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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. thanks for the tutorial magiccode9. i saw your post a week ago but didn't reply because it seemed pretty basic to me as i have an adsense account.i am writing now because people are getting the wrong impression. your tutorial and the implimentation of what you stated is in no way against google adsense terms of service. let's get the facts straight people. this tutorial was based on going directly to google adsense, logging in to your adsense account, and creating two boxes of code that google adsense gives you to paste on two pages of your website. in no way shape or form did this tutorial explain how to modify this code after google adsense generates it for you.i hope someone can delete the skeptical posts as well as mine. if not, mine will be to tell everyone that it was a great tutorial and it does not go against googles terms of service or any rules.i hate seeing one line posts that start a trend for other one liners or skeptisism when they don't even know what the heck they're talking about
  2. sounds to me like she is feeling pressured for some reason. maybe she feels obligated to spend time with you instead of her friends even though you reassure her it's ok. so based on what you said, his is all i can come up with as far as a reason and i know it's killing you not knowing(you sound sentimental and sensitive) but you will have to be patient rather than demand answers or that might push her away even further. it's tricky. try to listen to her when she talks to you and don't take things personal. women talk in secret code and it's your job to figure out what your girlfriend is trying to say. for example. when they say they feel unloved, what they are really saying is they want a hug or a kiss. they say it in secret code like this because if they say it directly and you give them that hug and kiss, it means less and the action is really coming from them, not you. if she is requesting space though, give it to her but also show how much she means to you. don't do it directly or she may feel pressured in a response. do it indirectly where no response is necessary and in fact, do what you can to eliminate the first few possible responses. you will show her how much you mean to her without the pressure from her to respond to it. also, it will prevent any form of rejection you may feel from a response since i do sense sentimental and sensitive and would be hard if she did reject you even the slightest bit(without meaning to). now, here is my suggestion. obviously you will have to not force the issue here and allow her her space, but what i would do is buy a red rose every day and put it somewhere where she will find it. on her car window, on her doorstep. i don't know how old you two are or if she lives with parents still or even drives....but write a little poem or a note every day telling her something special about HER.....not you...and not you two as a couple....HER. place these things without being seen or caught. the element of surprise is good and will put a smile on her face(i hope.....if it's not to serious here). do this every day until your anneversary date. do NOT send one on that day. this is the day you will find out if what you did worked or not and if it doesn't, she doesn't deserve any more roses or notes or poems until she wants to be with you and give you some sort of explaination without saying "it's not you" routine. that doesn't answer ANY question that you might be asking yourself and wondering about and feeling bad. so fight for her bud, then the ball is in her court. be carefull though. sending all these notes and flower may work....so watch out. she may continue to expect them every day if you love her, she's worth it. ya think? hope things go well. if need a shoulder to lean on, pm me
  3. anyone who makes moves on other people partners wether just dating or married, etc. is scum in my opinion. it's never happened to me but i can see why her boyfriend would flip out and argue with her. also, anyone in a relationship who gets to close to someone else is scum in my book so in my opinion, i think you two is a perfect match. good luck with it in my opinion, the above examples are examples of cheating and very suspecious. if two people like eachother other than their the person they are in a relationship, they need to break off the relationship first, THEN experiment around. your whole situation stinks and sounds fishy to me and you both are looking for trouble...so keep having eachothers backs and behind other peoples backs and build that foundation of a relationship by trying to steal another man's girl.
  4. it would have been nice if the original poster posted the link. i googled it. here it is..... https://www.americasarmy.com/ this thread is over 3 years old. i may take a look at the game and post an update on it woa! 2.89 gigs to download i'm on dialup right now so i can't download it and review it but the link is above if someone else wants to give it a shot!
