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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. Here is a great place to learn any type of coding. http://www.w3schools.com/ and if you want PHP go to http://www.w3schools.com/php/default.asp It gives you step by step and if you need a tutorial to make a certain script run you can head over to http://www.pixel2life.com/ and they have a bunch of PHP tutorials there that you can use to make something.
  2. I use Dreamweaver as well. I used the 30 day trial a while back and ended up buying the thing because I liked it so much. It does a lot of the coding for you. You just type in the attribute and it has an autocomplete to help you out. It also shows when an error made but changing the color of the text. If you want to make a form it helps you out with that too by asking you the info you want and it codes it for you. Really helpful and I like it a lot.
  3. These are affiliate buttons to display on a list of affiliates it isn't supposed to be that big, it is a size that Xisto has set for banner making to be used. arcalypse I am not that advanced in this kind of stuff and it isn't supposed to be professional so yes it isn't that eye catching because I am not that skilled in this kind of area but I thank you for the suggestions and I will take them to heart.
  4. Luckily the name of that browser doesn't even sound appealing. I guess it is just another money scheme to get money for people. I think it is sad what people stoop down to these days to make a few bucks while harming others. Well thanks for brining this up, hopefully people will realize this before they make that mistake.
  5. The game really does turn you off at the beginning because it is really slow going and you die early and have to wait 10 minutes for a new round to start. After you get going though it gets better because you are shooting more people, and know more of what to do. Trying the different maps will help you find there is more action than you think. This game keeps me occupied many hours of the week. I do believe the training is annoying but they only do it to try and get Army recruits because that game brings in more than half of the people that plan to join the army and it is a game. I think they want to try and fit in as much army like stuff as they can to make the Army look cool.
  6. I also have never heard of teoma. I have always tried a bunch of search engines and Google seemed to stick. I guess it's because it doesn't have a crowded page trying to get you to use their other services which are still great which is cool. I think people could probably never get used to another search engine unless some way they come out with something so big that it knocks Google's socks off. Once people get into the habit of using Google or really anything it is hard to break. LONG LIVE GOOGLE! lol
  7. Well as much as I love truefusion's I am gonna have to go with Tom's. I really like the colors and how he fit in the logo of the World Cup. Nice sigs to both of you and good luck.
  8. Thanks for the suggestion. I will try it out once I get the chance. Thanks for all the feedback guys I appreciate it. It helps me become better.
  9. Well this site turned me off as soon as I saw the content of the ads around it. Sure the amount of ads was ok considering that is what gets you the money but the sexual content turned me off. I was hoping for more of a friendly environment to make money but I guess no more of that.
  10. Welll that is pretty cool. I like the texture but not really the colors I would choose something else. I do like the outcome though. As for the url thing, you have to quote it anyway if it has been posted anywhere on the web before it was posted here so therefor it must be in quotes.
  11. Like rejected said it is a long process and takes up a lot of time and hard work. I found a tutorial at http://www.pixel2life.com/ which has a short tutorial on building the basics of a forum. Hopefully this will help. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  12. Well if you don't know what to do when you open the laptop I recommend you take it to someone who does, like a compute place, Circuit City, Best Buy, or to a friend. If you think you know what you are doing you can go in there, push the keys out and try to fix the sticking problem. Until then have you tried to pull them back into place so you could atleast get it started or are they stuck pretty good?
  13. Were you trying to upload more than 5 MB to your site at once because that would have caused the error. What are you trying to upload like a forum or just pictures or what? Try exitting and reconnecting again to see if that gets rid of the error because it could just be a runtime error.
  14. lol No I made that on my other computer and I had to download new brushes for this computer because I haven't made anything in a while so it is completely new.
  15. Yup I know it mine didn't work I just forgot to edit the post. I am working on fixing it I said it in the shoutbox just not on here sorry. Edit: Alright here it is again in the right size and grunge brushing. I think this will work or atleast I hope it does.
  16. Well you could charge based on the number of pages, the number of hours it takes to make it, or whatever. It depends what each page consists of. If you are adding in Flash and other special effects and what not that is extra there. Is it a different design for each page or is it after the first page you can use that as a template. It really all depends you have to expand more here.
  17. Well I made the program in Adobe Photoshop and then I used Adobe Image Ready to add in the animation.
  18. Well I made one before but it was ugly looking and I made that months ago and I like making my own because it makes me feel special lol
  19. Well I decided to get my site back on track and decided I would need a new affiliate button for Xisto so I made a new one which is much better than my last. Here it is, tell me what you think.
  20. Well all I can think of is that one of your posts was deleted or turned invisible because maybe you made a topic that had been posted before, made a topic of illegal content or something that broke the rules, or maybe you accidently double posted and you didn't know it and that post was deleted and they took away credits. You would have to wait for an administrator or a moderator to tell you what he/she did to find out if that was the case. Other than that maybe the credit system glitched.
  21. Well if you look at your post from last year http://forums.xisto.com/topic/29445-war-in-iraq-you-opposed-to-it/= you can see that you were warned by Buffalo for trying to spam for hosting credits it appears which means he probably reduced the number of credits you had and gave you a warning. You break a rule you pay the price.
  22. Ya I have heard about the same thing but sort of forgot how it worked. I would like to try to buy one of those programs in case I ever do delete a file that I need later on in life. I though all you had to do was find that hidden folder but I guess not. It is really helpful I'm sure in a work environment when you delete something important on accident.
  23. I really like the site as well. As everyone else said it looks really professional and I like it a lot. The banner is really nice and clean as well as the navigation I like that a lot. It is really nice and organized I guess you could say. The touring on the front page is really cool with the little slide show that eventually takes you to registration. Very nice job overall.
  24. Well I've seen people try to copy Xisto and you can't forget Xisto. I think if anything they would just like to buy out just Xisto - Web Hosting and pay for advertisements instead on Trap and Xisto because it would be cheaper. You never know what would happen if Xisto would be put up for sale.
  25. I really like the first signature especially considering you are new. I think the right side is pretty cool and I see why you called it ghost. The second I like the colors and the effects around Revenge.
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