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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. If it gets me through the lines quicker I'll do it. I could care less of what they see of me and if it blurs out the private areas then there you go. They can make fun of my all I want, they are just trying to make money and keep the air ports clean. If it's voluntary that means you probably won't have to go through the other parts of security and just that so you will probably get through a little quicker. It is a little wierd I think sure, but they can't really take any chances. Although why it's only voluntary I guess is because it may be against someone's religion to go through one of those things and expose themselves so they aren't allowed to make it necessary.
  2. I'm sorry to hear that your idol stopped playing guitar. I'm sure it isn't a good feeling. But you know, maybe if you keep trying you will become as good as him and maybe you could convince him to start a band with you or to atleast start playing again. It probably would be hard to find someone else to look up to because it woulnd't be the same but you never know. He may indeed start back up again as well and this could just be a temporary thing, I don't know him though so I wouldn't know. Well in any case, I hope you continue to play the guitar so you can be an idol to someone like yourself sometime in the future.
  3. Very nice. Xisto just keeps getting better and better. No ads and we are still growing. Glad to see you guys are able to upgrade the accounts. That means our sites can also become bigger and better for the same cheap price (free). Thanks a lot for the upgrade and keep up all of your hard work and efforts to keep Xisto clean of rats.
  4. Well if you couldn't post in old topics I'm pretty sure they would be closed. But that's the whole reason the search tool is there, if you want to post something you have to make sure that an old topic doesn't have that subject in it already. That way if there is an older topic you can add your information onto that topic. Now I don't know which topic you are referring to but it might be one of those ones that really don't contribute much but like ask, I guess it was "What is your favorite drink?" If that is the case then those topics probably should be closed once found but I don't know of any rule about not posting in older topics.
  5. Well the news stations where I am located have reported both on the death of a movie star and the army. I think ya the army should be recognized for what they have done to fight for our countries, but people don't actually recognize those people unless they knew them personally or someone they knew that knew them personally. People care more about an entertainer that they have watched and were entertained by. They influence them more. The news stations are going to do anything they can to get more viewers, you have to understand that they care about the money. They mention it here after the fact because now they have the viewer's attention. People aren't going to watch the news if they don't want to hear more about the death of more troops. I am not saying it is right, it's just the way it is.
  6. I would do it. Space intrigues me. I would really like to go exploring Mars. As long as I survive I am good. I would find it really interesting to go to the planets and the moon and maybe even search for life. I would build a fort on Mars Jupiter I don't know if you can even stay on there but I'd like to see the big red dot with it looking really big. Even going off to Pluto the not so planet as long as there is a heater on the ship. It would be pretty hard to though to leave my family and friends on life on Earth but I think it'd be quite the experience. But you know, if I were to it'd be far in the future and I could probably see them everyday. Best internet connection
  7. Personally, I learned from http://www.yourhtmlsource.com/ It was pretty simple for me to get going. They have a specific tutorial for your first web site. It worked for me but it really depends on what you are trying to do. http://www.pixel2life.com/ is good if you have something specific in mind. You can search on a tutorial to do certain things. That is for more than just HTML. http://www.w3schools.com/ isn't that bad either. I haven't really tried to use them that much but they have a lot of information on there. Whichever really works best for you but there are some good sources to get you going. Just takes a bit of practice and learn as you go. That is basically how I learned.
  8. It shouldn't really be a problem. I purchased Who Is protection for an extra dollar on my domains. That I believe gets rid of it all I don't remember seeing anything on my domain name last time I did that. But the recent one I have does in fact show my information which at this point in time hasn't caused any problems for me. With the internet being around this long I haven't really heard of that many problems caused by this. Most predators are too dumb in the end to try it.
  9. lol I sort of wonder what it is but I sort of highly doubt it was a flying car but who knows. It could happen. A bit dangerous but they might have been testing, or it could have been a science experiment. I do enjoy looking at that picture though. It'd be pretty cool. I'd like to have one actually like in that Chevy commercial. It doesn't really look like a trailer but it could be a car next to something else though, just have to figure out what. You don't see the shadows of any other car going in that direction though which could explain something.
  10. Ya I have a hard time sometimes when I'm stressed out. I'll have homework on a beautiful day and instead of being able to go out and enjoy it, I'm stuck inside working. I notice that listening to music while I work or whatever I'm doing helps keep my mind free of stress. Or if I get too worked up I go outside and run as fast as I can for a few seconds, then I'm tired and sort of calm down. I might also just go chuck a pillow or something down, nothing that'll hurt anything. There are probably plenty more ways to release stress. It also sort of depends on the type of person you are and what works best for you.
  11. That is very good to see. Glad to hear you are having so much success over at Xisto - Web Hosting. It helps save room as well on the forums, you already have to scroll and scroll and scroll, this helps keeps things less cluttered. Although I never really had a problem with them it is a bit better with them gone.
  12. THEY HAVE JOBS!... For all of you trying to say they need to get a life and what not they do... supposedly. Everyone has made their stupid idea and made it into a great one, these people are doing the same. It's like The Million Dollar Home Page. I personally think it's stupid but they can try and that's what they are doing. People probably do indeed give them money just for who knows why. They say if you don't like it then move on on their page because they know it's a stupid idea, but they do it anyway because they do make money. They also have their little store on there too. lol
  13. lol funny. But shouldn't it be Ate instead of Eat. Ate atually has the same sound as eight instead of eat. Sort of weird but funny.
