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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Do not think in terms of what you learned and the new things you have to switch toward. Think in terms of what the very young children will learn and how easy it will be for them. Here we are talking about things which will be not be in use before ten or twenty years. Simply think how your parents would see the tactile tablets twenty years ago, at that moment we could simply not imagine having an ipad where you play games by means of pressing a very flat screen.Today a one-year baby plays touching his own skin, tomorrow he will not surprised if this a way for calling mom for kiss goodnight!
  2. Yes I see. However, I'm still convinced that stomach ulcers are due to stomach content acidity level, not blood acidity level.
  3. Hi, Essy91, welcome aboard.OK, we'll be waiting for your updates!
  4. I would rather guess that it's the private memory assigned to your graphic adapter, taken out the PC physical main memory, and flagged by Windows as non-reachable because reserved for private usage.
  5. I guess that, instead sharing with the IP address, you could configure with your computer hostname. The proxy server, or the DNS in your institute, is in charge of translating the hostname to it's current IP address, and it should be transparent for your the other laptop user. You can try this without configuring anything. Simply, while your computer is on the network, look at it's hostname, go to your friend's laptop and, in a command-line window, type ping myhostnamewhere "myhostname" is the hostname of your own PC on the network.
  6. First of all, do you have permission for such a music site creation? Did you write all the songs, are you playing all the instruments? Else you don't have permission to do this on legit websites, no matter the way the mysql database is organized.
  7. Depends from the energy politics in your country. If electrical power is coming from solar captors on your roof or on a field near your home, summer is the time where you have a lot of electrical power! And rainy days are days where you have few power.
  8. Pinguy, like the Linux Pinguin ? Nicely found name, at least!Looks like a Ubuntu distro, with enhancements for people loving facebook or flash or other such feautures.
  9. Right, we have to find a way to overcome this problem of unemployment. Maybe one way would be sharing our tasks? I find not normal that some people have to work overtime without being paid for these extra hours, while other people have no salary because they have no job. Maybe forcing companies to pay extra work hours more than standard hours would push them to employ more people?
  10. You can't login to what? Can't login to Linux, or can't login to oracle? If you can't login to Linux, you have to log in as root and change the "oracle" user password. If you can't log to oracle, please tell us, it's another trick.
  11. Moreover, are these features really useful?I mean, aren't the Office 2000 features enough for most of standard office usage?Looks like a great step toward the cloud, but do we really need this?
  12. Did you often have problems reading a CAPTCHA?What about replacing it by a game ? A company proposes replacing CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to Take Computers and Humans Apart) by a game.A computer will not put a shoe in a refrigerator or will not put a car on a human face.See their example here : https://www.areyouahuman.com/
  13. yordan


    "Portable" also means "standalone". I have a copy of my portableapps on a USB flashdisk, but I also have a copy on my hard disk. I use my hard disk copy, and when I move I have the same ones on my USB flashdisk.And if I happen to have a bad stroke, I simply remove the portable app from my hard drive, and uncompress a fresh copy and everything is back to nominal.
  14. Ho-ho, that's funny. Concerning the starter topic title, in my opinion "the best" photo sharing site is a free one. But, obviously, there is another option, "the best" one is the one who allows people to sell pictures! That's completely new for me. My pictures are for my own pleasure, and sharing with friends means sharing for free. But, of course, artists need some money, so artists have to sell their pictures. Nice concept.
  15. yordan

    Excel Work Sheet

    Does it leave everything to uppercase, or does it switch uppercase to lowercase in the same time? Does it convert the word "John" to "JOHN" or to "jOHN" ?-------------------EDIT---------------This does not work on each Excel version. On my PC, Shift-F3 calls "Insert a Function", which is not so easy to use, personally I failed.
  16. I have the same problem on my rescue computer. I hope that it's not the cpu already dead.
  17. Are you serious? Are you really talking about blood acidity? Related to what you are eating? Not the acidity in your stomach, acidity inside your blood?
  18. If you are not familiar with this hardware operation, I would not recommend this. When the thermal paste is not correctly applied, the processor can simply overheat and get definitively out of order.
  19. yordan


    The version I am using is for Windows. I even don't know if there is a portable version for Linux.
  20. Huh?What do you mean ? Did your teacher give you a homework, and you ask us to do it for you?
  21. You need to know mainly two languages :1) The one which is the most fitting your personal way of thinking as well as the affinity to most modern computers, which means probably the C language.2) The language your boss wants you to use in order to write his programs the way he wants you to do it.
  22. If you follow the definition stated by Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegetarianism Then, there is no problem, vegetables with or without eggs comply vegetarianism definition.
  23. Nicely said! Historacal truth has to be said, and their actions remain having been done as Sun people; you are right.
  24. Probably something is using the "80" port on your PC, try configuring another port for Apache.
  25. Welcome aboard, Chellesei. Hope that you will enjoy you stay here.
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