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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. There isn't a way to take down the internet. Not permanently anyway. The most you can do is take out an area at a time by destroying the systems at an Internet Hosting Provider. Even then you wouldn't really be able to destroy it all completely. People would still have the internet. Plus without Internet, the economy would drop, communication would have to go back to telephone, and all hell would break loose.
  2. Ya my brother and I are doing the same. Turns out, last I heard someone sold one on Ebay for $14000 dollars. Yes thousand. Now why wouldn't they just hire someone for $1000 to sit in line for them I don't know. I've heard of many shootings over the game. One dentist gave his employees 8 hours of full pay to sit out in line and buy him 15 PS3s to give to his grandkids but he was scared out of doing it even though he had the freedom to if he wanteed.
  3. The only problem is his name is so popular because it's named after a character in Harry Potter so it will be hard to weed out all of those links. It's not like a user can access Albus' hosting account though which helps because that'll make for a lesser possibility of spam, and if the user joins here it'll be obvious it's not Albus because he told Trap already. The only thing is really your reputation at other sites. You might have to go though a name change.
  4. That design is really nice looking. Very professional like. The colors are good and fit well together. Everything fits navigation wise. The banner sort of seems wierd to me though. At first I just thought it was the right side but now I don't know. It looks nice but sort of out of place at the same time. I could go both ways on it but I still don't even understand it myself. Sorry I can't be much of help on the advice part. I would rate it a 9/10.
  5. I hope that the Smashmywii.com will be a lot better. I want to see more of an explosion of some sort. We need fireworks, more excitement. Sledge hammers just don't cut it. I think that they have a big enough crowd that they should put on a great show.
  6. I don't know much about either team except that Ohio State is number 1 and Michigan number 2. I still think though that Ohio is the stronger team and will most likely win the game putting Michigan down. Hopefully my Gators will be able to get up there into the National Championship to win it all but we'll see. This game ought to be a fun one to watch and really exciting.
  7. The video was released. It was pretty funny. I looked at the previous videos and I think the PSP was better. I would have put fireworks in the PS3 personally. Big mortars to try and blow some of it up. That's pretty funny though still. The sledgehammer did quite the damage although not at first lol. Good stuff overall though. The sad thing is it's all donations and then they sell the busted thing on ebay for over a hundred bucks.
  8. That's really cool jlhaslip. Very nice work. How in the world did you make that anyway? I don't think I'd have the patience to work on that. It looks like it took a lot of work. The community project really looks great. I like the movable objects on there, they look cool. Nice job to all who have worked on it or added their piece.
  9. MSN already has this feature on Windows Live Messenger. I have been able to add my friends that use Yahoo Messenger onto my WLM. It's really rather simple but you don't have all the features when talking over two different chats. It's sort of like Skype. I think it's pretty cool though, now if only they all could combine for just one big messenger so there won't be such a hassle to have multiple programs for different friends that use a different program than you.
  10. There are probably hundreds of fallacies out there. Very common ones would be like Stereotypes or Circular Reasoning. Circular reasoning being when you restate the question as your reason. Example: "I think we all should have cake, because cake is what we should have." Probably not the best example but I forget what the other one I had before was. They are really interesting and now when I listen to a conversation these things pop into my head on why their sentence doesn't make sense and it scares me.
  11. I like the blue one but it doesn't really matter. Just make sure to only have one chosen for your entry. Multiple entries aren't allowed. The colors can be anything just pick one which you think would look nicer as an award and make it your final entry.Mich oh ok I didn't notice that before. Looks good, now that I know the lengthier ones will fit it's perfect.
  12. The color doesn't really matter, whatever you think looks nice. It'll be used in people's signatures to display their awards so it'll fit either way. Thanks for your entry, it looks nice. Mine is being put to shame but oh well, that's why I made it an SOTW this year instead of just me making something.
  13. The template is really nice looking. Everything fits nicely including the colors and it looks professional. Like you said the logo could use some work. The X in Xbox looks distorted and the text sort of square, I don't really know what you would call it. Stretching it out might help like suggested by truefusion. Other than that you did a really nice job on it. If I had to rate it I'd give it a 8/10.
  14. I have played both Street Challenge and Nitto 1320 but I sort of like Nitto 1320 better or did when I had played them. Probably because I had played it longer and didn't want to lose any of my accounts. Nitto is finally going to be coming out with 2.0 soon with their completely new everything. They've said it's been going to come out for a couple years now but they have screenshots and stuff. The used car lot finally came out for it a little over a year ago. Street Challenge what I don't like is why everything is done online instead of in game, or some things are.
