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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. hmmm i never heard of that. i know from personal experience that if you don't log in over a year, your account is still active. but i was still running ads on a website at the time so maybe if anyone clicking on an ad will trigger activity. how long was it since you tried to log in and did you have a website running adsense ads during that time? also, are you sure you have your user name and passowrd correct? i don't know exactly what you mean by "it doesn't work". is it that you can't log on or is it that you can log in but can't do anything once logged in. some sites, if they think there is an assumed security threat, they will suspend accounts until they can veryify who you are then allow you to change your password. and your account is reactivated to normal status.
  2. i know it must be frustrating you right now but you nee to relax. consider paid hosting if you're getting 3k visitors a day. i know this doesn't fix your problem right now but i highly recomend it with that many visitors coming to your site. get your site set up the right way the first time so you don't end up with the same problems in the future. well worth your time bud. check out Xisto - Web Hosting.com for the 2.95 package per month. will give you everything you need and more right now.with your redirect problem, why do you want to rename your folder in the first place? because you're using wordpress now? i would just leave it as "blog". if you are going to change the folder name then change it to what your blog is about. but i would highly recomend you not using a redirect right now. at least until you consider paid hosting.
  3. i just did give an example. it was a good tutorial. i suggest following it and then you will see first hand what he's talking about. in google, there are two different code. one for the search page(the page where you will input your search terms) and the results page(the page after you click the search button, it has to give you results, right? well, that is the results page. look at any serch engine page. you have the main page where you will enter your keywords to search for and then after you click to search, you are taken to a different page to list you the results you requested. the reason this tutorial is handy is because the regular google search bar will take you off your website. his tutorial is how you would go about setting up a search pages that wont direct your visitors to another website. you keep your template and links. it's very handy and i think since it's adsense, you can keep earning money from the clicks since the visitors aren't redirected. i haven't tried this servie from google yet but i may think about it after i get my business website up and running just to see exactly how usefull it is.
  4. well i think you BOTH did an excellent job writing your code. i've researched and it's the best i've seen off a simple google search. unfortunately, both still have holes and the code will be outdated sometime next year.i think truefusion is talking about something innovative though. this is what someone needs to create so it will last a couple years with no spam. and if something like what truefusion or my idea(similar concept) can be done, i just don't see any bot capturing any email addresses anytime soon. how could they?problem here is that spam bots are ahead of their time and there is a lot of money to be made with spam bots. unfortunately there isn't alot of money to be made creating a wall for the bots.....at least not until now since an early stage concept to deter bots and how they collect email addresses.i still think you two should be selling your script in an ebook or off clickbank or something similar. at least have it pay for your time because both scripts were excellent for what they can do right NOW and i haven't seen any similar code written....at least with my google searches....and both your webpages never did come up in any of my searches either.i like free scripts and all which go along the same lines as open source, but by selling scripts like this, it could create a trend and more demand for something that will work better in the future. since i am now on the beginning stages of my business website, i will always be searching for that perfect code. until then, i will have to decide which script i i wish to use between the two of ya. yours was simpler to understand for me. i am still trying to decipher part of haslips code. also, in the beginning of his code, it says it doesn't verify if the email address is valid but at the end of the html document, it seems like it does.has anyone set up a test email on a webpage to see if the bots are capturing after doing some seo and submitting to the search engines and posting the web page to a few high profile forums? i'd be interested in some results of someone wants to test it.anyway, i think you both did an awesome job from what i could see and it's not a matter of which is better because both have their pros and cons
  5. well if you are using up that much bandwidth, then the money you make off ads should pay for a new hosting account with much higher bandwidth. if not, then even doubling the bandwidth wont do you much good and in my opinion, you are running too many resources and downloads on your site. a website should at LEAST pay for itself and if it's a personal site, then obviously you wouldn't use up 1 gig bandwidth.so in my opinion 1 gig is alot of bandwidth for a personal site. if using more, then it shouldn't be considered a personal site anymore and should consider running ads to support better hosting through Xisto - Web Hosting. like someone mentioned earlier, you get 25 gig bandwidth for less than 3 dollars a month which equals less than 36 dollars a year. i can make that up in ads with my eyes shut.check out Xisto - Web Hosting.com for some nice options to fit your needs
  6. i just double checked it and works perfectly. thanks!
