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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. Wow, and I'm happy with 400 MB a second. I don't get much lag as it is but that'd be amazing. Before you can blink a webpage will be up for a download would be finished. Sure it will be expensive though to buy as well. I'll wait a year or two and when the 1000 GBPS comes out then I'll go for the 100 or 10 GBPS, that is, if they come out with it soon. Once again technology is running away from us and we are finding bigger and better things, or in some cases smaller and faster.
  2. I am not saying I am against Microsoft. I know hardware gets cheaper as we go and that's why I originally was going to wait before I was going to buy it because right now I can't afford to spend more money on a new computer because I'm 15. I planned on waiting but I needed it for school. At this point in time the computer uses too much resources for me to do what could do on my older laptop which I no longer have. I'm sure things will be better in the future, especially with things becoming smaller and cheaper. I like Vista and I'm sure it'll be as good as XP but I know for a fact if I put XP on this laptop that it will be able to do more. Ya better security is good but I had no problems before with security problems so I'll just wait and keep XP on my Desktop.
  3. Very nice! This could be very helpful when outlining something out for users or comparing two things. Ought to be useful as long as you take the time to use it. It could be a little time consuming but helpful in the end.
  4. Turns out, Vista came with my laptop I have. It has it's pluses and minuses. The looks are more customizable and can be personalized more which is nice. I really like the voice recognition tool. I can dictate what I want my computer to do, or type which is really helpeful. You can have it correct mistakes by speaking as well, it learns your voice the more you talk to it. It takes a bit of getting used to but there are some nice tools that come with it, when you hold the mouse over the window open at the bottom, it will show a small size of what is on the page or what is occurring. The problem for me is it used up too much system resources. I can't play the games I want to play on it because Vista itself is already using 69% of the physical memory and 14% of the CPU. So if you want to play games on it you are gonna have to spend a bit more for a better computer. I am going to keep Vista on my laptop though because I use it for school and samller things while my Desktop Computer will be for gaming and that I will keep XP on. It really depends what you want to do with your computer on whether you should upgrade or not.
  5. I'll have to look at these later today. Thanks for the links. I have learned somewhat Visual Basic 6 and have .NET but I don't know how to code with it quite yet. If you have some coding tutorials please let me know so I can get started on switching or just learning/using both of them. Other than that I just have to come up with ideas which is another problem but that isn't something a tutorial can help with.
  6. Pretty much, like everyone else said, you really can't avoid getting caught. If you want to look at bad things, do it at a friends house using their computer. Just don't get them in trouble. Or you can do the better thing and just stop doing the bad things you are getting in trouble for. The reason you get in trouble is because they are "bad" or you aren't old enough to do/see these "bad" things and your parents want to make sure you don't do them until you are old or mature enough. They could see what you typed anyway trying to get around it so when they may already be waiting for you to try and stop it. Good luck though on whichever you decide, hopefully the one for the better.
  7. I think the problem with that would be that people might just join Xisto just for the promotional code. Maybe if you made it for those who were long term members or maybe those who contributed a lot. Actually, if you tie it into credits, if someone were to save up say 300 credits with their free hosting account then they could put it toward a small discount. I don't know how many credits exactly, I was just putting numbers out there.Or since these are free webhosting accounts, the amount of space and bandwidth would be covered by credits but the extra space and bandwidth or features would be extra cost covered by Xisto - Web Hosting. That would be a lot of work though and could cause problems if you go below your credits but here is an example. Say you have 120 MB of Space here at Xisto, but you want to upgrade to a Gig of space, you pay for the extra 880 MB of space as long as you keep your credits going for this account. I don't know if that's what you were saying but it's an interesting idea. I am satisfied enough though with my account for now though.
  8. The way I see it, we don't have too much to worry about. We have grown so much technologically in the last 50 years, that in the 29 years until 2036, there will be another breakthrough in science to destroy the asteroid before it can come near Earth. They already have the technology to take out missles in air so why not asteroids that threaten the Earth. I think we should be pretty safe and the only climate change we have to worry about should be global warming, not another Ice Age or anything like that.
