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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. I have multiple domains in a way. I have plenopticdesign.be as my actual domain and then I have my old domain pointed to it as well. (thecsmnetwork.net) this is so if people looking from my old site go to visit it they will see my new one and so my money doesn't completely go to waste. All I did was point the nameservers of thecsmnetwork to ns1.trap17.com and ns2.trap17.com and parked the domain so now I can go to my site using thecsmnetwork.net So yes you are able to go to the different directories using the domain. Example:thecsmentwork.net/index.php?id=affiliates will take me to the same place as plenopticdesign.be/index.php?id=affiliates
  2. If you said you wanted a domain, you point the nameservers to ns1.trap17.com and ns2.trap17.com If you have a sub domain it should work. Make sure your log in info is correct and everything else. To log into the cpanel go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  3. Thanks as it turns out I found the php necessary to fix it. I appreciate all of your help and will make sure to remember that. Everything now works fine.
  4. Ok thanks. I will have to try and find a tutorial. If anyone could help me find a tutorial I would greatly appreciate it.
  5. Well I have been very busy trying to get my site up and running and I was trying to make a form for people to fill out to apply to affiliate with my site but when they click submit it opens up a new email instead of sending the form. This is the code and link. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ <form method="get" action="mailto:plenopti@plenopticdesign.be">What is your name?<BR><INPUT NAME="name" VALUE="enter name here" TYPE="text"><P>What is your site name?<BR><INPUT NAME="Site Name" VALUE="Young" Type="text" SELECTED><br><INPUT VALUE="Send" TYPE="submit"><INPUT VALUE="Clear This Form" TYPE="reset"></FORM>
  6. Kentucky Fried Chicken all the way. I am a chicken kind of guy so I always order chicken tenders but I love chicken wings and stuff. KFC has much better quality and is very good. Of course there was the article saying they make artificial chicken but I don't care. It tastes good and that's all there is to it.
  7. Very nice renders SM. I think I am going to use one for my SOTW entry. You make sig making so easy for me I don't have to spend time cutting out my renders.
  8. Ya I would definately try getting new skins. If you are not very good at css and colors you can get free skins at jaisdog.com invisionize.com or buy some at transversestyles.com They have some good skins but they cost a bit of money.
  9. The .tk domains aren't really real domains. They aren't fully managable domains like .com, .net, etc; .be is an actual domain. .tk domains don't always work for some people like myself. They are the only url you are gonna see. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ no http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ so you have to navigate to every page every time you go there unless you put it in your favorites. Hope that helped explain.
  10. Congrats mayank. Nice sig. Keep up the good work.
  11. Wow that's very helpful. Normally I use iframes because I didn't know of anything else to use. Of course iframes didn't help much to validate my site. lol This is more efficient. Thanks everyone.
  12. Well I know enough HTML to edit my site. I am not really into tables and stuff like that but I can understand them sort of. I plan to go and finish up learning HTML and then try PHP (again) and CSS. I might actually try XHTML.
  13. There are guys called I think biochemists or something like that. They mix DNA from different organisms to make new organisms. They hope to make resources like hydrogen available to power cars instead of using gas. Maybe they should help them lol They have to study these things more though before they go in and mess everything up. They need to know more about the animal they are taking DNA from because they could really mess things up for people. They would have to some how get rid of the viruses and then make sure the body won't destroy the new organ. It could take years to do this maybe decades. Once they do you will have to be a professional sports star or model to be able to afford it lol. Maybe not.
  14. If you don't like the generic brand you don't have to buy them. No one says they have to taste the same as the original because it isn't really the original. The difference between Sudaphed and Wal-aphed is nothing. They look the same, are the same taste, and do the same thing. Wal-aphed might be not as strong or might be stronger it doesn't matter it does the same thigng. I have had Wal-Mart brand cookies (Great Value) and regular cookies, they don't taste the same but they feed me and they both taste good. They aren't necessarily duplicates of something, they are the same type thing but not with the best quality sometimes. That is the good thing, if you don't like them, you don't have to buy em.
  15. http://www.uncaged.co.uk/xeno.htm - My Resource Well the only problem with Xenotransplantation is that it is very dangerous. Scientists don't really know too much about the DNA of other organisms like pigs and each of us have our own viruses. If we retrieve stuff from a pig and mix the DNA we are mixing viruses as well that they say could make entirely new organisms. If not then the viruses from the pig could be very harmful to your body. Your body might not even take the new organ because it hasn't seen anything like it before and it will try to destroy it because it could be harmful. There are many many possibilities that things could go terribly wrong.
