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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. Plenoptic


    lol no I was just saying that even though they are strict to keep the boards clean they really are nice people inside. Everyone is nice except me. I am the scrooge around here. or not
  2. Thanks for the advice. You may close this topic now that I have it all figured it out thanks to the genious of haslip. lol I had to once again throw out my cookies. They were so good too.
  3. It's just wierd because my forum was working perfectly fine earlier today. It is not just this forum though. My old phpbb forums gave me the same problem and those using php-nuke also gives me the log in problem but never to the point where I couldn't log in at all. I was logged in earlier today but now it just refreshes the page. Here is the link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ then click forums
  4. Here is the new version with a new banner font. Please tell me what you think.
  5. Plenoptic

    Forum Problem

    Well for some reason, I went to my forum tonight and I typed in my username and password and tried to log in but it just refreshed the index page without logging me in. I tried logging in on the actual log in page, and many different combos but it didn't work. Earlier today though I logged in fine. For some reason before whenever I told it to remember me it didn't. Now it won't let me log in at all. It doesn't give me an error page or anything it just refreshes the index. Anyone have any ideas why? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  6. Well I already did sign the petition when you posted about this in the original topic. It isn't going to do any good though. People can sign from their computer 200000 times using fake names and no one will know except for IPs. They probably won't do anything about it anyway because they will make up some excuse. I myself used a fake name cause I don't want them knowing any info about me. I do think that was the coolest mascot ever. Man I loved that song.
  7. I loved that guy. When I first saw the commercial I remembered the song and it ended up getting stuck in my head for days. I heard it on a cd before. That was the coolest commercial around. lol I thought Mr. Six was pretty cool. I don't think the petition will do anything because anyone can sign without a legal name. I'm gonna miss that guy. They should do one last commercial with him.
  8. Well let's see, there are video games for whatever consoles you have. You could even buy a PSP. Or you could look into some upgrades for your computer or a sound system if you have a car. You could get a television, dvd player. It really all depends on what you have, what you want, and what you like.
  9. lol Like I said I know the font in the banner is messed up and there is a big empty space. I am going to fill it up with content and stuff and it'll look much better once fully coded. If someone has any suggestions for what I could do with the text in the banner I would greatly appreciate it.
  10. Yes if you backup all of your files from Xisto and then upload them to your new web host everything will be fine. The only passwords you will need will be the ones set up for your web host and the ones you made for the users in a mysql database for when you plan on using them again.
  11. Very nice tutorial sir. I like it. I would do it if I didn't have 6 other people in this house, 2 in which always want to use my computer and put on things that shouldn't be on there. The only problem with that is if someone steals your computer or laptop in some cases they can get on right away without having to put in a password or anything. It has it's plusses and minusses and I would do it if I could.
  12. Nice tutorial Dj. It should help out some little kiddies who are new at sig making. I need to start getting back into sigs. I am going to as soon as I get my site up and running again and winter break rolls around.
  13. I get what you are saying now. At first I thought you were talking about a forum for your own host that is free with and doesn't have ads. Then I thought you wanted to join a forum like Xisto but one that doesn't have ads. For free forum hosting go to http://www.forumer.com/ They host your forum for free I am not sure about the ads but I don't think there are any. The only ads are google ads to help support them Notice from mayank: Edited as reported.
  14. I am not sure which type of forum you are talking about. If you mean a forum that you can download that has no ads on it you can get PHPBB at https://www.phpbb.com/ If you have hosting you can get the free verion of Invision Power Board off of your control panel as well as a couple others. If you mean register with a forum that doesn't have hads that you can chat on and not own or run there are many. My forum does not have ads and the same goes for other personal sites.
  15. I believe it is the opposite. A computer lasts longer, and the newer they are the longer they last. Of course games come out for it every month and everyone buys them. For a computer games will come out and you can buy new ones for like 10 years at least. They only come out with a new version of windows every once in a while just like consoles. The thing is though that when a new console comes out you have to buy the whole new console to play the new games because eventually they stop making games for the original console. If you have the original play station you can't find games for it anymore so in order to get new games you have to buy a whole new console. With the computer when a new type of windows or mac comes out they make the new games compatable with the old version. If you buy a computer game you will see that it can be played with maybe 98/2000/XP or whatever. So you can get newer games with the computer much longer than with a console.
  16. Well everyone is told when they first join to try and keep their hosting credits up to at least 10 so if they can't get on they will still have time to post before they are suspended. If you know how many credits you have you should know when there is 48 hours left. If an email is sent whenever you have 2 credits they will make an excuse up or something. It doesn't take that long to make up credits lost.
  17. Plenoptic


    Welcome welcome welcome! Yup Buffalo is right, everyone is on there way lol. Welcome to Xisto, if I haven't said it enough already. I am sure you will enjoy your time here and find lots to do. Just make sure to follow all guidelines in the Xisto Readme that Buffalo was talking about. No illegal content, spamming, post in the right forums, respect all members and the site, etc; Special Word of Advice: Get to know the staff too they are nice people inside their shiny plates of gold armor. lol WARNING: Xisto is addicting and if you stay here for long periods of time some unexplainable force keeps you here when you are supposed to do your homework. ^^^^Maybe that's just me
  18. Not the best graphics in the world as if someone made a home video and editted it or something. I don't think it is real. We would most likely of heard of it before if it was and doesn't an engine need oxygen to run or whatever? That is pretty interesting. Maybe they took a submarine coming out of the water and mixed it with a plane taking off.
  19. Nope. I hoped to win one but lost. I am not about to waste all my money on a new gaming console I won't use that much. It is really a waste of money because when the play station comes out it will go down in price by a ton. Then when the Xbox720 (made that up) comes out you would have to buy yet another new console. That is why computers are so nice. The games are good for every computer there is.
  20. Well I decided my old site design was getting old and I didn't really like it after a while so I made a new one. This one I need some suggestions for the text in the banner. Don't worry about the big white space in the middle for the content that will all be taken care of once I code it. Please comment and give suggestions on what I could do better and with the banner text. I appreciate it.
  21. I am sure they probably have support of some kind in there. Either they have metal support or support of some kind that goes much farther into the rock or back someplace. No one would make something like that making them pay to their death. Everything has to be inspected anyway otherwise people can't go on it at all.
  22. I guess it works either way because everything works fine in public_html for me as well. Because it is anything to be viewed in public and it is normally html lol I have never tried any other folder but when you said that I tried it out. www and public_html is exactly the same thing. I clicked on the www directory and it took me to everything inside public_html so I guess it doesn't really matter which you use because it all takes you to the same place. Just make sure it is one of those two.
  23. lol wow. That would be pretty interesting to see what the Earth is like if that does become an ocean. I bet they would name it after me. Only because I am special. I don't think a new ocean will do much good if it takes apart land because we will have a 2000 times more dense population by then.
  24. I have always sort of halfway wanted one. I don't have one but I wish I had one sometimes when I am using my cd player. Only thing is a lot of people have their ipods stolen at my school so I would get the one that is part of a watch when it comes out. Very portable and entertaining indeed.
  25. Like you all said before the Playstation 3 isn't much more than new looks that are supposed to attract your attention. Of course it has better graphics than the last one and I believe it comes with Wi-Fi internet and is backwards compatable with Playstation 2 games. It now has built in memory and a few other things but nothing worth spending the $400 it will cost or whatever.
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