  5. naw bud. don't quit. you have a wrong mind frame here. you have a job. stick it out for a while. you get paid the same no matter what position he puts you in so just try to do the best job you can and put some pride in to your work. consider this as a learning experience. you don't start at the top right away but from the bottom until you are able to work your way to the top. it may be hard work, but it will build character and discipline and give you some tools you will need in the future. hang in there. put up with your boss. if he tells ya to do something, do it. if he's anal and wants you to do it specifically a certain way, do it that way. he's the one paying you. you just work for him. aside from your boss, sounds like the people are nice and easy to get along with so make some friends in the meantime and ask for some advice in how to put up with your boss. my advice is to just do eactly what he says and let any harsh words he has to say or his tone to go in one ear and out the other. ignore it in other words. don't take it personal because he probably treats all new employees this way until they can get the hang of things.washing dishes isn't that bad so take it with a grain of salt. you are learning different aspects of the restraunt industry so just do the work. it will pay off later when you are in a manager or supervisor position and will have to train others to do the job correctly. stay positive bud. it's easy to get burnt out and quit. i've been there but it's not worth it in the long run. if you quit this job, your more likely to quit jobs in the future so don't start this trend and stay positive
  6. well speak to me like a two year old because i don't understand all this tehnical mumbo jumbo. what is parallel technology. i've never heard of this term before. how will it benefit me on my home computers?
  7. sure, the paid to read or click or sign up can make you a little money here and there but they are all based on affiliates so basically the more affiliates you have under you, the more money you can potentially make. the problem is getting people to sign up under you or convincing them the opportunity isn't a scam and that they will in fact get paid for their efforts. it makes it hard to make any kind of good money. especially when some of them are a fly by night company that can go out of business at any time. very risky when you are putting a lot of effort in to it and the consequences of the company are beyond your control.being an affiliate for a product or service is makes it easy to make a little more money than the pay to sites, but soon, the service or product will be outdated and you will eventually have to start fresh being an affiliate with another product or service(usually). most internet products and/or services are fads.the best way to make money simply is to work for yourself with your own product or service and keep updating your products and services. don't just stick with one, but diversify so that if 1 or 2 get burnt out, you can still rely on your other products or services. by creating your own products and services, the sky is the limit. you wont have to worry about fads because your time wont be wasted when you continue to diversify. you wont have to worry about a business going out of business unless YOU quit. you want to diversify in areas that can continue to earn you money from repeat customers like the voip industry or travel industry, webhosting inductry or the isp industry. you can also make it as simple as creating a website around a hobby or a subject you are well informed on. by creating a bunch of relevant content and several pages, some people make a good living just doing that(where is the money in that you ask?) they money is in the ads you place on your website. you can either sell advertising or or place google adsense ads, etc...my point is, to make money online, you have to treat what you are doing as a business. you have to be in control of that business and it has to involve around things that will be around for a long time and that you are in complete control over so if the business fails, you only have yourself to blame. it's harder to get started this way, but in the long run, if you have what it takes be being dedicated and not having that quiters mindset, in the long run you WILL make money. be creative. this is the internet. there are endless possibilities. 25 years ago, some guy sold rocks to people and it made him a millionaire. yes, ordinary rocks! he called them the "pet rock". the more creative you are, the better. no idea is too stupid or too silly and don't let anyone tell you different!i hate this make money forum. it's full of b.s. fly by night opportunities that wont get you anywhere. most of the opportunities allow you to spend 5 hours of your time just to make $20 or less. it's ridiculous. don't fall for these opportunitiesif anyone has any questions or need andvice, ASK PLEASE and i will always be here to put my two cents in with no b.s. i've been around long enough to know what i am talking about and making money online is a hobby. i don't dedicate myself to making money online only because there are more important things in my life outside the net but it IS a hobby of mine and i will be glad to help anyone that needs it.
  8. yea, paypal makes it easy. with their webmaster tools. you just inter the figures and it will generate the code for you to past in to your web page. since you are asking for only 1 payment and is the only product or service on your site, it will be very easy to generate the code. best way though depends on how you have your site set up. is there a members area that requires a password or does anyone have access to the whole site and the $10 is for a donation or maybe you have it set up where there is no password but they will have access to a hidden directory to your main site? so my point is depending on how you have the site set up depends on where you put the code that paypal will generate for you instead of charging $10 though, why don't you charge $1 a month. you wont make alot in the short run, but in the long run, those who like your site will continue to pay the dollar and i believe paypal offers recurring payments which means they will automatically charge them every month until they cancel. you will make more spending money in the long run aside from the advice i just gave, i don't recomend paypal at all. they've come a long way in the ecurrency marketplace to make it easy to do transactions online, but they are VERY unprofessional and i would NEVER trust my money or business with them. i would look for another company than paypal. paypal makes it easy to start an account which was good 10 years ago, but there are better companies bud and this is starting to get off topic but i wanted to forewarn you. but paypal has very excellent email support. they answer all your questions pretty quickly(i can't believe i am comlimenting them right now) so your best bet is to email them after you have your account set up with them if you are running in to any problems.
