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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. Well before I could even get to know you well you're heading out. Hopefully you'll be back sooner than August but if not, see you then. Maybe you'll find some money on the street and you can use that.
  2. That's pretty sad to do that. No one deserves to be raped or to have their family killed but I don't think the guy should be raped or put to death. I think life in prison is bad enough because he has to suffer through it all. The death penalty is a quick end, and raping him won't get you anywhere. I believe in forgiveness but that is my opinion.
  3. Considering I only owned two games I'm going to say Super Mario Brothers 2 I think it was. It was just like the Super Nintendo game. I have always loved it so it was the first one I picked up from the store. Put a few months of playing time into it and then the game boy was passed along to my sister because I grew bored with it and either didn't want to purchase new games or there weren't any I had wanted to buy. Another game for it was Kirby which was fun but I'm still gonna have to stick with Mario.
  4. lol The big ones are like a 3 mile swim, 112 mile bike, and 56 mile run. So ya according those that's pretty small. Thanks Watermonkey, it isn't til October yet luckily so we have time to train but we aren't in a hurry. It's too bad your knee slowed you down or it sounds like you would have won or finished in the top 10 atleast.
  5. Alright, well this summer I have a new plan with the family to run a triathlon. We plan to start with a rather small one, 1/3 mile swim - 12 mile bike - 3.1 mile run. Found a good website with a training plan we can use to get going. I was wondering if anyone here has ever ran a triathlon before and if they liked it or not and how long they trained before it.
  6. lol Wow! I remember this post. Now I have different assignments. I have to read Chesapeake by the same guy as Poland but this one is 1001 pages. I also have to read either 2 or 3 books for English. I have to do a few writing assignments for each book. I also have about 20 pages of reading, and about 10 pages of worksheets for Chemistry. And for Spanish I have to research and prepare for an oral presentation, a group presentation, and an essay. It's exciting but it's necessary and probably helpful for the long run.
  7. I don't really mind needles all that much. This is probably because I don't really have to be pricked all that much. I didn't like them at first because I was really small but now I don't mind, although I still wouldn't mind doing without them. I am not old enough to give blood yet so depending on how that goes my liking of needles may change.
  8. I sort of feel 3 was enough. I personally think they tried too hard in Spiderman 3 and over did a lot of the action in there and it was really unrealistic, which is should be but it got a little out of hand. I sort of wonder what the story line will be now but I don't think they could beat the first 2 or even the 3rd Spiderman. They are gonna try and drag out as much money as they can and they'll start coming out with posters, t-shirts, key chains, and all that stuff to make even more money.
  9. Hurray! Another step in Google taking over the world! Pretty interesting. I'm not too much of a fan of using Google for anything other than their search engine and sometimes Google Earth. I guess I just can't get used to changing to opening a different program than what I normally use which is probably why I don't use much of their products. More money though for them, glad to hear it. Soon the two founders will be passing Bill Gates on the richest persons list. They already double income than him I think it was.
  10. As much as I dislike the Yankees, they are a good team (even if it's partly because of money). But I think he wants to show loyalty to them and they probably were willing to pay the most because they are in desparate need for a starting pitcher. The Braves I don't think need a pitcher and the Red Sox fans would probably kill Clemens despite the fact he started as a rookie with them.
  11. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Well Roger Clemens announced today during the 7th inning stretch that he is back playing with the Yankees. For $28 million dollars he is back to help out the pitching rotation that has suffered many injuries with I think 3 or 4 out of the starting lineup. Karstens the rookie has a broken leg, Pavano has a pulled hamstring. He says he is only back to win a championship. I really wonder how long he is going to stay in baseball. He originally said he was going to retire and play in the Olympics but then went to the Astros' organization and then was out for a while before coming to the Yankees. I'm guessing he won't be in baseball much longer. I guess it all depends on how well he does this year.
  12. I see what you are saying yes. I don't think I've really had a dream like that, not that I remember. A lot of the time I dream at night I only remember the dream that day for about an hour or so and then I forget about it. (that's for good dreams anyway) They dozing off dreams I remember a lot though for some reason. Anyway, the way I see it that's having it for me. It's in my fantasy world sure and I don't really have it but I'll enjoy it while I do.
  13. Yes computers really are a big part of our lives and will continue to be. They are used for entertainment but also have a lot of jobs like selling things online and having a website to expand your business. There are all the make money online sites as well. My school already got rid of grade books and they enter their grades online which also allows parents to keep track of their childrens grades (which for some is needed but for me I'm against because it's more pressure). The only problem is that sometimes you enter things, throwout the papers but it malfunctioned and the grades aren't really in htere. That'd be the only problem with digital storage because if something goes wrong and the data is lost they'll be in trouble but of course there are always backups. Schools would have to backup their data constantly. Computers will elminate the need to driving once they perfect the system and eliminate potential malfunctioning parts. I'm sure they will be implimented into houses more as well connecting your television online for more channels of internet TV (I think Google said something about their own TV stations) They can be used for better security. I think they'll be able to be used more also in automating everyday chores like that little Roomba vacumn. Possiblities are endless really on what computers will be able to do once they perfect the code telling them what to do. People will probably lose jobs though as they already have when factories started automating things but there are plenty of things you can learn to do online.
