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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. Like everyone has already said it isn't the number of posts it is the quality and length of it. Credits are based on the number of characters written. There are plenty of places to post in and if you have read all the posts made so far and made as many replies as you could, make a new topic. If you think there is nothing to write about, go to https://www.yahoo.com/news/?ref=gs look up an article and summarize it. There is always new news, or you could share an idea or look up a new technology of some sort. Just make sure it hasn't been posted before. Really simple stuff.
  2. If you get the flood control error it doesn't necessarily mean that your post is too short...Some posts don't require that long of a reply and people can type over 100 words per minute which means that it might not take them that long to make a new reply and what not.
  3. Well I have to say I like itsmyard's a lot. It has very nice colors and I like how it all flows together it all seems to fit. It is a really nice sig overall. I do like Aavalon's as well but I am going to have to go with itsmyard's.
  4. Well I want to decompile a UAX file from Americas Army into it's separate WAV files. I have been searching all day but all I could find was one that can only be used on Macintosh computers and I have windows. I have Dragon Unpacker but I can't actually play the files it comes up with an error. If anyone can help that would be great.
  5. That does sound intriguing but as stated before I don't believe I like the idea of a robot doing my surgery. Sure there might not be the problem of a robot sneezing but what if something in the robot goes wrong and it stops working, like it malfunctions. I don't think I would like it until it is tested more. I am sure doctors won't like it to have robots replace their jobs either after they have gone to school for what 6 years to achieve their job to be replaced by a machine? There would be a lot of people who will sue as well if a robot messes up. Of course there are the good sides of it, it could be more precise hopefully once they fix any flaws.
  6. Although this is understandable it helps to keep the server from getting flooded with too many submissions at once so it won't crash. Actually I am not sure if that has something to do with it or not but that is my guess. I am sure you can find something to do for 30 seconds while you wait for your ability to make a new post. Proofread it a second time instead of finding something later on and having to use the edit button or something. It helps keeps the forums clean and really isn't that big of a deal I don't think. You can always read a book every for those thirty seconds and by the end of the month you can get a new one lol
  7. I think they are just too lazy to make a system that allows them to edit and what not or they just don't want to read and proofread the tutorial before it is posted. I would certainly like my name next to something I created so people can credit me and not someone that doesn't know a thing about the matter. I guess if they had problems in the past that is understandable but you could set up one person and make that there job to proofread and post or deny tutorials.
  8. I do think people should maybe contribute to making Free templates but not all should be free. There are already many sites professional, and personal, and clan templates at http://clantemplates.com/ and many other sites. I think though that they should only be used for personal sites or soley owned businesses or something not that big. Like stated before site designs do take time and work to make just like it does to make a painting so it just can't be given away for free all the time or it would be a waste of time if someone was doing it for a living because they wouldn't make any money.
  9. He doesn't have a problem he just said that it wasn't working and then transferred the stuff from the public_html folder to the www folder and it fixed it and he wanted to know what the www folder is. Well as stated before they are the same thing and I think the reupload is all you needed to do or maybe you fixed a glitch in the rollover or whatever but yes they are the same and what you put in one will show up in another.
  10. You are only credited with the number of words you write...actually the number of characters. You only get creditted for the posts you make, not any posts below you or anything. Why would you do that because it isn't something you did. As for thinking of something to post... There is a news section where you can post any news on so just go to https://www.yahoo.com/news/?ref=gs find something cool and summarize it. Or you can search for some type of technology and show it off to everyone in the Technology section, or find something that not many people no about in the What is? section or even think of something that makes you mad and post about it in the vent. There really is a lot you can do you just have to try or think hard in order to do it.
  11. The ads for Xisto - Web Hosting really isn't that big of a deal. They are on the right side once on the first page where it clearly says above "Advertisement" and then on the navigation on the left of every other page. It does take up a bit of room on the first page but if people want more then why not pay for it with the same great services which also helps Xisto stay alive. Yes although everything may be cluttered at least things are clearly stated. I really don't think people will mind much of seeing the ads or anything. I think the only confusing part is having to choose between Tra17.com and Xisto.net that some people may be confused about it. I believe I was but it really wasn't that big of a deal.