  9. growing up, the one part of my body i would get compliments on were my eyes for some reason. they are blue. i remember on time trying to trace back and think of why i was geting comliments sometimes. i remember that when i was swimming, i would always get comliments and when i was wearing a blue shirt. so i think buff is on to something here....or his g/f. i found it interesting that he posted something like that which just verified what i had always thoughtwatch out. people may think you're wearing contact....
  10. i wish they had those laws in the united states. maybe i wouldn't have started smoking. i tried my first cigarette at the age of 10 or something. i stole a couple from my dad....and BAM! busted! the smoke sure did stink. could smell it a mile away. i started smoking regularly at the age of around 23. started smoking 3-4 a day. i used to be a messenger and drive all day around in my truck and it got boring so i would light up then it just grew from there. i smoke about a pack a day now. more if i go to a bar and drinking. i started out on marlboros and smoked them til i moved to missouri. now i smoke some a few off brands. "rogers" right now. sad part is, when i am working on the computer making flyers or other ads or working on a couple of my websites, i seem to smoke quite a bit! i don't like how much i smoke. it seems to be more out of habit than addiction. i also smoke when i am bored. every so often i will smoke when i am stressed. that's the only time i feel i really need one. anyway, marlboros, now rogers. marboros cost me about $4.00 a pack in california. now i am paying half that in missouri for my off brand nothing to brag about. i'm not saving the money i'm saving or anything but if i need....let's see....after a year i would have $700 extra. enough for some nice little toys....
  11. (wrapping my arm around opa's neck and in to a head lock while taking my other hand and giving him a nuggie) sorry, i don't spank guys, only girls :)happy birthday bud! ahhh srew it...(taking my hands, while holding opa's face in place and giving him a kiss on the lips) i decided i am not insecure about my manhood :Dseriously though, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAN!!!
  12. sorry. nothing against women. i feel men and women are equal but in different ways. as long as i am alive, i will NEVER vote for a woman president. i love this country too much and i try to do my part in trying to protect it. sure, women can offer this country like no man has ever, but considering our national security right now at a very high level and the fact that women in general do not have the natural decision making abilities to fight and protect, i will not vote for a woman.on the other hand, i wish i was capable of voting for a woman right now as there are areas in this country that desperately need improving that no man will ever come close to improving....and that is healthcare and our educational system. i will accept how it is to continue to try to elet someone who knows how to defend this country and send our troops over sees if necessaryhow many women have actually killed? how many women understand the concept of defending? women will limit our national security and military budget and leave us vulnerable. if we are vulnerable, then we go in to martial law(some say we are in the beginning phase of martial law right now in fact) and when that happens, all their other efforts to help this country is POINTLESS. sorry girls.....you don't have my vote, but it's not because i don't respect you highly. i do......just in other areas.i also know i am somewhat subjective because there is really nothing i can compare my opinion to and not giving the thought a chance. but if i do, it's a risk and not one i am willing to take. not when billions of lives are at stake.i am a white male, 39 nine years old, raised republican, but i vote for the best man and i personally would like to see an qualified african american president(don't ask me to define qualified in this post). i have HIGH respect for black people in this country that have fought hard to get to where they are at today when the white man has supressed them for many years in the past and still do today(not as bad today). i feel we have somewhat lost a sense of culture in this country and feel a black president may be able to bring some of it back but not unless we get over racial issues and being so darn stubborn. this country needs change. right now, i say women- no(for the reasons i stated)......black man- yes(if qualified)!
