious of them to start that trend. google adwords was great for small businesses so they could compete even further with the big boys. yahoo hides their paid ads. did you know that? they trick you in to thinking it is part of your search result. google doesn't do this. google is #1, they are not too big, since how can they be when they are a relatively new company? and they continue to offer great services. i hope to god that they never take advantage like microsoft has to where i eventually hate google. i hope that never happens. also, btw, yahoo isn't a search engine. yahoo is a directory like dmoz. GOOGLE is a search engine why do people not know this yet? yahoo's search results are mostly dependant on other results of other companies.
  19. stop defending what you think you know about seo. it's obvious you know nothing about it. i do it as a hobby and i am very good at it. i have helped other people do it for free and have succeeded in EVERY case so i know exactly what i am talking about. it's not about how i feel about it or the same way you do. it's about what i know in how you are 100% WRONG in what you posted your advice might have worked 6 years ago, but times have changed and your information is 100% outdated when someone wants people they don't know to find his site, seo is VERY important so you were wrong in saying it isn't. and don't be fooled. i didn't agree with any part of your post. NONE. i simply stated some search engines give a higher relevency to metatags than others but metatags don't dictate wether your site will be listed or not and meta tags FAR from define your site. THAT IS FALSE FALSE FALSE! i recently helped someone on Xisto with some seo. some of his keywords had nothing to do with his site or content and didn't define his site at ALL so you are WRONG again. what defines your site is your actual site content. google realized this and placed less emphasis on meta tags and more emphasis on site content and how other webmaster view your site in wether they like it enough to link to you. as far as an "seo serviceman", i am an expert in this area. i can charge 100'S of dollars for my knowledge on this subject. i know it because i researched it extensively and i've done it and came up with my own system for seo....the advanced techniques i keep to myself so my competitors don't see it in any of my posts. you on the other hand have NEVER done it. i can tell. i can also tell you have never researched it. you just heard rumors. that's it. so you say it's just your opinion? well, i am telling you that you better know the FACTS before you ever state your opinion on seo or i will have a response to it i follow the seo threads and the making money threads closely because flase information could lead to the demise of someone who puts a good effort in taking the advice from someone who doesn't know what they're talking about. they will eventiually fail and i feel obligated to step in. you call what i said an opinion.....no no no hahaha what i said is FACT and it's based on months and months of research and hands on experience my boy. i will only state facts here. if i doubt, i usually always remember to state that it's my opinion only seo is an art and there are rules to this art. if you follow them, your chances of success is higher than if you don't. you don't know the rules so your opinion right now is irrelevant in leading someone with false information my posts sometimes come off the wrong way. sometimes people feel i am downing them when actually i am just making a strong point because it's needed. i feel it's needed here because i don't people wasting their time taking your advice and opinions. i know better. if you don't believe i am an expert in seo, why don't you ask me questions about it. i'll teach you things you never heard of before....EVER! try me maybe you'll learn something so the next time you give someone advice, it will be correct
  20. well i thought this topic was funny....especially the voting option. why? because i am curious and an adventurer by nature. i explore hoping i'll get lost just so i can try to find my way back. i love to experience to things and new places. if i were to visit outer space, i doubt i would ever return. i would be lost forever out there. it intrigues me though so is my exploration knowledge worth my life? i doubt it in this lifetime. too much good for me to do here on earth to be selfish and satisfy my curiosity on just one area of space. i'm still undecided though because sometimes my curiosity gets the best of me
  21. WRONG WRONG WRONG!!! everyone please ignore the post above. this person knows nothing about how search engines work. it is in fact a very well and known fact that sites get listed all the time without any metatags whatsoever! i've personally seen #1 placements in google for good competitive keywords that had no metatags! you also stated you don't care to much for seo and the only important thing is to get your site known to visitors. what do you think SEO is? well i will tell you. it is to get your site and url known to others haha now here is a fact about search engines. google ranks #1 among all searches. 