  15. 211 an hour divided by 33 does not equal 60 minutes. lol Well that's still pretty amazing, 2 to 3 a minute isn't a bad pace. I wonder how in the world he was able to hang up there that long. You would think it'd just get sort of annoying after a while. After you hit a thousand you still have over 1000 more to go. It's still amazing to me that someone could do that many. Maybe I should start training now to do that many when I turn 20.
  16. Very nice signatures guys. Thanks for your contribution to the Trap Awards. Hopefully we will have a couple more before the week is out. Maybe we could use more than one I don't know. Nice designs Mich and Migue2k7. I think they look really good. I like the animations Mich. Might have to abbreviate the awards in that space though or change the font size but still good.
  17. Wow these are some really nice wallpapers. I like to change mine from time to time when I find something good. Now I think I have found some wallpapers to last me for the next few years. Now I think I want to create a program that changes your wallpaper each day or after a certain amount of time. That'd be pretty cool. These are some nice wallpapers, I like pretty much all of them especially the ones with the clouds in the sky.
  18. I have heard that Xbox 360 is good, PS3 is good but then I heard that Xbox 360 was actually better and cheaper. I don't know personally because I don't own either of them but from what I hear Xbox is better out of the two. PS3 comes out in the US at $599 this Friday but I wouldn't get it. I actually have heard that the new Nintendo is the best out of them all and the cheapest. This could all be rumors though I've heard some mixed things but this is mostly what I've heard around the loop. I would go Xbox 360 or Nintendo but they have completely different games sometimes. PS3 is just way to expensive.
  19. Well like the topic says, "What is a Fallacy?" A fallacy basically is invalid reasoning. There are many types of fallacies and I'll start with a couple and add more or give a link to more. Dicto Simpliciter - This fallacy is when someone generalizes something the wrong way. For example: Exercise is good, so everyone should exercise. Well if you have a heart disease you shouldn't exercise because it could make things worse. So you should say, "Exercising is usually good." Hasty Generalization - This is like an experiment with only one trial, you can't really make assumptions because you have too few instance to support your inference. Example: If I can't speak French, and Saint_Michael and jlhaslip can't speak French, then no one on Xisto can speak French. Post Hoc - This one is hard to define, you are connecting too causes and effects that can't really be placed together. Example: Bill can't come to the baseball game because every time he comes it rains. But really, Bill has nothing to do with rain it's just coincidental. Contradictory Premises - the basis's of an argument contradict each other really not giving an argument. Example: If God can do anything, then can he make a stone that he himself can not lift? Well, if God can do anything he would be able to create the rock but then he wouldn't be able to lift it which means he can't do anything. And if he can't create a rock too heavy for him to lift then once again he can't do everything. They are sort of confusing at first but really they make sense. There are a lot more I found a link here. http://www.nizkor.org/features/fallacies/
  20. Well my resolution is big enough so that I don't have to scroll although I usually have it smaller. I like the site design, the navigation is nice. I especially like the fall themed banner. It's simple but not plain which is cool. The content is easy but the search box to the right sort of looks out of place. I would center the footer with the links and copyrights at the bottom to make it look a bit better. Nice job overall.
  21. Ya lateral thinking is pretty much thinking outside the box but just a different term. From what I have heard though that the more smarter you are or use lateral thinking that you start to lose like common sense and do indeed start to over think things but that just could because you practice lateral thinking more I don't know if it's true or not.
  22. I can't really pick a favorite PS2 game so I chose other. I like the Grand Theft Auto series, also James Bond, MVP Baseball 2005, NHL 06, Gran Turismo series. There's really a lot of games that I like to play and I just can't really pick a favorite. There are a lot of good ones out there. The ATV Offroad Fury games are good oh and Ace Combat. There's just too many to pick from. I played them all a lot and enjoyed them.
  23. I was pretty sure that only ASP can interact with Visual Basic which would mean no unless you have a Windows Server for your hosting that supports ASP. I don't know really though I'm still relatively new to Visual Basic. Last I knew though it was only ASP.
  24. Thanks for your nominations. This year I might try a different way of voting so they tally themselves up but I'd have to make sure no one votes more than once so maybe the email thing will work. Everyone who has been nominated one time will be on the poll. I am still trying to decide whether Most Reported Posts should be taken out or just a vote out of the mods.
  25. I haven't gone to any of those places but I have gotten Team Speak hosting at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It was pretty cheap. I don't know how many slots you could get but I'm sure you should be able to get 50. Other than that the only other places I know they come with servers. Maybe try https://www.gameservers.com/ I am not sure if you can purchase them separately there but I think you can.
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