  13. well, i have lots of pets around at any given time because i buy and sell exotic pets and run a little business out of my house in the small town of warsaw. currently, i just purchased 5 cockatiels. i think 1 is male and the rest are females.as far as my personal pets, right now my wife and i have a dog named booker. he's an extra larger chacolate standard poodle. we rarely get him groomed so he looks like a jamaican. he has a very high 6th sense it seems. i married in to this dog. i had a cat named dufus(my wife and her son named it after ME evidently) and dufus was the best cat i ever owned. it had all this mixed qualities a cat should have. he loved booker more than booker loved him and dufus sometimes would think he was more like a dog than a cat since dufus would fetch and return a ball i would throw. we also have a betta in a 5 gallon aquarium. it has decorations inside but no heter or filter. dufun recently ran away a couple months ago when my wife and i bought our first house. some animals, no matter how much love and care you give them need to be free i guess. i hope he's ok.we did own a racoon at one time, clyde. one of the best pets i ever had. was more attached to me than my wife and would follow me everywhere. i would play hide and seek with it and it would ALWAYS find me. what an amazing animal. the sad part is when my wife and i started to travel the united state in our truck, our racoon was taken from us by animal control. it's illegal to have a racoon without a permit was one of my most depressing days in my life but i think it was best for clyde since back then, we were traveling alot and couldn't provide the optimal care for him.ahhh we also owned a 15 foot python a year ago. what a snake! jake was his name. he got out of his cage one day and dufus was walking around him. my wife(fiance back then) was speachless. i saw her face but she couldn't speak or even yell for me, but by the look on her face i knew something serious was going on. when i tried to grab dufus, it started skimmering towards the snakes mouth....WOA! so i back up and called my cat to come to me as. it came. i picked it up, locked it in the other room while i put jake back in his huge cage(he managed to slide the window open all by himself. snakes are tricky that way. never underestimate them. we had to let jack go due to a quick move we had to make and couldn't take our cage with us :)the best pet i ever owned past away 2 years ago. my golden retriever, trigger. best darn pet anyone could ever hope in finding. 6th sense, very loving and caring, and well behaved and trained. people pleaser all the way. i know it was his time and i believe he hung on as long as he could just to be there for me. i still talk to him from time to time as i believe he is still around.now that i have bought a house with my wife in missouri, i want another dog, and i want another racoon as a personal pet.when i was younger, i grew up with a love for animals. this love grew into something special because...well....i dunno....i'm just connected to animals somehow in that i understand them and they understand me and they are usually well behaved around me and easy to train. it's strange. animals as pets i feel are a gift. they make your day brighter and they are good listeners when you're depressed i always like to suround myself with animals...either captive or in the wild. there is a peace i get when i am around them....even if it's just sitting outside while a humming bird zooms by my head to get to it's feeder....or watching the squirells zoom in circles around a tree trunk or a lady bug that mysteriously happens to find it's way on my hand.animals also bring out the kid in me as do children and i hope i never grow up!
  14. sorry to hear that minik, but you know.....it's an experience. the more you practice, the better you'll get. the more you audition, the better they will be. don't give up and hang in there. i know you are disappointed and nothing i will say will make it better, but if this is your dream, keep pursuing it with no regret or doubt. good luck to ya in the future, bud.
  15. was it netflix that charged your account or a third party as an affiliate. i know that my sister and husband have subcribed to netflix and have had an account for a couple years now with no problems. she raves about them.i was thinking of subscribing to their basic service to start off with after hearing her reviews of the company and how they operate because i LOVE movies...especially when my wife and i have just finished cooking our diner, we like to go upstairs and watch t.v.(hopefully a good movie is on) together.so if you can update us on what happened with that issue, that would be great. i'm very interestedi believe neflix right now offers 1 week free trial? i think i saw an ad that stated something like that. when they charged your card, was it for the monthly fee or did that charge a low amount(like a dollar) to make sure your card is active? some companies do this, but they have to let you know they will be doing this and you would have to agree to that.also, i believe companies can reserve a certain amount of money on your card without actually charging it just to make sure it's there. you balance will show no change, but your available balance will be lower. maybe this is what happened?please update on this issue and explain what they actually charged and if you resolved this problemthanks
  16. I've had a hotmail and yahoo account for years and years. get a ton of spam in my hotmail acount, but right now, i am only concerned with my yahoo email acount that receives about 100-200 spams a day.aside from the spams, my yahoo id is "calkid". calkid is a very popular screen name now and i even get emails that are meant for other accounts. i even get other peoples account names, numbers and paswords at times. the only explaination i can think of is that there are other calkid's, but they have #s at the end of their screen name(folowing me? i hope so....). so i don't want these emails either.i know you can read an email and mark it as spam, but is there an easier way? is there a way to click all messages i want to mark as spam and hit send and do it in bulk or do i really have to read every single spam email just to mark it as spam.what are my options here. i want to keep my account. i'm afraid to log in anymore. i hate looking at my acount now. it's gotten way out of hand.