  16. If you upload a bunch of files at once and just minimize your FTP program it will decide you left it and can't watch what's going on so it stops itself. If you keep your FTP program open and just sort of move your mouse over the interface every couple seconds it'll be fine.
  17. Ya like I said before only a few dictionaries consider things as words. When I put that into google to define it only like 2 places showed up with the meaning. One was the encyclopedia and one was some other random site. Half of them aren't even used at all in life and if they are they are abbreviations or somehting lol. Who would want to say that word when someone asks "What's he got?" "Oh he has pneumonoultram....."
  18. Well there are a bunch of words that have 28 letters like chemical words but here is one found in some dictionaries. "floccinauccinihilipilification" It is 30 letters long meaning, to estimate something that is worthless. Pretty interesting. I bet there are a lot of words, if you could make up a word and get it submitted to the dictionary you could create the longest word. lol Here is one that is 45 letters long "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis". This is a type of lung disease. You can find it here, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Pretty interesting stuff. Notice from jlhaslip: Edit as per report
  19. Well let me start out by saying Merry Trapmas, Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Happy Quanza to all. Happy Holidays to all those I missed. December 2, 2005 Well I am thankful for many things in my life. I am thankful for my parents for providing me with everything I have and all my gadgets and toys I am thankful for making it through the almost the first semester of the IB program in my new high school. It has been hard to make it through this year but with my friends I would never of made it. Also I am thankful for finding Xisto and meeting all my new friends here and being able to replace my free hosting. This is a much better place. I am thankful for all the money I have been able to make to buy my laptop and stuff like that to keep me occupied. Of course there is my computer programming teacher. She is the best, same with my spanish teacher. My wish this year is that the war ends between the U.S. and Iraq and all other countries so we can be at peace once again. Of course this could take a lot of time but making Iraq a better country will help out the world. At the moment though I have been really wishing to make it through high school. It is going to be very hard but I know I can do it. I also hope that those hurt in the hurricanes are safe as well as my family and relatives. Hopefully we can have a better country and world ahead of us and everyone helps make it happen. Once again Happy Holidays, and Merry Trapmas Notice from BuffaloHELP: Credits to transfer : 7
  20. Well today in biology I actually figured out what happens to those nerve cells. They only grow at the very begining of your life and if you hurt them or whatever or lose them they don't grow back like all other cells. If they could come up with something that basically replaces their nerve it would be a miracle.
  21. The thing is we don't have the money to spend. Atleast the U.S. is already 3 trillion dollars in debt but that doesn't stop us I guess. Putting out oil slicks will kill off the wildlife though and ruin the ecosystem which could eventually come back to bite us in the butt. I think it is sort of wierd to think of the possibility to weaken a hurricane. I guess it's possible but I don't really know what to say. It could work it might not. You never know.
  22. I myself also had good luck with HP products. I bought an HP printer over the summer with my first paycheck from landscaping lol anyway, it seems to be working fine for me. It works fine and prints, scans, and copies very well. The only problem I have is that sometimes when I try to cancel printing during the middle of it it won't cancel but get an error. Maybe sometimes it's because I forget I have a cancel button and disconnect it from my computer But then it won't print at all because it will continue trying to print it whether I press cancel or not. That is sort of my fault though. I just have to restart my computer to get it to work. Other than that it's fine. I just wish I could just send the file to it without being connected by usb.
  23. lol Well there is already a sub forum dedicated completely to google earth. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/225-google-earth/ You can talk about it over there. There are many things that have the name of google. Of course there is google it self, the species you found called google, and the money google, or the number I should say. No one has enough money to have a google. Not the same spelling I don't think but that's ok.
  24. Basically what jlhaslip said. lol If you go to http://ww2.forum500.com/?folio=9POR7JU99 you will see all the information you need and more. This is where you fill out the form and see all the details.
  25. Wi Fi isn't that bad. I use my wireless internet in the airport and my hotel I was in a while ago. I do hate how if you move a few feet away from my house it dies. Some places don't have hotspots which I hate by my school does! They should make the whole world a hotspot. lol That would be cool if you could get a connection everywhere. I bet it would cost way too much though, like $60 a month.
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