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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. Like moolkye said it would be good to join other forums that are related to your website and advertise there if they have an advertisement section but if not then you could always ask to affiliate with them. They will give you a small banner to but on your site and you can give them one of your small banners to put on their site. If you have friends interested in your website have them do the same and if they have friends like that have them do the same as well and a chain can get started. It is a lot of hard work but once you get going the growing won't stop.
  2. Very nice site you got there. It looks very professional and smooth. I like the colors. Everything is easy to find using the navigation. The content fits in perfectly. You are pretty good, nice work.
  3. lol Very nice. Of course I don't root for either but that is ok. I like how you fit in statistics in it. I love how everything rhymes and stuff. I saw you had to replace things like corn instead of yellow but we get the picture and it kept it giong. lol I like it a lot. You should make more.
  4. Congrats SM and good luck on the job. I am sure it was tough trying to get back into a daily routine after you came back. I am sure you will do very well at the job. I have seen your work and you are really good. I used to believe I wanted a job like that but I noticed I was better at computer programming. Good Luck and have fun.
  5. What I am doing is I bought a cheap computer and then I upgrade the parts so I can still use it and build it at the same time. You can sell the old parts on ebay and stuff like that. As for places to buy, I use http://www.newegg.com/ to purchase parts and http://www.dell.com/en-us/ to get a computer.
  6. He said that that his brother keeps deleting history and forms so he wants to know why. I think he thinks his brother is looking or going to places he shouldn't be going to on the internet.
  7. Thanks, I really appreciate the suggestions. This is my first real program I tried to make that wasn't out of a book or something my teacher told me to make. Now that I have the full version of Visual Basic at my house I can work on it more.
  8. Every time you delete yoru cookies it will forget that you were here and the only thing it will remember is your username and password. If you happen to delete your cookies every once in a while that will be why. I think there are other reasons which I sort of forget at the moment. I will edit this if I remember.
  9. Well supposedly there was a simple password to get in or something or he found some book to hack into it but if he did there would be millions of hackers. I sort of don't think he could have done this but who knows.
  10. Summary This young man, interested in UFO?s and aliens was watching a movie of a teenage boy that hacked into the U.S government system and almost started World War 3. This got this man started on hacking computers. After he bought a book he found out how to hack into the government security system. Using the username of Solo he was able to get right in. It turns out the government use an insecure Microsoft Windows program that didn?t require a password. Still burning. This caused $700,000 of damage and crippled a vital defensive system just after September 11. This man is being treated as a terrorist and could face up to 70 years in jail. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ What a crazy man. Some of this is too hard to believe. He says he has found all of these different things but it doesn?t seem real. If it is then there is a lot that the government isn?t telling us. He says he will reveal more at the right time. What is really hard to believe is the fact that the man got in with no password supposedly. I am surprised that the government isn?t trying to keep all of his information a secret because he might let something else out. I hope they made changes to their system because now I bet other people now are looking into hacking into the United States government. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/--
  11. Wow, that is rather frightening that a person would do such a thing. Even if the dog is dead it isn't right. This time it might be a dead dog but next time it could be a live one or even worse a human. Things like this is a bad example for others as well who might do it. I hope that person learned their lesson.
  12. Alright well I made this program about 3 weeks ago during Spring Break and decided to let you all test it. It is a program that you can type in questions you would like it to ask and the answers that go along with them. You have to tell it how many questions there should be before you type them in. After you are done typing them in you can edit them if you would like or just save and run them, you can't edit them after you say no. There are two modes for it, Exact Answer and Typical; if you go Exact Answer you have to have in the exact answer letter for letter and Typical it will ask you whether you got it correct or not and you have to be honest with yourself. I plan on making a new version that allows you to edit your questions after you save them, add more modes, and probably a few more but I would like you guys to test it please and tell me if you like it and if changes need to be made. I would greatly appreciate it. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  13. I have one of those books but it comes with working model edition in which you can't make execution files.
  14. Well currently I have the working model edition for Visual Basic 6.0 which won't allow me to make .exe files. I was looking into buying the Learning Edition but I can't find it cheap or in stock anywhere. I want to try and find it for under $100 used or new. If anyone has it, and would like to make the .exe file for me if I send you the files that would be great, or if anyone could help me find it for cheap.
  15. Yes, if you are active on the forums and follow the rules and try to help out others your warning will eventually be reduced by a moderator or an administrator. It does take time so be patient. Make sure to follow all the rules in the Xisto ReadMe and post quality posts and double check it hasn't been posted before.
  16. Those are folders you probably don't need and are files needed for your site to run correctly. I wouldn't worry about those These two folders are the exact same thing and will take you to the files available to be seen on your website. The index page to your site will be in there and it doesn't matter which one you use but whatever files you want to put on your web site for download or to be used as your actual web page will go in there.
  17. That is a pretty neat idea. I wish I had one. Whenever I get bored on the 40 minute ride home from school on the bus or the hour trip there I could just whip out the cell phone and watch tv. Then again I don't think my parents want to have to pay more money but still, it would be nice. I haven't even heard of it before let alone seen one though.
  18. Well I also always wondered how April fools day came to be. Thanks for sharing although now it just sort of ruins they day No point of pulling pranks if you know why you are. I don't really do it anymore though anyway. I never really did many things on april fools.
  19. I truly do think they are paid too much as well. Sure they are good players and talented, and sure they entertain millions, but we don't neeed them in our lives. Farmers don't make much at all and they supply us with food. If I were a baseball player, which I have dreamed of being many times, I would play just for the fun of it. I wouldn't care if I get paid a lot or not. You see the sports players might be talented at what they do, but whatever job you are at you are talented at what you do, that is why you do it. I think people just let the money get to their head and become greedy. Why would people beg for an extra million dollars a year when they already have 15 million. They already are living big.
  20. Well people like MySpace so they can get out some anger, express some feelings and talk to friends and see what they have been up to if they haven't seen them and stuff. It is sort of like a web site just for them. I personally don't use MySpace and don't plan to but all of my friends do. It is like a diary really but their friends can see it. I have heard some bad stories about it as well which don't need to be stated but people like it.
  21. What do you expect? Microsoft has to try and compete with google somehow. I don't think many people will use it because they are already so used to going to google and yahoo and stuff it is hard to break a habit. They will probably go there as a last resort maybe. I don't think it is half bad but like I said it would be hard to break a habit.
  22. I am actually playing this game at the time of this post. My brother ended up buying it and I am currently trying to get going. I have a pretty decent car that I am tuning up and stuff. It is really a great game and fun to play. You can buy just about any car there is which is the fun part.
  23. As jlhaslip said I don't think it should be used either. No one on the forums are even allowed to use the word and having it on the forums itself can have it used against you and stuff. I don't really get the meaning of why it is even there in the first place but I guess I will have to wait for more to be revealled from OpaQue like Buffalo said.
  24. Yup I am a boy under the age of 18. I am actually 14. I think most guys are into computers or a majority of them are and use the internet. There are some girls that like to hang out on here though, even a moderator.
  25. Well all I can help you with is phpbb. They have an installation guide on their site https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=1385785&n= If you follow that you should be ok. If you need FTP software to upload your forums go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Then download and set it up to connect to your site. Create a new folder called forums, and upload all the files for phpbb specified into there and the guide will tell you the rest.
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