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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. lol wow. I guess someone was really bored one day and wanted to set up 200 little pop ups. I don't know why I even went through them all but oh well. The most annoying site I have gone to is Xisto...or not. I don't really remember any annoying sites other than funnyjunk.com I don't really go there anyway that much anymore.
  2. Well I can't see the second layout but the first is pretty nice. I like the fonts you used except like the others have said I would put a little more work into the banner. Maybe give it a different background color because the text doesn't really fit there for some reason. Maybe add some more images I am not sure.
  3. It isn't too bad. I would add some more color or something to spice it up a little. Maybe add a banner. I like the content and stuff. The scrolling text is a nice touch but it seems a little dull still. I have to scroll to see the content I would move the ads to the bottom or something.
  4. Just go around looking for sites that have similar content to yours and ask them to exchange links and affiliate with them. They will send hits to your site and you also will get a higher rank on search engines and what not. It is time consuming but does pay off in the long run.
  5. That actually is a really awesome idea. You also wouldn't have to touch all the gross junk on the seat when someone missed. lol Sorry for any wrong pictures. It would also be much easier. Someone ought to look into making that lol. They could make a lot of money.
  6. Yea that would be nice but you know, then your entire life after that would change. You might miss some real good points in your life or something really important. Say maybe you would never have meet your wife or girlfriend because something bad that happened was changed. You never know. I wouldn't want to tinker with the past. Too dangerous.
  7. Plenoptic

    Damn School

    Well that also happens to me all the time and it can be annoying but people do understand that you don't know everything. People will turn to me and ask for something but when I say I don't know they understand. Sure they might joke around and stuff but you can't be expected to know everything. No one does.
  8. Well I personally don't think it is that big of a deal when you lose points in a game. Instead of getting upset about it i would recommend trying to think of the people that need power to live. Sure it is really irratating when power goes out right when you get to a certain point but you can always do it again.
  9. Ya at the moment all I use is this Clearsel face cleaner and it will work. The wierd thing is I will use it for a week, nothing much will happen, I forget one day and do it the next and things have cleared up. It is this face thing I don't know what it is called but it is like $5 at Wal-Mart. Doesn't get rid of it forever.
  10. Listen to what Avalon said because it is the truth. I am lucky enough to still have both my grandparents and cherish the time with them. My grandmother is getting close to passing away but you know, she isn't scared. I think she is going to a better place. Of course this depends on your religion but I think whatever you believe is the truth. If you believe you will go to Heaven, achieve Nirvana, or whatever, then that will happen. I feel sorry for you and your family but atleast you saw him this past weekend. If you have pictures and videos I would definately keep them and watch them once in a while to remind you just who your grandfather was.
  11. Well I have learned about Islam from my history book this year and after reading it, I don't hate Islamic ideas and do agree with some of them. Americans I think don't like Islamic ideas because they believe they are pushing in on their own or have been taught and raised up in an environment that is against Islam. I think half of the people that are against it don't know much about it.
  12. Well that's pretty interesting. I also think there is no point in buying a Mac computer and put windows on it unless you want both. I guess if you prefer Mac computers but like Windows then that will be pretty cool. I think they should just take the best programs from each, combine them together, and make one piece of software that can be used on any type of computer, but who would want to do that? lol
  13. Wow that is really good. I like the brushing and how you fit it all in. lol I could never be that good at creating signatures. That wood brushing is awesome. lol
  14. Yea it is just an error in the Control Panel. The amount of space that is offered with whatever package you have is the amount of space you get. If you recieved the first hosting package you have 20mb of space. If you have the second you have 150mb of space. Don't go over that.
  15. lol Yea not for me this year in high school but I remember in match class during middle school each year we would all recieve a little pie from Mc. Donalds. That was about it though. We would watch a movie for the rest of class and have no work but this year I didn't do squat but I didn't really care. Sort of a pointless holiday to me. Just reminds me more of school and work lol.
  16. Well that is a pretty interesting way to make money. I guess people figure if they keep playing they will win something. I personally think all of this kind of stuff is a joke because you won't make that much out of it because you will be wasting all your time trying to get this stuff. Sure it would be nice but I don't know. The ads are all over because they want you to click them. That is why they are pink lol. It makes them money.
  17. Yea I also haven't heard this word in the states which probably why when I first saw it I felt the reaction of Saint_Michael. I don't like using new words anyway. Why use big words and words out of ordinary language when all you have to say is arguing. Simple word everyone knows lol.
  18. Yea I think most people submit their site in for review and then take the responce and put it up on their site. I think a lot of responce that is negative normally isn't placed on a site and sometimes if someone is a liar they will put up reviews on their own site that they had written themselves. The only reviews I know that are real and not copied are ones put on sites that once submitted, can be seen on the site after you submit it.
  19. Ok, if you are going to make a site for web masters at scripting and design and stuff you are going to have a lot of competition. You have to show the people you have a lot of good resources and things that makes you better than all the other places and keep them coming back like you said. For the webmasters part I would offer one or more of these services. Remember the more you have to offer the more people will come to your site. 1. Tutorials - on how to make a certain script or Tutorials on Web Design or Both. Maybe even let users submit tutorials 2. Resource Page - have downloads of scripts people can just copy and paste for a code or download - give links to other helpful sites 3. Community - I would definately have a forum like Invision Power Board (see post above) that your visitors can interact on and can come back to talk about things on the Internet and Web Design or help each other. 4. Web Design - If you are good at making templates and things for people to use give them away free or have people buy them from you A few More Tips Affiliate - Find sites that relate to yours and put buttons on their page in exchange for buttons of theirs on yours. It will raise your google rate and also get more visitors that come to your site for it's content Content - Make sure before you release your site that everything is up and running. Don't have any pages under construction make sure all of your content is up and running. If people see you don't have the content they need they might not come back. Design - Make sure your site is easy to navigate. If people can't find links to go to a certain page they will get frustrated. Keep it clean and smooth but also eye catching and professional if you are going to sell things.
  20. It looks pretty good to me. It is plane and smooth looking. The navigation is easy to see. I like how you have the piece of paper in the back moving each time you click on a new link. It is a pretty nice site, if only I could understand the content lol.
  21. Yes I also recieved the error. I think though if you listen to OpaQue you should be good to go. Look at what he made out of Xisto. He now has a huge place. Just start small and then add more when you start to get more people. Make sure everything has content and nothing is blank with a little under construction because that will turn people away.
  22. I also have played the game a while back maybe a couple months ago. I can't quite remember my best score but if you hit it just right above the head (him going upside down) you can get it to go the perfect distance but not much farther than I think 350 I got one time. It is a pretty fun game but gets old after a while.
  23. Well I personally have only played Need For Speed Underground for PC. When I tried playing the Nascar Sim game I got a bit of lag because of my graphics card so I never really got to test it. I did love NFSU though. Lots of stuff to do and lots of custimizations. It was a very nice game, with some ok graphics.
  24. Well I haven't had any of these problems before when I had my board a while back. The only thing I can think of is that you installed a mod that edditted that file or edditted something in there yourself or changed the CHMOD on that instead of something else. Or maybe something corresponding to that file was editted but that is all I think it could be. If your board still turns on and off I think it shouldn't be too much of a problem but it could be I am not an expert.
  25. I don't think there should be a report thing because there are thousands of shouts a day and that will end up making tons and tons of reports. Sure if it gets out of hand you can pm a mod but usually the shout disappears in a couple minutes anyway. If there was a report button there would be tons of reports. lol Maybe they should make just shoutbox mods that mod the shoutboxes lol
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