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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. Well I think my favorite vacation place as of yet is in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. We went there this year and it has a nice town with plenty of stuff to do and then we went back down to the Ocoee River for a nice white water rafting trip which is loads of fun. The place we stayed at was this huge cabin really cool and they had trolleys that took you all around the town. May not seem like much but it was tons of fun.
  2. Wow that really wouldn't be good. I really think we should post this topic to the people who made this system and are using it in places in the US and I guess Japan but you know if you think about it it is a finger print but it would occur the same way anyway with a credit card there or taking bags out into their cart. I don't think people cut their fingers on the scanner anyway. After doing some more research you can view a demo and what not at http://ww1.paybytouch.com/ In fact they are doing this in a store about 20 minutes away from me and I might have to go check it out. I guess you have to enter a Search Number and then you choose what type of payment you would like to use but this system doesn't charge any fees like the credit card company. Like it says I guess it doesn't even use a finger print but measurement.s
  3. lol I was gonna ask why anyone would want the tiniest LCD screen for their television or computer but the I read what it will be used for. That is pretty cool it can be used for better quality in phones and portable gaming I might have liked a couple years ago but I'm not really into it anymore.
  4. Yup like Hadi said it is all understandable that you are very busy and have other things to attend to that is more important than this at the moment. I think Buffalo is really busy too because there are a lot of Free Hosting requests pending and he isn't on that much. Good luck with Xisto - Web Hosting and all the other research and what not you are doing.
  5. Well I must say I prefer Solitare over the others. Like stated before Minesweeper gets old and Hearts I never really played until about a year ago. I do think pinball is good and it did come with older windows versions as well like Windows 98...my dad's old laptop had it. Solitare can be boring but entertaining and sometimes addicting once you get going.
  6. lol I know this already and that is why I brought it up because it is cool. I get why they use it and how it works I just wanted to bring it up for others to read and share their thoughts. It may seem secure but it really isn't that simple. Yes they are using it but the bigger it gets the more missing fingers you might find. Someone will find a way to hack the system unless something else is done.
  7. Well I made a couple signatures and accidently made them St Paint JPEG instead of regular JPG and couldn't figure out how to change it back to JPG because Adobe Photoshop won't open it anymore and I forgot to make a backup PSD for my signature. Can anyone help me out on how to conver it? I thought Saint Paint the program would work but it doesn't.
  8. You know I was thinking the same thing and you might run out of blood. I figured anyone could stab you though just for your blood and they can go to the store and say oh don't worry I just cut myself unless they have some sort of ID come up on the computer that allows the cashier to identify who that person really is. I guess the license thing would be needed still to go through this process or something like that but then you wouldn't need a blood sample u would just need a form of identification with the fingerprint.
  9. That is exactly how I feel about the place. Everyone feels proud about their work whether it is really good or not and some do get carried away and will go a little to far but I do think they really do have some great artists there. I used to go there to download brushes for Adobe Photoshop and I have seen some of the art and it is amazing what some of those people can do. It is a great resource.
  10. That sounds pretty cool but a lot of confusion at first. I like the idea of reducing the distortion after compression and what not but I don't see why add another format and it will take a while for people to getting used to the change and it won't hit off at first. I guess if we don't like it we don't have to use it but I probably will if it has better quality.
  11. This post has already been made http://forums.xisto.com/topic/22159-xbox-handheld/ As for my thought... I am sure they might come out if they are not already working on a handmade console because they have to keep some competition with the PSP or something like that because they don't want them to make more money than them and what not but then again maybe they think Nintendo will keep contending with them. I am sure they will try to make it perfect and of course a lot better than PSP so that they can get off to the right start.
  12. Well I also debate myself on this subject and I sometimes can't decide. A family member of mine smoke and it is annoying especially when he is around me while he smokes but atleast it isn't inside the house. I guess it returns to your body your choice and if you make the wrong choice then oh well. They atleast make it so you have to be 18 to buy tobacco. As for making it illegal for everyone I don't think it will happen but people should be more considereate to smoke in an isolated area so no one has to smoke their crap.
