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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. It isn't bad. It looks really rather plain but that is ok. It is a pretty smooth layout. I am wondering why you have the welcome to the site down at the bottom of the page. Not many people will see it down there. I don't really care for the text on the top navigation.
  2. Well doesn't look like it will work for me. I don't have the time to refer people just so I can get my site up on a list. I don't know how far it really would get me anyway. Besides you would eventually be pushed off the list and I would like to find quality sites to keep my ad on forever. I also can see that they are related to my site and stuff.
  3. Well for me I will most of the time reread the chapter for example Biology. That normall helps me if I do it but sometimes it doesn't work out all that well. What I will do is if I have to remember something I will put it in a funny mnemonic device so I remember it. Like right now we are studying the organization of an animal likeKingdom, Phylum, Class, Orders, Family, Genus, Species. I remember the order of that by Kings Play Chess, Others Frequently Get Stoned. lol Seems to work for me if I reread everything a couple times.
  4. Yea I have heard them all or atleast a lot of them. You know what? I don't really care. I could day today, tomrrow, or 20000 years from now but all I care is that I live my life the way I should. I figure when it is my time to go well then I will go. You never know what could happen after death. You may move on to a better world or in my religion heaven. I believe you go wherever you wanna go. If you believe after death you are gonna be in a big candy land, that is where you will go and be happy. I don't really care. Sure I wanna live my life and stuff but hey, there is always after death.
  5. Ok I know some people try to use pop ups as ads to make money to keep their site going, but now most days people have pop up blockers and that isn't the best way to go. When people see a pop up they normally attempt to close them because they are known to be bad. Basically people don't really use them anymore except to give people viruses or whatever. Now that google ads is out people can embed them onto their web sites and I think that is a much better way to go because the ads are related to the content and it is maybe what you are looking for.
  6. Ok, so I don't really know much about love but as for love online. I don't think so. Anyone can go around and be a realllllly good friend to you. You can hang out play games and what not, but tell me, are they going to be there when you get hurt? Help you run errands? Give you encouragement in real life or help you when you are saddened? You only know this person's personality through the internet. They could just be messing with you so when you do meet them in real life, they can control you and get what they want. Sure some do work out I am sure but probably not many. A couple months ago a guy and girl fell in love over MySpace. The guy one day decided to come see her and when he did...he killed her family and kidnapped her. Not really love now is it?
  7. There currently is two companies that are competing for the design of the new NASA space shuttle which are Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman and Boeing Company. They each are set to have proposals for March. Lockheed Martin picks Florida as the place to build the rocket they have in mind. If they win this deal it all depends on whether the legislation will approve a $45.5 million dollar incentives package. The U.S is planning on decommissioning the old rockets, used since 1981, in 2008 and ending them completely in 2010. The package from Florida includes $35 million for facilities upgrades/construction and 10.5 for worker training. This would add 350 more jobs to local economy but will still fall from the 14,500 positions for shuttle launch and to operate the space center. NASA wants to build a Crew Exploration Vehicle to fly first to the space station and then to the moon and some for Mars voyages. The vehicle will be launched on new rockets and disposable main engines. This would be great for NASA. We will have a new, and hopefully safer way to travel through space. We hopefully won?t have any more problems with the foam insulation on the side of the space craft falling out. It would probably be faster and save some of our resources as well. I can?t wait to see plans of these vehicles once the competition is over.
  8. I have read about that already in my biology text book. In fact it was just last week. It had the same diagram...well almost. Scientists have been studying this for years and I think they have the whole thing down. It is really just moral issues that could cause cloning not to happen. People thing it is sort of wrong. You don't really hear too much from whether they are making progress anymore. Most of the time it is because they don't want to be criticized if they fail. I am certainly all for cloning sort of. It would be cool but if we clone too much genes will start to disappear which could be deadly for future generations.
  9. I would like to try it but if it downloads things you COULD encounter next then it will go through all of the links on a page and try to have it ready for when you go there. That means it is saving all of these cookies or whatever which could slow things down because there could be hundreds of links on a page. I am not sure if that is the problem but that is my guess. My internet goes just fine on it's own I don't think I really need to make it go faster.
