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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. I believe there is a topic on here somewhere about this. If I find it I'll add the link. To answer your question you just need to build a good reputation to have it lowered. If you help out around Xisto and the new users that join and answer questions or report topics that have broken a rule this all helps you lower your warning level. It is done manually though by administrators or moderators that have noticed your good behavior. Just being an active user that doesn't break rules will help lower it. It takes some time but it will go down soon. ADD: The link to this question that has been asked earlier is right here. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/30184-how-does-a-warn-last/ Notice from BuffaloHELP: Added as reported.
  2. That is a really good question. I would like to know that as well. My first thought was also that Microsoft is the oldest web site but then I remembered about the military. I bet the first original web site was a test and is already gone but it is hard to tell which was the first ever created. Might have to try contacting the government and see if they have the record of one.
  3. lol Of course I wouldn't pay money to use Google. Sure it is a really good search engine and I use it the most, but if they have enough money There is still MSN, Yahoo, Alltheweb, and so on. Then again it is only $60 a year, but still that's pretty sad if you pay to use a search engine when others are free. Maybe if others start charging then sure I'll pay for google.
  4. The thing about resellerspanel is that you only get the difference in the profits you make. For example, if you sell their hosting plans that were originally $80 a year, but you sell them for $100 a year, you get that $20 difference. This isn't that bad because it is a good way to get you started and well known. The other good thing is they pay you by check or paypal. I don't have paypal so that is good for me, plus it will help show my parents I can run my own business.
  5. It isn't that religions has caused any wars because they haven't. It is the failure to accept other religions that has brought war. The Romans for example. When Christianity was introduced they didn't like it. They said that because the people don't accept the Roman gods, that they should be punished. So they killed hundreds of Christians because they had a different religion and they wouldn't worship their gods. It isn't that the religion caused that, it is the Romans who couldn't accept that they believed in things other than what they did. There are many different points of views to this, and that is mine for ya.
  6. I do believe there is a god. I believe he is always there watching us do good and make mistakes. He is always there when we need him most. I think that if you believe in something, then it is there. I don't think anything is impossible. It is always possible to do anything. So therefore I believe that there is a god. I go to church every Sunday, which still isn't enough to show him that I believe in him, but I do.
  7. Thanks for the suggestions, I will have to keep that in mind if it goes down on me again. I tried the refresh thing and I'll have to see if it works. I will use all of your suggestions that way it has to work.
  8. Ever since I have joined Xisto in November I have noticed that the forums have been going down a lot. I then realized that it wasn't the forums it was my browser, Internet Explorer. A couple weeks ago I noticed that when the forums would go to the error page (Page Cannot Be Displayed) that if I went to the Xisto Homepage (Xisto.com) and then clicked forums it would all of a sudden work again. Yesterday I click a link on the forum and the error page came up and I tried going to the trap homepage but this time it didn't work. So I opened up firefox and tried it and it worked, so then I tried opening a new window in Internet Explorer and that worked as well. I pressed refresh on the original window but it still gave me the error page. This is when I realized something is wrong with my browser I just don't know what. Anyone have a suggestion?
  9. lol It seems that everytime I see a new post here I end up going to that site to try and beat my score again. When I first tried I hit about seven seconds and that same day I brought it down to four. Today when I tried again I hit 3.024 seconds and then brought it down to 3.014 seconds. I was pretty mad cause I am so close to 2 seconds but can't hit it. I guess I'll have to try again later.
  10. If we were to make our own oil we would probably have to modify the cars because I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be the same. I think once they build more hybrids and use other sources for gasoline the life of the oil on Earth will lengthen because we won't use it that much. That is the very reason though why the government isn't allowing the building of many Hybrids, they would lose gasoline sales which would lose them money. At the moment Hybrids are so expensive and people won't buy them because it won't save them any money in the long run because they are spending 10,000 dollars more for that car. They need to start mass producing them. If cars were run fully electrically and all gasoline cars were not in use we would slow down the production of oil a lot, helping to lenghten the life of it and the Earth.
  11. That one question always makes me wonder. Is there other life out there? Not that we know of but there could be. SM the definition alien, someone from a foreign country or someone that doesn't fit in so there very well could be aliens out there. We just don't know of them. They probably don't look like the ones little kids think of with one eyeball and green but you never know. You can't really say there is none because we haven't explored the whole universe and probably never will. We would have to be able to travel the speed of light to catch up with things. I personally believe that there probably once was life on mars or some type of life but I guess I'll have to wait and see.