  17. i could be wrong, but i believe he means to change the border color and background color to the background color of your webpages so it blends in rather than stands out.
  18. i've done it as i know some others here have as well. it's not as easy as stated. it takes work and dedication.
  19. dish network - fraud or scam - YOU decide well dish network as a whole isn't a scam, but dish network will scam you out of some of your money by fraud. i do plan on hitting them hard if they don't stop what they are doing. i am not going to be forced to pay something that i was never told about having to pay. i just want to pay my $31 or so per month and be a happy customer. i know i thing is for sure, after pulling this scam and fraud crap on me, i am going to cancel my subscription after my contract runs out. i will not support a company that does what they have done to me and others. dish network doesn't have a local office here in this small town. i think they contract out to other companies to do their job. but the customer service center and billing center i believe is national and they take all the calls as i believe it's a call center # which is printed on the upper right of the bill. all i wanted to do right now is start a thread. i looked this thread up on google and it's on the #2 page already for the keyword "dish network scam". i am going to let them know i mean business. i believe i have a cery good case for a lawsuit and i have also informed myself in who i can contact like the state attorney general and the ftc etc...who handles fraud and scam cases or pretty much anything illegal. like i said before. it's illegal to charge someone a late fee if that person is disputing a bill in the state of missouri(and probably most states) and dish network has already charge two late fees on my bill. obviously they either dish network doesn't know the laws of the states they do business in, or they just don't care since they are such a big company. either way, dish network is acting illegally doing that, they are illegally trying to scam me out of money i don't owe them, and dish network is just plain operating under fraud. i'm not even sure if the corporate office is aware of how many lies are told to a person just to get them signed up so they can recieve a commision. something needs to change though because this has put a damper on my happiness trying to deal with them every month so, in another month, if i see no results, i am going full force and it will be me against dish network and i am going to make my progress VERY public and VERY aware. i'm good at search engine optimization so i have no doubt this thread is going to hit the top page on a very good keyword phrase. i will plan on creating a website dedicated to dish network scams and fraud and all their lies i know about from my own experience and from the experiences of others. i will definately plan on exposing their scams and fraud in a few local papers and expose them publically on a special public interest stort with a couple local news stations. if that's not enough, after i expose them that way, i plan on collecting a list of names from people who have had similar problems and then hit a lawyer up with a strong case that he or she would have no problem taking it on contingency. i have to say though that it's dish network has already been a strain on my life with the scams and fraud techniques they use and it's upsets me even writing about them becuse i have to remember all the crap they pulled. it's like reliving the whole thing over again. it's nuts and it wont get any easier for me until it's over.....i know. but i am not going to get bullied. they rely on people to do NOTHING and not fight for their rights. well, they messed with the wrong guy and although it will be like david and goliath, THIS david is going to knock down the giant too if they don't get their act straight soon and help me with my problems and compensate me for my distress and time and troubles.....but i would actually just be happy right now if i can just pay what i actually owe ever month. i think i would let it go if they can start acting professional rather than charge me for things they never told me about. all i know is i looked up the definition of fraud and dish netowork fits under that catagory. i looked up the definition of scam, and dish network fits under that catagory. i am right, dish network is WRONG and people need to take a stand and speak out so if you've had a problem with dish network, please post about your situation here and enlighten all on how dish network has screw you over
  20. ok. i noticed that you did in fact update your site. i don't have time to break it down much right now but the google ads or in a puch better place. you narrored down your keywords(this still needs improvement btwyou deleted your links page which i didn't think you would do, but i commend you for that, your site is more centered and easier to read(still need work though). it looks 100% better. no doubt. you even changed when the spiders revisit from 1 day to 30. good. it's actually an outdated meta tag that has very little value now since spiders have become more smart than before. it wont hurt you though. until i can review it more closely and more in depth(give me a week), you need to come up with key phrases, not one word keywords. you will neer get listed on the top of google right now with the keyword "smoking" or other one word keywords. so go for 3-4 word key phrases as your keywords. "quit smoking in a week" is a good one, "stop smoking in a week" is a good one" even something like "how to prevent lung cancer" would be a good phrase. you need keywords that have a low competition for now. when your site has been around a while, then you can start competing with some of the