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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. Have you tried reading the read me? It tells you everything you have to do step by step. Or there is an install guide that helps you. Are you trying to install it by editting files in notepad because if you are it isn't really going to work because when you try to find a code it will only be able to find a little part of it. You need something like Dreamweaver. What exactly are you having trouble with?
  2. There are many phones you can get from any phone company. Mine cost about $150. Luckily I didn't have to pay for it because my parents felt that I needed one for schoool. Anyway, mine is a Sibt Ericsson Z500a that I got from Cingular. It has a very nice camera.
  3. I don't think they are working on it quite yet. They are probably all making sure that everything is going as planned with the Play Station 3. Of course they probably have ideas going through their head about it but I'm sure they don't have any set plans yet. There has to be a huge discussion with ideas and put them all together. Since it will be a decade before it comes out they probably are in no rush to work on it because the Play Station 3 hasn't come out yet. yup ok
  4. Exactly what I was saying. It could be a whole entertainment system that could fit in your pocket for easy traveling. lol Imagine playing a video game that reads your mind. They are actually working on something like it. It's in another topic on the forum I think. It hooks up wires to you and it can do everything for you. You think jump and picture it jumping and it jumps. Of course it would cost 1000's of dollars but if you are moving into your own place buy that and you are all set for everything. Tv, music, video games, online. Mine as well amke it an actual computer. This stinks lol. Our grand kids won't have to move at all during the day. It could have chats for online school and they will have their computer type up stuff using their mind. NO FAIR!!!!
  5. Well they found stuff to add to the Play Station 3. They made better graphics, Wi-Fi internet, a better system, new controllers, and stuff like that. Built in memory etc; If they won't have Play Station 4 out within the decade say 2013 or something there will be tons of new technology for them to toy around with. Maybe they will have it battery powered and have a built in screen in case you go in the car or something. There are tons of possibilites. With every new system they have better graphics, more power, more memory, and the sky is the limit.
  6. Like Cebral said they could maybe grow them on Mars but that isn't what they said they were going to do. I would like to see if they could grow them on mars. I bet they could grow apple trees during part of the year there. I would like to see what different types of plants they could grow if any at all. It would take a lot of work and experimenting to get them started. It would help astronauts out a bit giving them more area to produce more food. I don't think it would taste much different except maybe because it absorbs different tasting water maybe with different chemicals. It would take a lot of expermienting.
  7. lol They can get annoying but they are doing it to make money to keep the servers going. Because they are giving free hosting they don't get money out of it except from their ads. So everytime you here the annoying voices just think of the good services Xisto is providing many people. lol I mostly have my sound muted or I avoid them all together by keeping my mouse to the side when I scroll down. It really isn't a big deal if you don't have your mouse over them you don't hear em.
  8. That's just sad. People have to pretend to be the FBI to put viruses in people's computers. I don't see what they get out of it anyway unless it is a keylogger. Do they see joy in ruinning people's computers and getting on the news. I think it is pretty stupid if you ask me. I guess people have nothing else to do in their lives because they are a bunch of lowlifes. Who knows.
  9. From what I've heard a while back they are already making a Play Station 4. It is most likely being designed as we speak(type). I just found an article saying they are hoping to have it out within the next decade. Right now they are worrying about the Play Station 3. They have to get into mass production with that before they worry about one that is coming after a system that hasn't come out yet. I'm sure it will be the system of the century as well as the Xbox720 lol. I don't see why you are worrying about it though if there is a Playstation 3 yet to come out. *edit* http://archive.videogamesdaily.com/news/200511/074.asp Notice from jlhaslip: edit to add link
  10. I have tried this site before. I tried it long ago and had a whole bunch of errors. Of course I couldn't fix it because back then I had no idea what I was doing. It is a pretty good source for proffesional sites. They put the picture saying their site had been validated. It helps make sure that all of the browsers see the same thing and no distorted stuff I think. I don't know the full details.
  11. You are probably gonna need more in a forum than just topics to talk about. I made a web graphics site once and I didn't really have many people. Maybe 60 but half of them were inactive. Then I started using tutorials to help advertise. More and more people came and we started getting popular but there was still a lot of inactivity. If you offer people something they will start coming in. If you have contests or give tutorials or something and start advertising using them your forums will start jumping. At the moment there is no need for a bunch of moderators if there is nothing that they can moderate.
