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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. That's a pretty good idea. I don't really care if my teachers put my stuff on turnitin.com Or check it anyway. Sort of makes me laugh especially because when it shows up that it wasn't copied, it's a waste of their time in the end. The sad thing is that they have had to start doing that because of all the plagiarizing in the world because people are too lazy to actually think. But there really isn't anything that can be done. I'll have to try that though to see what happens, they will probably then say that they have even more reason to believe that it isn't your own work if you don't want them checking it but if they finally do they'll once again be wasting their time.
  2. Both sites look really great. AddLiveLinks.com is very nice and the search engine works great and is very helpful. It's a cool idea for the Suggest a Link to put the category that they were just viewing but some people might get confused. If there is a way you could explain to people how that works or something or how to change it that could help. I am not sure.HostFight.com is also a great looking site as well. I don't really have any recommendations for it at this time. Everything is looking great though. Keep up the good work OpaQue and the rest of the crew that worked on this.
  3. I would definitely stick with Windows XP. Like SM said though Mac was indeed ripped off. That's amazing how much they have gotten away with. With the release of Vista in January they are probably going to have so many problems coming for them. Bill Gates will file for bankruptcy. It's too bad no one can have their own ideas anymore. And Windows used to be the best operating system out there. Now they are turning into a cheat. Although I'm sure Mac has copied a few things from Windows too... just probably not so much.
  4. Copying an article is also considered plagiarizing, which isn't allowed anywhere. As for the article, double thumbs up to the kid that turned the gun in. He did the right thing. If he went to get an authority figure, the gun could have been gone by the time he came back. If he waited by the gun while his friend went to get an authority, the kid could have come looking for the gun and fought the kid for it or even worse, shot him. It's really stupid to expel a kid for doing something good for the school. If they are going to be like that I'd leave the school anyway.
  5. Well Kubi considering on the map it shows your name in Phoenix, Arizona... I'm guessing you are over there. The map is growing slowly but surely. Just goes to show how many different types of people and from different places are on Xisto. I think people should post more about their culture and what they believe but more wars over religion could break out so maybe that'd be a bad idea.
  6. I'm sorry to see that another of our members has to leave. Well hopefully you'll be able to come back every once in a while and hang out with us in the shoutbox. Good luck with your pursuing of your interest or dream. Come back in and tell us how things work out for you.
  7. http://www.gamefront.com/ has unlimited File Space. It does take a bit to upload the big files but it's free so I wouldn't complain. If you want it to go faster uploading you have to be a premium member. You can also use a Google mail account and there is an add on to Firefox where you can use the space from the email account for anything. I am sure there are also other sites out there that do the same you, try searching Google. It always seems to work.
  8. I play quite a bit some days and others I'm stuck doing homework. It's not that I play games all day though but I do use the computer more than anything else and play games a lot. I do indeed eat whatever I want but I'm only 120 pounds at 15 and 5' 6". I'm average height and really skinny. So really no I'm not overweight, I do go around and play basketball and stuff too but that's not why I'm skinny. I just have a fast metabolism. People that see themselves getting overweight wait too long before they try to do anything about it and give up a lot of the time. Some people really do try and can't avoid it though. By the way my vote I meant to put as the second choice not the first.
  9. Plenoptic


    It sounds like an interesting program. Although I don't really see it as necessary to express myself all that much when I'm talking to my friends on an Instant Messenger. Usually words and/or emoticons are enough expression for me. Although I would like to check it out to see what it is like. It might be sort of interesting to be able to use 3D images, although I like to keep things simple as well. Do you have a link I could use to see the messenger?
  10. I'm going to have to say that electricity is sort of general but once we found out how to use it, it opened the way to everything else we have invented. It helped us make machines to build our new innovations and opened the world to countless inventions. We have electricity in our houses, in our cars, in our computers, in our video games we play, and what not. Even the simplest thing like a piece of clothing uses a factory which needs electricity to make the clothing. Although I don't think we have an exact date of electricity but light I know we do, the lightbulb anyway.
  11. Well, for one people have already lived in space in the Space Station. That's the start of it and it'll get bigger from there. The shuttle that launched yesterday went up there to set up air conditioning and stuff like that. As for viewing other planets outside our solar system, that is already being done with the technology we have, we just haven't gone out there to visit them. But we know what they are made out of and they are looking for planets more like Earth to see which planets can support life.
  12. I like to call this Procrastination. You want to enjoy doing stuff but want to do your homework too but you put the other stuff first. I sadly have started doing this as well and it shows sometimes. You just have to force yourself to work on homework and what not and adjust your schedule so you can still play games and what not. If you do play games and use forums first, then you should make sure you only do it for a certain period of time so that you still will have time to do your homework.
  13. Yes you may vote for yourself if you feel you deserve the award. And the one vote means per person per category. You may only hit the submit button one time but you can vote for every category.
  14. The nominations have ended, and it is now time to start the voting for the 2006 Xisto Awards. Congratulations to all nominees. Unfortunately, six categories had to be eliminated because of no nominations whatsoever. We already have winners for some categories though because of only one nomination, so congratulations to our early winners who can be seen but won't be awarded until voting is over. ONLY VOTE ONE TIME FOR EACH CATEGORY! If you vote more than once your first one will be taken unless you PM me with a problem with your vote. To View the Eliminated Categories... [hide=plenoptic22] Best Site Design Person most Likly to be Bill Gates Boss Sig of Year Most Non-Posts 7gears King Pruned Surfer [/hide] The early winners can be seen on the voting page because there name is the only one in the drop down. To cast your vote click the following link... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Happy Voting!