better keywords with more competition. but everyone has to start at the bottom and work their way to the top. some of the keywords i gave can give you a top ranking but is also based on other important factors like RELEVANT incoming links....a few relevant outgoing links(which you didn't have and still don't), original content and updated content, etc.... you also want to increase your description to about 20 words. take a day to think about a the keywords you want to use that are relevant(narrow it down to 3 keyword phrases) and think about a great description for your site that can be limited to 20-25 words. you did an EXCELLENT job so far. like i said it's 100% better....now we need to fine tune what you did and probably fine tune after that....in a week, i should have some advanced areas to talk about but i really don't want to get in to that until the basics are complete so be patient. your title is still good. i would keep it as that and even make it a keyword phrase. but you really should check with word tracker(a free tool) and see what keywords that they can find that has a low competition rate while being a keyword that people have been searching for. edit- one last quick note since you seem to be taking this seriously. don't rush it. you wont complete this task in a day and probably not even in a week so be patient and do it right the first time with lots of thought put in to it.
  21. first of all, i wasn't debating. i was posting an opinion. to have a debate, it takes two people who take a stand on an issue. you have YET to take a stand and state in one post, your full opinion. all you have been doing is taking the easy way out and poke holes in peoples opinion. what others have done for ages. the same holes on either side.what i can debate you on is what you took a stand on which is very little. you did mention you would rather kill someone innocent of a crime rather than have them suffer in jail. this is what you clearly stated. obvious those who are innocent will clearly state their innocence to their death and in your world, they will not have a voice after a judge sentences them unjustly. maybe they were strong enough to live and survive jail. you see bud, i believe everyone has a purpose. i have been wrongly accused before. it's not fun, but after the transistional anger and emotions, i try to find some good in it. i believe life is about people and because of this, it includes being there for people. all those who have been judged.....innocent or guilty still have potential. people helping people is what this world should be about....wether your in jail or not. and there is lots of potential....even in jail and even wrongly accused. to destroy that potential is unthinkable in my book because it's a human life and people can change the surfacy errors of their ways. some people, in my belief belong in jail just so they can guide those who actually belong there. guide them on the right path and to help them make up for their wrongs. but that's my beliefs. i don't expect anyone to believe in that because there is no factual basis and people like you would find easy holes in it. i'm fine with that and there will never be a debate in my beliefs because they are strong within.now the hazy area you talk about is my mindset if a personal family member was murdered or a friend of mine was killed, etc....i am very vengfull inside my own self. i try my hardest to control it. i have past many hard tests in my lifetime that you would not have the first clue on. i know who i am by nature. inside my own self, i love people. ALL people and i try to guide them in what i have already learned first hand in life. also, i am the complete opposite. i am a hurtfull person. a criminal. i have that mindset. i always asked myself why am i these two different people inside myself.....inside my own soul. the answer is quite simple. the other half of me, the evil side is there to protect me. i have to think evil to protect against it. i have experienced many things in life my friend. things that you could only hold nightmares to my protection sometimes was to prepare and be one step ahead of the evilness out there in this world. i could have only accomlished that by having that same energy inside my own self. the good is stronger inside. i am thankfull for that because i have so much to offer in guidance and i do.so yes, inside i am split although i try to control the negative energy inside me, i really don't know what i would do if someone killed someone close to me. it's hard to stay focused in what is right and wrong sometimes in pre thinking about a scenario that might not ever happen. so there is your conflict because if i ever felt someone should die, they WILL die by my hands and that situation has never come up yet. i hope it never does and i hope i am strong enough to keep the stronger belief that is deep down inside my own soul and spirit.i am a protector in this lifetime. i am also a guide. i help people. that's what i do. i gladly sacrifice everything i have for another and i have always been this way. i feel what goes around comes around and i feel people need a helping hand. maybe one day i will need one. it is SO easy to take advantage of people like me who put so much trust in human nature and others. i don't give up and i don't quit. i don't have much money, but what i do have is may character which includes my morals and values which are of good nature. i'm not perfect and i learn from my mistakes just like eeryone else should. i have been given second chances to learn from my mistakes.the differnce between me and the guy on death row is the degree of mistake. but just because there is a differnce in the degree doesn't mean that we both don't have good inside us. the secret is to tap in to it and allow that to