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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. You would have to talk to Cingular for the chord you are looking for. They can't charge you for transferring things from your computer to your phone unless it requires emailing. If you use the chord it shouldn't cost anything. Your phone's email is your email. You connect to the internet and sign into your personal email I believe.
  2. Well I know there was a topic talking about it I don't remember where but it didn't say it was final. It's going to be pretty interesting to see what name they take on. Will it be Macromedia Photoshop, or Adobe Flash lol or will they keep the separate names just work together under Adobe. Pretty interesting. They are gonna have to mee very high exectations now that they have combined.
  3. I would get one that is above average but not really the fastest unless you plan to do a lot on your computer. I suggest going with the 2.0 or the 1.86. They are the second and third fastest so your computer will be really fast but you don't have to have the fastest. I would probably buy the 1.86. You don't want to spend all your money on speed. There are other components you have to look into too.
  4. Well every year my parents have me make a Christmas List and I do. I don't like to make it look like I am greedy and this year I only wanted 3 things. They don't put things under the tree until Christmas Eve night. On Christmas Eve we trade presents between the family. I either got Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 or Studio 8 because i put that on my list. I said either or and I gave them a site where you get an awesome student discount so you can get Dreamweaver for like $230 but you have to give copy of student Id. So my mom asked me for my id and a couple days later a package came by UPS and it was from that company so I know I got either or. I also know I got a book light because today I told my mom I was going to buy one for bus rides when I have to study or do homework and since I have to go to a different county for school it is an hour long ride and in the morning it is dark. My mom told me to wait for Christmas so I am.
  5. You won't have one that small you buy much bigger ones because bigger is better. Besides we already lose our other little things. Just put it in that big entertainment senter where the other TV used to be and you should always be able to find it.
  6. Well first of all I would like to say that the U.S did ask places in Europe to help in the war. I think people are just upset about the Canadians not joining the war because they are our next door neighbors. I personally don't care who joins the war as long as it ends soon without many getting hurt. If the Canadians don't want to get into the war I completely understand. They are not the United States and they don't have to help us take care of something we started. Of course it'd be nice but it is up to them and there are a lot of other countries that can help too.
  7. Make sure that the file name is index.html or index.php or something like that. Also make sure that the file you uploaded is in the public_html folder because that is what everyone can see. If you put it in the main directory you won't see it but if you have it in public_html you should be fine.
  8. Yes if you get a cord (of course which costs money) you can get ringtones from your computer. If you have internet you can send an email to yourself and download it right off your phone. If not then I would go for the cord. There was a commercial or something that said to text some word to 66566 for like jokes or free ringtones. I wouldn't try it though cause I think they spam you.
  9. That is some really good stuff you have there jlhaslip. Thanks for posting it here. I have also committed those web design crimes but I have learned my lesson. That is a very good resource for beginners who might need some help. What I need to do is get everything looking the same in every browser. Tough thing to do. I also need to make that feedback form but sadly my site is still messed up and I can't access it.
  10. Sounds pretty cool. I have never been to Hershey's Park but I have wanted to. I have always loved roller coasters and I guess you must like the park too. I have noticed you like posting this stuff. Great Info.
  11. If you watch the movie and look to the right of the movie screen there is a small pic. If you click that it will open up the computer generated version like thing that they transform into water. It is pretty cool stuff. It shows fluid coming out of 3-D buildings made on the computer. I really wish I knew how they did it.
  12. To get started in your cpanel log in and go to File Manager. Then open up the folder 'public_html' This is where you can upload your html files. Once they are in there you can edit them by clicking on the file name and edit. You can edit them and save and everything should be up there. This is the very basics of what you can do. For easier access to your files you could download an FTP program like SmartFTP. https://www.smartftp.com/ If you go into your cpanel, click "FTP Manager" and find your information needed to log into your account from your computer instead of your cpanel. I hope this has helped.
  13. I have the HTML with the form and php for the processing page. I got it to work and it is all fine and dandy now. Thanks for all your help. You are missing the < in the very begining of the code before form. I don't know if that was a typo or if it is the problem but if it is that is all it takes to mess it up.
  14. Well I have Norton, or my parents bought it but they never let me put it on my computer. I would like no ads at all except for maybe google ads cause those are ok. The pop up blocker I use now isn't all that bad. It blocks all pop ups just nothing on sites.
  15. Wow! That is some pretty cool stuff. I bet if they make it three demensional with the 3-D glasses is would be crazy. I like that a lot. Of course it could be real and they just want you to think it's fake to make them look good. lol Or not! That is some really cool stuff.
  16. The thing is democracy isn't what it should be. Sure we vote on what we believe in but do you see presidents that don't have a wife who's father owns a Heinz. In order to be a major part of the political system you have to have wealth and good stories. A lot of it is lies. Of course if it was free to run for president everyone would be president but you should be a smart person who would do well for our country. They should make new rules for running for president. Like you have to have 2000 people nominate you. I think it 1000 right now. Our voting system is good though and it gives the people what the majority of us want. I do think we need to change the way politics work a bit.
  17. Plenoptic

    The Weather Man

    lol The weather man is supposed to make prediction. It isn't there fault they dropped out of school j/k But it isn't all the time they are wrong, they make predictions on what the computers show them. I do think they should learn a bit more to study when something will change. Like if they see a cold front coming they should be able to know if something could change its course or not.
  18. Very nice tutorial you got there. I can't wait to try it out. The revolution in sig design. lol I like it a lot.
  19. Please note that Xisto has changed location to a new dedicated server. Some DNS takes longer to change then others. If you continue to have problems after a couple more days pm an admin but it should be coming up soon.
  20. Now that is one heck of an idea. I like it a lot. Never thought of anything like that before. Very good job SM. I am looking forward to the tutorial.
  21. If you password protect the robots.txt as long as it doesn't mess anything up and if you delete all messages of the free web hosts after the accounts are activated it should be ok. You can't delete them when they are accepted because they still have to see it was accepted and activate it but once they are hosted it should all be ok. They can contact an admin if they need more info.
  22. Due to the fact that they moved to a dedicated server last night there could be some problems involving the hosting because things are still trying to get set up and settled in.
  23. Ya luckily nothing on my site went down but the mail servers. Sadly to say I am moving to a different host with more space and stuff. Don't worry, I'll still be here though so you never have to miss me. The forums were still down last night at 11 here for me. The site had come back up but there were sql errors. I am glad to see it is back now.
  24. It says "Account Creation Complete" I had some type of DNS problem as well when I first recieved my account and it didn't cause any problems. Can you still log into your cpanel and all? I might have recieved errors but it didn't do anything.
  25. Plenoptic

    The Weather Man

    Well their computers tell them snow and then once the time gets closer they get a more accurate forcast and sometimes it is the oppossite of what they originally thought. In fact it normally happens that way. The same always happens here. They will predict a bunch of rain but it will be sunny. When they track hurricanes they had lots of problems so now they have a system that shows all the possible tracks it could take and a margin of error. Sometimes they are way off because they are relying on a computer and the closer it gets to the time of rain the more accurate predictions you recieve on how much we will get because there is a less possibility something can change.
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