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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. Ya I don't really agree with strip searches at school. I think the airport is enough. If someone is believed to be carrying drugs why don't they have the dog sniff them or something but no strip searches. That is just sort of an invasion of privacy but I can see why they think it is necessary to do this.
  2. It seems to work fine for me. It might have been a glitch. What browser are you using I just tried it using firefox and it seemed to work fine. That's a little wierd. Hopefully nothing is wrong and it was only temporary.
  3. Looks like a pretty cool game. Can't you just make command buttons at the beginning for people to choose what level and what not? Other than that I think the game is pretty neat. I only looked at the screenshots though and haven't had a chance to test it out yet.
  4. lol I remember that night. I think it was a school night and I was up til 12 something or 1 I forget that part. We hit 10,000 members and lost it and hit it again. I'm glad you have stayed as long as you have because you are a great moderator and I would hate to see you go. I plan on staying here to the end because it really is a great place. Happy Anniversary lol
  5. Well you know Sony's only pricing because they have to make money out of the deal but they won't be they will be losing. It cost them so much to make the system that they are pricing the PS3 $100 less than they should because it has to compete with Xbox360 but it isn't to make money because they are losing it big time.
  6. Well you can't post in the Hosted members area because you aren't hosted and I think other than that you can post anywhere as long as the post isn't closed or considered spam and was moved to a place where it can't be posted on anymore. Where exactly have you been trying to post?
  7. I'm glad I don't use this thing because I have Cable internet. That really would have to stink if you were to cancel your account. Wouldn't it make you log out of a page like this forum because it would click log out for you. You would log back in and then log out again over and over. That is really wierd. lol Hopefully they can fix that.
  8. ASP is sort of like PHP. PHP is used on Linux servers and ASP on Windows servers. They are closely related in function but ASP sort of relates to VB coding. This host I don't think supports ASP because it is run on Linux servers and is less commonly used.
  9. lol I haven't had a virus on this computer yet and I have had it for 4 months. My old one only had one and that is a year and four months. I don't know how you can get a virus that often unless you are going through stuff you shouldn't. I think people who recieve viruses mostly get it when they are downloading something off of a torrent or a P2P Sharing thing where they are taking files that are supposed to be bought for free. People just slip a virus in them and you are doomed. Sites with cracks and stuff also carry many ways to get you to open up your comptuer to viruses so watch out for that. I have found that SpySweeper does a good job at cleaning up viruses as well as AdAware SE Personal Those are two good scanners I would suggest using.
  10. A couple years ago my brother watched that show but after a while it sort of got boring. I did like all the fighting but cartoons never really keep me interested that long. I played the video game which was fun but after I beat it that was the last I ever heard of Dragon Ball Z. I guess you can sort of say I hate it now.
  11. I do like these templates a lot but as stated the text could use some work. In the first template the reference in the bottom of the first template could be more clear and readable. It looks sort of scrunched. In the second template has sort of the same problem. Navigation and Affiliates are ok but the other text once again is squished again and is hard to read. You don't want people to have to squint to see the site. The third is nice and is ok. I would recommend that you try pixel fonts.
  12. Yes that is a pretty good idea. I think the color coding idea would be good just put a key at the bottom.
  13. If teachers were reviewed there would be a lot of teachers that would lose their jobs. The state of Florida is short a couple hundred teachers and they are hiring anyone. Now there is a program that lets people get their teaching degree after 1 year of night school which includes 3 nights a week. They also hire people based off of their background. If someone worked at a restaurant and as really good at math they could become a math teacher or tutor or something like that. The problem I think is that teachers don't earn much money and that is what people want. They do a lot to teach kids and they are the future. I think if they were paid more that would help find more teachers and then that review process could be put into place.
  14. Yup you gotta hand it to them. As well as the mods who help keep the place clean when the admins aren't here. This really is a great forum and I probably won't ever stop coming here unless something really horrible comes up. I hope this place continues strong forever. As for the a forum with more than 500 topics...I have seen one but I think that is about it other than support forums.
