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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. It isn't that they don't care about the same thing posted twice, it is the fact that people are to lazy to search. We all do it, even mods and admins I am sure. Even if they do see that it has been posted before, they will post again to earn extra hosting credits for telling the story or something. If they deleted all topics people would love to be here because they could have a million new topics to start all over again. They come for the free hosting but stay for the people at Xisto in the end.
  2. There is a forum completely dedicated to this. It is called "Security Issues and Exploits" If I am correct that is where you can get help with adware, spyware, malware problems, etc; There is also a bunch of reported solutions and. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/178-computer-security-issues-exploits/
  3. It could use a lot more detail and maybe a custom made template maybe. It isn't that bad but the ads and stuff take up too much space. The forums look ok but once again the ads get in the way and the big Xbox logo sort of ruins the whole thing. It looks out of place. Make a custom logo that fits in with the forum. I don't think the snow is necessary.
  4. Gotta love some of the first space shuttles sent up in space. They went through a lot to get us where we are today. Look at us now. Japan has a space probe taking samples from an asteroid and we have space stations up there now. That would be really cool if we found another planet with life like us on there. I wonder if we would be able to live there ourselves. I am rooting for more discoveries on Mars. I once spent a month reading about Mars and have always been interested with it.
  5. Wow that has got to stink. Yes cops do have end of the month quotas that they have to meet so towards the end of the month you will always seem them making speed traps in places they never have before. They will stop you for going a couply miles (kilometers) per hour over the speed limit just to help meet their quotas. The decide well now is the time to make up for the times I didn't get that one guy speeding 20mph over the speed limit and decide well the only way to make that up is if I get someone going 2mph over the speed limit. lol It stinks some time so be very careful what you do at the end of the month.
  6. Well sometimes you don't have to raise the engine off if you have a tall truck I helped my friend change the oil on his truck that he has with a 6inch lift. Here is an optional thing you can do: use one of the rolly things that professionals use to go under the car. It is more comfortable and fun :PFor dumping out the oil go to a neighborhood auto parts store like Advanced Discount Auto Parts and they have large tubs that you can dump your oil in there to dispose of.
  7. I agree with you partially on this one. I do think they can be annoying and stuff but it is the really the user's responcibility of what they do with it. It isn't the cell phone that didn't turn itself off when they are in the movie theater it is the person using the cell phone. The person controls what they take pictures of and it's the same as a digital camera of some sort. They are the ones using it on the highway which they could do something about that like make a law. I do have to admin the ringtones are annoying but sometimes people forget to turn them off in the movies or are too stupid to care.
  8. You have to ruin it for me don't you? lol j/k I know there are problems I was just saying it would be nice. I am sure they will try it someday and people will try to sue when they get hacked but then they will respond by saying it is your fault you don't have the proper security measures. I am sure though that they will have it sooner or later with greater protection from hackers and stuff.
  9. Plenoptic

    Public Transport

    All public transport systems have their issues. Everywhere you go there are problems. It isn't really your fault but they'll tell you it is. I bet they'd tell you that you can't rely on public transportation because you should have a car or something like that.
  10. Well when I was making my site I knew I couldn't have affiliates without having Xisto in there and normally I like making my own buttons and stuff. This one isn't that great because I didn't spend to much time on it but I plan on making a better one to go in it's place. If you would like to use it go ahead. Link: Link: http://plenopticdesign.be/affil/Xisto.gifBBCode: [IMG]http://plenopticdesign.be/affil/Xisto.gif[/IMG]HTML: <img src="http://plenopticdesign.be/affil/Xisto.gif">
  11. He is a web host, selling web hosting like the Xisto Corporation. Flash templates are more eye catching and professional in a way.
  12. Conret I am sorry I haven't been able to help much. The three hour time difference doesn't help because the only time we are on at the same time is on the weekends at 8pm. If I could make flash templates and stuff I would help you but I don't have the time with school, and my own site, and hanging out here.
  13. I knew it was gonna happen. I personally don't like xbox and like Sony and their products. I knew though that as soon as the new system came out as soon as there was a defect they would be sued. Everyone will try it for every new system. I bet now more people will try to sue for the same reason just to get money. They'll figure, hey if he can get that much I can too.
