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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. No I don't believe so. I have Security Pack 2 and have used paint many times before that. If you downloaded it from some unauthorized site then yes it might have something. It looks lik you just accidently changed the language or something to something like german. Many people have downloaded the security pack and no one has reported it that I know of and if they did I am sure you would here about it because someone would try to sue Microsoft for it to make money. Hope you figure things out.
  2. I am new to Visual Basic Programming and I am still learning the basics but what do you need help with. I have a huge book with a bunch of different programs and stuff and maybe I could help you out. If not I can help you find it or Galahad can help as you saw.Good Luck!
  3. If you need help with coding it yes pixel2life.com is a great place to go. If you need help in learning html go to http://www.yourhtmlsource.com/ Try using a program like Dreamweaver that recognizes the code and notes if you have a mistake. Good Luck! Plenoptic
  4. Same here. I have never heard of it but if it is something like Dreamweaver, I will just choose Dreamweaver. Of course I don't have dreamweaver at the moment and only notepad but that will soon change.
  5. I wouldn't reccomend you do that. Some internet providers will now allow users to visit sites that end in .tk. It will say that the page can not be displayed. .tk isn't really a proffessional domain name anyway. I would suggest getting a real domain name for your site. Yahoo is offering domain names for $2.99 until the end of the year. Try finding players that are good, nice, and hard working. It is always good to have someone for the beginers to look up to.
  6. Well you know what? I have always been wondering about that. I always thought it was pretty cool but never knew how they got there. I was going to ask but I guess I forgot. I might try to make one over Thanksgiving Break. It would be pretty cool.
  7. Not a bad little tutorial. Good for those who want to start a clan but have no idea what they are doing. I have another suggestion. You should be in a clan first before you make one. Try it out see if you like it, work your way up in a clan gaining more powers and responcibilities to make sure you can handle them and would enjoy doing them. This will save you money before you go out and rent a server before you know whether you like it or not.
  8. It doesn't really need a whole separate forum. Just one forum with sub forums of the clans. The people could hang out there and have chats and special competitions. If people aren't good at something they could get a couple of people to start a new clan with them with something that they are good at. It would probably be a bit of work to do but there are lots of people that would probably be willing to help.
  9. Well I used CuteNews for a while. It was pretty simple but missing a few things like the emoticons. They make things easy for you but I like just putting text in myself. I don't know why but I do. I have been thinking about making my own content management system though. I probably ought to learn php first. lol
  10. Welcome to Xisto. I am sure you will have a good time here. There is a lot of people who play call of duty and design sites and stuff. There is plenty to do and friends to make. Have you ever played America's Army?
  11. Ya like snildude and round said you can't really compare the two. They are for two different things. Html is for the layout and design of the site and php is for little programs that keeps your site organized, like navigatoin, content management systems, and membership systems. Some people just don't like php because it is a little more difficult to learn because it is more advanced.
  12. Well the only problem with the website vs. website would be there are so many users that have a website and they all are on different topics. Maybe we could have judges instead of voting and have people submit their website to a certain email but have a different theme each month. I don't know how it'd really work, it would be too much to do I think.
  13. Wow that guy must have issues. I am in a computer class where we are learning to code in Visual Basic. I learned a bit quicker than the others cause I have done other types of coding before so I also go around and help people and the teacher doesn't care a bit, she gets to do her work while we do ours and then when I'm done I do homework from other classes.
  14. Well I wasn't going to go see it but I ended up going anyway. It was funnier than the rest of the other ones. They made the characters more real life like than in the others. I had already read the book so I knew what was going to happen but they left a lot out. Of course if they didn't the movie would have been a lot longer than the 2 and a half hour long it already is. It was pretty good overall.
  15. They probably have some type of ratios like 1baby/1second born. Then they have it look at the time on your computer and calculates it by that. That's they way I figure it. I don't think it is fully accurate but it is a good estimation I guess.
  16. There are many places you can find renders. You can search through google images for Battlefield 2 or search for a game renders site. You can also search for a site that has game renders. Try going to clantemplates.com
  17. Many people have photoshop including myself. I have photoshop CS. If you would like to see a user's work go to the graphics section on the forum which is where everyone shows off their sigs. Maybe you could even enter in the Sig of The Week Contest (SOTW)
  18. I wouldn't do the whole review and get free space. That would take up way to much bandwidth. If you were to give away hosting credits the people who make a review and aren't from Xisto wouldn't bother making the review because they wouldn't get anything from it. Maybe make a user system and have a part of the site that is blocked off to those that do not make a review. Have them post a certain number of reviews and they can have access to that site or forum or whatever you would like it to be.
  19. ehhh. I don't know about the whole color thing. I think it looked fine the way it was before. I like the tech in the banner, really nice job. The content boxes to me seem a little mixed in too much like they are one big one. I don't really know how to put it. Very nice job.
  20. I have heard the part about the sun getting red but not expanding all the way to Jupiter. lol Would that mean that pluto will be like the Earth someday having the perfect temperature for life. Of course it wouldn't have life because it has no autmosphere or surface but it wouldn't be so cold. I heard that after the sun turned red it would go white and then just burn out. Imagine one day you woke up and the sun was dark. Complete darkness except from the stars. You would live for a while til the plants die, the trees die, and you lose all the food because animals that eat plants would die and so on. Pretty scary.
  21. There really is nothing special about geocites. I tried using it a couple years ago for a game I played and I had no Idea what I was doing. I tried using the sitebuilder to build a site and it was really wierd. The ads got really, really annoying. It had some good features though like adding on the drop down boxes and stuff without having to put in any html. When you put in a submit button though the emails you recieve were all wierd and you couldn't tell what was what. I think eveyone has really stated everything good and bad about it.
  22. I have successfully completed all of the training and it seemed easy. Do you have a good graphics card? Does the game run fast or slow for you? I completed it fine. Just had to shoot the targets. Just listen to the instructer telling you what to do is all I can say.
  23. Well, I have never really been in love before but to me is knowing someone really well that you like a lot and they know you very well. You know each other so well you can guess what the other will say before they say it. You enjoy doing the same things together and you have some sort of connection. Doesn't really have to be looks but that is good too. I think you just have to feel right about that person, so right you can't stand to be away from them. Love though is really what you think it is I guess.
  24. Well the link isn't working, did you type it wrong or is it just not working right now? Well anyway I think that I have heard something about it before. It is sort of like using a web cam with a computer to talk online and chatting with people. I would like to see the actual web page though to see what this is.
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