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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. Yes if you went to the link and read the original post it is a game. It is a test to see how fast you can type the alphabet.
  2. If you have read the Xisto README you would have known it is not the amount of posts you have but the amount of hosting credits. This has been asked many times before. You need 10 hosting credits for the first package and 30 for the second. You earn hosting credits by posting. It is not the number of posts but the length and quality.
  3. I was trying out Saint Michael's brushes he posted in the resource section and was having trouble making a signature. I wasn't quite sure what brush set to use and how to turn it up. I ended up putting some animation in it. Please comment and criticize. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Edited as reported.
  4. I love the render. I like the color, brushing, border. Very nice sig overall. I think it's pretty funny too. I have tried those borders many many times with no luck. I am horrible at making them.
  5. This is true. People want posts that give you quality information. You are not supposed to babble on about stuff that doesn't have to do with the topic or is not necessary information. They want something that gives you as much information as possible. Posts like one made in the longest prime number had 10 million numbers that weren't necessary. That is why Xisto makes sure people use posts when they put information from other resources. Yes though the hosting credits are based on words per post and how high you are ranked in the stats. If it is a long post of spam though you will be warned and lose more hosting credits than you made from that post.
  6. Ya that can happen and probably has. It isn't really that hard. If you can find topics you really fit into and know a lot about you can write a ton about it. I made about 3 credits in like 5 minutes writing a "First Information Report". Writing a tutorial gets you quite a few hosting credits as well, or replying in topics you know a lot about.
  7. Too bad it is a post in Life Talk so it doesn't count lol. I guess you figured out how to do it. I think that Fred and George are the best too. They are funny and do all those pranks. I wish I had magic like that. lol Anyway ya Ron is like a sidekick that is scared of everything in a way. Charlie Percy and his other brother aren't really in the movies anymore or the book.
  8. It says that at the moment you have like 2.41 credits. If that is the truth were you in the negative credits. As soon as you hit -0.01 credits you account is suspended. If this is the case you need to post more until you hit 4 credits and then after an hour or so your account will be unsuspended. You might want to put your credits around 10 so in case you can't post again for a couple days your account won't be suspended again.
  9. YES 5 DAY WEEKEND!!!!! 12 MINUTES TIL TURKEY DAY!!!! I am so happy. A break off school. I was given no homework this weekend which means a lot fo work is yet to come. I will probably work on my site a lot tomorrow, and get ahead on my school work so I don't have as much when I have to study for the semester exams. I will eat my heart out though. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!
  10. Well I had no time during the week to make this signature but I wanted to have one for Thanksgiving. I haven't made many sigs in a while which is why I haven't had a sig. Well anyway, it isn't the greatest but it works for me. Without further a do (however you spell it) DRUM ROLL PLEASE TADA lol anyway please C and C
  11. The brushes were made in different versions. You can use any of the brushes that Saint Michael made in Photoshop 7. Any brushes made in a newer version aren't compatable with older versions. The only way you could use all of the brushes is if you download the Photoshop CS2.
  12. Well today I was just thinking about what I am going to do with my site. I have been planning on selling templates, but I don't have paypal and I am not really that good at making templates yet. That was when I decided I would give away free templates. It wouldn't matter if people didn't think it was worth whatever they would pay because it would be free. I am looking for a site that I could have an active forum so I decided that would attract attention and would be good practice for the future. I will probably add Google ads to make some spare money and move to paid hosting at computer host. Of course I will stay here and post though. I could never leave. Anyway, here is the new design for my site. >>>Well I wasn't sure how that had looked I had changed it from this. Please rate, comment, and tell which is better. Notice from jlhaslip: edit as per report
  13. Well I never really have kept tracked of how many credits I have earned in one day. I am not really sure how many credits is the most I earned in one day. It was probably back when I first started the first couple days I posted a lot but then after the weekend school kept me busy. I have had about 20 at least. I don't know.
  14. It says on the main page that they cost 20 euro but if you search for a domain and find one that is empty you will get that domain for free. Many people have gotten it to work including myself and other people on this forum. If you still have problems post here.
  15. There is already a topic about this. Please search through the forums before you post something like this. If you go here you will can find your answer. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/9154-leaving-your-computer-on-is-this-good-for-it/
  16. Of course it is hard to stop smoking, I know it is even though I haven't smoked before. My neighbor smoked for like 30 years and she was 87 years old or something. There are ways to help you stop like the patch or whatever but you have to really try hard and you can't give up. I think if you really try you can do it. Anybody can. People have and people will continue to do so. I think they should make something like the cigarrette that puts something in you to help you stop. It is smoking but instead of tobacco it has a medicine in there. I have no idea how they would do it. Try smoking the gum cigarrettes. I hope you can help yourself out.