  14. Ya I can help you out. You have autocomplete on. If you right click on Internet Explorer and click properties. Click the content tab and click autocomplete. You can then clear passwords, and forms, and turn it off as well. To stop from remembering passwords uncheck the "Prompt me to save passwords" and the "Usernames and passwords on forms" Hopefully you can figure it out.
  15. If you mean a shoutbox for an IPB forum like the one we have here try going to D-2 Scripting. If you want one for your actual site go here. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This will take you to a list of tutorials on how to make your own shoutbox with php coding. Follow one of those tutorials and you will have yourself a shoutbox. Lok through the tutorials to find which one suits you best. Good Luck!
  16. My first original email address was at Juno because we used them as our ISP for a while. That was when I was 5. I have made 2 accounts with them. One I still use today. It isn't that bad of a place. I now have an msn account that I use for other things other than family and stuff. I used to yahoo but eventually deleted my accounts on there because I have no use for them. I use msn because I always know when I have recieved an email when I sign on MSN messenger. I tried g-mail but forgot my password and figured I don't need another email anyway. I have emails now for my web site for the use of my web site for support, and other contact forms. I have tried many of them, even goowy.
  17. I wouldnn't really trust anyone with my money unless they are a well known company with lots of customers. Only if you can get the transaction without giving anymore than you already spent if you know what I mean. Google is a well known company and their google ad sense program works and everyone can trust them because many people use it and have made lots of money off of it. Just make sure that they are well known and people haven't had problems with them.
  18. Very nice. Now I don't have an mp3 player or an ipod because I really don't feel like getting them stolen or whatever. I always do where a watch though. I would like that though because it is very convenient, and such. I would take it to school with me and such. I would always have it with me so no one could steal it. I could keep the headphones in my pocket and stuff.
  19. Pretty interesting article. Now I know that if I buy a GPS system what is going on if it messes up. I would like to see one of those storms or what the radar detects them as. I know it looks like cold fronts but I would like to actually see it. Thanks for the find, I am going to use it for a current event at school.
  20. I am not sure if this is what you are talking about but after doing a search I found a website that has the world's smallest AM radio which seems to meet your description. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Not a bad little gadget that you can use to keep updated when the power goes out and stuff. Would be nice to have as FM as well. Might be hard to find sometimes if you aren't organized like me. I am sure they could come in handy when you need news and stuff.
  21. Why wouldn't they make cars that can drive on water. It would be basically a hover craft. They are always trying to improve technology and they have probably been trying to make cars able to drive on water for years. Soon a car won't be just a car. It will be a boat, a plane, a suit case, a house, etc; They are always trying to combine things to make it seem easier than instead of driving a car getting out and taking a boat with other people. It's just the way of life.
  22. This goes to show you not to buy something when it first comes out. This isn't the only product that has problems when it first comes out. It is like the Nano. I would wait for the price to go down anyway because you will get the same thing for cheaper if you just wait a little longer. Once the PS3 comesout I gurantee that the price will go down to make people buy more of them instead of the play station and to me it isn't a bad idea. I might just buy an Xbox when play station comes out cause it will be pretty cheap.
  23. Very nice looking forum. I like the skin. Did you make it yourself or did you buy it or find it somewhere or whatever? Like wassie said is that the only problem is the width in Internet Explorer and you should be good to go. Good place to hang out.
  24. Not a bad looking site. I see you are using phpnuke. I don't get how the name fits in with the subject of the site. Millertime and virus removal doesn't really fit in to me. I didn't really get a very good look at it but it looks like a nice place to get help with security problems. If I have a problem I will be sure to remember you.
  25. Very nice tutorial. I just used it myself because my laptop has been a bit slow lately and it seems to have helped. I figured as long as I was doing that I mine as well clean it up a bit. So I uninstalled some programs I don't need anymore and deleted old, and unimportant files to clean up some space. Now I just gotta defrag it later today and I'll be good to go. I have been annoyed with all the programs starting up when my computer started and now they are finally gone. Thanks a lot.
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