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Everything posted by yordan

  1. There are two display modes, the full mode has this side bar, the other mode does not have them.Go the the upper menu (files display, choose display, and choose the second mode).Ctrl-1 and Ctrl-2 are the shortcuts for these two modes, try them.Once you have chosen a given mode, the player will remain in that mode until you change it.
  2. First purchase an external USB drive. Backup all your personal files on the external drive. Then purchase a brand new internal drive. Get each driver you will need, and add these drivers on the external disk. Then replace the faulty drive by the new one. Proceed to a fresh install, creating a partition for the operating system. And then leave all your files on the external drives, get the necessary ones only each time you really need them.
  3. OK, seems rather simple.Your own server has LAN IP addresss check that this is a fixed IP address, will not change next week).The LAN port is 80.You will this LAN port 80 to be seen as WAN port 80 too.That's all, folks.I did not do this by myself, but should work that way.
  4. Try zylom.com, they have a lot of games you can play online for free.
  5. Higher resolution, yes, but contrast and speed is also important. For instance, probably 20000:1 monitors cost far more than 2000:1 ones!
  6. Sorry, no way for a private person to increase the signal.A phone company has to put an antenna closer to your home, the current antenna is to far away.Maybe you should look the people living around you, if they have a smarphone and if they are satisfied, ask them which company provide their phone and switch to that one.
  7. Sorry, maybe I have not been clear enough. The completely ignorant user knows how to use a web browser. You provide this user a link, like for instance http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , he clicks on that link and he is on the remote computer. The smart job you have to do is to be sure that this standard user is not able to destrou pecious files. For instance, as a root admin user, you create "my_very_important_text.txt", and then you connect as this standard user and you check that he is not able to destroy that file. Then, you can give this user full access to the remote computer, he only has his own password so he cannot do anything dangerous. And installing and using vnc, under Windows or under Linux, is a very simple task: you click "install" and you click "accept" each time you are propmted to. The only complicated parts are in our own mind, when I try to explain what security features and inter-computer communication links are involved. A standard user has only "click here", that's all. Sometimes it's slightly easier in windows than in Linux, because on Windows there is only one possible user, and on Linux there are may users. That's why under Windows you simply click "second_computer", and for Linux you click "remote_computer:1" or "remote_computer:2", depending if you want to connect as remote user 1 or remote user 2.
  8. fortunately, there are still some places where very skilled people have their professional place. How could I have a well-paid job if everyone is able to easily porform my actions?
  9. And it has to be a cross-platform compiler, it has to work for intel or amd platforms, if intended for PC, which is also a very complicated thing. And, of course, ne debug mode would be possible, because you cannot execute it on the remote system, and you don't have the debugger on the final system.
  10. +1 Moreover, I would say that science has always been inside us. We see how the world behaves around us, and we create a model in order to understand how it behaves and how we can act over it.If the method is didactical, if we can share this model with our pairs, if we can reproduce the events and can remain predictive, this can be named science. If we act in a secret way without being able to explain why it behaves that way, it should be named magics. If we really master it, it's a power. And, unfortunately, as each time human beings and power are concerned, we can face power abuse. The guy who abuses his power is a bad guy. The power is not bad. And the power is not his master. Each bad guy is his own master, if he decides to be bad, he is the only responsible, science or magic or religion can be told being responsible of his acts. If I do something stupid in the name of science, science is not responsible for what I did, I am the only responsible.
  11. you are the user exactly as if you were on the keyboard.What I do is the following :I physically go on the remote machine, and I create a standard user, preferably a "rksh" (restricted shell) user.I check that this user has permissions enough for doing his job (let's say administrating the webserver files).I check that this user does not have system permissions (he does not know the root password)This user starts vncserver.This user sets the vnc remote access password by means of typing "vncpasswd", you are prompted for the remote access password, keep this password secret. This remote access password should not be the user password, don't make things too simple. :Dvncserver tells something like "you can connect IP XXX.yyy.zzz:h" (h is the terminal ID, usually 1 for the first user, 2 for the second one, etc...)At this time your remove the keyboard and mouse and you go to your main compute.You start vnc, which asks you the remote system idi, you enter XXX.yyy.zzz:h You also enter the remote access password and you are on the remote system, exactly if you were on your own system. You can even click "full screen" and you even don't know that you are on a remote system. Simply you cannot alt-ctrl-del, you have to click "send ctrl-altdel" !
  12. What do you mean a "web based" c compiler?Do you mean that you open a web browser link on a remote system, you type your c source inside the window and you compile it ? And it generates the binary file for your computer, or for your smartphone, or your car or your washing machine?
  13. vnc is the solution.There is a vnc version for each Linux distro, some of them are directly installed when you install the OS and are somewhere on the administrator/user desktop.You start the vnc server on your remote system in the other room.Then you go to your favorite machine and you start vnc client, asking to access the remote system. And - TADAA - you are on the remote system, your friend on the remote system sees the mouse moving on the screen. At that moment you can remove the keyboard, mouse, display on the remote system; you use the keyboard/mouse on the vnc client system.