influence our lives by the choices we make in the future. so i talk about potential and what a CRIME it would be to illiminate this potentialwhat does all this have to do with the topic? EVERYTHING. my background to explain why i believe in what i believe. i wont be understood, i know. it's hard to understand someone like me. i come off in many different ways and i realized 15 years ago i will never be understood. the only person who comes close is my wife as we are connected as soulmates and have the same strong energy flowing through both of us. the same, but different, but our differences compliment eachother. what i am weak in, she is strong in. what she is weak in, i am strong in.preservation of life is important because like i said. messing with natural law is wrong. natural law controls us all, not the other way around and to mess with us will only end up backfiring on us. that is a fact wether you believe it or not. we were all born with a purpose. some of us have the natural ability to hit a baseball 500 ft. some of us write songs that are masterpieces. some people can tickle the keyboard in a way no other can touch the keys.....deaf.....blind even.what were you born with truefusion? let me tell you a little about yourself. you can create a good arguement. ok. but what does that mean? well, you have the ability to see all sides of a situation. you have the ability to be objective. you have the ability of knowing right from wrong. these are all abilites to see past most people and the crimes they commit. to really see past and see them inside for what THEY were born with and who they are meant to be. you can see past the surface truefusion. that's what you can do. this is what i know about you despite our differences. you also like people. you also like people. and you like to be in control of your suroundings. these are the other things i know about you. doesn't take a genious to figure you out. it's good qualities if you know how to use them the right way. you judge too quick and you are still insecure with who you are. you can work on those things in time. i am still confused if you are as religious as you make yourself out to be.now, i have explained once again why i am split in my beliefs, i have even opened up more in who i am to believe what i do(rarely talk about my dark side, but i am not ashamed of it, people usually will not understand it if i talk about it)you can try to poke holes, in what i believe, but what you don't know is you can't. you will never succeed. there are no holes in what i believe. life has meaning to me and a purpose. i am also happy with who i am and far from insecure. that's why i don't mind being open and more open if i feel i want to explain who i am further to help others understand. i expect people not to understand and i expect people to take jabs at my beliefs. it's all common place to me as i have been defending my beliefs since age 31(i'm 39 now) when i had what some would call a godly experience(although i don't really believe in "god".....only as a symbol). i believe in a higher power that even i can't yet define. if i didn't believe people had a purpose, i would stop helping people and stop guiding them. i would also end my own life as my life holds no purpose and it would just be a waste of time with all the pain i've experienced in this world. i am meant to exeperience it. why? to be a stronger person. to be able to relate to others and their own situations. there may not be a lot of money that i can make with my purpose in life, but i am rich in other areas.if you notice where i hang out alot on this forum, you will notice i hang out in the business, internet, website, making money forums. these are hobies of mine. aside from hobbies, i am an EXPERT in internet marketing. there is no doubt i could make in a year that people spend a lifetime trying to make if i put all my knowledge together and work hard to succeed in the area of making money on the internet. i don't. i made a choice that money isn't as important in my life as lening a hand to others every day.eeryone is born with gifts. i was born with my own unique gifts and with these gifts i was born with etails a great responsibility so i will end this post by telling you once again that life is precieous. the potential in everyone is worth more than gold. life is about people. who they treat you in a positive or negative way and how you have that same choice in treating them in a positive or negative way. we are all connected. to understand ourselves is to eventually understand others. preservation of life is indeed important....but more than that....neccessary to preserve what is inside us all. the potential and the gifts that are waiting to come out. the good. on the other hand, again, i may makes mistakes in this lifetime and i may believe at one point in my life to take a human life because i feel that person doesn't deserve to live if he has murdered someone that is dear to my heart. this has been one scenario that i haven't been faced with yet but i have experienced similar instances and i have passed these tests so far and i pat myself on the back. hard, yes, because i feel guilty and ashamed that i did NOTHING at the time, but i did do something. i was able to be there for people where i wouldn't have had that chance if i were in jail. i've been in jail. at first it's suffocating but i am a very adaptable person. it turned from suffocating to a comfortable environment because i was productive in helping and guiding those in need of it. showing them how to use their potential and making even the "toughest" man shed a tear. preservation of life. don't take it so lightly when you have yet to experience or know deep down what others have to offer where you make a decision that it's better to kill them.
