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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. About the 5th post explains it all. People just need to read the whole thing. I guess Triangular numbers weren't explained in the what is. If you can remember 5th grade and patterns with the triangles made out of dots and they ask you how many dots would be in the next triangle. Well each side of the triangle would have to have the same number of dots.
  2. That's what he needs. He wants a form where he could just input all of this info and it will put it on his site for him instead of just coding every single one of them in by coding every one. It makes it a lot easier for the input and saves a lot of time.
  3. A trap door is A back door is They are basically the same thing. They both are ways to enter a computer system without running into security so they can basically shut you down.
  4. I haven't played Age of the Empire but Civilization III. I think they are similar. They can be addicting. Good luck on the site. If you need help I am here for you.
  5. To have two different users you wouldn't even have to have two sub domains. You could just set up a second FTP account. It is all inside the control panel. If you wanted a subdomain on your subdomain it would be blah.blah.trap17.com which wouldn't quite work. I used to play a game called Star Kingdom or whatever where you had your own kingdom I think or something like that. It was fun.
  6. Opaque they loaded fine for me. It didn't even take me a second to have it load. I have Cable internet though I don't know what you have. As for the site, it is very well put together especially for a twelve year old. I do think the home page needs content to explain what the site is about and stuff like that. Nothing too long but you can maybe post updates there or something as well or new news about spongebob. You have a lot of potential. Keep up the good work.
  7. Well if you mean you want two seperate subdomains/sites you would have to start a second forum account and apply again and keep up with both hosting accounts. If you want two sub domains that lead to the same site then it would have to be talked over with the admins. To answer your question about whether we would still join if it was limited to real countries, yes of course I would but I was just thinking that you might run out of countries. Edit: Just found a site like the one you are thinking of making. https://www.gameservers.com/game_servers/index.php Check it out. Maybe you can use it as a base.
  8. Well the only thing I can tell you is to join other sites that are similar in topic to yours and try to set up an affiliate system with them. They have a banner on their site for you and you have a banner on your site for them. The more links you have on other sites the more visitors you get and the higher in google rankings and other search engines you are.
  9. Well that sounds like a really cool idea. I would definately join. I think it would be cool to try and run a country. Would we be allowed to have people under us as part of our country like a vice president and stuff? That would be cool. Then we could maybe have other people in the population and can build an army or something. I don't know. Maybe just the debate thing would be good.
  10. I see what he is talking about. Make sure you are using valid coding, either XHTML, HTML and/or CSS. If you go to http://validator.w3.org/ you can try to validate your site and it will tell you if there is anything wrong or missing in your code. Your website shows 123 errors. http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%cs-gaming.be%2F Make sure these are fixed and it should fix your problem.
  11. Welcome back. By the way snildude is still here. I don't think he has been on much lately though.
  12. Nah it's not just a woman sport lol. I think guys do it too. Some people do it so they can relax their minds and some do it to lose weight and stuff like that. I don't personally do yoga. I think you only thing woman do yoga because that is all that is advertised I think guys just don't want to admit that they do it because they think the same as you.
  13. Just to let you know that link brings a php error. As for the tutorial, very nice job. I have always wanted to make em but wasn't quite sure how. I might have to try it when i get a chance to see waht kind of emoticon I can make. Thanks
  14. Well I sort of felt the same way my last couple weeks of school. Yesterday was my last day and I am just glad it is over. I started losing it the night before the last day and gave up on studying and started playing video games. Well I got a D on my last exam which brought my A for the second semester to a B because it counted as 15% of my grade. My mom was mad but she got over it. I think you should just take maybe 20 minutes alone in any place, even a closet and just relax and meditate really. Try and take things off your mind to try and focus on the task at hand. Think positive. If that doesn't work maybe you should sit your parents down and try to have a serious conversation with them and tell them. If they don't listen then keep trying and trying because they will give in. If they don't think you have a problem then tell them to let you take the test to prove to yourself that you don't.
  15. It sounds like a good idea and I would like to try some of the games you made but the link you put to your website doesn't work. It goes to a Freewebs not found page.
  16. If you search google you could maybe find a host that will let you have your own forum. Some probably do hav e ads but maybe you could have them on the bottom so that not many people will see them. https://www.google.com/webhp?hl=en&sa=X&spell=1&gws_rd=ssl Or you can try going to https://mybb.com/ That is a forum just like this one in a way but a little different. There are many other free forums as well like this https://www.phpbb.com/
  17. Yes there is a way to do that. It is a url mask which will cover over the subdomain. So of course people who try to go to the sub domain will still see the sub domain though. I would just give a notice to people that the domain is going to change a week or so in advance and you can have the domain redirect to the subdomain for a bit after the change and then get rid of the sub domain later on down the road.
  18. I have been interested in playing Flight Simulator for quite some time but either never had the money to buy it, or didn't have a good enough computer to play it. I do indeed have a good computer now but I am saving for other things. The last version of that game I played I believe was from 98 or 2000 I am not sure but I think it was 98. I sort of forgot about it. I didn't know they still made that game. I might purchase it if I can. The graphics certainly have improved from when I last played it.
  19. I think what he means is if he uses his domain instead of the Xisto subdomain, could he add subdomains to that. If that is the question you have then yes you can do that. So if you use the subdomain "monkey.com" you can add a subdomain for your forums to make it "forum.monkey.com" and you can have seperate FTP settings for that subdomain so if you are giving some space to a friend they can access that folder and that folder only so they can have their own little site but of course you would still be able to access it.
  20. lol Really sorry I completely missed the first link to the new site. I do like the new one a lot better. Although I can't really read the text at the bottom at all because it is too small. I would enlarge that a bit so people can read it. This looks pretty nice. Good work.
  21. I like it. Job well done. The top does look a little wierd though. It does look pretty close to the s2000 as well.
  22. I would definately widen the updates box to take up the width of the content area because there is nothing next to it and all that scrolling could be annoying. I would also change the forums so it maxes the original site so they sort of look the same. Some people might think that they changed sites or something.
  23. My email accounts never recieved unwanted mail. I have had my account since november. I used it for my site and stopped checking the mail in January. I just checked it and I only had 16 messages which were all for my site. Or most of them were...only a couple were spam and that is expected.
  24. Well I am 14, and I do landscaping. I started a year ago and I make $7 an hour. I plant trees, mulch areas, lay sod (grass), plant plants, mow lawns, the good stuff. I like it, it makes me money
  25. I personally also like the second template better. The first one is ok but it sort of looks plain but does have some good parts in there. On the second one I think the navigation buttons are a bit too big on the second one though.
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