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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. No I have heard this before. My parents talked about it before. Although they say this is true it doesn't happen all the time. My mom drinks one or two cokes a day and it could. I try not to drink to much soda but Mountain Dew is addicting lol. I found a site that talks about this. I haven't heard of anyone that this has happened to him so I don't think. You can read this article to find out more about it. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  2. They of course need to make money because it is free hosting and they don't make really any money off of it obviously. They put ads in random posts, I noticed that they are mostly on the first reply and I haven't really paid attention to anything other than that. When you <- snipped -> it is sort of like a referal system and they get some money for each of those clicks. For Xisto - Web Hosting, they are part of the Xisto Corporation run by Opaque with paid hosting for people who want a little more. Of course Opaque wants people to go to someone in his corporation to make money and he has cheap, quality hosting which you could find here but it is only natural you would want to make money.}
  3. Ahh bravenet. It was ok when I first started making sites. That was when I had no idea what I was doing and I needed a site. I hate the free hosting with the banners and all that stuff. They keep emailing me though which gets annoying. I have unsubscribed to their emails and even deleted my accounts but nooo, they keep emailing me. I think they are ok for someone that is new to sitemaking and have no money but other than that I don't think it is so good.
  4. Do you have any resources? I think that is cool but I guarentee it will cost you a ton of money to get it done. It would help those a lot who are paralyzed to have a new life to move. I bet eventually after you move it with the system you could get it to move on your own which would then basically waste the system after that but it will get the job done. If they could find a real cheap way to do it that would be great. I have always wondered if you could move say your leg up and down a lot with your arms or have someone do it for you, if you will start to get feeling in it again.
  5. There are really enough forums already. I am sure that can fit in other places like computers or technology. I don't know really many people who use a PDA but I don't know. I guess if a lot of people have them and need downlaods or something. It would take up a bit of space as well. If you could use your own site maybe I don't really know. It isn't up to me though it is up to the admins and whether other people like the idea or not.
  6. I myself have been introduced to early civilizations through world history. They talked the Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Chinese, Romans, Indians and so on. Of course everything was different back then and they didn't have much to work with and every new invention was a great help to them. My religion believes in the Adam and Eve though as well and the apple with the snake. Anything could be true because what they all say isn't all necessarily true. They even say there might have been some type of living civilization, not necessarily humans, but something before dinosaurs. It is a very interesting topic but still bores me. lol school
  7. Well if this is true I am going to sign up as a reseller now. lol I think you can upgrade but it really seems wierd that they would have free reseller hosting. Well I am going to talk to my parents and try to sign up. That would be some awesome stuff. So you make all this money while they get nothing but the domain money. That's really wierd. I am giong to put more research into this.
  8. I have always been interested in space and even got a telescope for Christmas last year. Only problem is I never figured out how to use it. lol Maybe I should take it out for once so my parents don't feel like I have wasted their money. I don't want them to waste it either. I would like to see them especially Mars because that is one of the planets that most interest me.
  9. We also have a no call list here and my house is on it even though some people do call every once in a while. I like to play around with them though sometimes. If it is a computer and I know it I will wait to say hello because they won't respond until I say something. Then I will just start messing around pretending to talk to it. If it is an actual person I just pick up saying hello, no thanks, don't call here anymore, good bye.
  10. It's not that bad. It is a bit big like jlhaslip said. I haven't seen anyone actually draw a car. I would add more color and make more of a final copy. They didn't make it look like it was made by pencil. I forget how they did it but you should add more detail to make like a model.
  11. I heard about that over the summer. The way things are going with gas and all they are going to need a lot more resources that can be used for gas. I saw the guy that uses olive oil on the news. In Conneticutt they have a gas station that is all ethanol so really an Ethanol Sation. Gas is less than a dollar per gallon. The guys that mix DNA to make new organisms are working on an organism that produces hydrogen to power a car. Some pretty interesting stuff. Hopefully they find something that there is a lot of so we don't use up all of our gas.
  12. Well Happy B-Day Opaque. Haven't known you that long but hope you have a good day. Hey SM I am 14 but I can pretend I am 21. No one knows your identity on the internet I'll take Budweiser. lol or just a mountain dew.
  13. lol When I saw the picture it looked a little funky with the steel beems as if a little train was going to go along it. Then I figured it had a glass bottom and sure enough it does. Well I would go on it after a bunch of other people tried it out. Or maybe I would go first because that way if what SM says comes true I don't want to be on it but I am sure it's pretty safe. It'd be fun to bungee jump or something off of it. Can't wait! lol
  14. I know how you feel with all that work and stuff. Of course I am not in college yet but I have loads of work and have a hard time keeping up. Good luck with getting your paid posting and college. See ya around I guess.
  15. After I sent an email telling them that their nameserver was incorrect they just sent a message that they have fixed up for all dns problems. It just told me to do the NS check which I already had done and then to contact my DNS provider Manager if it didn't work. I would like to know who that is and how do I contact them because I thought it was their problem.
  16. I have found the same problem when I am trying to transfer my domain. I have notified EuroDNS and hopefully they will take care of it shortly.
  17. Well I am not from Buffalo let alone live in New York but I was born in Albany. I have always wanted to move back but never have because hey I go where my parents go. I lived there til I was 5 and moved to florida where i have moved a couple times to different parts but never to snow zone.
  18. Believe it or not I live just north of Hillsborough County in Wesley Chapel. It is part of Tampa. This has been on the local news for quite some time here and everyone around the area was in shock when they heard she recieved no jail time. Some people took their kids out of the school moved arguing because of the fact it is illegal and goes against what people believe. It was big news.
  19. Sorry guys. It seems that my domain change is taking a lot longer than I expected. It has been 48 hours but still no sign of it finishing. So here it is. I uploaded it to photobucket.
  20. Very nice explanation. I knew it had something to do with the moon but never really learned about it. Everything in the universe has a gravitational pull. Even an acorn. It's just some are stronger than others and some you can't really feel because it isn't that big. Of course that is how we are pulled to Earth. The moon has a big enough pull that it pulls up the water I guess is what you are saying.
  21. That's pretty funny. So they try and see who can find the largest prime number and who ever does wins. lol That's one way of getting them competive to challenge their own teammates to find the large number.
  22. My choice as well. lol Seems like all people who want to be resellers and fail go to web design as their next choice. If only I had paypal. You and I should start a campany together. or not.
  23. Well I also have been thinking about starting my own reseller host plan but my parents won't let me and I finally agreed with them. They kept asking me questions like, what if you don't want to be a host any longer, what are you going to do to your customers? after I give them an answer they went on and on. I finally gave up. I figured out that you don't really make any money though at all. You barely break even. I still want to try it out at least but I will have to wait a couple years. Maybe I can someday help Xisto. I don't know. If you are looking for good reseller hosting, try http://www.hostgator.com/ They have reseller plans starting at $25 a month. It comes with a lot and they have 24/7 support as well as support on the forums. I might try some of the plans Opaque is offering. Good luck guys.
  24. I don't really know you that well but if it is a personal site I would probably use a CMS. Maybe even add your own blog. I don't know if you have photoshop and can make a template but that would be a good way to make it look nice. It all depends on what you like. I know it is a personal site but what do you want to put on it. Make it however you would like if it is for your personal use.
  25. Not a bad template at all. The colors are nice. Everything fits well. Only suggestions I have is to use a little brighter color for the text down in the footer. It's a bit too dark down there but other than that it looks good. It is a nice clean site. The splash is very nice as well. It seems to all fit in perfectly.
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