  14. Ya sometimes you dream about things you want and you can't have it, or you dream about something you don't want to happen and don't want go through it. I enjoy the dreams though of what I want because it's the only way I'm going to have it until my dream comes true. Like I know I'll never play in Major League Baseball but I enjoy dreaming about it because it's something I like. It's fun to dream in my opinion.
  15. Like zach said, Google finds you by where it finds your link from other websites. The more your site is posted around the web, the better chance you'll be indexed and faster. Start affiliations with sites that have the same type of content as yours so you have each other's links on your websites. Submitting straight to them will also work. Sometimes it depends on how popular the subject of your site is as well.
  16. This is pretty big news but if it's going to happen I doubt it will be anytime soon. They'd have to get into detail about what they are going to do with MSN's messenger and Yahoo's messenger, wether to integrate them or whatever. Same with the search engines. I guess they could just keep them separate and share the profits through the merge but I sort of don't think Microsoft would want to do that but I don't know. Google will still be big even if there was a merge and I don't think it will take them down too much unless the combining brings something special to the Microsoft search and tools they have because those who went to Google before still will after.
  17. lol Very nice. I like the site. If I had more time I could help more with it if you'd like. Maybe we could set up something special to do on it as part of our society. I like the design though and the start you have. After May 11, I'll be back and active on the forums more so I can keep up more with things.
  18. Wow, it's sad to see someone that played a major role in the NASA program pass away. I hope he passed on his knowledge to future astronauts. He came before Armstrong's trip to the moon in '69. This statement he said amazed me. It's really harsh out there because there is nothing to hold heat. And he still lived into his 80s to die at natural causes, you think those types of temperature changes would hurt your body.
  19. Ya tailgaters generally know what they are doing. A brake check isn't going to help much but make them more angry and possibly cause an accident which might get you money but waste your time and paperwork. The thing to do is just keep going at the same speed and if they are that anxious they'll pass you and keep going probably to get a speeding ticket up the road. A lot of the time it's someone mad at something else or in a "hurry" because they like to go fast. Warnings aren't really necessary but it does give no excuse for not having a further following distance.
  20. That's pretty cool. I know lots of people that could probably use this site and I'll make sure to let them know. I need the physical fitness section to help gain strength/muscle. I'm too skinny people tell me. Who would have though that Xisto would go originally from web hosting to web fitness Very nice though, glad to see you still growing and growing. I bet if you were to make a site for Play-Dough I bet it'd be popular. That's how strong this community is.
  21. That sounds pretty cool. Phones now already can use Google Earth but I'm sure it'll have plenty of tools like GPS or something. It'd have a lot of google tools but I'm not sure if you'd have to pay for online time or if the use of certain tools comes free with each plan. We'll just have to see what they are going to try and come out with to advance the cell phone world. I wonder if they'll have their own brand of phone that looks cool too or has special buttons. I think I'll still stick with my phone for now though because whatever it has I'm sure it'll be expensive.
  22. I know some people do it the opposite way with the date first and the time last. They'll say 01/02/03 4:56.78 which is another way to do it. I'm sure there are plenty of different dates you could do it on depending on what order you look at it. It's pretty interesting though. 01/02/03 5:07.11 or 1/2/03 5:07.11 are the first prime numbers. There are many things you could do with the date and time but in sequential order doesn't happen all the time.
  23. That's pretty cool. Glad to see they are always working on new upgrades. I don't think they really need to update the look but I guess they always could. As we advance further into the technological world, they will probably find plenty of new technology. The touch screen ThinkPad will probably become cheaper and in more laptops and might have even more capabilities with Vienna. I don't know though exactly about that. As for Vista, I'm happy with it right now and I don't think I'll spend more money for Vienna unless something spectacular comes out with it or I end up having to get another computer which hopefully I won't have to.
  24. I don't know, I don't really think that it'd be a good idea to make dope legal. Reason being partly because then it'll be like smokes and you'll smell it everywhere and for those who don't want to smoke or smell it, they will have to deal with it. Sometimes as well it leads to bigger things or even more. The problem may not be so bad if they did it in their private home and it didn't effect others around them but it does. I think the people change and sometimes do things they normally wouldn't do when not under the influence of dope. Of course I'm just a 15 year old and don't really know all about dope except for bad things. I would never personally smoke, sniff, or whatever with dope. The only reason I would and would like to see dope legal is for medical reasons to help people heal. The only problem with that would be if people continue the use of dope even after they have fully recovered but I don't know.
  25. That is probably as low as you can go. I mean begging when you have money is just lazy, but pretending to be an organization to support those that were injured or in the school and need counciling, or even like Hurrican Katrina, that's just plain wrong. These peope are lazy lowlifes that could use their computer skills to make money in a legitament way, but no they just sit on their butts and make a website for money or hack people's computers so they can steal their credit card numbers or whatever. I feel sorry for all the people that run into this, that's why you can only trust going over to the actual foundation's building like the Red Cross and giving them the money personally.
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