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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. Well despite my first impression I gave this one a try. I didn't realize I had 2 days left in the month to complete surveys for money before it reset but despite the fact I did make the minimum payout and should have $11.75 coming to me in the mail when they send out the checks June 15 or 16th. As for this month I have $32 pending to be validated and another $5 already made. It's a pretty decent site and for the surveys you only have to fill out valid information. If you want more information about it let me know and after the 15th I will post a picture of my check if anyone wants to see it.
  2. I haven't really been watching this year, especially after the Tampa Bay Lightning lost to the Ottawa Senators. I guess that means I'll root for Anaheim so Ottawa doesn't win it all. I'm sure I'll probably watch the rest of the series though if I'm home or around to see it. Tampa Bay is my home team which is why I first started to cheer for them. Hockey isn't really my favorite sport so I don't pay too much attention to other teams unless it is playoff time.
  3. I remember learning about that I think as well as using it in a Visual Basic program. I think Fibonachi used it to describe how many rabbits there would be if each female rabbit were to give birth to a male and a female every month or something like that. I don't know what exactly you can use to apply it to real life other than that though let alone in any of my science classes.
  4. Well you can try over at Xisto - Web Hosting. https://xisto.com/ For $14.95/month you can have 10 Gigabytes of space as well as 250 GB of Bandwidth. For $7.95 you can have 5GB of space and 110GB of Bandwidth. These packages also include a Free Domain for Life as well as a Dedicated IP. Pretty good deals I think but I don't need that much space that's why I use the free web hosting here. Hopefully this helps you some and you can find a package that suits you.
  5. That is really funny. Goes to show you what spamming can get you into so you better not do it here The warnings given by admins keep you from going to jail. (or not) Doesn't matter how many spammers they throw in jail, they probably make so much money from doing it somehow that they'll get out eventually or more people will take their place like SM said. I can imagine what it's like for him in jail. ""Hey what are you in for?... A Robbery. You? ... Spamming. " There will always be spammers sadly but oh well, at least they are trying to do something about it. They probably don't have a standard on what to send people to jail for after spamming the world with emails.
  6. I played the first drive for Game Boy. I played Driver 2 for Playstation, it was a lot of fun. I still have it and actually played it last week. I enjoy driving through Miami and putting a bunch of cars on the bridge so when the bridge goes up all of the cars fall down and crush each other. Then when Driv3r came out I also tried that. I think it's the best out of the three because of the better graphics and the ability to do moor like swim around and drive boats.
  7. This looks like a decent program but I just think all the survey filling out and stuff takes too long and you get a lot of spam email. Referring people isn't easy either because you have to find some that will actually participate and fill out the information. You can't do that here by the way. I have tried a place like this before and it took 3 days of straight filling out of surveys to get a domain name which wasn't too bad but there are 6000 messages in my inbox now, luckily I use an email I don't use too often.
  8. I like the new blue colors that they have. I think it looks nicer, they started using more colors like IPB. As for the posting look, I sort of like it but I don't also in a way. It's cool how it shows who is online by a little banner on the right of their post but it looks sort of too basic or something. Maybe it just takes some time to get used to it because I think I was expecting it looking different. The User Profile seems much more organized and doesn't show any blank fields, only the ones you have filled in which keeps you from searching. The User Control Panel is also a lot more organized and efficient when it comes to changing settings on the board or checking messages. I guess overall I like it. After a little getting used to it it may be something I would use.
  9. Well I liked it, but not near as much as the first or second one. The violent scenes seemed really obvious that it was fake. I mean it's all fake but I sort of noticed it more. Normally you are too caught up in the action to notice or don't care but I don't know it sort of bugged me that his head was being smashed into pieces of plywood holding up a building while his mask is off or torn. I guess it seemed that he could be invincible only with his suit. I didn't really like the guy who tried to take his job either at the newspaper, I forget his name. First 2 were better in my opinion.
  10. Well I have never owned an IPod, I have thought of purchasing one but never really felt the need for it. I'd probably take the Archos over it any day though from the looks of it. I have a small MP3 player if I want to go running somewhere without it taking up much room. The Nano will break too easily if you were to try and run and it falls out of your pocket. The video recording feature and WiFi intrigue me over to the Archos but I haven't really done all that much research either. That looks pretty cool though and I think I'll check it out some more.
  11. There are some veterans on both sides of my family. Thank God for all those who are still alive and best of luck to those still in service. If there are any Veterans or Active Members here at Trap God Bless You.
  12. The people that post a bunch to save up their credits will just save their extra posts that they would make in one day and then save them for the next day. If the number of posts allowed to be made per day are limited, the number of members joining will slow a lot because they want their package right away so they won't want to wait 3 days to get going if they make four line posts. Some people don't have the time in a week to make 3 posts a day or really long posts to keep their credits up that is why they sometimes come in on big one day streaks. I've made about 15 posts in the past 24 hours or so I think it was and they all have been of good length/quality with the exception of a few which are expected. I just like to post but the extra credits are helpful especially for when the Trap Awards come to town again and I give them away.
  13. Normal or not you are stuck with your height. The guys will catch up to you and probably pass you in time (some of them). Just takes some time for some people while others grow quickly. If guys don't go out with you because they are shorter than you that's pretty sad. Took me a while to start growing but I finally did and caught up to those who had grown when they were in 6th grade. It is normal at your age really if you think about it because what is really "normal" for that age varies so much that there is no normal.
  14. I used to play this game for a while. My name was Captain Leavenworth I think it was. I tried getting a job at a casino and did for a while but I didn't want to pay US$ for money in the game I figured it was a waste so I don't come on anymore. That was also because I didn't have a good enough computer at the time to play but now I do. Maybe I'll come back on. If I do I'll add you as a friend.