  17. Well I haven't tried playing games online for anything other than my pc. I play America's Army and Civilization III online. I have planned on buying the online adapter thing for my Play Station 2 but I figured it wasn't worth the money when I have my computer. I don't want to pay monthly to play a game online when I can play online for free with my computer. I probably will buy it soon anyway. I will use it for America's Army when it comes out for PS2, and MVP Baseball 2005 and Burnout 3
  18. Well they have a new system now that if someone doesn't come to their door they will take the package and leave a little thing on your door telling you a package arrived and when you can pick it up or they can deliver it again to your house. This is to keep people from stealing packages in case someone is on vacation. All the of the delivery companies have their good and bad qualities. I have never heard of TNT but it might not be their fault. the person sending the printer might not have used the proper packaging for the printer. I don't see the "Fragile" on the box either. It doesn't always have to be the fault of the delivery guy. lol I am not saying it isn't their fault they should be more cautious with there packages, but that could have been dropped on the way to the post office to be delivered or whatever. You never know. I guess the key thing here is to learn not to order printers by mail.
  19. Very nice stuff. I love the render. The sig is awesome too. I love the human hunting thing. I wonder what someone would think if they saw a sign like that going over to the plains. I think it's hysterical.
  20. When the terrorist attacks hit the United States on September 11, 2001 many people were hurt by it either physically or by losing someone in their life or their business. For all the businesses affected by it they could recieve a business loan of course. The government set aside 84 million dollars to be used for these businesses and these businesses alone. The only problem was when people applied for loans they recieved the money from the money set aside but they were 3,000 miles away from New York City in other parts of the United States. About 29 Dunkin Donoughts and 49 Subway restaurants were opened with this money that were given loans under the September 11 pretenses. The store owners hadn't known anything about it and when they heard about it they were caught completely off guard. The SBA (Small Business Administration) said that they were giving loans to businesses that were affected by the littlest things because they weren't recieving many applications for loans. This is all part of the Small Business Disaster Program set up by the SBA. They were helping the smaller companies so they could make more money out of it whether they were affected or not. Of course the SBA made up an excuse but no one bought it. This makes people wonder just what have they been doing to the money sent in for Hurricane Relief Funds? Have they really been helping those who need help? You can't really trust anything when there is money involved. You can't even trust that money you are donating out of your own pocket to give to those who need help. You can't really know for sure that your money really goes to what it is supposed to or where you thought it was going. Even the government will try to take the path that gets them more money.
  21. Well that is a pretty good tool to help you learn where the letters are and to gain speed when you type. I started first with 7.6 seconds and now I am at 5.899 seconds. Not a bad little tool. Lol I just got 5.388, not too bad. I better stop now or I will end up going all night.
  22. Well I happen to live in Florida as well and at my Walmart there were only 14 Xbox360 for sale. People had to get in line at the electronics department. There were a bunch of people there but of course only the first 14 would get one lol but obviously people aren't bright enough to figure that out. About the whole 40 degree weather thing, I don't think it is cold in 40 degrees and I have lived in Florida since I was five. I love the cold and can't get enough of it. I don't know why people think it's cold in once it gets below 65. Anyway, people have their opinions on the new systems and they each have their advantages and disadvantages. There really is no "better system." No one will see the new Xbox 360 on shelves for a month or two because they will be SOLD OUT! Good luck to those trying to buy one.
  23. Wow that's some funny stuff. Some of it is scarey and some funny. lol How long have they been doing this? Did they make them in a paint shop like photoshop? I would like to try but I am not good at drawing so I wouldn't be good at trying to make a person on the computer either. lol I think I will just stick to signatures and web design. People sure have fun with those. They go all out on those things. Some are really cool.
  24. I like some of the programs you have made. Pretty good stuff. I like that brain reaction time thing. First try I got 0.32 seconds. Not bad. I have the educational edition of Visual Basic from my teacher so I can't make them into real program format. I can only use the play inside the program. Did you just sit there making a bunch of ways to say no when you made that program?
  25. Well I have never tried DHL but they are supposed to be good. I don't know if it is fully UPS' fault though. What if Macintosh sent the package to you though. Maybe they said they had but had forgotten to or something. That happened to me once when I bought baseball cards online. I was supposed to get it within a week but 3 weeks past before I finally got it. They had said they sent it and the money was cashed but it wasn't sent really. Did UPS give you a tracking code? If they did check the status to see what happened. You could email UPS as well to see what happened or complain. I hope you find something to do.
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