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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. I haven't been having problems at all with my FTP. Could it be your internet connection? I did notice that Xisto was cutting out on my today but I think that was because every hour the system clears out the users on the forums that aren't active or something like that. It goes through some process that sort of shuts it down for a couple minutes.
  2. I personally use SmartFTP (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) It is really easy to do and I know many people who use it. 1. Download the program (^^See Link Above^^) 2. Install and open. Type in the FTP link to your website. Ex: ftp.yourdomain.com 3. Then type in your username and password that you would use to access your control panel and hit enter. 4. Click on the "public_html" or the "www" folder and that is where you upload your files.
  3. That is a really interesting piece of work. If it wasn't so much money I would maybe buy it but I can stick to paying less than $100 to hook up something to the television. Sure it isn't as mobil or can be place in thin air but that's ok. If it worked for computers that would be cool. It would save a lot of space and make desktops more portable. lol but that is what laptops are for.What would be cool is if they made a cable package or something in which that recieves a signal from the nearest cable company and you could just whip out the screen wherever you are and you can watch television. Of course that would make things even more expensive but it still would be nice.
  4. The names are still the same from the ones that you originally used in the first place. So if your username was monkey before you changed the domain name, it will still be "monkey" If you try going to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ it works so I think the domain change did indeed work. I don't know why that message appeared, you may want to notify one of the administrators but you never know it could have been a glitch.
  5. When did these problems start? If you want a faster ftp process go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I use this program to upload any files to my web site. All you have to do is open it, type in your info to access your files (it will remember these settings after first input) and it is faster to upload. You don't even have to access your control panel, you can edit all of your files from there. It could be the servers but I still have a fast upload using that but I haven't tried using the control panel.
  6. I think most of this is already taken cared of considering this is now 2.1.6 after some security upgrades. As for the vacation mode, it really wouldn't be fair for people who just are too lazy to post, to just go into vacation mode for a bit and not have to worry about posting. I think if you might have to make a minimum amount of days or so or give a reason and have people assigned to look up those reasons and try to decide whether it is good or not. People have busy lives and they still are able to come on and post. I haven't been really active since like February because of school but I still have 90 credits left because I have stocked them up. That was after giving away a hundred or so in the Xisto Awards and being inactive for a while. I come on when I can and still get the credits. It really isn't that hard. I do think vacation modes would be nice but people will find some way to take advantage of it.
  7. I have meet two people from the internet that I knew from a game. One was a friend of a friend I have in real life and he lived not to far away. He ended up becoming a friend of mine. We played a racing game called Nitto 1320 Challenge. Another I meet playing Americas Army, a war game. He had family that lived 15 minutes away from me and when he came down to visit them we meet at a Golden Corral to eat and I meet his family. It was really interesting. The only problem is these people could be felons and stuff. They could do things to harm you but you never know. You have to be careful.
  8. It isn't too bad. Interesting sport you got there by the way. Has a nice organization and easy to get around. I like the expandable content boxes. I would recommend expanding a bit to make things more compatable with Firefox for the same effect. Nice job overall.
  9. If you are using html it should look something like this. <a href="http://link.com"><img src="blah/blah.jpg" width="100" height="100"></a> You need to add in border="0" to the image to make the blue border go away. So now it will look like this. <a href="http://link.com"><img src="blah/blah.jpg" width="100" height="100" border="0"></a>
  10. Well I live in Florida, Tampa. This morning on the radio I heard that there are supposed to be atleast 16 named storms to hit this year and it is to be the worst season yet. I am not too excited and hopefully I won't have to evacuate or anything. I am just gonna take thigns one day at a time. Hopefully it won't be bad in my area.
  11. Google even though it says you have to be 18, let my brother sign up at 17. I would recommend getting someone to do it for you that you can trust with your money. Try to convince your parents to helping you out. If they don't want to try a friend taht cuold help you out.