  15. Yes you can post links to demos and yes you can post templates as well. Just make sure when posting demos and what not that you aren't advertising for your website, there are separate sections for that as well. There are very many categories you can post in graphic wise, coding wise, and life in general. Explore a little more and you'll find plenty of places where you can post and you can give the graphic section a big boost. If you like to make tutorials you can do those as well for graphics or anything else in general like coding. Photoshop's tutorial section is in the Graphics Section but coding tutorials can go in the regular Tutorial section. If you are low on credits those can be a big boost, just takes some time. Be sure to not copy the information from another site though even if it is from your own. If it has been posted anywhere else or published in a book you must quote it.
  16. I'm sure you'll be able to learn a lot here, I know I have for sure over the year and a half I've been here. There aren't any specific sections for IPB skins but you can post it in the "Other" Section the Graphics category. There aren't any extra skins either but you can always make the suggestion in the Support/Feedback area. I don't think there are extra skins because it is too much extra coding for every new version and modifications and it may be a problem when it comes to the credit system because it is a huge custom code made by OpaQue. This isn't official so maybe you can ask Buffalo or OpaQue or a moderator.
  17. That's pretty funny. I'd like to work for Google if I could. They sure have the money to pay you. Let alone working on the moon would be fun just because you would be able to jump and float around more than you can here on Earth. Only problem are those pesky space suits. You know maybe in the future Google will be offering jobs like that and this April Fools joke will turn into a reality. I've never really thought about working in space, only living there. Maybe I'll see if I really can work at Google for real though but I guess I'll have to wait until I'm 18.
  18. Welcome to Xisto. I'm sure you will like it just fine here. It's a lot of fun and there are plenty of people that make graphics here that can critique you and there also Signature of the Week Contests. There is also the GFX Crew you can join after you post some of your work and apply to it. There are also plenty of PHP coders who can help you or you can help them if needed. It's a great community as well as a good host so I'm sure you'll fit in fine here. I hope to get to know you better and you enjoy your stay here. Just make sure you have read the Xisto Readme (Bible).
  19. Plenoptic


    Hello Tramposch. Welcome to the forums. I believe I talked to you earlier today in the shoutbox. Hope you like the forums so far. It takes a while to get accustomed to the rules and posting in Xisto Quality but it's pretty easy. Just keep the Xisto Readme in mind and you'll be fine. Can't wait to get to know you better (not in a nasty way).
  20. Atari was the first system my family owned. Had some awesome games on there like Pong and that little space ship shooting games. Had a lot of fun.Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) was the second system. This one was a lot more fun. We had two fun racing games and of course Mario, who could forget. We still have it but it takes weeks to get it to work (exaggeration). There of course was also Kirby. After that we moved into the Nintendo 64 years. We have all of our old systems still except for Atari who we gave to the garbage men.
  21. Those are pretty interesting. The Elmer Fudd one isn't anything special, just on the search pages the words given by Google have W's instead of L's but other than that it is still the same words from each site. I don't know Pig Latin so I don't know really about that. I guess it's a way for expanding to say the least but I don't think the Elmer one is really all that necessary.
  22. It isn't just a server either that you'll need. You'll have to purchase the necessary software as well. You will need a Web Host Manager to keep track of all the accounts and set up plans. You will also need people to take care of support as well by either support tickets, online chat, phone numbers, or email or combinations of these. Then you will need a Control Panel to offer your users so they can add scripts easily, or control their sub domains and what not and maybe even something like Fantastico with preloaded scripts ready to install at ease. It is not easy to get your own web host going and it is an expensive process. I would recommend starting as a reseller and then move up to a dedicated server. You can get cheap reseller plans or dedicated server at https://xisto.com/ which have cheap plans and the servers are all taken care of for you and it comes with the necessary software for you to set up your own plan.
  23. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Here is part of the article: Hidden I think it's pretty amazing how infants can tell the difference between their own and another language just by seeing the lip movement. So this helps point out that as infants we have a lot of qualities that if we don't use all the time will end up disappearing and we'd have to relearn them which can be very hard to do in some cases. No wonder it is easier to learn different languages as a younger child because we have the ability to distinguish between them and of course pronounce the words. I've read elsewhere that most know how to roll the R when they are infants but since we don't use it, it will be harder to learn how to do later in life. It explains more in the article how they found some of the knowledge infants have before 6 months. If you try to apply these traits to a child like speaking in many different languages from when they are infants past the 6 month spot maybe they will be able to hold onto their knowledge. I hope what I'm saying makes sense.
  24. Well if you have it in it's own directory it may be /public_html/directory or if there isn't a directory just /public_html. Also for another directory I guess you could try http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. I am not really sure how exactly it'd work but if I remember from when I helped a friend install it, I think it'd be just /public_html I thought that that part was usually filled in for you.
  25. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Most people know about the cartoon character called the Tasmanian Devil that you see on some Bugs Bunny cartoons. The real Tasmanian Devils are in Tasmania, Australia. They are being threatened though by a contagious cancer that causes facial tumors. It is starting to spread to the south and also to the west endangering the animals as a whole. Nine-tenths of the animals have died in the past ten years and aren't expected to last another five without help. This is where Warner Brothers comes in. They are coming out with a new DVD and for every DVD sold they are going to donate 82 cents/1 Australian Dollar to the University of Tasmania to help the animals. This money will be used to help transfer the existing Taz to a new location like an island or help heal their cancer. I think this is really nice of them to help out the animal, especially since their cartoon Taz is based off of it. This helps strengthen the awareness of the problem as well and maybe more people will try to help. I'm not really an animal loving guy but it is sad to see an animal die off. It's funny though, because I never really heard of the the Tasmanian Devil species. I've seen the cartoon but never once thought it was a real animal.
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