  7. the original poster was talking about the 01 games. for two player, 301 or 501 are the most popular. let's set the example for a 301 game. instead of starting with 0 points, you start with 301 points. the object is to get to 0. bulls eyes are worth 50 points(unless spit then double bull(center of bullseye) is worth 50 and single bull(bullseye but not in the center) is worth 25). you get the most points for hitting the triple 20 which is worth 60 points. you get to throw 3 darts per round. the original poster was also talking about a double out game which means you have to hit any double# to win the game. if you have 32 points left, you would have to hit a double 16 to win. if you missed and hit an 8, then you are left with 24 points and would have to hit a double 12 to win the game. now the joke here is this. we will set the example of you and i playing. we take turns each round. after you shoot your darts in every round, i will double your score. if you hit a 20, a bullseye(worth 50 points), and a 4, then you scored 74 points. BUT! we have agreed that i will double every score you get so your actual score for that round is 74 times 2 which is 148. let's say that was your score after the first round and you hit the same exact score for the second round for a total of 296. you will have 5 more points to get in the next round but remember.....you have to double out. question for you is to figure out how you will double out to win. you would think you could hit a 1 and then a double 2, or a 3 and a double 1, but that isn't correct because i am doubling your score for every dart. if you hit a 1, i give you 2 point so your left with 3. the scam is that if i double your score for every dart, the sum will always be an even #. it will NEVER be an odd #. an odd# times 2 will always be even. an even# times 2 will always be even. so how can you ever win a game with an odd# like 301 or 501? impossible check your dart board and see how many points you get for each double out# 1-20. they will all add up to an even #. your out(the score your left with each round) will always be an odd #. check our example. you start with 301. you scored 74 points which i doubled for a total of 148 point for round one. you minus that from 301 which will leave you a 153 score. your second round you got 74 again which i doubled for a total of 148. so we deduct 148 from 153 to get 5. you can't take that # out when since any double out # will be an even #. play with all the different outs and scores you could get. all of them will be impossible to take out and win the game if i double your score per dart.
  8. haha i appreciated this one since i used to play darts all the time....used to go to reno and vegas for world championships every year when i lived in california.problem is that i am a soft tip player this trick will only work on steel tip since you keep score manually.that's funny though. never heard of that bar trick. i will keep that in mind....hahaha thanks for making me laugh
  9. yea, it's definately slow right now. no business at all today due to an ice storm. i took a couple pictures off my porch today and my wife submitted them to our local news station and they aired them i got a kick out of that. the exotic pets business will be out of our home too. we will be selling birds(mainly parrots) and reptiles(snakes, lizards, etc...) and then we will be breeding dogs eventually. i am going to be working on a website for it soon and have it as an offline and online business. we will be shipping our pets to the loving homes of their new owners. my wife and i have continued our extensive research where to buy these animals where we can turn around and sell them for a profit. right now we only have 5 cockatiels and just plan to slowly expand. i want to get some ball pythons next but this will be a project over the next 3 months to set up. it's hard to budget for everything too but i'm good at that(even though my wife doesn't like that side of me:)) i LOVE animals and they all will recieve the love and attention they deserve until i find good homes for them. so basically, my wife and i are incorporating what we like to do as a business to make extra income right now...although it's very hard to start up these things, it's been rewarding and fun.
  10. wow. good for you. making movies is fun. my best friend for years was a rtvf major at usc and helped him with several movies but none of them were digital. we always rented the equipment. i would get your feet wet with tape though rather than digital and learning software on top of everything else. i know you would be able to do retakes and edit directly from the camera for most of your stuff, but if you are practicing to get in the industry one day or prepare you for classes in the future, i wouldn't go digital bud any digital equipment wether you buy or rent will be more expensive and the quality isn't as good....but you probably aren't concerned with that your first time around with this project. i'll keep an eye out for anything that might be helpfull for ya. it will be an experience and it will be fun if you and your friends are creative
  11. well that's hapy and sad at the same time...i feel for ya bud....and respect ya. you handled it good. i know i was against the hug thing but respect that you gave it a shot as a friend only. let you in on a seret though. all women are hug people sm is right. she handled it good by respecting the both of you. she just didn't want to lead you on, still a little uncomfortable and it will take time to build a friendship trust which i know is what you will be shooting for now. so be patient and be yourself most important and respect her feelings, what she told you, and what she defined for you to respect. had to be hard bud....but you did it. proud of ya. you both sound like good people to me and i'm glad it all worked out positive. maybe not PERFECT in what you wanted, but positive.i'm glad sm took an interest in this so you didn't just here from me one sided opinion. and glad we could be here for ya. keep us updated from time to time. i feel like i know you both haha
  12. i think it's msart to keep your trap site and visitors and rankings. you could always still do the 301 redirct but this way is better. also. a suggestion. i am assuming you are getting the high rankings in google which means you probably don't have as high ranking in the other search engines. i would suggest to optimize for the other engines with your new domain name. then you would really get the best of both worlds. remember also not to copy the same content. both sites would need to be different or google will penalize ya. so you do it this way then it wouldn't be considered spamming either. as far as adsense, good idea to create another acount. don't let your friends or you keep clicking on the links which may not be the reason you got bonned, but most probable according to what usually is the case with banned users. your figures are about right. i averaged $1 for every 100 visitors. so with your figures, you'd be losing $70 a day. there are also a couple other good ad programs that are out there. don't believe that adsense is the best. and since you will have two sites, you will be able to test your market better. one last thing bud. since you advertised on a major forum how you have little competition with your rankings, you will have some now. i would suggest editing your post nd getting rid of your link and any mention of your F C's and consider this thread closed just so nobody tries to compete with you now that you advertised your info to the whole world. believe me. the net is full of scabs ready to steal ideas and work hard in less competitive markets just to make a few bucks. you would be wise to edit your post as suggested good luck to ya. update us about your progress with your sites in another thread and let us know how you created a great success with your Xisto website obviously if you have high ranking in google, you have a bunch of incoming links and great original content.
