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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Yes, it's an alternative to VNC. It's free for personal and friends-helping usage, and you have to pay the licence if it's for professional purposes. VNC is useful inside a private nerwork, Team Viewer works from your home PC to your friends home PC crossing the internet, without any configuration, the remote server does the job.
  2. I directly created my USB multi-boot drive, with puppy and some other ones. No need to boot from a liveCD disk. You will need a lot of work editing the "menu.txt" and "syslinux.cfg" files and putting files at the correect place on the USB flashkey, but it works fine.
  3. Techno007 already answered this : Which is an obvious situation. You cannot correctly check the disk where you are booted from. So, you need to have the tool on a bootable CD or USB device. So, the real Operating system is not important, it's embedded on the bootable device, whether your hard disk is Windows or Linux.
  4. Ouch!First of all you have to make your thoughts strong about what you name cloud.What is a cloud, in your opinion?What is the purpose of your cloud? Of course, flying far above our heads, over the rainbow, in the sky.But, what else?What would be the purpose of your thing? Which services do you think you will be able to offer? Using which physical means and which environmental settings? Who will use these servies, and how will your customers access them?You could have a look at the way Xisto works. None of us really know where the things are and how they work, we simply order a service (a website, with it's database and php servers, and the disk storage are somewhere we don't care, we simply order more services if we want more, and the backups are made by some mysterious crontabs administrated by some invisible teams.Of course you will have to read some books concerning the definition of the various standard clouds (private, public, mixed clouds) and define what purpose is yours, before thinking how to really setup a cloud.
  5. Thanks a lot for this overview. This is quite a new world for some of us.
  6. Why do you state Puneeth Rajkumar as sandalwood? I did not notice that his sandals were wooden made?
  7. Congrats, you are a real man!Of course this is not incompatible with being a real women. Simply depends from the criteria for being named a real man.
  8. The other problem is a funny feature. Device aging tests are usually made by overheating the devices. So, remember that the temperature inside the box is twice the room temperature.Then, using computers in a room where the temperature is about 44 degrees instead of 20 degrees will make an artificial aging test, and the cpu will last twice less than in standard conditions.That means that a standard system board and peripherals will last one or two years instead of two to tens years.This is not a problem if you knew this and nevertheless decided to buy this thing. If not, you will be surprised how fast your device stops working.
  9. This names seems really long, I would say that shorter names have more impact.And were you talking about a legend and a goddess?
  10. Wow! So nice! You want to stay all day long playing with him!
  11. Nice trick, Dupty, thanks.However, would this not be easier to do with Audacity? You should be able to add a track while reading the other one?
  12. Sorry, when I read that "dogs" were one of your interest points, I could not guess that such a sad story was lying under that.
  13. Still the same problem. If the lens size is small, very few light come on the sensor, so low ISO. With big lenses, a lot of lite comes on the sensor, so the ISO ratio is better, and you can use a faster speed for the same picture under low light conditions.
  14. Hi, dupty, welcome aboard.I hope that you will enjoy your stay here.No swimming pool in our home, so no swimming here, sorry. But you can read, write, and show us your dog.Please feel free to express yourself on our forums, and let us ear from you.
  15. OK, first of all, a good camera has a really wide lens (typically more than four centimeters).This gives you a nice image, when correctly focused.After that, you have to record this image on a permanent medium. If possible, the same resolution as the current chemical films.You must know that the current resolution on current resolution on current chemical films is about ten micrometers, which means 100 dots per millimeter.So, for a current 24*36 picture, this leads to about 86 millions pixels for a current low-cost silver-chemical-film camera.Of course, a profession camera should have far more than that, at least 20 times more (4 times higher and 5 times wider image for current professional cams).That's why the photography sensors must have constantly more and more pixels. You don't need all these pixels on your own camera, but you take benefit on your own camera from all these research efforts for professional cams. And remember that you can smoothen your pictures over a lot of pixels in order to have a 1meg picture stored on your memory card.And still remember that you need a wide lens on your camera. If your lens diameter is about two millimeters instead of four centimeters, you will have poor pictures, no matter how many pixels the sensor behind the lens exhibits.Exactly like in your house : if you have a nice big clean window, you will see a nice landscape. If you have a very small window, the landscape will be far less impressive.
  16. I agree, audacity is a nice solution. And for Microsoft Windows users, there is a portable version available, which avoids installing and adding things to your registry ; if you don't like it, remove the distro folder.
  17. Log to your qupis with the username and password you provided while registering, and you will see your accout status : pending, being evaluated, hosting granted.
  18. By the way, do not forget Oracle as a valuable alternative.It's free for learning purposes, and for business purposes your boss will have to choose between a great professional database and a free one.
  19. Seems great. However, the syntax is very special, seems far-away from any other SQL database language.
  20. OK, if you can powerup your laptop, and have Windows running while your charger is connected, this means that the charger is working. If, after one night charging, your laptop cannot work without the charger, that means that the battery (not the charger) is out of order.
  21. It's rather easy, but you will need to know the accounts of the domain master system.
  22. That's a curious opinion. In order to save the laptop battery, you suggest buying an UPS ? It's not the cheapest way to to solve this problem, is it?Moreover, one of the most comfortable feature in laptops is the fact that they don't need any UPS because they have an embedded battery, so removing the battery and connecting an external UPS doesn't look the smartest way in my opinion. Except if you are the UPS reseller?
  23. Huh? Do you really want to know the answer to such a question ? Have a look here : http://www.desktopbsd.net/ So, if you have a look at the other topics concerning this question, you will notice that a new tendency is towards a very ugly tiles-style graphic environment for some popular Linux distros. And most of smart users know that KDE is the most comfortable and user-friendly graphical environment, and when packaged in a FreeBSD distro, true Unix lovers feel close to heaven. And of course, we are playing in the "open" world here, so, if a guru like me tells you something, another guru will tell you exactly the opposite version. And, you know what, both versions are true!
  24. Isn't this simply a cookie on your PC ? The age of this cookie says the age of your session?
  25. Hi, Ritu, welcome aboard. Hope that you will enjoy your stay with us.
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