  15. No don't put the www in front of it, it should work fine as XXXXX.com Notice you don't have to put the www in front of a domain when your typing it, it takes you there anyway because the browser knows it is supposed to be there. Make sure that after you bought the domain it was pointed to NS1.TRAP17.COM and NS2.TRAP17.COM
  16. That looks like what he needs. That is a good source because that is something I have been looking for as well but I thought it was a JavaScript. Maybe I can use that for my site now if I ever get it back going again.
  17. Although it isn't that helpful to have a computer that can't play the game it is a little slow in the beginning. I thought the training was pretty cool. If you really have to you can cheat on all the tests but I took them all seriously. It helps you get used to the game although it is supposed to help you see what the people in the army does but they don't really try to talk you into it unless you are on one of their servers. After you get the hang of the game and where to go on a map it really is a lot of fun.
  18. Welcome to Xisto. If you would like help with your site you can make a post in the Internet section of the forums and can put it in Reviews or Showcase the subforums or make a post referring to your site. There are many people here that can help you out. I think you have already figured out that the hosting credits you have is on the main page of the forum in a box. If you want to track how many per post you have recieved you would have to look at the amount you have before the post and after to see how many you earned for that post.I would like to say though that I would be careful how much of your personal information you give out on the internet. I am not saying that this place isn't safe but in the online world you never know who someone is even if they seem like a nice person that doesn't mean they are in real life. Just a suggestion.
  19. I have Dreamweaver 8. It really is a great program. I bought it cheat because I am a student and I found a great web site. If you teach, are part of faculty or are a student you can purchase this program at http://www.genesis-technologies.com/ In fact you can buy a lot of programs for cheap there. I suggest that you do in fact use this program as well. It is very helpful especially when typing a code because it has autocomplete and can finish something you are trying to type for you. I can also try to help with anyone who has questions
  20. You don't necessarily have to reconnect, it depends on what server you are on. Sometimes you will just be kicked to the main screen or sometimes you just commit suicide. I do play the game everyday when I can. I started in November. It really is a lot of fun and they make new versions improving the game every couple months. They are getting ready to make a version 3.0 which will be a completely new game after version 2.8 comes out. I enjoy it a lot, being in a clan is also fun on this game because you can match other clans and what not. My name is [hwy]Plenoptic if anyone has seen me on there. I am 49 honor so far.
  21. From what I've heard, they are hunting down users of any program that shares files that should be paid for. They find out where you downloaded the program from like http://download.cnet.com/windows/ and they trace your IP address and can find you that way. Or I'm pretty sure they can do that. I did hear that if you use the program way to much they notice who is downloading a lot and start to find out your information.
  22. I am pretty sure that you can buy a domain in another country that is a trademark in another as long as that company hasn't bought them all up. It would be illegal though to buy a domain like that and make a fake microsoft site out of it for your profit and scam people...then it would be illegal because you are scamming people and imitating something you are not.
  23. I'm not sure just what it does and doesn't count because I didn't make the system but if the word is misspelled it might take it as spam because it might look funny. That is why there is an edit button, to help any mistakes made by going back to the post and editting it. After your post is editted it will recalculate the number of credits you should earn and will replace the amount of credits you originally recieved, with the new amount.
  24. Well unfortunately that won't last as long as you might hope. As you make more posts and gain more credits the amount you earn per character will go down. This system was made this way so when you get low in credits it is a lot easier to earn those credits back.
  25. That is a good suggestion but it would though make the pages even longer to load because that is another query to run. Atleast that is what I think would happen but I'm not an expert. It would be nice to see though just in parentheses that is a tutorial or something so people would know but I don't think it is necessary for every post to have what forum it is in. I do like the idea of removing posts that are closed or considered spam or atleast make it text instead of a link so people know.
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