  13. this is the message i recieve..."The e-mail account xxxxxxxx@ wildcatexotics.com with the loginSorry, you have exceeded the maximum allowed email accounts. and password xxxxxxxx with a quota of unlimited megabytes was successfully created."can an admin please help me with this issue?
  14. ok. i finally gave in to read this thread. i saw it several times and thought hmmm....someone lost theier corn? did Xisto get a farmer in here? what the heck. ok. now i know nice story btw. i don't think i knew ya but welcome back....you have an odd sense of humor there......i like it! hahaha
  15. you do that because it's obviously your plan. but just remember. she is right. it is inappropriate and if you want to sneak a hug, it's doubly inappropriate after she talked to you to clarify things. i dunno how well you know this girl, but even a simple hug is a sexual act where the law is concerned(especially in the work place so you are border line on sexual misconduct and can have negative consequences to your actions.sorry bud. you can't be friends with someone you love and who has rejected that love. you will always want more despite what you say about being ok just as friends. you wouldn't make comments like "sneak a hug" because a hug to a friend is a given. that statement shows you still want more and that action states you still want more after she said acting on it is inappropriate.she tried to be nice in letting you down easy, but she just defined your relationship so don't go disrespecting the friendship.and even if it's a friendly hug. if it makes her in the LEAST uncomfortable, then you are plain WRONG. how would it make her uncomfortable? she has to trust you and trust that you mean what you say about a friendship and that you aren't still hanging around her or talking to her or hugging her because you love her. that will confuse her in my opinion and probably make her uncomfortable....even as a friend where you two have opened up the doors of communication. now it's time to build trust without making eachother uncomfortable. you obviously don't have the friendship yet where you can tell her everything or you wouldn't have to ask her; friendships take a lot of time to build....so remember that.how are you even going to know the difference between your actions of love and friendship? how is SHE going to know? man.....you two have a lot of work to do if you two are going to build a strong friendship. it doesn't happen over night so don't sneak a hug or a kiss or a pat on her butt. keep it non physical.i think you know exactly what you're doing and i think you know exactly how you feel about her as more than a friend and that feeling will interfere with your friendship. mark my words. you do your plan, but know that you are walking on thin ice right now....you were trained to be a police officer so at least you should know that ANY physical contact can be illegal in the workplace. and a hug....forget about it...that can be sexual harrassment and even if she doesn't say anything, your boss or someone else can see it and you two can be fired depending on company policy. be carefull because those are some serious issues that doesn't take lightly and i know there are laws for a reason.i hope you reconsider your plan.now my suggestion is don't define your friendship at the workplace. if you two want to be friends, then she will agree to do something with you outside of work. at work, it should be strictly work. now if she doesn't want to do anything with you outside of work, what she is saying is she doesn't want to be close friends at all but she enjoys your company and seeing ya when you two work together. man....i can't stress everything i said enough. i hope you understand the seriousness of the issues here and what she told you and what your plan is and how you two will have to work together if everything blows up in both your faces. you continue to be responsible and don't let your emotions dictate your decision making bud. i am trying to say this as friendly and firm as possible because i care about what you are going through and your feelings and hers as well....and her husbands and her kids etc....you got me involved to care. anyway. just be careful bud. i know i rambled a little trying to stress some points....i will ask my mom to ask my sister if she knows that place i talk to my mom alot more than my sister and my mom talks to her all the time. that would be freaky if she knows the place. i will have to tell her to go down there and scope things out hahaha and keep you two in line....and she can do it too. she was in law enforcemnent a federal agent. she went from that to changing diapers for a living. go figure.