  14. OK, I was wrong on several points, so I have to change my mind consequently. I thought that you already have a system already working, and you installed that system by yourself. In that case, you should be able to install the operating system on the second machine, exactly the same way. The "dual attachment" thing is what you name external disk. If an external disk is connected to a computer, this is a single attachment. If the disk is connected to two computers, this is a dual-attachment organization. Concerning the clustering system, this is a concept where a standby machine automatically replaces the production server in case of crash. This is usually done in order to have a website or another application continue working in case of hardware failure of one component, each vital component (like a computer) is duplicated so that in case of loss of a component the other part automatically takes it's place. Rather few people are able to master this kind of threefold architecture, but it's explained in rather simple terms in wikipedia, see here : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_cluster Mostly pay attention to the Linux-HA project. I think the Linux-Ha project would be the most interesting one in your case, because I guess that you don't want to pay an expensive licence for another commercial very professional environment. However you will have to learn how to implement a Linux-HA cluster. Such is life : if you don't have a lot of money in order to by professional implementation services from a Unix security expert, you will have to do it yourself and spend a lot of time learning.What I would suggest is starting simple : take two virtual machines on your computer, install the operation system, add a third disk accessed by both virtual machines, create a filesystem on the first machine, switch the disk to the second machine and access the filesystem, then install the clustering environment, configure the resources, and test the failover. What I love when working with virtual machines, is that you add virtual hardware as long as you needed. No problem for having three Ethernet adapters and two separated network, no problem having shared disks with dual access. You can easily add a virtual Ethernet adapter if needed, or destroy an adapter in order to see if you really need it. And at any moment you can backup both machines, then destroy everything in order to test something different, it costs nothing except time. And once you were repeatedly able to create/install/configure the two systems, you can switch to physical systems.
  15. I had an issue, it was simply a file ownership lost during the migration, I submitted a ticket and it was fixed.Just add a comment to your ticket, mentionning what you just wrote here, in order to re-activate the ticket.RegardsYordan
  16. At least this is a useful info. You say that it works with wine, so let's try wine and we well come back if we fail.However, I'm not sure that people familiar with emacs under Linux will make the effort installing wine in order to use the Windows version of Notepad++
  17. You can start with a minimum work to be done everyday, and then you can manage to make it automated.First of all, each computer is alone on the network.So, both computers can have the same network name. Clients browsers will not be able to detect if things are on the first or on the second computer.Secondly, the applications have te be installed in the same folder names (let's say on d:/myservice/mywebheme for instance).Then you need, before going to bed, to do the following :backup your current computer on a USB flashdisk, including the database backup.poweroff your "day" computer.Poweron your "night" computer.Restore the database backups, restore the files backup.start your webapps.Learn how to do that manually first.Then try to automatize the backup/restore thing.Then you can use a third computer as a fileserver for the backup as well as for the restore.When everything works fine, create the full startup automated marvellous script which does the same job.Of course, another better way of doing that is learning how Linux cluster work.Then put all your data on a shared external disk.And then everything will be easy, very automated because the cluster facilities will be used inside the crontab files, and you will have nothing to do personally.This should work with any, old or new, computers, provided that you learn how to install and use cluster services and provided that you learn how to install an dual-attachment disk.
  18. seems that LC ISO CREATOR is simply an iso creator : it creates an iso file from the CD.It does not have a PS2 console emulator in order to autoplay the PS2 game. So the autoplay will not work, except if you already installed a PS2 emulator and associated it with the .iso type? In that case, could you please tell us which emulator you use and how did you install it and configure it in order to make it work directly from an iso file?
  19. How does it behave in case of Ethernet connexion loss? Does it resume whe network is back, or when program restarts? Or does it restart from scratch, like standard IE downloads?
  20. That should never occur. A scientist always has to talk about things he is able to demonstrate. Demonstrating, proving, is the basis of modern science. Of course, maybe you or I cannot easily understand what the scientist is talking about. But he has to talk about something that someone else is able to understand. Most of the times, the same scientist is forced to teach what he knows, in order to propagate the scientific knowledge. Moreover, the scientist has to give real facts. "If you push that button, a light will appear". This has to be true, and anybody should be able to push such a button and see the light appearing. Maybe the explanation why this light appears could be too complicated, not understandable by some people, but the fact remains, the light appears. And probably, when I will be wise enough, I will be able to demonstrate that the prior explanation was false, my explanation will be closer to the realty, but the fact remains, when I push that button the light appears. That is the fact that can be verified, and scientist have to explain it.
  21. Can you please be more precise while asking this? What are you talking about?Looks like a question your teacher asks you in order to se if you were sleeping during last course, isn't it?More precisely, the DBMS is the database system, or what were you talking about?
  22. You are right, granny's garden is not a free game.More info here : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Granny%27s_Garden An old-school game, but I see that there is still a lot of effort on it, because there is a wine version for modern geeks!
  23. If the issue is inside your PC, the portable version will experience the same issue.The main advantage in this situation is that the portable version will remain the same one when you move it to another machine, so you can test if the problem is inside the machine or remote.
  24. This is a funny and paradoxal situation. A lot of supposed serious websites are actually used for entertainment. And Youtube, which is known as an entertainment website, is also used by a lot of people for storing very technical tutorials. That's an example of the free world evolution, you think that something will happen a given way, and free users push it in another direction. Nice example of chaos theory example.
  25. We need to know how these F1-12 keys are handled on your computer.Probably a daemon task is running on your computer, trapping these keystokes.If this is the case, simply kill the program and restart it when you stop playing on the computer.And if it's a service, just stop the service.If you have enough cpu and memory, another way could be playing games on a virtual machine hosted on the same computer. So, you don't need to change your physical computer settings. Should work, when you will be on the virtual system the F1-F12 keys should be passed to the virtual OS, and not to the physical system.
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