  9. You can claim all you want but you'll have a long time at court. If you don't have anything on you to prove to them that you were defending yourself it'd be pretty hard, especially if you were in a public place with witnesses. People already have guns for self defense and ya there are a lot of problems, but even if you make guns illegal they will still be used to kill because killing already is illegal, same with robbing, and what not. You can't win in this situation really. Guns are very serious yes, but probably safe for people to keep in the long run.
  10. If you can afford to pay $8 a year or so, you can get your own domain at a place like https://de.godaddy.com/ or Yahoo or whatever. Then you can set it up with your trap account and check your email at your CPanel or make it compatible with Outlook Express or Mozilla Thunderbird. I am pretty sure you can actually get a free domain and stuff with Microsoft's business solution but I can't find the link.
  11. On the note of baseball bats, people will be afraid of it unless they can defend themselves from it which if they are a robber they may know how to do. Some person with their adrenaline going coming at you swinging it might get you a little worried. But if there is no gun law they are fighting a hopeless fight.Despite that statement though, I do think guns should be allowed to be owned. With laws against it, the people breaking into your home will still use them. Why? Because they are breaking the law anyway and for them it's the best protection. So then when you do bring up that baseball bat they can just shoot you and you are out of their way. The only people who should be allowed to have a gun are those with a clean criminal record though and I think that's how it is now but they still carry them. That's the way I see it anyway. If people are gonna come at you with guns, law or not, then you should be able to defend yourself. Sure there are alarm systems which do indeed help keep them out but you can't be too safe. Besides, you can't go hunting without a gun.
  12. Happy Birthday BuffaloHELP. Another year older, another year wiser, another year brighter. I don't have a birthday present for you but I hope you enjoyed your birthday. Hope you live to be 500.
  13. That's pretty cool. I might have to use it if I ever get Paypal. I don't tend to use my site as much right now though so it isn't worth it to spend money at the moment for me. It's cool though that they have gone even cheaper. I am still not allowed to have Paypal though so I'm sticking witht he free stuff. Glad to see Xisto is changing the hosting world once again and beating probalby every competitor there is.
  14. Sorry I'm a bit late. I went out on vacation. But Happy Easter to those who celebrated it. Hope you all enjoyed yourselves and ate as much as you could For those that gave up something, hope you made it to Easter. Sadly I didn't this year although I was successful all other years.
  15. Sometimes I lie online just to have fun with people. Like those looking for guys online or something on a game I'll get them going and then just laugh away after I leave. I do also lie about info sometimes when they ask for a name and address just to view a forum or a site because there is no need for it. They'll just mail you crap you don't need and you never know who you are sending your information to. You hear stories all the time of people with online relationships with a person they think are a nice and caring person but then they knock on your door and rape or kill you.
  16. lol Wow! Now I wish I kept all my credits over the years. That's ok though, I'll be able to make them back up. That's really cool that you guys are giving out domains. I know a lot of people have been bugging you for it and they finally get what they wanted. Hopefully they'll be happy now. That seems like a good price because that is for one year and if you think about it, you need 365 credits for one year of hosting, you just have to save up for this all at once and it's a one time fee.
  17. As for individuality, yes they will still have it. A clone makes a person look the same but they are not going to act the same. They will have different interests, where different clothes, maybe even grow up in a different society unless they live under the same parents. They will be like twins. How someone acts is based upon influence. Two people born as twins under the same parents are still two different individuals. As for losing dignity or being looked down upon as less of a person, no one has to know they are a clone. Sure they can say, oh ya I'm a clone, but they might not even know themselves. They are still created by birth as far as I know of, they just have the same DNA as someone else. Creating and killing life for body parts isn't going to happen because it is against the law. (murder) They are working on ways to artificially make working organs already anyway.I am for cloning, it is bound to happen whether we like it or not. Cloning on an industrial/large level yes can be dangerous and can actually cause disease. Cloning to help people though I don't see a problem with. If somone wants to have a kid but is afraid that they will have a major disease then sure why not clone that kid or if safe, just edit their genetics to not have the disease. The object image may be avoided as long as cloning is kept a secret which may be hard but they are born in a regular way. Cloning may just help increase the population though as well. Yes there are problems with it but it probably will happen in the future and will grow on people in time. It has to grow upon people gradually though so it may be bad for a while but it will then just become another part of life.