  13. Well it can be more than a PIN number and more like a password of letters and numbers. I think that would make it more secure with caps sensitive and everything. It is sort of like your fingerprint is your username and then you had a password like on Xisto and other sites.
  14. They already use it though. They actually sign up for the system. Not just anyone can go in and swipe a finger they sign up for it an account and everything. It takes about 5 seconds and they are on their way. I do agree people will dust fingerprints but don't you think a convenient store manager would notice someone taking out someone's fingerprint to scan? I do know it is possible he won'tand it's a long shot. They should still have a PIN number of some sort or something.
  15. Thats a nice little tool for a page that is always changing like a forum and what not. I don't really see a need to use it though considering most web browsers have a refresh button on it but I guess if you can use that to refresh a page after hitting a submit button or something that would be helpful. I'm sure there are more uses I can't think of. Nice tip.
  16. Only staff can see everyone's warning meter and this includes moderators and administrators. 10% warning is only 1 warning and they increase by 10% Yes I believe you lose your hosting account if you have one and you are banned from the forums. Normally if you are going towards 100% you probably will be banned before then because you do something pretty bad to get that high. It does go down if mods see you improve on whatever you were warned for. To not recieve anymore warnings I suggest you read the Xisto Readme in which there is a link in my signature.
  17. Not to bad. The design is really plain and simple which is good but could be lightened up a bit although for this kind of site it is ok. I like the navigation and the mouseover effect as well as your logo. As for the site itself I think you should make your news page your home page because it is basically the same thing and no one wants to click around to be able to log in and what not. You also want the statistics and what not on the front page too because that way you know everyone who is hitting the site instead of those that go to the news page.
  18. Well I know this is a game made in I think 1999 or 2000. I just want to know if anyone has played it. I went to an aviation museum in Tennessee while I was up there last week and in there they had a screen and a joystick in which you could play this game. I thought it was pretty cool and found it on amazon.com for $15 to buy for the PC. What do you all think of this game? Are there any newer Combat Flight Simulators out by Microsoft?
  19. lol Anytime. If you ever need help with php and what not there are tons of tutorials at http://www.pixel2life.com/ This is a place where you can learn about many programs for the computer and web coding so check that out. That is where I found the tutorial. Good luck and I hope it works.
  20. I saw this on the news the other day and they were talking about stores that take your fingerprint instead of using credit cards. There are a couple thousand stores I think there are that do this. Instead of swiping your credit card you leave your finger print and the computer searches your finger print in the system to match it up with the person.I think there are a couple flaws in the system though. People will go around cutting people's fingers off to go to an ATM and steal all their money. I think that there should be a PIN number for each card to help keep this from occurring. But there are also people around the world with no hands. Then what are they gonna do?What do you all think of this idea?
  21. Ya this was just posted yesterday as well. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/38135-error-with-my-assistant-link/ When you hit a broken link sometimes that pops up but it is every once in a while I think because when I go to the page it just leads to the text version of the forums.
  22. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Ok well first of all you can use this tutorial to help you log into a page that is protected. After you copy and paste the code look for this part. After you find that just change that link in there to the protected page you would like to take them to. As for zipping files on a hosted server I don't know how you would do that. I am not sure if it is possible. You can download them all onto a folder in your computer and then zip them and upload again but that would be time consuming.
  23. Well thanks but I sort of gave up on my site for the time being. I made that a long time ago and eventually put it away for a while. I might try to bring it up again and really hope it sets fire but I sort of doubt it. As for making it all with CSS, that is a very nice piece of work. You are very good at making templates. Keep it up.
  24. Very nice tutorial. Usually when I get a php contact form I mess it up some how but this is the full and real thing. Thanks for posting it. Good job.
  25. I like it a lot. It has a nice proffesional design and the navigation is clear and easy to find. I like the mouseover effects. The banner as well is very sleek and nice. Very nice job overall. The news I think could be farther up but I don't know if what above it is related to the site because I can't read it.
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