  16. wow. things have changed obviously. also.....what a coincidence. my sis lives there. i've never been there yet but i heard it's pretty up there. don't you have to take a ferry to get anywhere? she's also married. you're not trying to get in my sister's pants are you?!? haha j/k can't be the same since i don't believe my sister works and she's older than 30 and their two kids are older than 2 and 9. well that's a coincidence though. maybe you met my family when they went shopping hahaha. i heard it's a really close nit community and most of the people are very friendly. you ought to travel to seatle more often. i hear there are TONS of women there to choose from. and that was a joke and not a joke at the same time. i think nol said it best. there are other women with a lot of the same qualities you are looking for. obviously this situation isn't going to change anytime soon and you need to take your mind off it so go join a bowling league or go somewhere as simple as the library or church to meet someone or to just test the waters. if you're in college, that's a great place. you need to get your mind off her bud. and if you want to be a cop, then i hear women will sometimes take their clothes off for ya just to get out of a parking ticket i was going to make a career out of law enforcement at one time to protect and serve and to give back to my country and community but then realized i would be enforcing some laws i don't believe in so i scratched that idea. i decided to help others in other ways. but although the first line of the paragraph was obviously a joke, it has some truth in it. good place to meet women on the job as long as you can still do your job properly. but would have to stay away from the domestic violence women. they need help. not a date. but get out there and explore. it's a big world out there. if ya don't meet women, make some friends and stay busy. this whole drama crap is going to make you less productive. you can't let it do that. so you went from wanting to be a cop to bagging grocieries?
  17. Well, I always wanted to own a little place of my own where people can come in and chat, eat and relax. I just opened up a little place here where i live(warsaw,mo) that i have names Wildcat Oasis. My wife and i spent a lot of time and hard work to get this place ready. we actually made our living room in to a little cafe it's homey and have already recieved compliments from the few people who have visited so far. i wanted to keep it small. we serve hamburgers, hotdogs, shakes, floats, etc. this town needed a better hamburger than mcdonalds or sonics or these other little cafes. i am proud to know mine is the best we stuck in a mega touch and 3 other video games for the kids who have nothing to do on this side of town and we've already had several come in and try to beat the high scores for a prize we will always be giving away once a month.it's been tough with money and getting it started but we finally managed. our hours are from about 6am - 2am until i get a feel for when people will usually come in. after i do, the hours will probably change and i want to close up 1 day of the week so my wife and i can do something other than they avery day life of opening and closing. i work from about 12 noon til close. she opens and works until i get up.....whenever that is sometimes i stay up too late and post crap like i am doing now...and i eventually want to start on finishing my exoticspets website.....i can't wait til i can advertise it here and other places. that's the fun part to see the results of your efforts after most of the harder work is done.well, business has been slow. we opened friday of last week so we've been open exactly 8 days(i need to close here in 10 minutes) but i would rather have it slow at first so my wife and i can get our feet wet until we get used to things here. i do get a kick at the old timers here who just come in for coffee and gossip. we also have a joke of the day board where people can come in and post their joke. if it makes us laugh, they get a free cup of coffee or soda i am looking at it from across the room now and we have about 6 jokes up there. someone came in today and started reading the jokes and i told him i forgot to post up a mirror for him to look at the funniest joke....dunno if that went over well....but he took it like a man hahamy best times here so far is when the kids come in. i love kids and they have nothing to do and when this happens, usually they get in to trouble so i would rather have them here than on the street getting in to trouble because they are bored. had some good conversations with them so far. i want to build some trust with them so eventually i can guide them in the right direction without them feeling i am their parents i get a kick out of them...especially one in particular who comes in every day RIGHT AFTER SCHOOL to check to see if his high score still stands. also the competitiveness between him and his sister.anyway, sales are almost nil after a week. i mean, today was our busiest day and only made $30 in sales. i figure it will pick up after we advertise(which we haven't yet) and when the local paper here interviews us and posts a blog about us for free as a new business in town.it's been an experience. i wanted to start a thread about what is going on in my life and decided to start with the most recent thing. i want to eventually update it with other personal areas of my life that will include another offline business i am working with my wife on and the online businesses i plan on building :)i also wanted it to be personal if anyone is curious. i am lways curious myself in what others do in their spare time and it helps me to get to know them better.
