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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. Of course Google is taking over the internet again. That sounds really cool and I think that will be great to have. A lot of people trust Google and it will probably be bigger than Paypal soon enough. I think that sure people will hate Google just to hate it but that is why Paypal will still be there. If they don't like either then tough luck use a credit card.
  2. Well it doesn't matter what it has in it. It is just how easy it is to remember. Like Yahoo is something you say when your happy and is easy to remember and Google sounds sort of funny and of course is short and simple. You can have a double e in it if you want or something. Like you could call it Weeble, Queezie or anything like that. Just make sure it is simple and sort of unique. Like Mingle or something would be good or Starky.
  3. What exactly is it though? What about Croomle, Croogle (probably too close to google) Woobie, Pagoo. I don't know. Just put letters together and you will find something.
  4. Well I am just gonna wait for 7 to come out because what I have works fine for me. I only use it to make sure my web site is clean looking and to go to one other site that doesn't work in firefox for some reason. That does look a lot nicer though than the current and I have seen screenshots of the other betas. Hopefully it will come out to everyone soon but I think I heard somewhere it would come out with Vista.
  5. Well I read this article earlier this week and thought I would share it. A Dell laptop blew up at a conference in Japan. lol I thought it was sort of funny, luckily no one was hurt and it wasn't on that person's lap (ouch). Some think it could be related to a battery recall made a while back recalling atleast 22,000 batteries. This computer actually looks like mine, hopefully mine doesn't do the same thing. I have never heard anything like this before. Sort of scary to believe that the laptop you are losing could blow up severly injuring someone or killing them. I guess it had little explosions, several them within five minutes. Here is a link to the article: http://www.theinquirer.net/
  6. Well I think we can't change our future because our future isn't really there. It is an abstract object I guess you could say. I don't think God sets our future because he wants us to choose what we should do. If it was up to him we all would go to heaven. We choose our future and can change what happens but there was nothing there to change in the first place because it isn't a for sure thing. That is my thought on it.
  7. Well mostly anything can be catchy as long as it is short and simple really. Google probably wasn't really catchy but it was short and easy to remember. I would make it something like Stoople or something like that for your site because it is out of the ordinary but easy to remember. Just remember those things.
  8. Well your credits are always reset after you recieve hosting, that is they way it is. It says that in the Xisto ReadMe so you can't say you didn't know about it because it is posted. Those credits are just to reach hosting and then you restart and the credits you earn after that are credits to keep your hosting going. It sort of stinks but it wouldn't be so bad had you only had 30 credits.
  9. Bumping this. We need some more votes guys come on. 2 votes out of thousands of users isn't much.
  10. Well some of those sightings might not be real considering you found them and they sort of sound ridiculous but that is probably the point. Some people really are idiotic in this world and sometimes it isn't their fault. Maybe they were dropped on their head continuously when they were young lol or just aren't real bright. lol Oh well. I have heard things like this before.
  11. That is pretty nice. I bet a lot of film makers use that when they want to create old photos that are used in investigating a crime scene and what not. I am sure a lot of people would like to have pictures sort of like that. It is nice to still be able to take those kinds of pictures but personally I don't have a use for it.
  12. If you look into the administrator panel there should be some type of MySQL database backup or something of the sort which will download to your computer and you can upload again to the new forum. Some of these allow you to choose what to back up but if it doesn't it will save all of the posts as well but you can delete those if you have to.
  13. I think I might PM him for a site to purchase this calculator or something. It can't just go into any poker room on any site I bet. It would probably be a scam in most cases but you never know. Of course I would hate to know that people can see the odds before all the cards are thrown down. It sounds rather hard to believe.
  14. Search through the Freebies Section of the forums. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/163-freebie-stuff/ There there are many posts and topics of places on how to recieve free domains, not many are dot coms or whatever you may be looking for but if you have $3 and know someonne with a credit card go to http://yahoo.com/ and buy a domain there.
  15. Ya I think a book is one of the only ways to do it offline but it will teach you everything. You might be able to download the book online for free actually I believe. I can't remember what the site is though I might have to get back to you. Try searching google if this is what you are looking for.
  16. It's an ok layout I guess. I like the navigation buttons, hopefully you will use like a mouseover effect on them because I think that would spice it up some. The rest of the template though is sort of really plain, which isn't bad but sometimes too much plain can mess up looks. I don't really care for the banner, I would put more into it whether it's a background or a techy border to match the navigation. I think I would do something with the content box too but I'm not sure what, it just doesn't seem to look right.
  17. Sounds pretty good but it doesn't seem as though you could get as good of a payout as Google and since I don't know really who this company is I would stick with the company you can trust, Google. It has been around for a long time and is huge and lots of people use it. I just don't think that site can be all it sounds like it. If it is that is pretty cool but I still would stick with Google. I wish they would do that, have you make your own ads but you know it would take more time so I would probably only make a couple and use the regular adsense for any other page.
  18. I think I have heard something like that before. I guess Google supposedly was supposed to start to take over television or whatever by being a provider of IPTV. I think that would be pretty cool instead of paying for a cable and internet provider to have it all in one. Of course internet would cost a bit more but that's the price you pay. Although maybe it would be cheaper because it would be a packaged deal and be less expensive in the long run.
  19. Well I really like the theme which I guess you got from effectica.com It is user friendly and everything is organized. I like the colors but the banner seems a little off, the top looks wierd but if you didn't make it there really isn't anything you can do. It is nice though all in all.As for the site itself I don't really have any computer problems to post sorry and I don't have any tweaks.
  20. I think she meant that she is older in age maybe? Anyway welcome to Xisto. Hopefully you can be active enough to keep hosting because after you recieve it I hope you know that you have to earn credits still, 1 credit = 1 day of hosting. If not there is always http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ which is completely free but has a few ads on the page. I am also turning 15, in July though. Nice to meet you.
  21. I would use Sitemeter if it is more advanced and shows the stats you want. Sure it may be a little harder for you to set up but it will give you more results. If it takes a little longer to set up so be it unless you don't have time.
  22. lol I really don't think it matters about the System War. I could care less who is better and what not. I have a Playstation 2 and don't plan on buying anything else. I might buy future Playstations because I like their system but I am not gonna buy the best just to have it. They are having this war to make money and I have no problem with that. We aren't really effected by it that much except for advertising on the TV. It isn't like we have to buy them. They can war all they wan't and it won't end until they go out of business.
  23. I have to agree that if you aren't of age or mature enough to watch certain types of movies like scary ones or if you are just gonna be loud and annoying and not courteous to others well then you shouldn't be there. Of course the little children sometimes come because their parents drag them along because they can't leave them home alone and for some reason doesn't have a babysitter which sometimes isn't their fault so sometimes it isn't the children's fault it is the parents. I think maybe those types of people should wait for it to come out on DVD or something.
  24. Ya I know I'm really not that good. I couldn't think of a good render to add. I had a few ideas but couldn't find the right pic. So anyway here it is. Hope you like it. It needs some work probably I'm not that great.
  25. I voted yes as well because they already have robots that can help elderly people by giving them extra strength to lift and do things which people can use to their advantage. People can create robots for mass destruction and soon robots that can teach themselves how to destroy people more and more as they go along because they will learn more on what to expect. I mean you never know what could happen if someone goes mad or if a robot falls into the wrong hand. Pretty scarry to think of what could happen, but you know this is the future and I like to stick with the present. Who knows robots might not ever be made and if they are they are controlled. I guess we shall find out.
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