  18. It sounds like a not too bad idea. It'd be nice to have it set at the perfect temperature but for me I probably change it up everyday, or just keep it the same. It only takes about 15 seconds for my shower to warm up and then I can just adjust it myself. I guess what I'm saying is, I don't mind having to adjust it. Maybe just a built in thermometer of the temperature of the water would be nice so I can see how hot it is but that's about it. I would buy one though that has massaging hands that come down and massage your back for you or something like that There are limitless ideas because not too many people have tried to technologically advance the shower except make waterproof music players. Atleast no one has that I've heard of that has a super smart shower.
  19. That sounds pretty interesting. I'm wondering if they are going to integrate it more with Photoshop. You know how you can edit it Image Ready from photoshop, but I bet if you have it sliced you can just hit "File > Edit in Dreamweaver" I might upgrade to this version if it has a lot of changes, if not I might just wait, because I don't do too much coding anymore and probably won't need it. I have barely used the features in DW8 though because I'm not too experienced. Should be exciting either way though. Can't wait.
  20. There isn't really a way to get rid of weapons, anything can be a weapon. People can chuck pennies at your head, modify a water gun to shoot pepper spray, they can steal things from law enforcement, chuck speakers or anything can be turned into a projectile. Cars can run you over, guns and knives I guess are just quicker. People want protection, some people won't go to bed at night without a gun in the house, getting rid of that gun by banning them will get some other type of protection item. Crime is done because people have gotten lazy or want to look bad but it is going down. It isn't because people aren't educated, they know how to use the gun, the knife, and it's pretty obvious it can hurt someone, that's why they have it. They want to have it for protection against someone or to use to harm/threaten someone. It's just the way people are that crimes are committed and there are no ways to stop them unless we all live in a bubble world.
  21. I pretty much agree here with husker. I think that's what you were pointing at though as well but I think people lose weight so they are healthier not only for them but for their friends and family and people that depend on them. What I have to say to the people that want to look pretty, go for it if you really think you need to look pretty. As long as you don't hurt your body or yourself in anyway like being anerexic or whatever. To me, it's their life, their body so I'm not gonna interfere unless it harms them.
  22. Although that's pretty cool, I don't think the look really matters because that's not what I use the browser for. A browser is for me to view web sites but I guess it'd be easier on the eyes for IE7 and it's looks but in the end it doesn't matter to me. Nice tutorial though, I'm sure it'll be helpful, just not for me.
  23. I'm glad to hear you are continuing your love of music. Things like this will probably make you a better player in one way or the other because you have a passion for it. I wish I could stop my addiction to the Internet. I probably ought to because it keeps me from school work a lot of times. lol I don't know how you are going to continue with your major as Computer Technician if you want only 20 minutes a day on the computer but I hope things work out for you there and play on.
  24. Although I think Google Earth is cool and the translator as well, I would have to say the search engine itself has given me more help than anything. It helps me find what I need like defintions of things, people, words, anything. I use it to find information for research projects, posts here on Xisto, anything really. It's the best tool they have and the whole reason Google started (I think). My second favorite would probably be the translator because it helps me out with spanish words but I don't use it all too much anymore because I have a cheap electronic one. Google earth didn't do much for me, only lasted a week on my computer. The email I have but don't use because I am already used to using msn.
  25. I don't really get what the point of a 45 gig email is. Sure it's free but it can't really be that safe and that real? Who would want to give all that away unless I guess it is to attract people to your other services. It'd only be good to back up things but why waste all that time uploading. I really don't think anyone will fill all that 45 gigs with emails unless it is spam crazy or unless 10 years maybe more go by and they spend there whole day emailing people. But I guess if you really do indeed want all that space then go for it and good luck filling it up.
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