  18. naw, i don't think i was too hard on myself. if i didn't feel the way i did, i would never have came to my realizations and felt bad to try harder to change some of my ways. sometimes bad things have to happen for change to occur. i am a firm believer in this. that's why i believe there are positives to any bad situation because i feel life balances out that way....or should. i'm feeling 100% better now though and i am aware more of some of the things i should have been aware of before. so it's all good for now thanks haslip and buff for your responses and your pm's. both your support and patience has amazed me and has meant alot from the bottom of my heart and opaQ who i know has a deep understanding and caring for people who helped me realize some things. after i got all emotional the other night, i re-read some of my messages and pm's i sent to people <shaking head> i wanted to realize the true extent of what was going on and i felt worse knowing i was just way out of line and rude. why i say the patience i recieved from others has amazed me why i will continue to support Xisto and acknowledge this place as more than just free web hosting, but a close community that is hard to find now a days in such a huge place as the WWW. just proves to me what i have always known.
  19. that's interesting. now i am curious where you live because i used to live 15 minutes from #1 and #2 safest places in the u.s. respectively. could have been #2 and #3.....as far as crime rate(reported crime obviously). in cali- simi valley and i believe it was thousand oaks or moorpark(forget which one) and although it has expanded over there i'm sure, nothing much has changed as far as crime. in fact, i think the police get bored am i close? or far off....please tell.....this wsn't in 2005 though but curious what community. pm me it if don't want to post it and satisfy my curiosity and i will respect your privacy i know this is a bit off topic, but sometimes you have to stray from the topic to stay on topic sometimes....
  20. well, i think the belief that all we do is die and nothing more is a reason why there is such a high suicide rate. i mean, if i felt strongly that there was nothing more after my body dies, then i would really be messed up. i really wouldn't want to go through all the experiences i've experienced in this lifetime for nothing. sorry, i'd be one to take my life. what would there be to live for? just being patient for 80 years til i die slowly? bah! btw- i am in NO WAY encouraging people to do that as i know beyond a doubt there is something more and it's not based on faith. i don't base my life on faith and never will. so my beliefs come from something stronger than faith and can be backed up. i understand that what can be backed up can still be argued just like anything else because the world is turning in to something more man made than anything else which is cause people to forget about nature and why we are all here for to begin with.
  21. i agree. i have been thinking about illiminating spam on my new upcoming website and all i could think of is to make a form for email. since i can mark all spam in bulk, all i have to do is go through it every day and do some upkeep. any good webmaster does this anyway. i wouldn't trust the javascript code that was posted vaguely. i went to the site and just too many holes in it. may illiminate some, just like creating a form, but not all. i haven't looked at how haslip has written his code. i'm going to take a peek and true fusion is exactly right. why i wouldn't trust it. if i wanted to create a bot, it would also be very general so i can capture what looks to be an address but isin't. if i send mail, it will just get ruturned and i delete it out of my database. but general in the terms with ".<all extensions>" would be really general but if i include it to look for an @ sign before the extension, then you have a really good bot and i wouldn't care if it picked up some text that wasn't an email address. i would know soon enough. i'm not too familiar with these dynamic graphic images, but these bots can pick up those now too i hear. i'm not an expert at programming now either though(used to be ) and it seems like most anything that is created to deter bots right now wont work in the future so you would always have to keep changing your code around. aside from the what i will probably end up doing with my form, i'd like to expand on the idea of the original poster. i don't know if this is possible, but create a jpg or gif image, allow it to be clickable, but create a script that encripts letters and numbers within the html code.....the bot will see the script, but not the algorythm, and what shows up on the site itself that's viewable would be different than what you see in the source code. anyway....did i confuse? dunno if this can be done though. i have to see what haslip did. [hr=noshade] [/hr] well, i went to the site you listed in your sig and checked if you used the code for your email at the bottom....and yup! good job. is that your real email or a test email to see if you get spam from that webpage? if it's a test email, have you gotten any spam yet? have you posted your like in any high profile forums? script seems to have holes in it as far as spam bot capabilities but i think out of all the scripts i've seen so far in researching, i have to say i like this one the best bust i am going to look at the script more closely. i have it saved. i'm rusty in a few areas and want to decipher it better. still wondering why someone can't just create something in a database that would decipher misc. code that is pasted in the html. i think you would have to force the visitor to a hidden page for the code to be triggered, but is this possible or am i just nuts and should put my thinking cap back on? nice code btw haslip. i don't know why you wouldn't be marketing it right now. it seems very efficient for what i have noticed and in another year, i doubt it will be of any use since i think the bots are going to become alot smarter within that time. or is this just a hobby of yours