50% of the world uses google to search so the best seo advice is to optimise your site with what google looks for to place your site as far to the top as possible. now here is a fact about google and metatags. google has been the front runner in searches and continuosly changes their algorythms. it's a fact that google now places very LITTLE emphasis on metatags. in fact, there is a debate going right now if they take metatags in to account at all. i think they do, but it wont determine much in your seo efforts. knowing this now, know THIS! google puts emphasis on CONTENT. content is the information you put on your web pages. it all has to be relevant and unique. this it what google likes. google also likes other web pages to link to yours. webpages that has similar content to yours(but not the same content) granted, on other search engines, they take metatags very serious. heck, some look so closely at your tags that they will reject your website if you don't follow metatag rules......like no caps in the title. BUT! you can still be listed without metatags so that is very false information there. now, unlike what you said, seo is VERY important. as important as any other technique you use to let people know your website exsits. unlike field of dreams, if you build it, it doesn't necessarily mean that they will come. the work in a website doesn't stop when you build it. it's work just to get your first 100 visitors. to the original poster of this thread....this topic has been talked about alot on Xisto. do a search and you will find some answers. i have written pages about sea and the best techniques. go find the threads. they are out there. the answers can also be found by searching google for "seo techniques" etc... that's how i learned. i visited hundreds of sites to gather the best methods. i did my due diligence. you do it too and i wish you success with it. there is alot of good information out there unfortunately the above poster doesn't feel seo is important and evidently has never searched google to visit the site that optimized for google just so he could find their site
  22. i agree totally with truefusion on this one. i am about to quit on this subject because no matter what anyone says, you will make the choice to do things to be close to her and not her close to her boyfriend. it's sad to me that there are people out there that think it's ok to do that KNOWING the possible consequences. fact is bud, you are acting on selfish acts and selfish thoughts. yea, she is supposed to have a brain too so it's not all you. that's why i ststed you two are probably good for eachother when you both take relationships as something as sacred.....like a marriage. you two have no understanding of what a commitment isif it makes you feel any better, keep doing what you're doing. her boyfriend will probably not always put up with it causing the relationship to end and then you two cn live happily ever after. in fact, heck....if she can act this way toward you when she is already in a relationship, i hope you get that exact same treatment when YOU are with her. then you can relate to her current boyfriend.well this advice is a lost cause. i feel it strongly. some people need to learn by experiencing their own mistakes. rather than just listening to someone who knows better. remember though bud....emotions have no brains. be a man and don't allow your emotions to think for you. that's what women do more often than not use your brain and know what is right. turn it around and ask yourself if you would like it if it was your woman that was with another guy that on the surface seemed innocent....but you already know what's in your thoughts. what if it was in the thoughts have the man that was with your women??? would you like it?do what you want, but don't come back here saying true fusion told ya so or i told you so. i personally don't want to hear it. truefusion knows what he's talking about and already knows he's right. i'm so full of myself, i know *I* am right.....so keep it to yourself when you get burned in the future if you keep making excuses why you are doing nothing wrong.now's the time to change your choices and situation because if it continues in to something more, then you really WILL be scum and if that's how you want to be seen by people, then by all means....i open the door for you to enter on the same path as all the other scum out there....and obviouly your not going to understand this other guy and you're going to down him and also go so far to say she deserve you more......hahaha what a joke use some common sense and stop acting like a child. be a man and stand up for what is right and for something you wouldn't want done to your own self....take my advice for what it's worth and do with it as you please
  23. wow. sad case there. i read the fox article that was posted. i didn't hear about it until now. as cruel as it is, i could see a kid pulling a prank like this but not an adult. then there were 3 people who had access to the fake myspace account?i don't know what to say here. i am at a loss for words. my heart goes out to the parents who evidently are getting a divorce after all this happened! and this girl who felt so insecure and ashamed of herself. crap other people put in her head.boy, these three people who had access to this acount were all acountable to this death but i don't think i would consider it murder as you will have to substantiate intent with murder and i see none. i don't think anyone could have assumed she would kill herself or they wouldn't have gone that far in what they did. can't be manslaughter. harrassment is understating this case.wether they meant to or not, they emotionally abused this girl and changed her mindset in to thinking she had to kill herself. as far as the law is concerned, every state is different. i'm dumbfounded in what these three people can be charged with. a civil suit would be easy. as far as criminally, these people pretended to be someone they were not. they lied, decieved, and scammed this girl. they built trust