  12. I am sure this is the truth. We advance so much each day in technology and computers and the internet soon everything will be automated and no one will have to move a muscle to use their computer or to check their email. It is pretty amazing how all this works. Future generations are gonna have lives much easier than what we have today which is something considering how much our lives already are from advancement in the internet.
  13. There are many different prices for different types of sites. Some prices are for a flash site with xhtml or php. There are many different combinations with different designs and some more complex coding that takes longer and adds more features. A site that is 5 pages with a log in system will cost more then a 5 page site just containing information. A site with flash will cost more than a site without it. It all depends on the content. Of course there will be more and more sites in the future and people aren't going to stop making them or charging money for them. Some people charge cheap not because they aren't that good, it is because maybe they feel it is easy to make sites and feel people don't have to bay hundreds of dollars.
  14. Garbage I answered your question in your topic. If you go to https://support.xisto.com/ and click Change Domain you can change your domain but it will cost 15 credits. You must point your nameservers to NS1.TRAP17.COM and NS2.TARP17.COM This will get rid of the sub domain altogehter. Or you can just park the domain by pointing to the nameservers but it will just take you to the subdomain.
  15. I think I got you confused I am not sure. If you have an index page in your directory of public_html or www folder then your domain will take you to that index page. For example...my site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ really is public_html/index.htm If you go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ that will take you to my forums public_html/forums/index.htm (note public_html is the same as www) So unless you want your forums to be your home page for your domain, then you don't have to forward anything you just have to change your domain and point to the nameservers.
  16. No it will go directly to your site. This way you can go to http://monkey.com/ and it won't come up as monkey.trap17.com/forums You can still go to the main folder which would be just plain old http://monkey.com/
  17. Yes you point your domain names to NS1.TRAP17.COM and NS2.TRAP17.COM No if you change your sub domain to the actual domain (which would get rid of the subdomain altogether) it will not affect any of your folders and what not, it will all remain in the same place. The only way to have your domain show the actual directory you are in without bringing up the sub domain, you would have to get rid of the sub domain altogether by changing it to your domain as your main url. This can be done by going to https://support.xisto.com/ IT WILL COST 15 CREDITS. So make sure you have some saved up. But by entering your domain there it will get rid of the sub domain and make your main url http://yourdomain.com/ and you can see all the directories and what not to reach the directed place.
  18. You might want to check the link or something because it takes me to an empty directory. Unless you moved it or are currently uploading new stuff.
  19. I personally think Invision Power Board is better because it has more features and is easier to handle. I have tried that one before but there were some things I couldn't do or was harder to do than in IPB. It is good to have a forum like that though. It still works fine just isn't what I prefer.
  20. That is pretty interesting. Who knows what the relation of those two 3d44.com is. They both redirect to google after a few things link pressing. If you click on froogle it will all redirect in the end. I don't see why they would be twins in the first place though.
  21. So what happens when cops are chasing a car in the sky and they can't ram it off the road. What road? They can't get near them either. They would have to have something to disable their car or something so they can't get away.
  22. Like Albus said there isn't a need to drink the crap down as fast as you can by like drinking 5 within a short period of time. I am sure of course we will all have our days of getting drunk for fun or whatever just don't get addicted to it. Smoking I hope I never will do. My brother did and it doesn't do you good. I just read it can extend your life by 20 years or whatever if you don't smoke.
  23. I haven't been having any problems at all. What was the amount of hosting credits you had before you hit -4? Or atleast thought you had? Yes when you are in the negative number of credits they go up easier becaue Trap wants you to get back to your hosting as soon as you can.
  24. Not bad. Better than I could do. It is a pretty nice site and hopefully will be big one day. I like the design. You sure do have a ton of ads on there though. I like the banner it is neat. I hope you plan on hiring other people to read through articles if they start coming in more and more because it will take a lot of time and people will be looking for a responce. Good luck in the future.By the way...you can use the edit button to add on to your post and change the topic to say something like you have but in parentheses (Updated ##/##/####)
  25. I don't think it will make their voice sound like helium. They have advanced so far as to keep the same sound of everything but to still speed it up. I don't think this will be what I am purchasing 5 years from now. I can find a song to soothe me when I am angry or cheer me up when I am sad. I don't need anything to do it for me. I am a big boy now.
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