  22. yea, i don't think she would allow her family to be broken up unless there was some type of physical or emotional abuse going on. but if not, then she seems like a good person from what i am hearing and good people don't cheat on their families.and copper, you seem pretty responsible and mature for your age. and i'm glad you brought this discussion here because even though you seem mature and responsible, even will always have new learning experiences they don't know exactly how to deal with at the time.it's unfortunate she's married, so i feel for ya bud. just keep playing it cool. if she's confused right now then she will continue to be uncomfortable so just be patient and her knowing how you feel is probably making her uncomfortable in my opinion because if she's a good person, she wants to open up as a friend, but at the same time, she doesn't want to lead you on in to thinking something else might happen.SM- i have an excellent read on people when i talk to them one on one for some reason. i wouldn't call it psychic or reading peoples minds, but more on the lines of very intuitive and empathetic. why i felt so bad in my realizations recently here on trap. sometimes i am slow where i am concerned in my own situations. i would LOVE to hear from this woman, but if she came here she would probably flip that everyone is talking about her but nothing bad has been said. everything has been said in a very caring mannor with as much understanding as we are able to understand about this situation since it's a bit one sided here. that's why i hate jumping to conclusions because there could be many possibilities here....even ones copper doesn't know about yet....or anyone for that matter.just keep playing it cool copper. i know you try to keep your cool when you're posting, but i also know this this whole situation is also driving you crazy with questions that you don't have answers to yet....especially keeping your mind off someone you love when it can't be returned.
  23. i know where to go to change my domain name for 15 credits, but before i do, i need a question answeredmy subdomain on trap is wildcat-exotics. i just recieved my free domain name(wildcatexotics.com) and used it as an addon domain. i don't wish to do this. i also have another addon domain to my trap account called petsxpress.info for a total of two addon domains to my wildcat-exotics account.my question is, when i change domains from wildcat-exotics.trap17.com to wildcatexotics.com, do i need to change anything or delete anything in my cpanel? how will my addon domains be affected? do i need to delete "wildcatexotics.com" as an addon domain in able to change that to my main hosted domain? will everything just be wiped clean and start fresh with my new domain?(in fact, i prefer this method) where i will just have to upload my files again?not to sure what the proccess is when i swtich domains and need someone to clarify this for me. thanks in advance
  24. that goes along with my theory and why i don't believe in any one religion and try to encorporate all religions in my life sorting through all the b.s. and taking in what makes sense to me. because i feel any organized religion is to satisfy the never ending question questions, what is life and is there a god. people need something to believe in. religion satisfies this insecurity. but! life after death....body dies, yes. soul and spirit live on and moves on to a different plane of exisitance until reborn again. those who don't believe in life after death don't believe in "ghosts" or spirits or souls. now from my personal experience, i have experienced a lot of mysterious crap that cannot be explained unless there is life after death. using simple logic, i come to this conclusion and the fact that there is more out there than we know. i can reasonably deduct this from my own experiences and knowledge. but then....opaque's response made me think....darn him....i'm a thinker and that response was DEEP wether he intended it that way or not
  25. you know, some of this sounds like she has feelings for you the more you talk about it. i think she's confused and doesn't know how to talk to you about certain things. you may offer her more in one area than her husband does. women get attached easy and they get confused sometimes with their emotions. give her time to communicate. she seems really insecure right now when she has to insist that you feel comfortable with her. sometimes people will turn the problems around on others when THEY in fact have the problem and that is what it sounds like to me bud. so if my intuition is correct here(i wouldn't know unless she was the one posting) then i would be carefull in your response if she does open up. i know you would like more than a friendship wether you admit it or not....which is ok....just sounds like a big crush right now as SM stated(i think it was him). so i agree with SM. don't push the communication thing. she will push it when she's ready. obviously it's something important and she's confused....or maybe she gave your signals that you just aren't picking up on and is wondering if you are going to approach her.....who the heck knows sometimes when women are concerned and i am sure they feel the same way about us men. i wish i knew her and was a member here. i could get a better feel for what the situation is. my heart goes out to her though because i feel strongly she is confused about something and very insecure and doesn't know what to do....and can't even open up yet to her best friend from work.
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