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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Have a look for a "low level format tool" (diskpart worked nice some ten years ago). Most of them work under windows, so you will have to put the disk on another system. This will have to be done when you will on the "testing purpose" part of your plan, because low level formatting will destroy all your data, and if the software is bugged it will definitively destroy your hard drive!
  2. Of course, the difference is purely theoretical.If a low-level format flags a given sector as not to be used by the disk driver, then the bad sector is virtually removed.
  3. Did you try booting on a LiveCD, in order to check that the hardware is functionnal? I guess that you always have a liveCD or a LiveUSB in your pocket for such a purpose?
  4. I love Team Viewer. It's free if you are not using it for professional needs, and it works really fine.
  5. Another stupid point is for newbies. If you need some help, you can take your laptop to a friend's home and ask him to show you how it works! With a desktop it's not so easy, if you don't have a car.
  6. I agree, communication is the key point today.Some years ago, we spent a lot of time communicating with a paper and a pencil, sending the paper through snailmail, and then waited a long time before obtaining an answer. Now internet is almost a real-time tool, you write down your mail and your friend gets it and is able to answer instantly. The smartphones add more efficiency, if you are waiting at the bus stop, you can answer your mails, that's prima! Of course instant messengers give still more simultaneity to this communication process, however I love the way you can spend a lot of time writing your word-processing document and then ship the document and then wait until your sister has finished carefully reading the document and ships the modified version.
  7. I did it once because a software needed the C: drive to be NTFS. Unfortunately I don't remember if I performed this without rebooting.I probably did the same way as usual : make a ghost backup of the system disk, and then boot on the Partition Magic CD in order to convert, and then boot on hard disk and check that the miracle occurred.
  8. Please do not post copied text in our forum. Posting copied text is considered as plagiarism and can lead to a ban.RegardsYordan
  9. Basically, you cannot. If you find a trick, and if the firewall admins are smart enough, they will immediately block your trick.The only way, if you have a legitimate need to go on a given website, is to ask the school firewall admins to allow this site.
  10. We were talking about Windows8 systems, not old windows systems.My 512Megs Windows system with Firefox was really slow, with the scren freezing very often. When I added 1 gig memory, everything start running fluently.
  11. Huh? It blows straight on to the heatsink, or it extracts from it? I would expect it being extracting.
  12. CD/USB installs will still be necessary for customers who don't want their servers to be on the Internet, for safety reasons. Then, if Crosoft wants to sell Windows, these customers will have CD's or USB tools.
  13. Of course it's possible. You will have to cheat with a lot of Crosoft settings in a lot of hidden files located in strange folders, but some people did it.
  14. You can put the second fan somehow in an oblique direction, so that it helps the extraction instead of preventing it.
  15. This is a very old debate, Since several tens of years. How shall the man-machine interface be? Touching the screen is the most natural way, the light-pen is there for that purpose. However, if you use it on a vertical screen, you are tired after a couple of hours.Touching the screen is the worst solution, because your finger hides what you want to choose.The mouse is fully not natural, so should be forgotten.The best thing is the trackball, most of you don't know about it, it's like a mouse upside-down, you turn the ball in order to move the index. It's the most precise way, which gives the least ways of errors.And of course since the typing machines appeared, there are standard ways for learning the keyboard layout, so all secretaries learned how to enter words very efficiently.So, most of professional ways of designing an efficient and productive man-machine interface are absolutely not the ones for tablets. So, Linux should not go toward that stupid tablet-oriented interface.Of course, there is a fashion effect, so developers have to work on the tablet interface, and could use Linux as their developing tool. But this tool should not become the only man-machine interface for linux.
  16. OK, let's say it differently.Two different situations, two different actions.If you have a question, you open a topic on the forum, and somebody will answer.If you have a technical or a commercial problem on your hosted website and you urgently need an action from Xisto, you open the ticket, and a Xisto tech guy or marketing guy take the appropriate action.
  17. This leads us back to another previouly posted topic : what are you doing on your computer? If you just surf the web, watch movies, and sometimes type "hello" answering a mail, tablet is OK for you.If you have trouble touching the screen because your finger is bigger than the word you wanted to highlight, a tablet is not for you.Personnally I need feeling the keyboard letters going down when I press them, and I need to feel two of them having a different shape in order to help me the "f" and "j" without looking at the keyboard.
  18. It's not a vmware feature. Simply, a Windows system uses today about 4 gigs, if you want to open a surf on the network, look at a movie and play a game. If your system starts swapping, you will have low performances, whether you have a physical or a virtual machine. 512 megs is very small, and probably surfing on the net will not be very fluid.
  19. I guess that the main problem is somewhere else.If you are running Windows machines, you need about 4 gigs memory for each virtual machine, plus 4 gigs on your main machine. How much memory do you have on your system? I guess that you don't have more than 20 gigs memory, so you cannot confortably run 4 virtual machines.
  20. I have lost several keyboards till now. Of course, not the whole keyboard, but some keys. I'm talking of a 30-years period, of course, so 3 keyboards and 30 years is similar to your 10 years per keyboard assumption.
  21. Look if it's something coming from your PC or firefox settings. I would recommend using a portable version, which is standalone and has no plugins, for your test. Get it here : http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/firefox_portable When finished, if you don't want it any more, simply remove the folder. Try this version and keep us informed.
  22. On that point you are right. However, remember that in real life (I mean outside a software company) there are rather few developers, I guess that less than 1% of th people paid by a big company are spending their time developing software. So, the market will be hold by managers and the 99% of the people who don't write programs and don't manipulate huge images.And, of course, the price/performance will play a huge role : for writing text documents, an old PC is cheaper than a tablet.
  23. Not quite sure. I have seen some tablets which have a real keyboard. For intensive work you put the tablet vertically on the keyboard, and you type like a PC.And when finished, you take the tablet alone, you go the meeting room, and you only have to press "next" while displaying your work on the Barco.So, you had a real pc-like keyboard while writing your text, and you have a very ligtweight device to carry along to the conference room, plug it to the giant display if needed (ideally not because you are permanently connected to each giant display) and then you have a single click to give, this is productivity-like.
  24. You can check if it works, but if you have no precious data, and if all your drivers are available, I would rather do a fresh install just to be sure to start from a very clean state.
  25. Just have a look at the way a guy is currently working on a desktop computer. A guy who moves the mouse using two fingers and types on the keyboard with a single finger will fill himself more productive with a tablet : he will not need to move the mouse, he will touch the thing he wants to see.And of course his finger will be larger than the area he wants to choose, that's why he will be able to do only very simple things in a single window.That's already what he is doing on his desktop computer and on his telephone, so he will want everybody to be exactly as productive as himself.
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