  12. I am not so sure about this because I haven't gone over my bandwidth before but I believe that your account will be suspended if you go over the amount of bandwidth given and it will be unsuspended at the begining of a new month.
  13. Wow. That is pretty scary. I think I have heard a bout this somewhere before. Not this story exactly but something like it. It is possible (obviously if it happened) but drowning doesn't really mean that you have to be underwater. Maybe he was breathing in and sucked in tea at the same time. I don't really know the whole details but it could be the reason. Makes you think how the smallest thing could kill you. Even a daily cup of tea. Pretty wierd.
  14. Well as long as I have directions and it is sort of easy to make then I am good to go. Of course I don't cook that much because either my parents or my sister do. (they think I'll poison them) The one thing I do love to cook though is cookies. Not really for the sake of cooking them but really for eating them. I love cookies so I will make them. I like pizza though too. I can grill a little bit but need a bit of supervision to help me out.
  15. The thing about hosting credits is the less amount you have the more you get per post. The script was made in your favor. If your account is suspended and you have -4 credits it takes about 3-4 good posts to make it back. They are looking for quality not quantity. Once you get more credits it is a little cut back on how many credits you make per character but there is no average. It just depends on the length. Read the Xisto Readme located at the bottom of the shoutbox. It is a link. When you have enough credits view this link to figure out how to apply for hosting. You must be approved by an administrator on the site. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/9222-click-here-to-get-your-free-hosting-Xisto-free-web-hosting/
  16. Wow that's pretty cool. Of course I would get a different color but that transparent screen is pretty cool. I see the screen now. The list and timer and stuff. I would buy it if it is cheaper than the Ipod. I guess I'll have to wait and see.
  17. You first need a ftp manager like SmartFTP from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Your address is ftp.faisalabad.be Your log in name is your cpanel name and the password is your cpanel password. You can then access everything from your site from your ftp manager. Enter your public_html folder, create a new folder called forums or whatever you would like, upload all of the files by either copying and pasting the files into there or by right clicking on the interface and click upload files. Then just install the forum using the read me.
  18. Yes you can do system restore for any drive on your computer. If you want to do system restore for the D Drive and the D drive start up system restore, click on System Restore Settings on the left and then look at the list of the drives being monitored. For any drives you do not wish to restore click on it and then click settings. You can then check "Turn off system restore for this dirve" I hope this has been helpful to you.
  19. I plan to start learning more about php this winter break (next Thurday ) I have been using it more in my site and have learned a bit more about the concept because of the computer programming class I have. (visual basic) I think once I start getting good at it I also might attempt my own point system. I don't know what for yet but it is a great way to do things.
  20. What a question. I love peanut butter. No I don't eat it everyday but when I can't think of something to eat I will make myself a peanut butter sandwhich. I love smooth. The crunchy tasted wierd the first time I tried it. It is ok but I will take smooth hands down for that reason, it is smooth and goowy in your mouth.
  21. My friends and family keep me going everyday. Without my family I never would have gone anywhere in life and my friends keep me laughing and happy everyday. Being in the IB program it is really hard to want to continue on with it but my friends are what keep me there. I don't know what I'd do without them. My family encourages me and love me all the time, especially I need it most. All my friends here at Xisto help me out and keep me going as well. Gives me something to look forward to when I get home from school and of course my web hosting.
  22. Either or. You can upload a file you made on your computer or you can create it on your cpanel If you made a template on your computer and coded it you could upload it as well. It doesn't really matter which one. Whatever is easier for you.
  23. Well you could always make your own in photoshop or in flash if you have them. The only one I know of is American Greetings which I thought was pretty cool. They had some good ones I saw. You have to remember what you think isn't really that great others might love and vice versa.
  24. That is a really confusing paragraph and I am not exactly sure what you want to know. So you changed your sub domain to your new domain and you want to know how to view it like that? Make sure you have changed your domain which you have and make sure that your new domain (if not a new subdomain of Xisto) to ns1.trap17.com and ns2.trap17.com If it is a new subdomain you are good to go and just have to wait for your dns to update. It will all update yourself soon you just have to make sure to log into your ftp or whatever with your new domain.
  25. If your other index file has been deleted go to the www or public_html file and upload a new index file and that will be the main page. Ex: If you upload index.htm into your ww or public_html folder that will be your main page. That means if you go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ it will take you to your index page. Just make sure your other one has been deleted before you do this.
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