  10. I have been on since november and have made well over 500 credits. Holding the Trap Awards and changing domains cost me a bit and I have lost some for times I am not on but right now I am holding it at about 130 credits and I can't really come on anymore. All I do is look for new topics and post my opinion or look in here for new people with questions and try to help them. I post when I can and I hold up fine.
  11. Yea it definately needs some work. I would definately go for a design or some type of template with a nice banner. This is what attracts people, the first thing they notice is the design. I don't really like hte bright blue headings it strains the eyes a bit. I would try to help but I have too much to do at the moment.
  12. Yea we already have a little section for movies in the entertainment section. It does have no post count but it really isn't for reviews. I think it is just a little hard to find. We could go for movie reviews but if you are gonna go for post counts, I would give it a certain form for people to follow so people don't just come on and say.. "Oh this movie was great. I like the character Jimbo. I can't believe the ending. It was really cool."I would go for more detail and have Pros and Cons. Make it worth the hosting credits and give people the best out of it. I think maybe it would be a good addition.
  13. Yea they already have the new Studio 8 mixed with some of the Adobe products probably editted to co work with the other. I forget what all is included.
  14. Man I also have found it sometimes harder to make new posts not because there isn't anything left to talk about but I think I have grown to lazy lol. People make new topics and posts everyday. All I do is look at the newest topics or posts and see if I can make a reply. You can also check back at old topics and see if someone has replyed to you disagreeing with you or something and you can add on or something. You can always pull up a news page and make a small summary of an article. It is easier than a tutorial.
  15. Basically it is the same thing as Macromedia Dreamweaver which they now are the same company. In dreamweaver you can do the same thing. Type in HTML and view the design. It can be either split screen so you see both or just one at a time. It is pretty easy and photoshop/dreamweaver works fine too for me. I guess it really depends what product you like better or feel more comfortable with. I prefer Dreamweaver though.
  16. Yea I don't think it would really get them very far. I mean of course it would have ITunes on it but that is already out there. They would have to put in something really nice for people to want to buy them. It would be hard to compete with stuff already out when you have no experience with it as of yet.
  17. I tried it and after the first day of use...I don't use it anymore. I think trying to come out with a new email is hard because people have service providers already and lots of good ones are out. I think unless they offer something more they might not make it far because I don't think people want to switch emails all the time.
  18. I am going to have to remember that. I have been looking for a decent affilates system but never really could find one. Does it show how many hits in and out that person has recieved anywhere?
  19. Although the others were good I also voted Razor. It looks very clean and smooth, It seems a bit blurry, but proffesional. I like the colors too. Very nice.Saint Michael: 0Razor: 4Avalon: 0
  20. Well I did stay after school a couple days to study for semester exams but we have 10 period days at our school in which some students come in during what is my 4th period and that is their first. It is too crowded at our school so they do that. That usually means that my teachers are still teaching or grading papers. I haven't really caught them doing anything out of the ordinary. I could really care less it is their lives I would play football after school too if I was a teacher. I think we just don't view teachers as those kind of people because they are our teachers.
  21. I have always wanted to go on a cruise but I think a family of seven might be a little expensive. I have always wondered what it would be like and all. Would be lots of fun. Maybe one summer I can convince my parents to take us out on a cruise.
  22. I am not as big of a Harry Potter fan as I used to be but I probably will end up buying the DVD because I have the other 3 and all the books so I mine as well add it to the collection.
  23. It may be more expensive than Xbox360 but it also has different specs and stuff. If they are gonna have it come out they better make it now becuase people will own an Xbox360 when it comes out and figure oh I don't need PS3 if I got Xbox. As stated before all of the games for Xbox360 will be out already too. Sony would make more money having it come out now than later. It will be old news before it is even released.
  24. Well I used to fly Delta but now I fly SouthWest. I can't remember any bad services probably because I was either 5 and sleeping or not paying attention, or maybe like 8 or something. I do know they do tend to be late a lot. I feel bad for you. I hope they gave you an extra bag of peanuts I would reccomend SouthWest they are a pretty good company. I also live on the east coast, in Florida actually. I have taken them in and out of West Palm a couple times cause I used to live there.
  25. Sounds like you are getting more and more popular. Is that 406 unique page views in a day? week? or since you started the site? Soon your site will be filled with many people that love Harry Potter. Just keep working hard at it.
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