  12. This game looks pretty interesting but I still don't know all the details. It sounds like it will be called something like Movie Tycoon. That'd be fun to make your own movies. It would probably get boring though after a while. They would have to come out with a second version that has improvements and better graphics because eventually don't you think all of the movies will start to come out the same. It will be like the other games like Roller Coaster Tycoon it seems. I don't know if I know all about this because a source wasn't listed. I am just going by what I read here. If anyone has more information please send me a link.
  13. People just get so antsy sometimes. They do need to learn to take the time to read what is going on before they complain about something. The same thing occurs here at Xisto and everywhere else. If you want to complain you need to make sure you have all the details straight. Of course I think everyone does it at some point. I probably have a couple times.
  14. Did you complain wanting to get the money back that you spent on a service you didn't recieve? I would have emailed them the second I found out about that. You never know maybe they saved you from having it stolen. Probably not but hey it could happen. I guess UPS is falling behind in the competition.
  15. There are many more places you can get free templates. Try going to http://clantemplates.com/ and maybe http://www.zymic.com/ Soon you will see my site on the list. I plan to start giving free templates and selling proffessional ones but I am still working on becoming the best I can at making templates. I am still a beginner and I have to work on my different types of coding as well. I have to learn php and xhtml still but I'm working on it.
  16. I also know him from karate kid. I have seen those and he is funny. I saw him in a couple other movies too but I forget which ones. He seemed perfect for the job as the master in Karate Kid. He will be missed.
  17. If you don't have a PS2 and you are on the road a lot the PSP would be worth it. Most people think that smaller is better. Sure the price is high now but it will go down. I wanted one at one point after I tried out my friends and I thought it was really cool. I decided not to though because I do have a PS2. -Yes (you have to be careful. -only if you have a messy room - definately (it should go down.) - not anymore there are a lot -very true and very expensive -duh it's small, that's why it is portable it is meant to be used when you can't playing your PS2 lol -only if you press them to hard -it would look too wierd with joysticks
  18. If you follow what he said you will be fine. Do not upload anything illegal or breaking the Terms of Service. If you are wondering how much space you have it depends on what package you have or would like to get. If you want the first package you get 20mb of space, and the second you get 150mb of space. Hopefully this helped you.
  19. Thanks for the renders SM. I have been in need of them because I have been to lazy to cut some out myself I will have to try some of them out when I attempt to make a sig later today. I don't know how it will turn out so take caution when you go to view it.
  20. Well I never really wanted a camera phone until I ended up getting one before school started. They really are a cool thing to have. Of course I can't send pictures because it is on a family plan my parents pay for but I like taking pictures with it. I take pictures of cool cars I see, my friends, and other things just to mess around. It has different frames to make a nice picture and funny ones that make it look like the person is in jail. It has effects like solar, orange, black/white, etc; It entertains me on the hour long bus ride home from school. They can be helpful as well. One person in my area was almost kidnapped and as the guy drove away he took a picture of the lisence plate number. Pretty handy in that case. There are lots of uses for them even though they are expensive.
  21. I haven't had an Ipod myself. I do plan on buying one in the future once I make all my other purchases this holiday season. I am not sure which one to get but it might be a Nano. The only thing I think that would be bad about the Nano is that is could break very easily. My friend had it for a week and the back was scratched up very badily. It has games(solitare) on it though but can't really store that much music because of that. You can buy one for $200 at Wal-Mart.
  22. Well I did a current even on this a month ago and learned a lot about it. It is supposed to have a hand crank that powers it. It isn't meant to have games just to store files for school like to type things up. It has a rubber casing around it to help make it very durable. It should help those who can't afford them. They have already produced quite a bit of them and have given them to countries that really need them to use them as a prototype.
  23. Well after a bit of work and taking your suggestions I did a bit of editting and came up with this. It looks much better I believe.
  24. Alright I will do that. It isn't the problem that there are so many of them. It's the fact that I had so many before that that it is hard to tell which is which and remember which ones I have used before and what they are like. I might have to start deleting the ones I don't like.
  25. lol Even if it looks like noob stuff you all make me look like I have no idea what I am doing when I make sigs. I have lost my touch in making stuff. I have only made a couple in the past 3 months. I guess I should try getting back into it.
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