  15. Yes EA Sports couldn't renew their license to make a Major League Baseball game. 2005 was the last season of MVP Baseball the MLB version. They did in 2006 though make a NCAA MVP Baseball version which I guess wasn't as successful but still had a lot of buyers. I don't know if they will have a 2007 version come out or not but I figured they wouldn't give up completely. Normally they do come out around this time or early next year.
  16. I've played it as well and I personally just like all the cop chases. Drifting I think has gotten a bit harder since the Underground days but it just takes a bit of time to get used to. There are a lot of challenges you can fulfill after you finish the game which is like a lot of single races of different types and you can unlock cars and stuff that way. If you are looking for a full review you can go to http://www.gamespot.com/
  17. I offered credits for this SOTW, although I planned on only keeping it up for two weeks, I was told it would stay until nominations are over so that was done. I figured it would have been over by now even. Have you asked anyone to close it though? Ya I agree it's dead and that's partly my fault but that's not the only way of signature competitions. There are battles you can do as well.
  18. Well like husker said (x-y) would equal zero and it's the fact that you can't divide by zero not multiply like husker said. So that would really mean that it ends up as 0 = 0 because if you plug in the 0 of (x - y) , that would multiply with the rest of the equation to make 0 because it is all multiplication, no addition or subtraction except between parentheses. There may be a way though so keep working at it.
  19. I don't personally own one but I've played one. I think it is a lot better than the DS. It has good graphics, you can store music, use the internet. It's a mini Playstation 2 but with more features. So ya I'd recommend you get it for Christmas or buy it or whatever. It's a really nice thing to have. My friends sometimes bring theirs to school. It's good for long car rides as well.
  20. It's always cool to learn a little bit about other languages and how to speak them. In fact just today in history class we talked about having a day of learning basic sayings and how to count to ten in a bunch of different languages. That'd be really cool. Only problem is we don't really know how to pronounce Russian unless we are Russian. Is there a place we can go to learn how to say these words or pronounce the letters so we could sound it out?
  21. See ya around randomhood. I never really got to know you all that well but it is always sad to see a member leave the community. Hopefully you'll be able to drop by from time to time or maybe even come back in the future. I'm sure I'll probably still be here or at least I hope I will be. Good luck in life.
  22. It is really a hard choice for me between Super Mario Brothers for Super Nintendo, and Super Mario 64. They were both really great games. I enjoyed playing both almost equally but I think Super Mario 64 might have been the best until I got Brothers for Gameboy Advance. That renewed my interest for the Brothers cause I never really had gotten to play it all that much before. It's just really hard to decide. I liked having to fight for the bowsers though on 64 and what not so I guess that one in the end.
  23. Well Albert Einstein can be wrong, Aristotle was wrong and even people today are proved wrong. I am not gonna rule out either time travel or viewing. Maybe not in our time but maybe in future generations. But you know it still could be sort of hard to go back in time, I am not sure how in the world you'd be able to do that. It could take years and years of research. Plus if you go back in time you might not come back so maybe not. As for viewing, I sort of doubt it because that'd mean you'd have to go back in time to view it. Plus how would you view it? Unless they can find memories in your brain that you don't actually remember but is like in the recycle bin or you don't think about normally. But other than that, you have video cameras.
  24. Well let's first ask this question, what is a diamond? It's a complex, potentially never ending network of carbon. It is such a strong bond because the carbon are bonded to four other carbons in a diamond shape making it really hard to break. They are found in old volcanoes because of the heat reaching about 3000 degrees and they form hundreds of miles beneath the earth's surface because of the pressure. Now onto the question, how do they make a real diamond in the industrial world? It was found out by chemists at General Electric back in the 50s and improved since then. They take graphite, another carbon built metal, and mix it with peanut butter believe it or not. Why? Well the carbon in graphite is bonded with three other carbons so it is almost like a diamond but a different shape because of the different bonds. To make a diamond they need to break down the graphite into carbon and have the carbon dissolve into a solvent which is Nitrates (found in peanut butter). The peanut butter also has carbon in it which is added to the carbon from the graphite forming the diamond. They heat the graphite with a dab of peanut butter in a little cylinder and heat it up to 3000 degrees (like a volcano) and pressurize it to One Million pounds of pressure per square inch (like it is hundreds of miles below the Earth). They have gotten it to the point where they can make 1 carrot diamonds in a 24 hour period. Yes it is real diamond that at this point you can't really tell the difference. They want to mass produce it but I don't know if that will happen or not. The cost of producing it will be probably though around just as much as the process of finding them in the ground. It's sort of complex, I saw a movie on it today which is where I got this information, it was made by PBS so I'll see if I can find some information on it. To see a comparison between the graphite and diamond carbon structures, click this link. http://www.nyu.edu/pages/mathmol/library/carbon/
  25. They are still using the methods of 50 years ago because it has been working. But right now they are working on a reusable space shuttle that can be used time and time again for flight. Trust me, they have been working but sometimes they aren't given sufficient funds to do the project they'd like to. They also have contests for people outside of NASA to come up with ideas and prototypes as well. As for the moon, yes it happened. That wikipedia article shows it all. Even the flag waving has an explanation. It'd be pointless to try and make something up like that anyway.
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