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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. Well, I recently got a new graphics card so I have been playing America's Army a lot today. I had dinner around 4, a nice Turkey, Mashed Potatos, Corn, Beans, Stuffing, and probably a few other things I can't think of. Watched some of the Bucs game before they were pounded, and had dessert. Played a card game and more games. Oh and I enjoyed my day off of school. Thankful for that, my family, friends, life in general really.
  2. That's a lie, there is no way someone would put that money up there just to buy a PS3 for 100 million dollars. They probably don't have the money and the money will go to the next highest bid. That'll happen to all the highest bidders until it gets down to the thousands. There would be no way that someone would spend that much money when they could get one on another bid for over 1k.
  3. It's sort of cool, but why would someone want to destroy a site anyway. Get anger out at it? I didn't think people got mad at websites unless it has a game or something that you are mad at. Other than that it's sort of pointless. I think I saw this somewhere before though I just can't remember where exactly it was.
  4. For those who celebrate it, Happy Thanksgiving. Hope you all have a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving. Don't eat too much and try not to fall asleep during the football game. The Bucs might win... I wish. Hopefully they can pull something off. Enjoy your time off today, and if you do have to work, atleast you get to make money and hopefully overtime.
  5. I don't think it's really worth it. The only time I would fight is if someone started it with me. I wouldn't start a fight, especially because I'm small but that's not the point. It's not worth the trouble and hassel of the police or school administrators, whichever the case may be. It won't solve anything either. You'll just get into more trouble with that person later. Or people may think of you as a bad person.
  6. I've tried most of these and they tend to work as long as my site is fully operational. I never knew really about the Meta tags thing before although I probably should of. For me it's not that I can't get visitors but it's the fact that I have to keep my site going. I've never really thought of a Webring before, or the Usenet. I'll have to look into those sometime.
  7. I think I saw somone post this earlier before. Or maybe it was my brother that told me about it. It's their way of taking over the internet it seems. That means that with everyone that uses that free email service, the less domains there will be able to purchase and they are all being taken by AOL. I think it is sort of crazy. Soon they'll probably start to resell the domains or something, charge extra for you to purchase the full blown domain.
  8. Plenoptic


    Yes the PS3 came out and all of America went crazy. It had come out in Japan a few days earlier. In Europe it isn't out yet though like it's been stated. From what I've been told though, PS3 is better than XBOX 360 but I haven't played either of them. I actually have heard that the Nintendo Wii was even better, maybe not graphics wise but overall. From my understanding you get the most for your money with that one, it's cheaper as well.
  9. I like the design. The banner is pretty cool, the colors around the template fit nicely. I also agree though on making the links a different color so they are easier to see. Dark links or any text is hard to see on a dark background. I would change the forum colors though as well to match the site, or at least make them closer. You go from darker blue colors to white. Other than that it looks really nice.
  10. Well because I have Windows XP Professional Edition on my desktop computer, I can do that for free. I just have to get on any Windows computer, (XP) and then open the Remote Desktop, type in my Computer IP, username, and password, and I'm in. It's a lot easier I think than downloading all that stuff. I can use all my programs. I'd like to look more into the program you are talking about but if it costs money I don't think I'll get it. I don't really have a need for it at this point in time anyway. But if it's better than Remote Desktop then who knows.
  11. I also think it's wrong to use someone else's wireless network. Although it doesn't cost them any money because it's a set price (I don't think anyone does it based off hours for cable) you are indeed taking what is theirs. I do do it once in a while though Of course my wireless card isn't very strong so that's not too often. When I go on vacation I use the hotels but that's allowed and I sometimes use my relatives' but they let me do that as well. Using a neighbors it sort of out of laziness. They have those cell phone cards you should use instead.
  12. I heard about that last night and earlier today. I don't really know about the idea personally, I don't think they should do it though. Our army does fine with the people that want to serve. If it comes to the point where they need more people for the army, well ok have a draft but only if it's desperate or meets certain standards. We should fight for our country but I don't think it should be forced by a drawing.
  13. Plenoptic


    The game sounds familiar. I think I have played a game like that before. It was called like Star Kingdom or something like that. Those are usually all fun games unless they are just text to text, I wish they would have more graphics in them to see an actual battle but I doubt that'll happen for a little bit. Of course maybe some others do, it has been a while since I've played. They are enjoyable but get boring to me after a while.
  14. He had already seen that like he said in the original post but he wanted to bring the button back. I'm going to have to remember that code Buffalo. That's pretty useful. I might just save it in My Documents in case I need it. Now what I'd like to know is if that'd work in Visual Basic or anything so people can click on a button and have it show the Desktop. But I sort of doubt it'd be the same code.
  15. Well, the first one I played I think was NFS Hot Pursuit which was a lot of fun. I love being chased by cops and the racing was just bonus. NFS Underground 1 and 2 was ok because I liked the drifting but I didn't have the cop chases. Most Wanted was my favorite with the racing, free drive, and cop chases mixed, but no drifting. Now with Need For Speed Carbon it has drifting in there too so I think that's my new favorite
  16. The site right now has a few good points. It has nice navigation, color wise and the expanding is nice as well. I don't really like the grey at the top, or or the gray at all for that matter. It looks ok but I think it might be too dark I am not quite sure. The colors don't seem to fit the way they are right now. I'd try to put in more blue and less grey.
  17. Ya Jimmie Johnson is my second favorite racer. I personally root for Dale Earnhardt Junior who almost could have pulled it off but it was a really long shot. So I don't mind that Jimmie Johnson won. I hate Gordon and Stewart but I don't know who I hate more. I wasn't able to follow all that well this year sadly, but I'm glad one of my guys one.
  18. There are a lot of good multiplayer games. I prefer America's Army personally, I like working with my clan/team to meet a common goal. It's a lot like Counter Strike although I haven't played it. Racing games are always fun online multiplayer as well because you feel proud once you beat the other person to build up your power in the racing world. I don't know if I really have a favorite racing game though. That's about it though, I haven't played many other multiplayer games online really.
  19. Wow that must have sucked. I have done stuff like really similar, but I wasn't playing Counter Strike. I was playing America's Army which is a pretty similar game. I have flashed my teammates before getting them killed and what not but I don't think I've ever flashed my whole team, not on accident anyway Sometimes I do just cause they make me mad or if they did something to me on purpose I retaliate.
  20. Welcome Vanna to Xisto. My name is Joe btw, 15. This arrangement is really cool, over 25,000 members but some people just end up here for who knows why. Nice to meet you, hopefully we'll get to know you better and vice versa... try to ignore my annoying side in the shoutbox.
  21. I am glad that Ohio won sort of, it didn't really matter to me but it helps out the Gators I think. Now if the Gators win their last game against Florida State I think they'll take number 2 from Michigan if they haven't already. Go GATORS! lol It was a pretty interesting day in football.
  22. It's not that they don't want people to share their signatures but that'll become all they do and they don't want it to become the easy way of making posts and credits. Signatures should be for a reason not just to make hosting credits off them. Moderators don't want to have to deal with the spamming of the Showoff forum because it shouldn't be done really. Plus they would have to set a line for those who are taking advantage of it. That way people can post sigs when they want.
  23. Plenoptic


    Well I've already gotten to know you a little bit TeeCee but, Welcome to Xisto. I like playing racing video games as well although I am still not able to drive I only have my permit. I'm glad to see you have found this place to be more than just hosting as I did. It's funny how things work out sometimes. I hope you enjoy your time spent here.
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