just to hurt her intentionally. with that in mind, there has to be a law to protect people like this or it will give everyone an excuse to abuse people online only to get away with it. *BLEEP*! sorry....but it's *BLEEP*! that's the only word that describes it! the police aren't the ones who ultimately makes the decision to prosecute it will be the district attorney and if that scumbad can't find a way to prosecute these scumbags then i feel sorry for the people that have to live in that state and the people who live in that community where these crimes occured.emotionally unstable already?!? SO WHAT! everyone is emotionaly unstable at one point in their life or another. life ain't peaches and cream all the time and it's tough....even for people without disabilites. these people drove her over the edge....PERIOD! man....i tried to tell myself i wouldn't get emotional thinking about this and writing about it.....jeeeez!even though the law wont consider these people murderers, and i don't think i can even go that far it to saying that, these 3 people should definately be held accountable for this childs death. it's obvious they were directly involved in it wether they had intent or not. they killed this girl by tearing down her emotional stability....wow....they were even smart to tear it down so much that that they didn't even have to touch her to kill her. well, i don't care if this girl was the devil in disguise and she WAS mean to her friends(the f'd up excuse to emotionally kill this child inside). nobody deserves that crap. and three people were involved in this childs demise??? it took 3 people?!?!?!?!? talk about a tag team effort to constantly harrass....then when the girl got disturbed and acting out to defend herself, she got punished by her parents before they knew what was going on. how SAD nobody was there for her :D :Di don't normally try to think about situations i cannot change because there is too much out there that i CAN change and i would rather put my efforts in to THAT but this situation seemed so odd to me and what strikes out at me right now is the parentsmy thoughts are strongly with the parents right now and i know the possibilites of them reading what i am about to say is slim, but this goes out to them just in case and i hope my strong thoughts will draw them both to read what i am about to say right now.i know it's a tradgedy and i know these people deserve more than just a broken foozball table. it was a conspiracy that ended a life. don't let it end a marriage. a marriage is a commitment and a death in the family and the consequences of a death does not dicate why you got married and the love you had and have for eachother. it's inside you both wether you both see it right now or not. now is the time to be strong and to create massive awareness. this story an old one but i am just hearing about it now! being strong right now is important to create this awareness and this type of thing cannot be slid under the carpet. the the BEST way to create awareness and prevent this happening to another child is to fight this together and let your love dictate your strength and impact that you potentionally have on the american public....especially other parents who love their children as much as you loved your child. to break ties is to do your daughter an injustice. she was treated unfairly. DO NOT let that allow you two to treat eachother unfairly! don't let this situation to end both your lives as well. i know life will never be the same but when is it ever the same for anyone? life always changes....for the better and for the worse and you two committed to eachother for better and worse. that at least has to mean something in such a messed up situation such as this. stick together.....please......i beg.....and i hope this gets read by the right eyes. my thoughts will be strong for this to happen. something positive needs to happen in such a devestating situation. the answers will come for you two. you just have to stick it out through the devestating times and allow the time. the answers will come in how you are able to deal with this situation and what good can come about it. i am soooo sooo sorry and my heart goes out to you both.
  24. well i didn't call ya scum bud because i don't know the situation fully. maybe her boyfriend is no good for her and maybe that's why he wasn't sharing his time with her that whole night. who knows. but i do know where things can lead and if you ever watched the jerry springer show, you will know what i mean. it's drama packed. i didn't conclude you were stealing another persons woman, but i can see it leading there quick if you like her that way. if you ever do, i wouldn't be braggin' about it here though or anywhere else. putting head on pillow is innocent but with wrong intentions. allowing it is innocent since you don't want to be rude either, but not if there are wrong hidden intentions. sounds to me you are borderline here in your intentions because you got jealous when your buddy put his foot in the way.
  25. man...is this a homework assignment or somethin'? the answer can be found here.... http://mathforum.org/dr.math/faq/faq.0factorial.html from your example, it explains to work backwards, not forwards so when working backwords, you have to divide, not multiply. you already defined 4!=24 , 3!=6 , 2! = 2 and 1! = 1 going backwards, you will see that 3!=4!(24 remember)/4 =6 , 2!=3!(6 remember)/3=2 , 1!=2!/2=1 so what do you think 0! is now? well, 0! would equal 1!/1. since 1!=1, 1/1 is 1 and that is what 0! equals. ONE!
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