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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. Well normally I will download a new pack of brushes, try them out and then find a render that matches. If I have a sig I am making for a clan I will take a render from what the clan is about and make a sig that would match. If I am making a gift I do pretty much the same thing.
  2. Well I don't know about 8 Spiderman movies but I know they have a cartoon and 2 movies and are currently making the 3rd. I think that Spiderman will get a bit old by the time it hits the 8th movie. Wouldn't they run out of ideas and start repeating themselves? Well anyway, if they are we'll see. Where did you hear about that. Do you have a link or something?
  3. Yes your links are working. The jewlerey looks nice. SHINY lol Did you make them or do you run a company that makes them or are those store bought or professionally made? Well anyway, for your link problem, yes there is a way you can change it. Here is an example code for changing the link color. <a href="blahblah.com" link="#FF00FF" vlink="#660066" alink="#FF0000">Click Me</a> The link="" means the color of the link on your page by itself so it would change the blue to whatever color you would like. The vlink is used for what color your link changes to once the person has click on it and visited that page. If you don't want it to change keep it the same as the link. The alink is if you want the link color to change as soon as someone clicks on it to show it is active. This is optional just like the vlink.
  4. Yup maybe I will make a tutorial. After you make your first color go to Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Color Blance again and add more color. Add more blue to the yellow you already have to make it green. Then click ok and if you go to Filter > Render > Clouds you will have a mix of green and yellow. You will learn a lot more as you go along.
  5. What is the link to your site? What part of it can you not access and have you been able to see it before?
  6. Well here ya go your comparison of a good lung and a bad lung. They are all over the web. The good one is of a non smoker and the other of a smoker. You can't really make a person stop smoking, it is their desicion and they are liable for whatever happens. It is there own fault if they get hurt or whatever and almost everyone knows that. If they enjoy doing it by all means go ahead. As long as they are curteous to other people who don't smoke then it's fine with me. Anyway, here is that image.
  7. That looks better. I like it. Much brighter and lively. lol Now we just got to work a bit more on color. The next sig you should make it more shades of yellow and stuff or maybe even more than one color.
  8. Ya I agree. Look at the Play Station 3 for example. The PS2 was only what $200, the new one is gonna double to $400 for the main package. It cost them 500 to make it but they had to lower the price to compete with xbox. I might wait for the ps4 to come out and then get the ps3. You don't really have to buy the new technology, once you hit something that is very good you don't really need to go better. lol The only way I would have gotten a xbox360 would have been if I won it, and I didn't which I said before. oh well
  9. Welcome to Xisto. Hope to see you around a lot and get to know you more. If you ever need help coding there are plenty of people here that can help you out.
  10. I am not quite sure what font would fit. Just experiment a little bit. Go through the list of fonts and find one you think fits best. What I mean by adding contrast, if you go to "Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Brightness/Contrast" add a little more and see what happens. Saint Michael will probably have a lot better ideas, lol but experiment some more and you will be great.
  11. If you play America's Army and don't have a clan and would like to join one, I am an admin of a server and have a "squad" and I am trying to get members to join my squad. The clan is called Hwyman. If you go to http://forum.hwyman.com/ and join the forums, click recruit and use the application and at the bottom post this quote you will be part of my squad and I can help all you guys out when we are playing and all that good stuff
  12. Well Microsoft pretty much has to make a handheld to keep up with sony and the psp. The PSP is the best handheld out there yet and with those extra sales microsoft will most likely try to beat it and then a whole new line of handhelds will be sent out. It's pretty funny how they compete like that. We get better technology because two companies are always trying to beat the other.
  13. My parents bought Norton a couple weeks ago but I haven't installed it yet. From all of the reviews I have seen though it sounds pretty good. For spyware remover and keyloggers I recommend Spy Sweeper. It takes a long time to scan but really gets the job done.
  14. I use msn messenger the most. I use aim too because most of my friends at school have that. It really doesn't matter to me. I don't like yahoo though. Msn is the best in my opinion. Lots of features, winks, now the voice winks, games, etc;
  15. Not bad. You could use a bit more contrast though. I would try multicoloring I am not really feeling the text either. Good for your second signature. Keep it up
  16. I started working on the basic content of a game once. Started creating characters, and enemies, had a map drawn out and everything. Once summer came though we sort of quit. I have no idea what I would be doing anyway. I would help but what kind of game is it? I would help in the forums and stuff but I don't know if I would if I didn't like the type of game.
  17. That's a really good tutorial. I would use it if I had a need. I have thought about it a couple times what it would be like to host your own radio station. lol You would have to get people to advertise on it though so you can make some money, or have google ads or something. I might have to try that over the winter. "Pleno Radio"
  18. Ya there isn't really a "most important" thing that happened to you. It's just some are more important than others. I was most affected by the hurricanes like I have been every year. Luckily nothing major has happened around my neck of the woods but we got some heavy rain this year. But if I lived where I did before I might not have been so lucky.
  19. That's some great looking stuff. Too bad we have the problem Arigato stated otherwise we would be flying through things. I would like to see light slow down to 1 mph. lol I could race light and whoop it's little butt. Imagine if light did travel at 1mph. When the sun goes behind a cloud you would all of a sudden see a the light getting closer and closer. lol Nifty.
  20. Well this isn't true because of North America and South America, unless you just count the "America" part. That's not cool. I always hold back a sneeze whenever I am at school or something. I started doing that like 5 years ago. It will come out but I will keep my mouth closed. Pretty funny facts you found. Pretty good entertainment.
  21. I did some research and actually found out that there is a NeoObjects Fusion 9 out now. It has more features that improves the work with CSS and more flash work as well. It seems that there is a lot more now than in version 7. If anyone is interested here is the link, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  22. Thanks for all the comments. I will keep all of this in mind. I might edit it some and reproduce to you guys the new template. Maybe I will put this one away for awhile and make a whole new one. I don't know. We'll see what happens when there is more time in the day. That is just some cutting I did to add something there.
  23. I am not very good at coding php. I started once but sort of forgot it all. I plan to become one though. If you post a little more info on the problems I am sure that people can help you out more. People need to know what they are dealing with before they agree to help you. Are you having errors or anything or are you trying to change something and can't figure out how.
  24. Alright, well even though you told me now that you don't need it anymore I have already finished it so here it is for you and anyone who would like it. Here is the link to it http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ If you still want it tell me if you would like changes. Here it is,
  25. Well I got my first computer for Christmas a couple years ago. I had to share it with one of my brothers and my sister. My brother built it for us. In march though I was accepted into a program at a school in another county so my parents said I would have to get off at a library and stay there until my mom could pick me up. I used this as an excuse to say, well if I am going to be at the library I will need a laptop to do my homework with They agreed and I bought the laptop with my own money when we found a deal in the Dell magazine.
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