  14. Doesn't really matter to me who wins. I probably will root for the Colts in the end. Most of the people I know are and they are pretty good. I haven't watched the Bears much this season so I don't know about them. The colts are pretty strong and if this is Manning's last season he is going to play his heart out, especially with no superbowl yet. Good luck to both teams though, whichever wins will be the better one (obviously). If the Colts lose, oh well, my Bucs aren't in there this year so no rooting for them.
  15. I like the World of Warcraft ones. They are pretty cool. The first one is really simple but not too bad. I think you should have a dark background though instead of white. With all those reds and what not I think black would look good behind it all. The forums don't really match the main page that well but that's ok. It's pretty hard to do that sometimes.The second World of Warcraft page looks really cool. Probably a lot better than the first one. I don't really get why you just have animations on the Auction and Status page, or are they not done yet? I guess the join us page as well. This one though looks nicer in my opinion. The animations are cool, I don't know about for those that use dial up though. The homepage itself though could use some work. I would put some color into it and make actual buttons for each homepage. Maybe make a splash page, a big banner for each one of them that if you press it takes you to the web site.
  16. In Florida, foreign languages are a required elective for atleast two years of high school. Any years after was extra. I started taking Spanish in middle school, two years there was worth one credit for the high school. In the IB program I learn it for 4 years anyway. Collges look at this I know and is an extra badge on you for your applications, but I don't think it should be required in collges. Although sometimes I think they require it because at that college the majors most people have requires them to know a foreign language, so they just force it upon everyone. I don't know that for sure though. I think foreign languages are quite useful especially in the working world. You can make a lot of money being a translator. I sort of would like to pick up German and learn that as well as finish up with Spanish. They also help you with English itself is what I have learned. Spanish shows me things about our own language that doesn't make sense or makes more sense when I learn it in Spanish.
  17. lol I don't really see the point of the weird ones. I mean what does it matter whether it looks like food or not. I can see the barbie one or using some of those as disguises if they have important information but one shaped like food? That's rather weird but I guess if you really want to hide them then that's the way to do it. I can see it now, the transferring of USB drives in a picnic basket. Someone takes a cupcake and mysteriously hides it in their pocket for "later." I would get mine so it doubles as a book light or something along those lines.
  18. Please refer to this quote made earlier in the topic. As you can see the forums were upgraded and had a few techincal problems. All is explained here in this link. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/44843-forum-upgrade-to-version-221/ A few credits lost is better than what bigger problems could have happened. If you feel though that you must have those credits, I'm sure I could spare you a few if you'd like once I get mine in order. Send me a Personal Message once they are working if you would like a few to spare.
  19. Very nice. I bet that cost a pretty penny. Xisto - Web Hosting and the rest of Xisto keeps growing and growing. That's two sets of good news today. Both being upgrades. Soon you will have yet another server to add and another with the expansion of Xisto. Keep up all your good work, and you will be up at the top of the show.
  20. Looking vey nice so far. Things are a bit different but not really anything horrible. Looks very nice. Keep up the good work. Hopefully that shoutbox will be working soon. After looking through it some, I've noticed the friends system and what not. The new profile page is very very nice. I like it a lot. I also like the upgraded shoutbox. Things seem to be easier. I have noticed a few errors here and there which I will send a PM. I'm sure they have been noticed already though as well but I'lll send one anyway.
  21. Weight doesn't all have to be gained in fat though either or food or whatever you want to call it. Working out a lot increases the size of your muscles which is heavier than fat itself, so you can gain weight that way and strength. You don't want to hurt yourself though by working out too much, you can start small each day and after a week or so if you feel comfortable step it up a notch. You can do it a a gym or purchase some weights at a store like Wal - Mart or Sports Authority. You can go jogging to work on your legs or do ab excercises as well.
  22. Hydrogen cars aren't necessarily weak. Right now Honda has under development their Hydrogen Fuel Cell car that can go about 270 miles on their two tanks in their car. Yes the tanks are about twice the capacity of a standard 18 gallon tank in a car today, but that doesn't mean it will slow it down. They can make the car more lightweight in other ways and have fast acceleration. They have plenty of plans and progress on making Hydrogen into a separate renewable resource by using solar power of some sort (haven't researched the solar power really). They can get up to about 93 miles per hour which is about as fast as you need to go. There aren't very many places that have a speed limit over 90mph other than the highway in Germany. It takes time but the future is near. Right now, yes hydrogen is being taken from natural gas, they have tanks that you can actually hook up to gas supply at your house which then can be used to power the car and the house itself at the hydrogen pump.
  23. That is exactly why they put athletes or someone famous in a commercial. It's called propaganda. The athlete, even if their face is clear, will use the treatment once and say that it worked great for them. It's just a testimonial but usually isn't true. They do that to convince you that it must work if someone famous uses it. Sometimes though it is indeed used by that athlete and what they say is true, but you have to be careful.
  24. Less Caffeine I could definitely work on. I just use the same stuff my brother did to get rid of his acne which he still has sometimes but not as bad. I also heard that cheese is also a problem with acne. I am not really too worried about it either because no one makes fun of me or anything, it's just a part of growing up. I just have to be persistent with cleaning my face and using the stuff I bought to help get rid of it.
  25. I've never really taken my acne treatment stuff really seriously really yet, but I haven't seen a dermatologist either. I've sort of wondered if hydrogen peroxide would work on clearing acne. It is supposed to get rid of infections or whatever so I figured maybe it'd work for acne, but I'd be too scared to try unless I know it works. Sure it'll probably burn but it might do the trick I think.
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