  12. I also heard about this but now I believe I heard something on the radio about Arnold Schwartzenager (spelling prolly wrong) doesn't want to send troops over the the border. I forget the reason why. The problem about cutting down on the immigrants is that half the jobs they do will not be done anymore. I am not trying to be mean, they take the hard working jobs like Landscaping and construction and orange picking that no one else will do. If we cut them down we cut down these jobs. Sure you have people like me and my friend and a couple of my brothers who landscape but these people will be the only ones making money when the immigration police come around. No more orange juice or not as much. There will be a huge frenzy for people to work which actually could help as well for those who have no job. I do think it is getting a little out of control, the immigration problems we are having. They mine as well just make Mexico US Terrirtory, not necessarily the 51st state but I am sure there would be a fight over it. The good things about Mexico is the tacos though Gotta love em. I have a feeling more and more and more about controversy over imigration will be heard.
  13. Welcome to Xisto. I noticed you live in Florida, I do as well. I like some of the bands you listen to as well. I am sure you will like it here, it is a great place to be for hosting.
  14. What a classic game. I can never get bored playing PacMan. It is fun, even though you only move a eating face that outruns ghosts it is better than some games out there today You can't go wrong playing PacMan
  15. I personally can't help you but if you really need help I would do what Tyssen suggested and get started yourself and ask for help when needed. There are many tutorials you can use to get started. Try going to http://www.pixel2life.com/ and search for tutorials on how to do some of the things you want. That is a bit of an advanced site to be made for free. You could maybe try to offer people hosting credits or something in order to help you. It would be hard to find someone that would do all that for free.
  16. Not bad. I myself use photoshop to create my designs and then code them using HTML. I don't actually make the layout. I always planned on it once but never did. That looks pretty good for your first hand coded site. I just don't like how it is off center you might want to fix that. I am sure with time you will get better and have more quality sites. I don't really care for the banner that much. Of course I really don't know what this site is about either so I can't really make a suggestion for it.
  17. That's pretty wierd. I wonder if someone hacked Lycos? Did you ever try to access the file that you uploaded or was it just something you wanted for storage on there or something? Hehe, we could say that this is another reason why Trap is the best.
  18. Yeah a lot of people view the source of a site, copy it and paste it into their own little site and then save all the images so it starts to look a like. Of course they might have to put in some editting to the code but eventually they make a replica site. It is sort of stupid how many people try that just so they can get into your stuff. I personally don't use myspace but I have seen fake sites before like the one you were talking about. Do you happen to know the whole url so everyone knows what it is that it takes them to?
  19. That is a very nice little site OpaQue. Good job on making it. I am sure a lot of people will appreciate having that here at Xisto to help get their site going. At first I thought you set up a place to download like coding scripts but this is still better. Nice work
  20. Global warming is quite a problem. It may not affect any of us but it affects others. It will eventually harm future generations so don't think it isn't a problem because if it isn't it will be. 3 miles of Alaska's coast has been flooded because of global warming melting icecaps increasing the amount of water over the past 5 years I believe. With the amount of people in this world more carbon dioxide will be released into the atmosphere and it will get even hotter. Eventually all the ice caps will melt and we will lose a lot of land making the population density higher which leads to death. The ozone layer will grow more holes and harmful UV radiation will start to burn through and cause more skin cancer and kill plants with no protection. It may not affect you directly but does affect others and the future.
  21. Well that is the definition of universe as we know it, but that is because we don't know for sure whether there is another universe or not. I think there very well be another universe. We don't know how much is out there and whether it continues on forever. For all we know there could be a million universes or more that just keep coming. Just to think how far out space goes is amazing. I don't think there really is a begining or and end in space.
  22. Like lee said I think people have known about them they just weren't called Perfect Numbers. I am sure they figured it out soon enough. I wonder how many they have found so far and how many more they will find. I think it will turn out to be like the Largest Prime Number and people will start competing to see who can find one a million characters long unless they have already.
  23. There actually is a place to thank them. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/8060-tell-your-view-about-moderators-are-they-doing-their-job/ You can give feedback on all of them. They really do do a good job and keep this place clean and help out the new ones.
  24. It's funny you made this post because in computer programming I was just told to make a program that will display the pefect numbers found between 1 and 1000. I think it is pretty interesting how it works. Of course it took me a while to get the equation right to have it find the numbers.
  25. Yeah but some posts can be made in a small amount of words if you are answering a question. Like Avalon said though we need something to get rid of multiple characters. If someone wants to make a post but don't have a certain number of characters I am sure they will start to add in their name to sign it off which will get them in more trouble, or they will start saying little things that aren't needed in a post. "How are you?" "I really really really hope this helps you out" etc;
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