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Everything posted by yordan

  1. 7TB, pretty nice. In which company is your brother working? My boss did not allow me to give a hard drive to my brother. And is your hard drive alredy full with data?
  2. Probably not. I guess Yahoo had too many people from the same proxy as yours (from the same ISP) asking for an account at that precise moment.
  3. Let's first see if it's a Windows problem, a graphic problem or a KVM problem.Did you try plugging your monitor directly to the Windows7 PC, without using the KVM?And which graphic do you have ? Did you really try to use a VGA KVM on a SVGA graphic adapter?
  4. "Internet and Websites" could be the right forum-part, if the project has something to do with Internet and/or Websities
  5. The test I just made said "395 CPM", I guess that you should divide by 5 in order to have it in words per minute.
  6. Sorry but I disagree. One way describing destiny is a lot of factors external to your person or to other people related to you, which make that, whatever you do to reach a given goal, the final result will always be the same. The external factors could be human, but they could also be fully external (mechanical, geodesic, paranormal factors).My own destiny is to be the best developer in the universe, and any external factors, human or not, will not prevent me to reach that final state.
  7. keys getting hammered? How brutal! You should ear my keys being softly brushed at an incredible speed.
  8. I would say that a session is a process, or a thread, rather than a file. A file could be helpful for that purpose, for instance a socket, but I associate a session to a process rather than to a file.
  9. No real problem, open a ticket at Xisto, and ask for a cpanel password reset, they will send you a mail when done.
  10. If this is not an error in your script (33 megs is a rather high value) you should first open a ticket at Xisto in order to check that this is not a limitation of your hosting plan. If so, you will have to change your program, or upgrade your hosting plan memory limit.
  11. Try again, if you have a couple of real images and a couple of real folders, it should also accept your links to other folders. At least it works on my Windows systems.
  12. And today we are really rich, each G o g g l e letter is inside a precious Fabergé egg, remainder of the Pierre-Karl Fabergé's 166th anniversary.
  13. Good news, I'll try to find this portable version. Good news, I didn't know this trick, I thought that it worked only through the installed version, I'll try agait through the web interface.
  14. Doesn't dropbox need an installation on your PC? I remember I had problem when I was not on the network, dropbox froze my PC because of lack of connection, I had to uninstall it in order to have a fast boot again.
  15. However, do not forget to also eat some vegetables and/or fruits. Else, first of all you will not be fully vegetarian, and secondly you will loose all the benefits which are in vegetables and not in eggs.
  16. Of course, most of you know that the current version is phpbb3, the last release is 3.0.10, you can get it from the phpbb site, or go directly here : https://www.phpbb.com/downloads/?sid=524a283804908d735b092f5d62d0f267
  17. And that's the main problem when we tell people that they should switch to Linux. We should provide them with a free Lunix distro which also has this huge amount of available drivers, so that whatever they buy, they can simply plug it. And, unfortunately, when a new device appears (printer, phone, mp3 player, camera) it usually has the drivers for the current Microsoft Windows version, and does not have the driver for my old Windows or my own Linux version.
  18. Once you have said it, it seems obvious : first creating the domains, secondly configuring the nameservers.Glad to see it works now.
  19. I would say that Linux, by itself, is rather easy to bo maked. Students are learning that at the university. Creating the Linux kernel and the main compiling the main programs is rather easy, because the sources are available.I would say that the most difficult part is writing down the drivers. You need to find a way of detecting wich hardware is present in each possible computer you are installing your distro on, and writing the corresponding driver, or obtaining the driver from somebody else. The key point defining if a given current Linux distro is "better" than another one, from my point of view, is the fact that it already has all the drivers needed by my own PC, so the installation from the Linux distro is straightforward, I boot from the distro bootable CD and I click "accept" in each question. This supposed that a lot of people spent a lot of time on the install interface and on the automatic detection of all my communication, audio and printer devices which could possibly be found on my PC.
  20. What do you mean by this sentence? What are the perennial sources you are talking about? Hydrogen can easily be extracted from water in nuclear plants, but this is the worst pollution we can imagine, destroying a region during hundred of years.
  21. Huh ? Which administrator account? The workgroup administrator account?Then, the answer is simple : restore the backup on the system hosting the workgroup administor account.
  22. Hi, Elu, welcome aboard.I mouved your topic here, where it's place most probably is.Of course, you can guess that most of the features you will get with your Xisto account are suitable for starting your website, probably no need for a paid option. When your site starts having too many users, you can buy more bandwidth, more databases, are needed, depending from what you are really doing on your website.By the way, I didn't understand your topic title, is this your mother phone number?
  23. So, just wait a little bit and keep us informed.
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