  22. god is not energy? hmmm gee....ok.... god is the creator of energy.....hmmmm where are you getting your facts now? i thought we were assuming what the scientists say is fact. i must have been mistaken. i answered it already and disproved your theory. weren't you paying attention? all you based it on was assuming the scientists are correct as far as my personal belief, i have already stated that as well. you see, there is no basis to what you say because god exists either way in your theory. if energy cannot be created or destroyed, god exists. if energy CAN be created and destroyed, god exists. god exists eithr way in what you say so you aren't really creating much of an arguement, sorry....
  23. well put liam! i was going to post the exact comment you just made. men and women ARE equal. they are not the same but they offer different things. the differences compliment eachother. in old school tradition, the man is the providor and the woman stays home to take care of the house and kids. fact is, they are both providors. one with money and discipline, the other with love and nurturing. i'm glad you posted before i did. made me smile. not a lot of people will agree with you. usually one will be the stronger force in a society or culture in most peoples mindsets. now i must go and kill a lion to prove my manhood since tribes and the culture they believe in is still important to this day and we can all learn from it....
  24. the question of a higher power than myself or my knowledge has never been in question. i pretty much always believed in a higher power. i went to church for 18 years of my life, then i started questioning "god". then i became somewhat athiest to what i know and believe now. the question to me is, what IS this higher power? i feel we are so ignorant as human beings that we will grasp on to anything that might make sense to us just to satisfy our own insecurites in where we come from. ignorance sometimes is that higher power to others. for example. i believe in psychic abilities 100% but just because someone does a trick to make it look like he has psychic abilites, does it mean he has psyhic abilities? some people believe yes, but that is their ignorance creating some higher power so what do we actually know about how god exists and the day of judgement exists without being fooled what a higher power really is? you can't and there is no scientific proof to back it up to go one step further in your scientific proof that proves your theory, god is energy obviously since you and all others consider god to be a higher "power". so if the scientific proof is correct as you are assuming in this scenario, then god was created by yet another higher power. what power is higher than god? who knows. and until you can tell me what this power is and give it a name, then your theory has holes and is there has been no proof to it even assuming that the scientists' theories are fact. on the flip side, you can say that god was the original energy and he controls all energy around us thus making it impossible to create or take away energy but then there would be no scientific theories now to base that on. who's to say there is one god anyway? what proof is there to that? there is none and what scientists have discovered wont support any factual basis to that. now that we talked about "god", what is your basis in saying the judgement day exists? because if there is a god, there must be a judgement day because it was in a book that was written by someone other than god himself(sorry for the masculine version for all the women out there...just easier to say)? there isn't any scientific proof that supports that theory either. fact is, all you mentione was a theory. this theory has been debated by our earliest ancestors why? because obiously we are not ment to know all the answers. with logic. i mean, logic is good for some things, but not to solve a deep rooted issue in all of us. that comes from your inner soul. your spirit. your intuition. you gut. what actually makes sense to you without logic. why do i say without logic? because people have tried to answer the question you are trying to solve to today with logic. both sides can have smart and logical answers to it. logic is also man made. comes from old school philosophy which is alot older that psychology. so my point in the last paragraph is simply that because we don't have all the answers and probably never will in our lifetime here on earth, then we are ignorant and because of that, the answers don't lie in logic. the asnwers lie deep down inside ourselves. a feeling of knowledge we get inside....deep inside our own selves when we can relax and clear our mind, and be in touch and in tune with our inner soul and spirit and what all of us have inside us
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